If I can offer thoughts regarding the insiders,
I truly have no clue why it makes sense to listen to them even at a miniscule extent.
There is nothing tangible offered to us. There is nothing we can look at. Nothing to go off of.
We have dealt with leak after leak, rumor after rumor, insider after insider this whole Smash cycle and they are just now being taken into consideration? It truly is not worth your time to ponder their accuracy in my opinion—- especially this close to Direct time. There is so many interesting things happening right now, I can’t even try to focus on boring old vague insider leaks. They are a dime a dozen, bring absolutely nothing new to the conversation, and never did with limited exception to the obvious ones.
You know what we have seen? The Grinch leak. And it looks damn good with Isaac next to a Djinn spawning vines. I would much rather place faith in a leak of that prestige with graphical evidence rather than the word of a stranger on the internet. I would not be ashamed to have been fooled by it, either.
I do not wish to imply leakers cannot have genuine information or that the Grinch leak has to be true, but I think it is important to distinguish the sheer likelihood that random people you do not know have real information about Smash compared to a banner that looks absolutely authentic and speaks for itself.
The Grinch leak not only has far more going for it, it does not even need to be real in order for insiders to fabricate statements.
Don’t let it dishearten you. I’ll say it again, I have a lot of faith in Isaac for tomorrow.
oh hi 68 lurkers. what do you all think? will we be snowglobed tomorrow?
I have a good feeling for ya boi.