Isaac: Venus Adept
Smash Lord
We are just 15 supporters away from 400Done
- _Sheik
- 1/128
- 9Blades
- ☆Jisatsu☆
- *Verrix*
- Accursed
- Adeptmune
- Agk0001
- AgatioGanon
- Aguki90
- airConditioner
- aldelaro5
- alguidrag
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- Amberloo
- AncientArk
- andimidna
- Androobie
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- Aqua Rock X
- AquaDork1
- AquaSol
- Arcadenik
- Arsenal234,
- Arteen
- Asian_Charizard
- Astraltar
- Aureola
- Aurora Jenny
- AustarusIV
- AwesomeCauliflower68
- Awesomedude444
- Backgammon
- Balgorxz
- BandannaWaddleDee
- Bane84
- bassem6
- Bassoonist
- Billybae10k
- Bingoshi
- Bkupa666
- Blackwolf666
- Blaziken
- BluePikmin11
- BoltDragon
- BoN~
- Bowser-Daimao
- BravadoMan_13
- BridgesWithTurtles
- Browny
- Buddy002
- Bunny8093
- BUnit
- Burruni
- Calane
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- Cap'nChreest
- Captain Toad
- CardStealer1
- Chapter Serf
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- Cheezey Bites
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- cocy965
- Cos.
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- cybersai
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- Darkdarkness
- DatoSm
- Dendros
- Desert Croc
- Destroyer713
- Dezeray112
- Dhragen
- Diddy Kong
- Dimensionsword64
- DivinexRose
- DJBor
- D-Man9293
- DogManStar
- DoodleDuck97
- Doncalot
- DraginHikari
- Drakonis
- Dromader
- DukeNapoleon
- DustyPumpkin
- e105beta
- Eagle
- EclipseSmash
- EddyBearr
- ED Cantu
- Edlocke
- egaddmario
- ElPanandero
- El Syd
- EndlessChrom
- EndlessRain
- EnhaloTricks
- ETFruitNinja
- ethanrodgers223
- Ezequileste
- Falgor
- Falkoopa
- False Sense
- FamiconDisk
- Felix_the_Slayer
- fenyx4
- ferioku
- Fire Rider
- Fire_Voyager
- FirstBlade
- Flareon
- Flintike
- fogbadge.
- foolssigma
- FreddyOnDrugs
- Friesnchip
- GalacticPetey
- Geno Boost
- Ghirahilda
- GladiusVortex
- GM_3826
- Golden Icarus
- GoodGrief741
- Gotann
- GraveEclipse567
- heylodom
- hwrdjacob
- iam8bit
- Icana
- iDazedX_x
- Inawordyes
- IntelliHeath1
- Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
- isaac3000
- Isaac: Venus Adept
- IvanQuote
- JaidynReiman
- Jak_spoon
- Jamurai
- JDogindy
- JohnnySparkxs
- Just a random scrub
- jweb22
- KeniththeGatherer
- KeybladeSmasher
- Kikaru
- Kind Dedede
- KingCloud
- KingShadow
- KiraYoshikage
- KirbyDragon
- Kirbyfan391
- Kisae
- KoalaNut
- Kokirikory
- Koori
- Kremling Man
- Kumatora
- Kycse
- Lady Palutena
- Lampy
- LaniusShrike
- lanky_gunner
- LasermasterA
- Leafeon523
- LeeYawshee
- legendofrob1
- LemmyKoopa
- lightdasher
- LightheartedBum
- Lightosia
- Linq
- Lisbon Mapping
- littl-myth
- Liverpool19
- Lone (Thirteenth)
- Lonodel
- Lord-Zero
- Lucanic
- Lucimar
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- lunarum
- Lukingordex
- Lurxy
- M23-X0
- MacSmitty
- MagiusNecros
- MainJPW
- Malcolm Belmont
- MaskO'Gears
- Master Rapier
- MasterMushroom
- Mav485
- Mega Bidoof
- Mendelsin
- MetalMario128
- Metocles
- Miifighters4Smash5
- Minato Arisato
- Mikegamer0608
- Mishudo
- Monkokaio
- MonopolyRubix
- MorbidAltruism
- Moydow
- MrMacBeth
- MrToxicVoltage
- Mythzotick
- mynameisv
- MysticKnives
- N3ON
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- Neo Zero
- NessAtc.
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- Nimbostratus
- Ninjakid41592
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- Octillus
- Oddyesy
- Oniric Spriter
- Oracle_Summon
- Organization XIII
- otarolgam
- Oz37
- Pacack
- Papagenos
- ParanoidDrone
- Pcubed007
- Pennate
- Phaazoid
- Pizza Robo
- P.Kat
- Plain Yogurt
- Playcube
- PlayfulMushroom
- Powerman293
- PSIguy89
- PrinceGal3n
- PWN3
- R.O.B.
- Radical Beam
- Radori
- Raetah
- Raziek
- Red Ryu
- RegiGygas117
- Retro gamer
- RhymeswithEmpty
- Roger Smith
- RosaPeach
- Royvolution Ream
- Ryan
- Ryuutakeshi
- Sabrewulf238
- Sagittarius
- sandfall
- SanicJan
- Scatmansworld25
- Scoliosis Jones
- Seb9k+
- Secret Sexytime
- Seleir
- Seoxys
- sheik93
- Shin F.
- Shinhed-echi
- Shog
- Sidboylol
- SirCamp
- skaaaa
- Skeleton o' Fun
- SkullKidKing
- Skyblade12
- Skyfox2000
- sman3975
- Smash_Handle69
- SmashBro99
- smashkirby
- SmashShadow
- smashtriforce77
- smileMasky
- SmilingMad
- Solfiner
- someonetookjacob
- SonicLink125
- SonicSmasher
- SorrowOfAcheron
- SoulofKhaos
- Spatman
- Spazzy_D
- Speedwagon
- Spootondorf
- Sqid
- SSBFan
- Staarih
- StaffofSmashing
- Strider_Bond00J
- StrikeBlade
- SuperBrawler
- Superfiremario
- SuperNintendoKid
- Supersmash77
- Superyoshiom
- Swampasaur
- Sykin
- Takasmash
- TCT~Phantom
- TeenGirlSquad
- TehEpicRyuga
- ThatShadowLink
- The Curious Volnutt
- The One Who Wrote This
- Thekewlusername
- T-Hell
- TheRealHeroOfWinds
- TheSeanMan
- TheSpaceKing
- The Stoopid Unikorn
- TheTactician
- thethirdkoopa
- ThirdDay
- ThoughtfulWanderer
- ThunderOverload
- TimeSmash
- Tiyomako
- ToothiestAura
- True Blue Warrior
- Turmalinium
- UltimateWario
- Ultinarok
- Vann Accessible
- Vegito2727
- Venus of the Desert Bloom
- Vintage Creep
- Violenceman
- walph
- Warheart_666
- Wigglytuff ★
- Wintropy
- WhiteEaglePL
- Xelion
- Xenigma
- XeVioN
- Xiivi
- xLemmy_KoopaX
- xpnc
- XTremeGamer1234
- XxLtxX
- YellowLord
- YoshiandToad
- Young Horsetail
- Your Hero
- YwhaletailY
- Zabadoo
- zagman505
- zaiman12345
- Zandro
- ZanZero
- ZarroTsu
- ZeldaMaster
- ZestyÑ
- Zulyar
- Zuppo
Also apparently the Ashley thread found out that there is bunch of unlisted 3DS videos on Nintendo's YouTube channel, can this mean a new direct is coming? Although I would prefer GS on Switch, this could be a small possibility of a 3DS Golden Sun although chances for that are slim since it hasn't been too long since Aces went gold.
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