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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday

Jonny Westside

S4mus Fiend
Jun 4, 2011
Seems like the popular choice for a stage is venus ligthouse. But what about sol sanctum? I think that would be pretty cool


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Seems like the popular choice for a stage is venus ligthouse. But what about sol sanctum? I think that would be pretty cool
That's probably the second most popular. Honestly, though, there are so many locations which would work well and have great music.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Do you want me to expose you by showing everyone what you said about Isaac supporters to me in the convo? ;)
well, i already said like 300 pages or more ago that I'm letting go of isaac to focus on other characters I want more, and they were nice, so I may not connect with the character anymore, but these are good people. :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Yeah, it really does seem like they have a tight grip on info, which makes "leaks" like Verge even less credible.
I feel like even if verge does have info, he words everything so it's super easy to backpedal if it ends up wrong and that make it harder to believe him.

LeakyPandy has the opposite problem. They always stake their reputation and end up wrong, but people believe them because they're willing to stake their reputation


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Seems like the popular choice for a stage is venus ligthouse. But what about sol sanctum? I think that would be pretty cool
I've considered Sol Sanctum as well. My main idea is that it'd be the sun and moon rooms above the elemental stars chamber, and can shift into the elememtal stars chamber as well.

My preference for Venus Lighthouse would be a large stage that has an upper level, the roof, and a lower level inside that includes sand falls and rivers flowing through the lighthouse. Of course the lifts can take you between the two halves but you could just jump up as well.


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2013
Okay this is off topic but i need to get it out of my chest, Sheik is now a dude again. Nintendo just cant make up their minds now.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Either that or the Lemurian Ship as it flies around Weyard!
I never even thought of that. That could be cool.

I still like the idea of having all lightouses being a stage and the Wise one uses his powers to switch what lighthouse you are at.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2018
In front of a Monitor
Okay this is off topic but i need to get it out of my chest, Sheik is now a dude again. Nintendo just cant make up their minds now.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, Sheik is
Zelda's ninja kick-ass persona
and that's all you need to know.


Fun story tho:
A friend of mine once accidentally spoiled Sheik's identity to his niece. Poor girl was crying the rest of the day. Even if most people know these stuff nowadays the newer generations might not yet. heh


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Did my part and voted for Isaac in the last stages of the Reddit Poll. A top 3 finish is fine by me, but I think it'll help cement that Isaac is pretty much one of the biggest first party newcomers left to join the Ultimate battle. This is going to be an interesting development...


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2018
Really, any of the lighthouses would be fantastic stages, but Venus Lighthouse is rightfully the most iconic. After Venus Lighthouse, the Chamber of Elemental Stars is, I think, the next best option- slightly less iconic than Venus Lighthouse, but no less visually stunning.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
no traveling stages please. I hate traveling stages. they're not fun
I mean we now have a toggle that stops them from being traveling plus both a Final Destination and a Battlefield version of every stage. I think any stage gimmick is fine by me now.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
Stage Ideas:
Elemental Rock: Will pick one of the four elemental rocks (Air's Rock, Aqua Rock, Gaia Rock, Magma Rock) with that rock's stylized look. Hazards will be different depending on the locale.
Elemental Star Sanctuary: A beautiful shining expansive background, with a simple flat stage. Occasionally pillars will rise and fall (with warning), and the stage may have some slipperiness to it. The gateway in will be situated in the center of the stage.
Elemental Lighthouse: Will pick one of the four elemental lighthouses.
- Mercury: Will feature the stylized Mercury statues, a blue star above the pedestal and floating platforms. Background will be the Sea.
- Venus: Will feature the stylized Venus statues, a brown star above the pedestal and a split in the middle. Background will be Babi's Lighthouse.
- Jupiter: Will feature the stylized Jupiter statues, a purple star above the pedestal and occasional lightning strikes. Background will be an expanse of thunderclouds.
- Mars: Will feature the stylized Mars statues, a red star above the pedestal and a beautiful snowstorm. Background will be space (?).
Vale: Occasionally the stage will start raining, and then boulders and a large boulder will rush the stage.
In the background is a brilliant view of Mt. Aleph, which may on occasion erupt.
Gabomba Statue: A stage full of moving gears.
Lemurian Ship: Don't really need to say much here, albeit this one is the least likely given we already have a ship stage.
Apollo Sanctum: A very bright stage.
Lamakan Desert: I am hot so I must speak.
And finally the greatest stage idea:
Tolbi's Lucky Fountain: Battle while dodging coins! :p


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Okay this is off topic but i need to get it out of my chest, Sheik is now a dude again. Nintendo just cant make up their minds now.
Its a one-off thing on the blog. This isn't a big deal. There's many different people at Nintendo. Somebody likely just listed it wrong. Errors have slipped through the cracks in several Smash games. Brawl referred to Kaptain K. Rool as K. Rool's brother. This kind of thing isn't a new thing, and is just a result of the specific person who translated that one post.

Nintendo's stance as a whole is that Sheik is a female, and this doesn't change anything. Or this Sheik is actually BotW Link wearing the Sheikah garb.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
Ken is not going to be a big reveal. No echo has had their own trailer so far. When (not if, I'm certain he is in regardless of leaks) Ken gets revealed, I think he'll probably just show up in the middle of a Smash Direct like the 8.8.2018 echoes did. The pre-and-post Ken worlds will probably be pretty similar. Ken getting revealed doesn't do anything to Isaac's chances imo.

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
They probably went with he in the english post because it's the most gender-neutral pronoun we have. We do have it but you don't use that for people.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2018
My GOD Kevin Penkin is such a talented composer. What anime composer would you pick for a new GS game? I'm goin' with Aussie boy Penkin


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Have we ever gotten any sort of confirmation assist trophies were cut due to 3DS limitations? I've heard that floating around for a while now, but haven't ever seen much about it to confirm this idea.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2018
Have we ever gotten any sort of confirmation assist trophies were cut due to 3DS limitations? I've heard that floating around for a while now, but haven't ever seen much about it to confirm this idea.
That claim appears to be pure speculation. I've found no evidence to support it.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
Have we ever gotten any sort of confirmation assist trophies were cut due to 3DS limitations? I've heard that floating around for a while now, but haven't ever seen much about it to confirm this idea.
It's just speculation. I never really saw that theory until a couple of us here started proposing it before E3 this year, but maybe it's been around longer- there's no confirmation that it's correct, though.


Fukou Da...
Apr 9, 2014
Vancouver Island
Switch FC
It's just speculation. I never really saw that theory until a couple of us here started proposing it before E3 this year, but maybe it's been around longer- there's no confirmation that it's correct, though.
it's a theory, but it's one that makes sense. There was no other reason to remove the assists that got removed, since you could just bring the coding over to the new games


Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
My GOD Kevin Penkin is such a talented composer. What anime composer would you pick for a new GS game? I'm goin' with Aussie boy Penkin
Ace. Their experiences with Xenoblade and Smash proper indicate both an exceptional understanding of invoking raw emotion, and how to get the blood pumping with pure action. That range of musical talent, in conjunction with an RPG's general need to convey both of these sets of emotion nearly flawlessly (most often to sell the story) make them honestly the -ideal- composers for most Nintendo RPGs in my eyes.


And to go along with that. I guess I can lay out some separate thoughts.
If we're assuming a new golden sun were to be produced, and it's have no involvement from Camelot proper with the exception of the Takahashi brothers, than only two development teams capable of pulling it off correctly would either be the Octopath traveler team, and this is assuming Golden Sun remains a conventional RPG. As their understanding of conventional RPG game mechanics, and ability to realize them in this modern gaming landscape are incredibly impressive. It also help's that they're a very western in mentality studio, in that they generally listen very closely to consumer feedback.

Or if Golden Sun were to be rebooted and reinvented for a modern audience, then the only other team would be Monolith soft. Nintendo's premiere producer of JRPG's at the moment, packed with both veteran's experience to the ways of RPG development going all the way back to the classic final fantasy games of yesteryear, as well fresh blood that keep's things from stagnating and continually changing with each title. They're one of the only developers in the world i'd trust a golden sun reboot too. If not THE only. (Mind you the only reason I could foresee a reboot is to get as far away from Dark Dawn's negative connotations as humanly possible)
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Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Yeah and as I said on the previous page, the Japanese version of the blog makes no mention of Sheik's gender at all.
I might get killed for saying this cause i'm starting to learn japanese but… I "think" it's because Japanese doesn't specify gender actually.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
I might get killed for saying this cause i'm starting to learn japanese but… I "think" it's because Japanese doesn't specify gender actually.
It's all good, no killings here. I can break it down in more detail for you if you want, but Japanese is perfectly capable of specifying gender if it has to. In general, though, when the subject is understood (in this case, Sheik) it is far more natural for it to be dropped entirely.

The blog post reads

「ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド」のシーカー族のコスチュームで参戦です。素早いダッシュで相手との間合いを取ったり詰めたりしながら、華麗な体術で相手を追い詰めよう!

So if you translate it literally, there is no mention of a subject at all. It's akin to something like

"Appears wearing the Sheikah costume from Breath of the Wild. While using (Sheik's) speedy dashes to create space or close in on opponent (or opponents. Japanese also doesn't usually bother with signifying singular or plural the way English does. 相手 could mean either depending on context but it most naturally means "opponents" in general here), use (Sheik's) magnificent martial arts to pressure opponents!"

Obviously that sounds weird and stilted in English, so the translator did the natural thing and included a few pronouns, but for some weird reason went with "he" even though everyone knows by now that Sheik is very much a "she".
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
It's all good, no killings here. I can break it down in more detail for you if you want, but Japanese is perfectly capable of specifying gender if it has to. In general, though, when the subject is understood (in this case, Sheik) it is far more natural for it to be dropped entirely.

The blog post reads

「ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド」のシーカー族のコスチュームで参戦です。素早いダッシュで相手との間合いを取ったり詰めたりしながら、華麗な体術で相手を追い詰めよう!

So if you translate it literally, there is no mention of a subject at all. It's akin to something like

"Appears wearing the Sheikah costume from Breath of the Wild. While using (Sheik's) speedy dashes to create space or close in on opponent (or opponents. Japanese also doesn't usually bother with signifying singular or plural the way English does. 相手 could mean either depending on context but it most naturally means "opponents" in general here), use (Sheik's) magnificent martial arts to pressure opponents!"

Obviously that sounds weird and stilted in English, so the translator did the natural thing and included a few pronouns, but for some weird reason went with "he" even though everyone knows by now that Sheik is very much a "she".
The proper gender neutral term in English, if you don't know the gender of a person, is "he." Good luck with that nowadays, though. People commonly say "they" instead which is completely grammatically incorrect, as "they" refers to multiple people.

Mr Gentleman

Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
It's all good, no killings here. I can break it down in more detail for you if you want, but Japanese is perfectly capable of specifying gender if it has to. In general, though, when the subject is understood (in this case, Sheik) it is far more natural for it to be dropped entirely.

The blog post reads

「ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド」のシーカー族のコスチュームで参戦です。素早いダッシュで相手との間合いを取ったり詰めたりしながら、華麗な体術で相手を追い詰めよう!

So if you translate it literally, there is no mention of a subject at all. It's akin to something like

"Appears wearing the Sheikah costume from Breath of the Wild. While using (Sheik's) speedy dashes to create space or close in on opponent (or opponents. Japanese also doesn't usually bother with signifying singular or plural the way English does. 相手 could mean either depending on context but it most naturally means "opponents" in general here), use (Sheik's) magnificent martial arts to pressure opponents!"

Obviously that sounds weird and stilted in English, so the translator did the natural thing and included a few pronouns, but for some weird reason went with "he" even though everyone knows by now that Sheik is very much a "she".

it's still a spoiler. I think the translator decided to stick with using He to avoid spoiling what was supposed to be a major surprise. honestly it make me happy to see! kinda of annoys me when smash spoils a story point in a games plot. Smash is a game that inspires a lot of people the play the games a character originates from! So don't spoil something for potential new fans! really that being so well known is because smash was careless in handling the spoiler
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
The proper gender neutral term in English, if you don't know the gender of a person, is "he." Good luck with that nowadays, though. People commonly say "they" instead which is completely grammatically incorrect, as "they" refers to multiple people.
From Merriam-Webster: "often used with an indefinite third person singular antecedent " Both 'he' and 'they' are okay for a singular third person but most people don't like using 'him', since it at least implies a gender.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
The proper gender neutral term in English, if you don't know the gender of a person, is "he." Good luck with that nowadays, though. People commonly say "they" instead which is completely grammatically incorrect, as "they" refers to multiple people.
Yeah I mean this is just a question of whether you are a prescriptive grammarian or a descriptive grammarian. For all intents and purposes, "they" is accepted as a singular gender neutral pronoun in common modern parlance, but you are correct that strictly speaking, the historically grammatically correct pronoun to use in this situation would be "he."

It's still incorrect to use when referring to Sheik, who is a "she" and it's kind of laughable to say they translator was doing it to avoid spoilers when Mecha-Fiora shows up for Shulk's final smash. I think it was either an intern who somehow hadn't played OoT, or the translator was just being cute.


Smash Cadet
Sep 14, 2018
Ace. Their experiences with Xenoblade and Smash proper indicate both an exceptional understanding of invoking raw emotion, and how to get the blood pumping with pure action. That range of musical talent, in conjunction with an RPG's general need to convey both of these sets of emotion nearly flawlessly (most often to sell the story) make them honestly the -ideal- composers most Nintendo RPGs in my eyes.


And to go along with that. I guess I can lay out some separate thoughts.
If we're assuming a new golden sun were to be produced, and it's have no involvement from Camelot proper with the exception of the Takahashi brothers, than only two development teams capable of pulling it off correctly would either be the Octopath traveler team, and this is assuming Golden Sun remains a conventional RPG. As their understanding of conventional RPG game mechanics, and ability to realize them in this modern gaming landscape are incredibly impressive. It also help's that they're a very western in mentality studio, in that they generally listen very closely to consumer feedback.

Or if Golden Sun were to be rebooted and reinvented for a modern audience, then the only other team would be Monolith soft. Nintendo's premiere producer of JRPG's at the moment, packed with both veteran's experience to the ways of RPG development going all the way back to the classic final fantasy games of yesteryear, as well fresh blood that keep's things from stagnating and continually changing with each title. They're one of the only developers in the world i'd trust a golden sun reboot too. If not THE only. (Mind you the only reason I could foresee a reboot is to get as far away from Dark Dawn's negative connotations as humanly possible)
If monolith soft somehow managed to keep the turn based combat and wholesome tone of Golden sun then sure, but after xenoblade chronicles 2, I don't exactly have too much faith that they won't just have Golden sun in name only. Personally, I'd prefer the octopath team. If there is a company that has proven their mettle it's them. Also, I'd like it to actually run well on the switch lol but that's my opinion. Sorry guys, I'm trying to like xc2 but I can't stand it more often than not. :(
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