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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I played it for a few months, but put it down after awhile. I still never got **** Hector, but whatever. I haven't played it in about 6 months I guess I could take a look at it again just to see the changes. I got tired of the battle animations and the sprites. I personally think if they went back to a cleaned up version of the GBA sprites it would be much better. Those animations never got boring.
Indeed, the sprites aren’t amazing. But the mechanics of it are quite strong. Especially at the higher levels. Which does require a lot of either luck or money.

Though a number of the rarer abilities have started filtering down to easier to acquire units now.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2018
You can get a free Hector Now btw.
Well that's a nice change i was trying to collect as many characters as I could from the blazing sword series, but Hector was a pain to get back when I was playing it. I even took the time to level Eliwood up to a 5 star that took forever.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Well that's a nice change i was trying to collect as many characters as I could from the blazing sword series, but Hector was a pain to get back when I was playing it. I even took the time to level Eliwood up to a 5 star that took forever.
It's not really hard to get 20K feathers now, the game changed a lot.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2018
Well i'll take your word for it. After Radiant dawn I stopped playing FE games, because I never got a 3DS. And after looking at them I wasn't really that interested with what they were coming out with. I thought that the mobile game was going to be a breath of fresh air and then I was not really happy with it, but if its changed like you say I may give it another go around.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2018
But with Ace Attorney it works more. FE just gets strange.

What would you all think about a Golden Sun Prequel game that is about the origin of Weyard? How Sol Sanctum came to be with the elemental stars, the light houses construction,and maybe more about the great wise one who is just this OP character that didn't get much screen time.
I'd buy a Switch for it if it was on the Switch.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I am glad to see we are all back to being positive! There are still many opportunities for another Nintendo Direct with many Smash goodies. October might have some and November definitely will.

The Sun will rise again!


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
About the remakes/remaster ideas I see a lot of us talk about trimming down the dialogue section that were too heavy. One way to do that, especially in dark dawn, would be to make something similar to what the first game did during the desert section, with characters dropping some lines from time to time.
Basically having a dialogue happen without needing to stop the gameplay. Nowadays a lot of games start to do that, the latest Farcry did it so the dialogue resumes where it was left if it's interrupted in any way (tho' they speak ssoooooooo slowwwwwwwllyyyyyy ). It could be a way to trim down important dialogues and leave lighter ones for the explorations or worldmap phases, which would give them some life.
Also about DD, the main issue is that characters keep repeating things already known, like things that happened 2 minutes ago or something which is in the encyclopedia (which makes it less useful, they should put this kind of information in encyclopedia only, it would lighten the dialogues so much!)


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I just want this game to come out already. Like, what I've seen so far I love and I dont really need to see more. And if we aren't getting Isaac then that just means I can look forward to his possibility as DLC.

I dunno. I don't put much stock into the Box or Music theories but if I had to wait for DLC to get Isaac I wouldn't at all be surprised and the same goes for Geno.

Either way I still think this is the Smash we get Isaac everything is just in his corner this time. Of all the disconfirmations, he isn't one. Of all the more popular characters, he may now be the most. Of all the new franchises to be added, Golden Sun seems like one of the most likely. It's crazy and I love it. I'm so happy with this game.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Something I just realized recently after skimming ResetEra. Yeah, over there they're talking about the box as well, but someone mentioned that the final pre-release reveal has traditionally been a character from an unrepresented IP. Namely, Pikmin in Brawl and Xenoblade in 3DS/Wii U.

Just food for thought.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
Something I just realized recently after skimming ResetEra. Yeah, over there they're talking about the box as well, but someone mentioned that the final pre-release reveal has traditionally been a character from an unrepresented IP. Namely, Pikmin in Brawl and Xenoblade in 3DS/Wii U.

Just food for thought.
This would go with my feeling that the final reveals would be geno and isaac. Although, I'm probably wrong. :p
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2018
Something I just realized recently after skimming ResetEra. Yeah, over there they're talking about the box as well, but someone mentioned that the final pre-release reveal has traditionally been a character from an unrepresented IP. Namely, Pikmin in Brawl and Xenoblade in 3DS/Wii U.

Just food for thought.
Me personally, i don't think Isaac is truely unexpected in Ultimate, especially since we know Newcomers are chosen by the Ballot and Sakurai possibly hinted at him on Twitter.

I'd say BK would be the most fitting last Reveal IF they're in. Or some other Third Party Rep.

Even if it is not a Third Party char, there are a lot of First Party Chars who i'd expect much less than Isaac at this point
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I think the box thing is right. I don’t think it confirms Ken in any way at all. But I do think there are only two left, including Echoes. Because if it was just a placeholder, there’s no reason to leave blank spaces on the box.

I want to be positive, guys. But I feel like we’re in Ridley Shadow territory now. :(

I’ll try to stop posting on here so I don’t generate toxic negativity.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'm not feeling positive at all but even I don't believe for a second we've only got 2 more characters including echoes. That's some hardcore pessimism right there.

It's either:

1. The box is just promotional and not complete.


2. The original 8 are only on the front and don't appear on the sides.

It's also possible they'll just add any extra characters to the back of the box.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I think the box thing is right. I don’t think it confirms Ken in any way at all. But I do think there are only two left, including Echoes. Because if it was just a placeholder, there’s no reason to leave blank spaces on the box.

I want to be positive, guys. But I feel like we’re in Ridley Shadow territory now. :(

I’ll try to stop posting on here so I don’t generate toxic negativity.
I agree. I think its right, and Ken and Isaac are the last two characters. Isaac was intended to already be revealed, and they had to hastily edit him and Isabelle out of the box because they didn't know who was going to get revealed at this point. And as I noted above, they ended on Olimar and Shulk in the last two games.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I agree. I think its right, and Ken and Isaac are the last two characters. Isaac was intended to already be revealed, and they had to hastily edit him and Isabelle out of the box because they didn't know who was going to get revealed at this point. And as I noted above, they ended on Olimar and Shulk in the last two games.
What about the Pokemon newcomer? And the square Enix rep?

If you trust Vergeben you can't really ignore them.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
What about the Pokemon newcomer? And the square Enix rep?

If you trust Vergeben you can't really ignore them.
Either he's full of **** and only knew a couple characters, they're DLC, or he pulled a Gematsu and they didn't make the final roster.

Either way, I was always figuring Vergeben would get something wrong eventually. He always does when he leaks info on games.

One other possibility is that this isn't the final roster, just the main promotion characters they're promoting before release. The final few will be show off in one last late Direct, and will essentially be the "secret" characters this time around. They'll only be briefly shown off, so you have to unlock them and figure out how they work, only the designs will be revealed.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2015
What about the Pokemon newcomer? And the square Enix rep?

If you trust Vergeben you can't really ignore them.
If you're banking on Vergeben which I would too as his/her info has been spot on. Then there are at least 3 characters left because Verg said Ken, new Pokemon and Square Enix rep so that already kills the "box theory" which was silly in the first place since the 3ds box art for Smash 4 didn't feature every character either.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
What about the Pokemon newcomer? And the square Enix rep?

If you trust Vergeben you can't really ignore them.
I don’t trust him. But I have no idea how much of that mistrust is valid and how much is because I loathe the characters he claims with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I agree. I think its right, and Ken and Isaac are the last two characters. Isaac was intended to already be revealed, and they had to hastily edit him and Isabelle out of the box because they didn't know who was going to get revealed at this point. And as I noted above, they ended on Olimar and Shulk in the last two games.
Something else I noticed that sounds wacky about this logic. You expect Isaac to have already been revealed right?

So you're saying that between now and release Ken (who's probably an echo) is all you're expecting?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Basically, it boils down to this:

Either Vergeben is someone who gets nothing wrong and is completely 100% factual, the box theory is wrong, OR...

His remaining information isn't trustworthy and the final reveal has nothing to do with anything he said.

Something else I noticed that sounds wacky about this logic. You expect Isaac to have already been revealed right?

So you're saying that between now and release Ken (who's probably an echo) is all you're expecting?
Ken is definitely sketchy, yeah, but I've been thinking for a while now that they could announce DLC Echo Fighters. Introduce Ken in a future Direct, and also reveal DLC Echo Fighters who are added over time as an additional way to hype people up going forward. And maybe reveal one full DLC newcomer early.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
DLC likely played a large role towards the end of development since time constraints were likely an issue and Nintendo knows Smash DLC sells like hotcakes. If the final reveal were just an echo fighter, they could easily use the announcement of the first DLC fighters to supply the hype that Ken would fail to bring. Though with how Sakurai feels about "day 1 DLC", I wonder if this would go against his style. It wouldn't be day 1 but I'm sure Sakurai expects some people out there to think they're purposefully holding it back.

One other possibility is that this isn't the final roster, just the main promotion characters they're promoting before release. The final few will be show off in one last late Direct, and will essentially be the "secret" characters this time around. They'll only be briefly shown off, so you have to unlock them and figure out how they work, only the designs will be revealed.
I suppose that would explain the awkward wording of "every character design will be revealed before launch". Even if that's a very Sakurai-like way of describing a newcomer and would imply moveset design, not just literal aesthetic/trailer design.
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
What would be your reactions if Golden Sun gets a new game somehow but it begins going down the FE:F/FE:H route of fanservice-y fanservice?

So, I had long left the series outright after how Awakening came off as and what Fates was after. Now watch it leading to ultimate culmination of it all in Heroes and probably be the reason why Warriors felt so polarizing (o wonder I dubbed it Kozaki Warriors)...

I never got behind Awakening's and Fates's pandering animu archetypes - it just was easy pool of ovedone anime tropes thrown at my face that made the setting itself come off pretty difficult to take seriously at times, while also dumbing the characters down to all this blatant modern -anime archetype fodder, not helped by how very one-dimensional they'd get due it. (The supports, oh God, the supports...)

These type of characters tend to hardly age well as individuals, instead just bolstering on the archetype itself to be still "trendy" - It generally tells why the waifu-factor's so well on-going with it's easy vehicles to many forms of fanservice (Lucina, Camilla, etc).

The thing I already liked in earlier FE-titles and Golden Sun was the somewhat minimal/subtle character writing on the protagonists or units themselves, since it allowed you to fill in the blanks in yourself, and also prevented the characters from coming off us mere caricatures in excess - thus allowing to feel more believable.
It's why I still feel better connection to FE7's characters VS the more "wackier" cast of Awakening and Fates. If you'd ask me which group I'd wanna hang out in real life, I'd definitely take ones from FE7 while steering far away Awakening and Fates's cast has, sans Robin perhaps.
Gladly SoV went back on more grounded character writing, but I have to yet buy that game due not wanting to be yanked by I.S's chain for less pandering FE-game.

Besides, the way this kind of writing has become really common now, I believe the GS-characters wouldn't feel any different or fresher than Xenoblade 2's characters or FE Awakening + Fates's cast. Heck, people would think they'd be less impressive from those characters if we'd see them try too hard to emulate the anime tropes we see so abused on Fates or Xenoblade 2.

On that end, with all style and little subtlety, this "animu" writing tends to easily lead to characters or tropes I personally can't stand, as I had said above.
The best example I can give is how my view and impression of Chrom differs from the more common depictions in the fanbase + marketing of him (Everyman with some reckless tendencies and some uncouth social skills now and then VS the more popular "Royal Dorky Manchild" that's also alluded on by Lucina in Project x Zone 2).

Perhaps this type of character writing isn't my thing, but I have to see it being used more than popcorn entertainment, especially Lucina or other more "serious" and usually female characters are allowed more respectable portrayal and exploration in depth that lets them grow better aged and likable when time goes by. It's like there's some biased preference in works...

And I definitely wouldn't like to see someone like Garet to become the next Luigi/Chrom/Whatever Next Nintendo's definition of Buttmonkey is due not being "cool" or having "awkward tendencies". Jenna becoming insufferable tsundere would be worse...
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Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
Don't you guys think if the last announcements we were getting were a pokemon and ken it would be super lame ? I seriously doubt this is all we're getting in 3 months. I mean look we got 5 characters in august alone ... There got to be super hyped / surprising characters left to keep the momentum going till release.

Also I understand some of you are happy with the roster so far and just want the game out asap, but that's not the case for everyone. Myself for exemple. Ridley, dark samus, Rool and Castlevania have no impact on me (aside that they have a cool look) since I never played or got interest in their games. I love Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing so much but was I in need of Chrom and Isabelle ? Hum glad they're here but not really !

So if I take a look at the new roster so far the most appealing to me is .... Isabelle. That's not crazy and pretty much it, so yea I hope the reveals keep going.
In all smash History the only character I wanted that got in was Shulk. And by that I mean I wanted some Xenoblade representation not Shulk himself (in fact Fiora was my pick).
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
I have absolutely no belief that the final reveals will be Ken and Inceneroar. I don't even think they're going to be in the game.

That would be the opposite of hype. We'd go from the most hyped characters to the absolute lowest of hype, and then the game releases? Nope. Don't believe that for a second.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2018
Hype is relative, I guess. I feel like they are in a similar case as Isabelle. Isabelle is actually really popular and relevant mainstream, even if she isn't as popular within the smash community. Any kind of popular pokemon is already more mainstream than most of our most wanted characters, sadly. Although Incineroar definitely wouldn't be my first pick from gen 7...Speaking of Ken, he's THE original echo and kind of makes sense to be paired with Incineroar in a trailer as red hand-to-hand fighters. Smash also isn't exactly known for having their hype reveals near the end. Shulk, Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt Dog weren't exactly what people were expecting or looking forward to.

I think people put too much faith in Verg, though. He blotches some stuff and misses a lot of info. The info he does give tends to have SOME level of accuracy, but it's entirely possible for his sources to get things wrong as they have before. He's often hesitant to commit to things himself, rightfully, and has even specifically said he doesn't know if the roster he's heard about is finalized.

Regardless, you can bet Nintendo is going to milk this cash cow with $5 character DLCs of the most wanted characters. I think even if he isn't in the base roster he has an incredible chance of showing up as DLC. It just sucks to have to wait that much longer.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
You know I'm not sure about more 3rd party echoes, I think people underestimate the fact that Richter got in because the team apparently had a hard time deciding between the original hero of Castlevania and the most popular one (at least in Japan). I sincerely believe street fighter, sonic and Bayo don't need more rep in a nintendo game.
I think and hope they'll focus on Nintendo IPs if more echoes are to come.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2013
I was looking over my speculation sheet and I realized something. If we get Incineroar and only 8 unique fighters that means half of our new character additions will be heavyweights, aka the most poorly received characters in the game. I'm pretty sure the Pokemon isn't Incineroar.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2018
If we were to get a Golden sun for Switch and not Isaac for Smash, would you be mad? I honestly wouldn't lmao.
Honestly ? Isaac wouldn't be my first supported character if it happens. The reason I support him before Lloyd, it's because Tales of seems to have a rosy future, which isn't the case of Golden Sun, unfortunately. So even if I loved Tales of Symphonia more than Golden Sun, Isaac will stay a priority in Smash until GS is fully revived.
If it happens, I could bare Isaac's absenteeism. Lloyd and Vivi would become my first want, especially Vivi, since the port of FFIX on the Switch brings up another argument to his sleeve.

What would be your reactions if Golden Sun gets a new game somehow but it begins going down the FE:F/FE:H route of fanservice-y fanservice?
Valkyrie covered a lot of my thinkings, so I'll talk about another aspect that concerns me a lot.

I would be legitimely really sorry for the women condition and treatment in videogames. Xenoblade 2 and latest FE really disappointed me, and I'm genuinely sad that Japan doesn't seems to care of the depiction of women in their media and doesn't seems to make any efforts, when western games are more and more inclusive by talking casualy of homosexuality, and present their heroines with minor or absent fanservice.
As for the plot, quite frankly... GS doesn't have a good plot nor a well written script. So it won't change anything, except more tropes and clichés.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2011
There is no way a Pokemon and Ken are the last reveals. Like it was already said here looking at the previous direct...this would be really lame if those two are the last reveals.

Ridley and K Rool. showed us, that Sakurai cares about what people really want...and that means more in my opinion than some theory about the box. They could so easily change how it looks or place characters differently.

I'm pretty sure we'll get our fan favourites like Geno and Isaac.
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Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
I would be legitimely really sorry for the women condition and treatment in videogames. Xenoblade 2 and latest FE really disappointed me, and I'm genuinely sad that Japan doesn't seems to care of the depiction of women in their media and doesn't seems to make any efforts, when western games are more and more inclusive by talking casualy of homosexuality, and present their heroines with minor or absent fanservice.
As for the plot, quite frankly... GS doesn't have a good plot nor a well written script. So it won't change anything, except more tropes and clichés.
Don't get me started on FE Fates huh ... Women are either cringy lolies or walking watermelons and gays are crazy psychopaths...
Echoes on the other hand has very simple but surprising and nice representation of both.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2018
I hope so, but I just want to take a more realistic approach. Isabelle showed us that mainstream popularity and relevance play a bigger role than we might think. I just don't want to set myself up for disappointment by expecting things simply because we in the smash community want them to be true. We'll just have to wait for the next smash direct because right now it's really hard to denounce the box art pattern, especially with Corrin's position being intentionally moved in a way that wouldn't make sense if it's just a placeholder.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I'm doubtful of box theory. There's just so much artifacting that makes me think they just moved the portraits onto the box after taking the picture. I don't think Nintendo would be sloppy enough to let something like this slip through the cracks.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2018
Honestly ? Isaac wouldn't be my first supported character if it happens. The reason I support him before Lloyd, it's because Tales of seems to have a rosy future, which isn't the case of Golden Sun, unfortunately. So even if I loved Tales of Symphonia more than Golden Sun, Isaac will stay a priority in Smash until GS is fully revived.
If it happens, I could bare Isaac's absenteeism. Lloyd and Vivi would become my first want, especially Vivi, since the port of FFIX on the Switch brings up another argument to his sleeve.

Valkyrie covered a lot of my thinkings, so I'll talk about another aspect that concerns me a lot.

I would be legitimely really sorry for the women condition and treatment in videogames. Xenoblade 2 and latest FE really disappointed me, and I'm genuinely sad that Japan doesn't seems to care of the depiction of women in their media and doesn't seems to make any efforts, when western games are more and more inclusive by talking casualy of homosexuality, and present their heroines with minor or absent fanservice.
As for the plot, quite frankly... GS doesn't have a good plot nor a well written script. So it won't change anything, except more tropes and clichés.
Japan cares about money and what sells. The waifu gacha craze is huge right now and Japan has always loved sexualizing and making tropes of their characters, men and women. It's just a part of their culture and they don't really see it as degrading but as humorous.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
No seriously guys this box means nothing stop seeing stuff in this. Why would they be extra careful not to reveal newcomers for the switch bundle and then just reveal stuff with this ? Makes no sens.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
:/ man normally I’m the pessimist, yet the gs trademark, it trending on Twitter, and the screenshot tease with rathalos, really make me feel his chance is pretty good just like geno’s from all the past evidence, but also the ff barrage we got in the direct.

Yet both the Isaac boards and geno boards seem so gloom and doom right now...

Y’all guys shouldn’t be so down. The box theory doesn’t mean anything, and both you guys character, and ours really do have a good shot now. And even if not in the base game, dlc for sure. Hell y’alls game was trending on twitter for crying out loud! There’s no way nintendo didn’t notice that.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2018
I'm doubtful of box theory. There's just so much artifacting that makes me think they just moved the portraits onto the box after taking the picture. I don't think Nintendo would be sloppy enough to let something like this slip through the cracks.
I mean it's obvious it's a photoshop/edit of some kind that isn't exactly representative of the final box art since Isabelle is missing, but if it's supposed to be representative of the format they intend to use it would be hard for them to add new characters without bloating the roster by another 12 characters since adding new characters requires adding on new rows or columns with a grid format. Shrinking and cropping wouldn't even work because of the grid format unless they centered a new row on the bottom that included only a couple of characters on each side. The reason the box art is more plausible to me is because they didn't leave any room in the design for more characters to be added without completely changing the format.

Edit: Looking at the chart, it IS possible that they could combine the echo and main fighter portraits similar to the option given in-game. This would free up 6 positions, a pretty reasonable number for expected newcomers.

No seriously guys this box means nothing stop seeing stuff in this. Why would they be extra careful not to reveal newcomers for the switch bundle and then just reveal stuff with this ? Makes no sens.
There weren't any newcomers revealed though and you would get absolutely nothing out of seeing the box without comparing it to the site and doing math. I could easily see them overlooking this by not expecting people to look into the character order.
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Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
There weren't any newcomers revealed though and you would get absolutely nothing out of seeing the box without comparing it to the site and doing math. I could easily see them overlooking this by not expecting people to look into the character order.
I'm not buying this at all, they know full well the smash community is capable of extreme crazy in depth analysis of everything they would never overlook something so obvious.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
There is no way a Pokemon and Ken are the last reveals. Like it was already said here looking at the previous direct...this would be really lame if those two are the last reveals.

Ridley and K Rool. showed us, that Sakurai cares about what people really want...and that means more in my opinion than some theory about the box. They could so easily change how it looks or place characters different.

I'm pretty sure we'll get our fan favourites like Geno and Isaac.
Sakurai also said that he was looking to the ballot this roster and every character he's introduced he mentions how requested they've been, even Simon and Cloud. How much more so a first party like Isaac who's been around since pre Brawl era? Who had his assist trophy taken from him only for the ballot to come into play to give Isaac another chance again? Golden Sun trended on Twitter people. That's huge for some niche, dead series no one knows about.

The general direct definitely got hyped up to intense levels, the anticipation of a smash newcomer on the levels of Ridley and K. Rool. Isabelle's trailer may not have been this full two minute cgi, but even she continues this notion of popularity, Animal Crossing is huge and no doubt Isabelle had her fans also reaching for her to be playable. Just like Dark Samus and Chrom, but for some reason she's become this manifestation of ire to mean the roster is going down hill, Sakurai no longer is paying attention to the ballot like he brought out in an interview after August direct but his statement about the amount of newcomers means the lowest number we can pessimistically think of. And Inklings is apparently the only new franchise worth adding for Ultimate.

More often than not, this thread ironically makes me LOSE hope for Isaac, than believe he has a chance. Back during E3 and the August direct (before coming to this thread to vocally support Isaac) the anticipation of a trailer was exciting and every character made me hyped and excited, but now I feel as if I have to dread upcoming trailers that don't feature Isaac cause that's just 'one more slot taken'. If Isaac is truly not in the game, on the one hand, in hindsight reading this thread from now until then could be the most miserable time spent towards that journey. But if he's in, this would have been one heck of an emotional roller coaster with a satisfying payoff towards the end.
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
I mean it's obvious it's a photoshop/edit of some kind that isn't exactly representative of the final box art since Isabelle is missing, but if it's supposed to be representative of the format they intend to use it would be hard for them to add new characters without bloating the roster by another 12 characters since adding new characters requires adding on new rows or columns with a grid format. Shrinking and cropping wouldn't even work because of the grid format unless they centered a new row on the bottom that included only a couple of characters on each side. The reason the box art is more plausible to me is because they didn't leave any room in the design for more characters to be added without completely changing the format.

Edit: Looking at the chart, it IS possible that they could combine the echo and main fighter portraits similar to the option given in-game. This would free up 6 positions, a pretty reasonable number for expected newcomers.

There weren't any newcomers revealed though and you would get absolutely nothing out of seeing the box without comparing it to the site and doing math. I could easily see them overlooking this by not expecting people to look into the character order.
Couldn't the final version conceivably just... have altered proportions for the grid to better suit a different number? If they just want to get something for their product out there, making a mockup that's not final but still visually consistent makes sense. Sure, if we were working with the currently known roster (with or without Isabelle), it's strange to have a number of panels (72) that wouldn't match up with what we have, but it's not like we were given a picture of the other side to confirm that.

If this is incomplete, couldn't it be reasonable that they knew no one was going to see every side of the mockup box and arbitrarily picked a 6x6 grid since 69 doesn't evenly divide into an aesthetically pleasing number? (3x23). No one's forcing them to stick to this exact grid layout.


Smash Cadet
Sep 14, 2018
Tbh I think it's possible that even though verg says there are at least 3 characters to be announced (Ken, square rep, and pokemon rep) one of them could be announced as the first dlc character. Just a shower thought lol
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