Guys, he just don't know Golden Sun, if a common thing think that things you don't know aren't big thing, some Friends still mock me for Liking Fire Emblem since its not very popular where I was born, same with Golden Sun
And then Fire Emblem became a Waifu Factory, if you would.
Honestly, Fire Emblem is something I don't like to bother with because outside of SD Gundam G Generation, I don't care for turn-based strategy games.
Anyway, I was going to suggest that Isaac's reveal trailer would likely feature GBA-quality sprites of characters before Rathalos runs through the party of characters, which ties into Isaac arriving and taking on the wyvern by himself.
I forget. What happened with Shantae?
Well... starting with Risky's Revenge, Shantae became a game entirely about fanservice. Like, the "magic" outfit that Shantae wears is pretty much a bikini, and all the female leads wind up wearing a similar bikini in The Pirate's Curse when Shantae is misinterpreted as a princess by clingy individuals who seemingly have bad vision and memory. Half-Genie Hero doubles down on this even further given there's a Swimsuit Mode, and how Risky's mode has her "world map" from a bathtub.
I mean, to each their own, but I feel like there IS a line in which fanservice becomes obnoxious. I mean, one of the first manga I read as a teenager was Negima!, and that was full of service, making the point of the story meaningless.