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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
Also, that Direct "leak" didn't have that many new games announced for Switch.

It made me think, but do you think the previously announced games for this year is all we'll be getting? We'll have to wait till 2019 to get more of the exciting announcements?
Can't recall where, but I think Nintendo's former President said there were games yet to be announced still. I know someone, at some point, said this in an official statement.

Edit - https://screenrant.com/nintendo-switch-more-games-2018/

On an unrelated note, when another stage is revealed for Ultimate and the final count isn't 103, I will sit there with my tea, watching the chaos unfold as the people who said there wouldn't be more stages revise their comments and backtrack. It frustrates me when people use that theory like it's a fact - In reality they should be considering both options and how it affects franchise representation.
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Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
Can't recall where, but I think Nintendo's former President said there were games yet to be announced still. I know someone, at some point, said this in an official statement.

Edit - https://screenrant.com/nintendo-switch-more-games-2018/

On an unrelated note, when another stage is revealed for Ultimate and the final count isn't 103, I will sit there with my tea, watching the chaos unfold as the people who said there wouldn't be more stages revise their comments and backtrack. It frustrates me when people use that theory like it's a fact - In reality they should be considering both options and how it affects franchise representation.
Yeah, this is why there absolutely has to be another direct sometime soon. That, combined with the online service, makes me think we might see something very very soon.

Also, agreed on the stages thing. Some people are being so smug about that.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
What better than very hyped smash characters announcment to promote the new online system !

"You have to pay to play online now but look ! You can play as Gothitelle !"


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2014
Can't recall where, but I think Nintendo's former President said there were games yet to be announced still. I know someone, at some point, said this in an official statement.

Edit - https://screenrant.com/nintendo-switch-more-games-2018/

On an unrelated note, when another stage is revealed for Ultimate and the final count isn't 103, I will sit there with my tea, watching the chaos unfold as the people who said there wouldn't be more stages revise their comments and backtrack. It frustrates me when people use that theory like it's a fact - In reality they should be considering both options and how it affects franchise representation.
I just noticed something regarding stages if you fill in the 6 missing spots with stages that makes the total number of stages 109, which is exactly 100 more than what it was in the original Super Smash Bros. That is pretty nuts (though it probably does not mean anything in particular).
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
The stage factor really grinds my gears because of how adamant some are getting about it. They never SAID that that was all of them. They never once said that. "It's turning out to be" should be enough to tell you that much. But people will be people I suppose.


Smash Cadet
Jul 30, 2014
I’d bet a good $200 that there are more stages to be revealed. Why would Sakurai flat out disconfirm characters from new franchises, even if there aren’t any more coming? It doesn’t make sense.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Went out of my way to make this. Figured I'd share.
Stock icon for Eudiel from the game Dragalia Lost.
Eudiel Stock Small.png
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
If we are to see any new franchises added to Smash Bros in the coming weeks, I'm sure they'll have their own stage. This isn't the days of Melee when Marth and Roy's stage didn't exist and had to be unlocked on completely unrelated stages like Fountain of Dreams or Temple. Though thanks for influencing my Melee childhood like that, Sakurai

I'm sure Isaac would have to come with a Golden Sun stage if he were to be playable. Not to mention the Stage Select screen from what we've seen looks like it could hold at least 6-7 more stages that they might want to reveal later. Compared to the previous games, we've only got Moray Towers, New Donk City, Great Plateau Tower and Dracula's Castle for new stages (Not counting the revisions of Battlefield and Final Destination), so it's pretty low compared to the past entries for sure. Newcomers from series like Zelda, Pokémon or Mario can get away with stuff like say Skull Kid on Great Bay, Incineroar for Pokémon Stadium, etc, but a brand new franchise warrants a stage in my book.
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Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
I noticed that most of people "complaining" about Isaac high chance score in RTC use a Majoras Mask profile picture... fear maybe? Its not bias from Isaac fans since I see most high chance coming for non-Supporters


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I noticed that most of people "complaining" about Isaac high chance score in RTC use a Majoras Mask profile picture... fear maybe? Its not bias from Isaac fans since I see most high chance coming for non-Supporters
As someone who also supports Skull Kid alongside Isaac, he's also guilty of having suspicious clues that might influence his scores when his day comes in RTC. His missing Assist, the Moon Assist Trophy seemingly replacing him and being a central part to his character.

Not wanting to encourage fandom rivalries, but I guess for some people, it might be strange to give Isaac somewhat high scores when he hasn't been associated with Smash Bros for a long time since Brawl. Skull Kid probably would have relevance by his side if he were to get in thanks to the Majora's Mask remake around 2015, but as we all know, Relevance means nothing.:ultkrool: ...probably


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
Without flooding the shot with characters, he probable picked 3 who are from different series with realistic proportions with a high fantasy style. Possible reference to Golden Sun, possible reference to Monster Hunter, possible reference to nothing but a cool shot with 4 different series represented.
Yet, he picked that specific angle shot. He picked the order of characters amounted in smash, he picked Link as a silent protag, Marth/Mars and Shulk. Which are clearly referencing the three main characters you get in Golden Sun that are the exact same order of characters you get. He picked a Dragon of all things and place them in an arena with the 3 legendary swordsman from Nintendo related games and at the side you see the list of Assist Trophies that is missing Isaac. The amount of detail that Sakurai puts in his tweets and the attention he puts in Smash brothers is hard to deny.

Also, here is my full on reasons why I truly believe Isaac will be in smash.

Golden Sun has not been revealed for anything in Smash 4, other than two soundtracks we got no references, no assist, no trophies. Nothing! To me that just does not sit right with me. Every little detail of Nintendo's history is in Smash bros in some shape or form, many many trophies referencing all of Nintendo's games and history. Except for Golden Sun. It just doesn't make sense! Unless, they were going to put him in as a playable character. Just like Ice Climbers who didn't make it in because of 3DS limitations, Isaac could be because of that same reason.

As of 2018, Golden Sun has sold over 1.76Million copies world wide, it's sequel sold 1.26Million WW and even it's sequel, while not breaking the 1 Million sales it still sold very well over 810K copies! That is still alot. So rather you hate it or love it. Dark Dawn is still a good game. It has it's flaws and it may not as sold as much as the 1st and 2nd games dued to poor marketing, but I do not think that Dark Dawn directly killed the series. The game is still pretty damn popular in Europe and North America with Japan following behind. It's also pretty well known world wide.

In the Smash ballot I truly believe that Isaac was at least in the top 15 characters wanted in smash, the reasons being that many who did do the smash ballot made other polls showing who they had voted for and who is the most popular in being wanted in smash overall. The chart showing the most resent total of ballot characters left after the confirmation/deconfirmation that was shown are what is left and Isaac is at the top next to Banjo & Kazooie, Bandana Dee, Shantae, Geno and Skull Kid. While it is not the real evidence of who made it in the Official Smash Ballot, it is without a doubt the closest we are going to get in terms of it. With Ridley, Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, K. Rool, Inklings, all the characters that came back from other smash games, this is the hard proof that relevancy doesn't completely matter and that it shows that all these characters are fans most wanted characters. With Sakurai referring from the Ballot it's showing up that the chances for Isaac in Smash is very likely and that the inclusions of these said characters improve his chances greatly.

As for the Mii costumes, you can't take that completely serious as real confirmation in a characters inclusion because some of the costumes that were in there have become Assist Trophies and while some of them have become official fighters they can still use those for later DLC Fighters if they decide to do so. Now the reason why we didn't get any Golden Sun costumes for the Mii, it could be that the Mii Swordsman was supposed to be the basis for a Golden Sun replacement, but we know that is a load of bologne. It could be because none of the Mii's fit any of the them, with the exception of Mii Swordsman just without the elemental psynergy. Which without Psynergy it doesn't make it work and fit the unique characters that a Golden Sun rep could offer.

His Assist Trophy hasn't been shown and if it was I truly believe that they would have shown it by now in the lastest Smash Direct,

With the credible leakers like Vergeben showing context about how Golden Sun's history to Nintendo is important. As well as Mimique talking about how Isaac's chances are being high even though they may not be leaks or facts. Still, the fact that they are noticing this and mention it, gives me this gut feeling that his inclusion sticks.

I will not be completely pessimistic about the chances for Isaac's inclusion, I truly believe that our boi will make it this time and I am willing to be optimistic to the very end. I will keep on thinking this way until I have seen evidence of his deconfirmation and I am willing to accept the fact that he could not make it in.

After all that Nintendo has done to us Golden Sun fans, I truly think we deserve and have earned our boi to get in smash. Rather you think I am completely delusional or just flying my hopes high into the Sun only for the chance to get burned. I am willing to take that chance and live with it! #Isaac4Smash

PS: Whew, sorry folks, but I really needed to get that off my chest.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Question to other Isaac fans. If Felix is confirmed as an Echo for Isaac, how should he differ and what should be different to perfectly represent Felix?


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2018
Yet, he picked that specific angle shot. He picked the order of characters amounted in smash, he picked Link as a silent protag, Marth/Mars and Shulk. Which are clearly referencing the three main characters you get in Golden Sun that are the exact same order of characters you get. He picked a Dragon of all things and place them in an arena with the 3 legendary swordsman from Nintendo related games and at the side you see the list of Assist Trophies that are missing Isaac. The amount of detail that Sakurai puts in his tweets and the attention he puts in Smash brothers is hard to deny.

Also, here is my full on reasons why I truly believe Isaac will be in smash.

Golden Sun has not been revealed for anything in Smash 4, other than two soundtracks we got no references, no assist, no trophies. Nothing! To me that just does not sit right with me. Every little detail of Nintendo's history is in Smash bros in some shape or form, many many trophies referencing all of Nintendo's games and history. Except for Golden Sun. It just doesn't make sense! Unless, they were going to put him in as a playable character. Just like Ice Climbers who didn't make it in because of 3DS limitations, Isaac could be because of that same reason.

As of 2018, Golden Sun has sold over 1.76Million copies world wide, it's sequel sold 1.26Million WW and even it's sequel, while not breaking the 1 Million sales it still sold very well over 810K copies! That is still alot. So rather you hate it or love it. Dark Dawn is still a good game. It has it's flaws and it may not as sold as much as the 1st and 2nd games dued to poor marketing, but I do not think that Dark Dawn directly killed the series. The game is still pretty damn popular in Europe and North America with Japan following behind. It's also pretty well known world wide.

In the Smash ballot I truly believe that Isaac was at least in the top 15 characters wanted in smash, the reasons being that many who did do the smash ballot made other polls showing who they had voted for and who is the most popular in being wanted in smash overall. The chart showing the most resent total of ballot characters left after the confirmation/deconfirmation that was shown are what is left and Isaac is at the top next to Banjo & Kazooie, Bandana Dee, Shantae, Geno and Skull Kid. While it is not the real evidence of who made it in the Official Smash Ballot, it is without a doubt the closest we are going to get in terms of it. With Ridley, Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, K. Rool, Inklings, all the characters that came back from other smash games, this is the hard proof that relevancy doesn't completely matter and that it shows that all these characters are fans most wanted characters. With Sakurai referring from the Ballot it's showing up that the chances for Isaac in Smash is very likely and that the inclusions of these said characters improve his chances greatly.

As for the Mii costumes, you can't take that completely serious as real confirmation in a characters inclusion because some of the costumes that were in there have become Assist Trophies and while some of them have become official fighters they can still use those for later DLC Fighters if they decide to do so. Now the reason why we didn't get any Golden Sun costumes for the Mii, it could be that the Mii Swordsman was supposed to be the basis for a Golden Sun replacement, but we know that is a load of bologne. It could be because none of the Mii's fit any of the them, with the exception of Mii Swordsman just without the elemental psynergy. Which without Psynergy it doesn't make it work and fit the unique characters that a Golden Sun rep could offer.

His Assist Trophy hasn't been shown and if it was I truly believe that they would have shown it by now in the lastest Smash Direct,

With the credible leakers like Vergeben showing context about how Golden Sun's history to Nintendo is important. As well as Mimique talking about how Isaac's chances are being high even though they may not be leaks or facts. Still, the fact that they are noticing this and mention it, gives me this gut feeling that his inclusion sticks.

I will not be completely pessimistic about the chances for Isaac's inclusion, I truly believe that our boi will make it this time and I am willing to be optimistic to the very end. I will keep on thinking this way until I have seen evidence of his deconfirmation and I am willing to accept the fact that he could not make it in.

After all that Nintendo has done to us Golden Sun fans, I truly think we deserve and have earned our boi to get in smash. Rather you think I am completely delusional or just flying my hopes high into the Sun only for the chance to get burned. I am willing to take that chance and live with it! #Isaac4Smash

PS: Whew, sorry folks, but I really needed to get that off my chest.
I wish I had your optimism.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
On an unrelated note, when another stage is revealed for Ultimate and the final count isn't 103, I will sit there with my tea, watching the chaos unfold as the people who said there wouldn't be more stages revise their comments and backtrack. It frustrates me when people use that theory like it's a fact - In reality they should be considering both options and how it affects franchise representation.
This. This so much. It was never outright said that the final stage count was 103, it was stated that it was currently 103.

The Great Wall of Isaac
Well said.

Question to other Isaac fans. If Felix is confirmed as an Echo for Isaac, how should he differ and what should be different to perfectly represent Felix?
Battle Stance, Casting Stance, Djinn (If Isaac is shown to have Flint), Sol Blade (Isaac uses the Gaia Blade).
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Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
Question to other Isaac fans. If Felix is confirmed as an Echo for Isaac, how should he differ and what should be different to perfectly represent Felix?
I think he should be heavier and slower. In the games I believe Felix is a bit tankier than Isaac. Another thing is that Felix ends up with some psynergy (abilities) that Isaac doesn't have and if Felix was added we could see those incorporated in both of their movesets similar to a Richter Simon scenario


Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2018
View attachment 161201

You know, drawn like this I really do like this updated look for Isaac and if he is in Smash I kinda would like to see something like this

Credit to https://www.reddit.com/r/GoldenSun/comments/9c2qtf/i_actually_really_liked_the_isaac_design_that/
hey, i drew this! i'm glad you guys enjoyed it, it was a small doodle haha
i might actually render it more if i feel like it

i really hope sakurai does a quality redesign with Isaac, I love his current design but I'd love to see Smash Ult's take on it.
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Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Question to other Isaac fans. If Felix is confirmed as an Echo for Isaac, how should he differ and what should be different to perfectly represent Felix?
As others have said, he’d be a slower, tankier option. And if Isaac has anything to do with Ragnarok then Felix would instead have Odyssey.

And maybe Catastrophe could be his FS if Judgement ends up being Isaac’s.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
Question to other Isaac fans. If Felix is confirmed as an Echo for Isaac, how should he differ and what should be different to perfectly represent Felix?
Everyone is beating me to the punch on this, but I agree with them.

It's still ironic to me that Felix's first Djinn is named Echo. Just fits so well. His FS would be Meddigo, or Catastrophe. Either one works!


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
hey, i drew this! i'm glad you guys enjoyed it, it was a small doodle haha
i might actually render it more if i feel like it

i really hope sakurai does a quality redesign with Isaac, I love his current design but I'd love to see Smash Ult's take on it.
Please draw the full image! It's amazing! It's my fav sketch!


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2018
Yet, he picked that specific angle shot. He picked the order of characters amounted in smash, he picked Link as a silent protag, Marth/Mars and Shulk. Which are clearly referencing the three main characters you get in Golden Sun that are the exact same order of characters you get. He picked a Dragon of all things and place them in an arena with the 3 legendary swordsman from Nintendo related games and at the side you see the list of Assist Trophies that is missing Isaac. The amount of detail that Sakurai puts in his tweets and the attention he puts in Smash brothers is hard to deny.

Also, here is my full on reasons why I truly believe Isaac will be in smash.

Golden Sun has not been revealed for anything in Smash 4, other than two soundtracks we got no references, no assist, no trophies. Nothing! To me that just does not sit right with me. Every little detail of Nintendo's history is in Smash bros in some shape or form, many many trophies referencing all of Nintendo's games and history. Except for Golden Sun. It just doesn't make sense! Unless, they were going to put him in as a playable character. Just like Ice Climbers who didn't make it in because of 3DS limitations, Isaac could be because of that same reason.

As of 2018, Golden Sun has sold over 1.76Million copies world wide, it's sequel sold 1.26Million WW and even it's sequel, while not breaking the 1 Million sales it still sold very well over 810K copies! That is still alot. So rather you hate it or love it. Dark Dawn is still a good game. It has it's flaws and it may not as sold as much as the 1st and 2nd games dued to poor marketing, but I do not think that Dark Dawn directly killed the series. The game is still pretty damn popular in Europe and North America with Japan following behind. It's also pretty well known world wide.

In the Smash ballot I truly believe that Isaac was at least in the top 15 characters wanted in smash, the reasons being that many who did do the smash ballot made other polls showing who they had voted for and who is the most popular in being wanted in smash overall. The chart showing the most resent total of ballot characters left after the confirmation/deconfirmation that was shown are what is left and Isaac is at the top next to Banjo & Kazooie, Bandana Dee, Shantae, Geno and Skull Kid. While it is not the real evidence of who made it in the Official Smash Ballot, it is without a doubt the closest we are going to get in terms of it. With Ridley, Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, K. Rool, Inklings, all the characters that came back from other smash games, this is the hard proof that relevancy doesn't completely matter and that it shows that all these characters are fans most wanted characters. With Sakurai referring from the Ballot it's showing up that the chances for Isaac in Smash is very likely and that the inclusions of these said characters improve his chances greatly.

As for the Mii costumes, you can't take that completely serious as real confirmation in a characters inclusion because some of the costumes that were in there have become Assist Trophies and while some of them have become official fighters they can still use those for later DLC Fighters if they decide to do so. Now the reason why we didn't get any Golden Sun costumes for the Mii, it could be that the Mii Swordsman was supposed to be the basis for a Golden Sun replacement, but we know that is a load of bologne. It could be because none of the Mii's fit any of the them, with the exception of Mii Swordsman just without the elemental psynergy. Which without Psynergy it doesn't make it work and fit the unique characters that a Golden Sun rep could offer.

His Assist Trophy hasn't been shown and if it was I truly believe that they would have shown it by now in the lastest Smash Direct,

With the credible leakers like Vergeben showing context about how Golden Sun's history to Nintendo is important. As well as Mimique talking about how Isaac's chances are being high even though they may not be leaks or facts. Still, the fact that they are noticing this and mention it, gives me this gut feeling that his inclusion sticks.

I will not be completely pessimistic about the chances for Isaac's inclusion, I truly believe that our boi will make it this time and I am willing to be optimistic to the very end. I will keep on thinking this way until I have seen evidence of his deconfirmation and I am willing to accept the fact that he could not make it in.

After all that Nintendo has done to us Golden Sun fans, I truly think we deserve and have earned our boi to get in smash. Rather you think I am completely delusional or just flying my hopes high into the Sun only for the chance to get burned. I am willing to take that chance and live with it! #Isaac4Smash

PS: Whew, sorry folks, but I really needed to get that off my chest.
I wasn't saying to be pessimistic about Issac, but just wanted everyone to take the screenshot with a grain of salt. I think he has a good chance to appear thanks to the Smash ballot. I also think he's a good fit and deserves to be in. I just don't think that screenshot is supposed to have any extra meaning. Save the hype for his reveal trailer.

The Mii costume thing is a stretch as well. I believe Issac's popularity was over-looked until the ballot. Many of the Mii Sword fighter outfits don't accurately reflect a moveset, just look at Ashley or Viridi.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
I wasn't saying to be pessimistic about Issac, but just wanted everyone to take the screenshot with a grain of salt. I think he has a good chance to appear thanks to the Smash ballot. I also think he's a good fit and deserves to be in. I just don't think that screenshot is supposed to have any extra meaning. Save the hype for his reveal trailer.

The Mii costume thing is a stretch as well. I believe Issac's popularity was over-looked until the ballot. Many of the Mii Sword fighter outfits don't accurately reflect a moveset, just look at Ashley or Viridi.
Never meant to make it seem that serious, I just wanted to point out what I really thought and believed. I know that I should take leaks, rumors and such with a grain of salt. I wasn't thinking that you were saying to be pessimistic about it either.

You have a good point on the Mii Costume thing, but Mii Costumes seemed to be there for the creativity of the players and have something neat to add to them. I know I pulled that one out of my butt and it shows.

I still think that the Sakurai Rathalos Tweet is a hint to Golden Sun being something. It's hard to save the hype, but I can't help myself! xD

pholtos pholtos
That is now dubbed: The Great Wall Of Isaac. ;D
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2018
It's important to leave this echo chamber and listen to all the counter arguments for Isaac's hints. I'm going between optimistic and pessimistic but it's crucial we don't shut ourselves in and lose a grip on reality


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
It's important to leave this echo chamber and listen to all the counter arguments for Isaac's hints. I'm going between optimistic and pessimistic but it's crucial we don't shut ourselves in and lose a grip on reality
I don't really think he's gonna be in, so I'm more the opposite. I have to stay in here most of the time to keep any hope...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
It's important to leave this echo chamber and listen to all the counter arguments for Isaac's hints. I'm going between optimistic and pessimistic but it's crucial we don't shut ourselves in and lose a grip on reality
I am getting a bit ahead of myself, that much is true. Still, I can't help, but be more optimistic than pessimistic. I won't shut down on others points and I do take it with a grain of salt.

Aside from that, I am willing to be this way and take the hammers along the way. If I step out of line, than point it out and I will hear you out. :D


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Not to beat a dead horse but before that screenshot, Isaac came off as the ugly one at the dance that no one cared to talk about, any leak with Isaac was instantly called fake, his chances were rated so low in comparison to Geno, Skull Kid, Banjo etc. After the tweet, Isaac has gained quite a bit of traction, more notable figures in the Smash scene were talking about him, reddit posts with him were blowing up, he's gotten a lot more videos made about him on youtube etc.

He's even escalated to the point where he's getting fake image leak renders. There's no doubt about it that tweet has made Isaac gain more popularity in the current smash speculation whether it was an obvious attempt at a Golden Sun reference or not. A lot of people seemed to have taken it as such. So I wouldn't really call the tweet something that only us crazy Goldens are on about when Isaac has clearly gone through some sort of Cinderella transformation in the smash speculation scene.

Either way, I've always held on to Sakurai saying he's focusing on the Smash ballot to be Isaac's biggest golden ticket to Smash regardless.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2018
There’s two guys in specific on that site that are absolutely ridiculous with their posts.
Would one's name start with the word Meeple and end in the word Lardicle? He still can't leave well enough alone it seems... A lot of them, believe it or not didn't even start the GS hate with Smash but straight up on Golden Sun boards on Gamefaqs. RPG purists are insufferable. To the point where no other RPGs can exist if they don't start with Final and end with Fantasy.

Well, now I'm sure you're all very much aware how much pessimism and quiet optimism and hope this community has. I mean, one only has too look at the last 10 pages to see the sheer internal clash this fanbase has with its own emotions regarding our chances. That Ratholos pic being the most polarizing thing that isn't even being talked about outside of this thread. Even though clouds and chairs are still being talked about, everyone's forgotten about the largest insoluble chunk of speculation this entire smash cycle.

Like I said in my previous post, sometimes we can be too quick to throw things away under scrutiny and embarrassment. Like KMDP KMDP said though, when Isaac finally turns out to be in this party, everyone is going to pretend as if they knew all along that the Rathalos pic was a GS reference. How couldn't it be? Just as you have to take everything with a grain of salt, there is also a grain of truth to everything as well. To be quite honest with you, as much of a grain of salt as that pic is, it's the biggest grain of truth at the same time.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC

I don't really think he's gonna be in, so I'm more the opposite. I have to stay in here most of the time to keep any hope...
It's alright to feel that way, I have doubts too, but it is out weighed by the amount of optimism that I have. For myself, I think it is better to go all out and lose than to not try at all and always expect failure.

As ironic as that is. I can always do better.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
People who say Golden Sun is only liked because of nostalgia annoy me to no end. Right, because I totally only loved the games despite playing them for the first time three years ago because of nostalgia. They weren't even my first JRPGs, which is another reason I hear those people give for the games being so loved. I think these people just can't comprehend the concept of taste or something. Or if you say something like that to them, they'll just say your opinions are wrong. Which, if you're not joking, is ridiculous, because an opinion cannot be wrong.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2018
Not to beat a dead horse but before that screenshot, Isaac came off as the ugly one at the dance that no one cared to talk about, any leak with Isaac was instantly called fake, his chances were rated so low in comparison to Geno, Skull Kid, Banjo etc. After the tweet, Isaac has gained quite a bit of traction, more notable figures in the Smash scene were talking about him, reddit posts with him were blowing up, he's gotten a lot more videos made about him on youtube etc.

He's even escalated to the point where he's getting fake image leak renders. There's no doubt about it that tweet has made Isaac gain more popularity in the current smash speculation whether it was an obvious attempt at a Golden Sun reference or not. A lot of people seemed to have taken it as such. So I wouldn't really call the tweet something that only us crazy Goldens are on about when Isaac has clearly gone through some sort of Cinderella transformation in the smash speculation scene.

Either way, I've always held on to Sakurai saying he's focusing on the Smash ballot to be Isaac's biggest golden ticket to Smash regardless.
how did he do though? If he did poorly, then rip the dream


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
If all these people voted and even voted more than once on different devices and/or got friends and family to vote I'm sure he at least scored up there SOMEWHERE. Nintendo being stingy with those poll results..
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