haha some days I can wave shine as fox, others Im like "fml i thought i had this"
on that note, anyone got a tip on wave shining? still havent got it down and youtube videos are useless.
"first you shine, then wave dash, shine then wavedash" <-- oh gee thanks tips I didnt know that
Important things to note: The timing differs for whether you're hitting someone with the shine or not. The time between when you shine and jump increases if you're hitting something.
The timing for the airdodge in a waveshine is the same as if you were doing a wavedash. You just have to get used to the timing for the jump out of shine. It's not instant.
If you're jumping out of your shine, you're either airdodging too early, or not at all.
If you just shine, and don't get the wavedash out of it, you're trying to jump too early.
Just try and do it slowly, and figure out the timing. Then try to get consistent with it. Then try and get it consistent against a cpu. Finally, try and get it consistent against another player, under pressure.
Also, techskill is hard.