There are plenty of non-useless overheads.
But both of those examples, the dive kick and the lack of any overhead shows her graduale decline of offense forces that she has received since she was announced. Her counters also do little for her offense game, and other than the aerial one, set her in a position that isn't really helpful to offensive play, and counters suck anyway. The way her dive kick works now, it looks like it would be more useful for defensive play than offense, not something I wanted in her.
At defense though, she'll excell, with the ability to punish anywhere on screen, and to win any fireball war, hands down, she can't be out turtled, her only lacking tool being her back dash, which is meh, but with her dive kick, jumping would probably be a better option as if they mess up their approach you can either escape or cross them up, or if properly timed, stuff their SRK.