Adding more movesets, since you need three.
Utility Counter
Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Trace: Bold
232 HP/136 Def/80 SpA/60 SpD
-Thunderbolt/Charge Beam
-Ice Beam/Icy Wind
-HP (Ground)
I optimized the HP, but the defenses to a lesser degree. The defenses are enough to take various hits from many threats, including Salamence's Life Orbed Outrage with SR. A tad more SpA can be used to have a better chance of KOing some Pokes, but I'm okay with the chances now. Def and SpD are reversible if you need a different tank. Def is at 136 to get a bonus point. Recover is mandatory.
Thunderbolt puts Gyarados to rest, however you can replace it with Charge Beam if you think Gyara will switch or you want the extra SpA. It also helps against Blissey. Trace lets you copy copy abilities so you can counter just about everything. Ice Beam can ohko Dragons if you want to use it. Icy Wind 2hkos dragons, but because of the speed drop you can also use it as a pseudo Thunder Wave. Sadly, you won't outrun them after the Icy Wind without major speed investment.
A max speed, neutral natured base 70 after being hit by Icy Wind hits 157.7 Spe. If it rounds down, you need 8 Spe EVs to outrun them; if it rounds up, you need 12 Spe EVs to outrun them. A no speed, neutral natured base 100 after bing hit by Icy Wind hits 155.7 Spe. If it rounds down, you need no EVs to outrun them; if it rounds up, you need 4 Spe EVs to outrun them. I guess you could just take EVs out of your lesser defensive stat or SpA. Outrunning standard Brelooms after Icy Wind is guaranteed.
HP Ground is used to counter Heatran, but it's very likely that Heatran won't be staying in after you copy it's Flash Fire. If you do get hit by Earth Power or something, HP Ground is very nice to have around. HP Fire can go there to hit the Scizors that happen to be everywhere.
Porygon2 has a lot of options, but I won't list the rest of them because that would change the whole point of this set. At first glance, this set looks really "slow". In practice, Recover gives you so much staying power, it doesn't even matter.
Trick Room
Porygon2 @ Leftovers
Trace: Bold
232 HP/176 Def/100 SpA (0 Spe IV)
-Trick Room
-HP (Fire)
-Discharge/Ice Beam/anything
Porygon2 is one of the best candidates for setting up Trick Room because of it's bulkyness. It can come in on almost anything it wants to because of Trace. You can then outrun your foe after a Trick Room, heal away any lost HP with Recover and start the whole thing over again later. HP (Fire) is a needed move because almost every priority move in the game comes from a Fire-weak Pokemon. Lucario, Metagross, SCIZOR, Mamoswine, etc. Porygon2 can wall almost anything you throw at it, so Toxic Spike support would be helpful. HP (Fire) is also important for landing a hit on Steels that are immune to Toxic Spikes. If you come in on Heatran's Fire Blast, that means more power for your Hidden Power.
The EVs are more physically bulky than the previous set. Of course, you're free to pick and choose whatever EV spread you want depending on what you want to switch into. The EVs are set to ohko Scizor 99% of the time (hah)! You can also squeeze Trickscarfing on this set over the last move slot and item slot. Hidden Power 59 can be used if you want to mutilate Scizor with less SpA EVs, but you still have to worry about the other Steel types lurking around.
Porygon2 @ Choice Specs/Scarf
Trace: Modest
232 HP/92 Def/176 SpA/8 Spe
-Ice Beam/Dark Pulse/HP (Ground)
Trick has been getting more and more annoying, especially against walls/tanks. Know your opponent has Trick? Switch in Porygon2, copy yourself a useful ability and use your free turn to attack or use Thunder Wave. Porygon2 can even outrun +natured base 90s and neutral natured base 100s at max speed with the Scarf. The EVs shown are for the Specs set. Adjust the speed to your liking if you feel that Gengar is a threat while you have a Scarf.
The EV spread is similar to the old one, except it has much, much more offenses. The slight amount of speed allows you to outrun 0 Spe base 100s with a scarf... and base 60s without. 16 Spe EVs will outrun max Spe base 70s like Metagross. Don't expect to get any ohkos, 2hkos at best. In fact, it might be actually better to use a defensive spread just so you can switch in on big attackers. However, with Specs, Metagross will be going down in a single HP (Ground) if you have it.
Snorlax, Cresselia, basically, any wall that takes special hits well and can set-up. Electivire coming in on your electric move can also be a pain since it usually carries Cross Chop. If you outpredict your foe, you might be able to land HP (Ground). If Gyarados is coming in, don't expect it to stay for long. Uhmm... yeah. I'm not cut out for writing Pokemon descriptions.
Bibarel @ Leftovers/Pinch Berry
Simple: Impish
216 HP/40 Atk/252 Def
-Quick Attack
-Super Fang/Waterfall
Amnesia puts your SpD 624, Curse gives you 480 Def and 432 Atk. That's only 4 Atk lower than Azumarill. Super Fang lets you chip away at defensive walls until Quick Attack deals superior damage. Waterfall is also a good option for another STAB move.
Bibarel can take a physical hit before it Curses, but a special one will usually leave it too weak to do much else. After you set-up though, you're practically impenetrable. Rest+Chesto berry is your only reliable recovery option. It also rids you of annoying status effects your foe may use on you after you set-up. The beaver is slow, so make sure you Rest at the right moment.
Bulkier Beaver
Bibarel @ Leftovers
Simple: Impish
252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD
-Curse/Defense Curl
-Toxic/Yawn/Stalling move
Pair this up with some entry hazards and you'll be walling/PP stalling for eternity. If you really want to use an attacking move, Charge Beam is a nice option to get your SpA stat up to 302. That's about average at best. A second Charge Beam boost will get you up to 458, a threatening number. EVs are for maxed out Defenses. Because Curse gives you +2, while Amnesia gives you +4.
Firing the lazur
Bibarel @ Salac Berry
Simple: Modest/Timid
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
-Charge Beam
-Ice Beam/Surf
-Grass Knot/Surf
Choose your nature depending on what you want to outrun. The modest beaver after a Salac boost either ties with timid Azelf or outruns it by one point. I have no idea how rounding works in Pokemon. The Charge Beam strat is explained in the above paragraph.
Phazers. The first set doesn't deal with status/repeated hits/super effectives that well. The second set usually only gets to see the light of battle once before it becomes useless. Bibarel isn't that hard to defeat since it's 3 weaknesses are all pretty common.
SP Waves (Wall Breaker)
Honchkrow @ Life Orb
Insomnia: Lonely
252 Atk/252 SpA/4 Spe
-Sucker Punch
-Heat Wave
-Thunder Wave/Hidden Power (Ice/Electric)
Honchkrow got a lot of new toys with Platinum. Sucker Punch lets you finish off weakened foes, pick off those fragile sweepers, and makes foes think twice before attacking. Superpower gives it its first physical fighting move to grab very good physical coverage. After Superpower drops your stats, your foe might think, "Oh! This is a perfect moment to set-up my SDLuke on his switch!". WRONG! Heat Wave lets you use your just as amazing SpA stat to kill off any pesky Steels that are in your way. If something like Gyarados or Salamence comes in, they're not safe either. You can land a Thunder Wave to cripple them, limiting their sweeping abilities. Then you can bring out something like CM Raikou to finish them off, since they're probably not going to use Earthquake on a Flying-type.
Offenses are maxed out. The 4 points in Spe puts you at 3 points above no Spe, =natured base 70s. Even those Metagross who think they can have the upper hand with 8 EVs in Spe will still be outrun and hit by a Heat Wave. Insomnia is there to give you another switch in opportunity, like into Breloom. Super Luck can be used if you want, but I don't think a 12% critical rate is that reliable. That's about the odds of dropping your foe's SpA with Psychic.
Honchkrow @ Life Orb/Salac Berry
Super Luck: Rash/Naive
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 Atk
-Nasty Plot/Substitute
-Heat Wave
-Dark Pulse
I personally use Nasty Plot with Salac Berry because I tend to be very lucky with Salac's activation. An unboosted Superpower 2hkos 252/252 Blissey 100% of the time and ohkos all Tyranitar 100% of the time. Dark Pulse works nicely off STAB and +2 SpA. Heat Wave handles every Steel while Heatran takes a minimum of 61% from Superpower; after the Atk drop, a minimum of 41% without Life Orb. Life Orb would only give you a 45% chance of ohko Heatran while SR is out. You won't outspeed scarftran, but you'll sure give it a run for it's money. With the Salac boost, you'll hit 361.5 which is 0.5 more than timid Azelf... If you're Hasty or Naive, you'll outrun Aerodactyl and Jolteon. Your choice here. If you hate Heatran with a passion, 116 Atk EVs will guarantee the ohko with Superpower after SR, only 28% chance of a ohko without SR. If you really need to kill Heatran, you're better off with the first set. This set is mainly for general sweeping.
Remember, pinch berries activate at 33%. Well Scizor's STAB, Technicianed, Life Orbed Bullet Punch deals 69-81%, guaranteeing to activate your Salac Berry (watch out for SR). There are many other attacks that can do this, I just decided to use Scizor as an example because everyone hates him.
Other Options
Honchkrow has a lot of sets, but most of them don't work well in OU. The ones above are most useful in my experience. You can try a dedicated Super Luck set, but that's better left to Absol. You can try leading with him, but because of Hypnosis' drop in popularity due to accuracy, Honchkrow isn't that good any more. You can bounce status back with Psycho Shift, but it's not that useful on a fragile, somewhat slow, Pokemon. Honchkrow is the strongest user of Power Herb+Sky Attack, iirc. Icy Wind can slow down opponents, but most players don't expect Thunder Wave coming from Honchkrow in the first place. Honchkrow is now basically only for Superpower+Heat Wave+Dark STAB+filler.
I don't like countering my own Pokemon. It makes me feel like they suck. I haven't really written much of anything for ANY of the Counters section.
Torterra @ Liechi Berry
Overgrow: Adamant
8 HP/252 Atk/248 Spe
-Rock Polish
-Seed Bomb
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge/EQ/Crunch
The EVs allow you to perfectly outspeed +1 Spe, =natured base 90s after a Polish. That means scarfluke and scarfgon-z won't be messing around with you. A Timid nature could be considered to allow you to outrun +1 Spe, =natured base 100s and +1 Spe, +natured base 90s. The HP allows you to substitute 4 times if you ever need the chance. Your final speed stat is 420, so yes. You outrun scarftran (417) *applause*
Overgrow+Liechi+Seed Bomb stings. Wood Hammer isn't used because the recoil isn't very appealing after you have 1/4 HP. Your final moveslot helps you cover whatever you fear most. Rock lets you hit those flying and fire types that would otherwise cause you trouble (salamence). EQ helps hit steels and fires (heatran). Crunch hits those ridiculously fat walls like Cressy and Dusknoir. Coverage is very limited, and Substitute is very hard to sacrifice. If you're feeling brave and foolish, you can opt out of sub for another attack.
Torterra @ Leftovers/Salac Berry
Overgrow: Impish
20 HP/252 Def/236 Spe
-Leech Seed
-Toxic/Protect/Reflect/Synthesis/Another attacking move
Torterra has the advantage of being the only subseeder that can still receive Leftovers recovery in Sandstorm. My strategy for subseeding may be different than yours. Minimal HP investment so that you gain more HP back percent-wise from Leech Seed. Torterra isn't that fast on it's own, but being faster than your target is very important. Walls and Tanks generally aren't that fast, so you should be fine. If you decide to use Salac Berry, you'll be able to subseed neutral natured base 105s and +natured base 90s. Before the Salac, you'll outrun no Spe base 85s like Suicune and Cressy. Make sure you wipe out any Pokemon that could cause troubles for Torterra, first.
Earthquake is your main offensive move for being your most reliable STAB. Toxic allows you to defeat your opponent faster, but you can leave it out if you have Toxic Spikes support or if you don't like using Toxic. Protect allows you to stall a little bit more if you fear Ice moves. Reflect is nice to have so you can take hits from both sides of the spectrum. Just move your Def EVs over to SpD and use a Careful nature. Use Synthesis only outside of Sandstorm, for obvious reasons. If you REALLY wanted to, you can put Rock Polish in the last slot with the same Spe EVs in the previous set to outrun everything without a scarf or stat+. There's really no reason you should be subseeding things that are that fast, but it's your game.
Other Options
Torterra is like Hippowdon and Swampert, only with a lot more weaknesses. To make up for that, his movepool is larger. Unfortunately, having all these options tend to be useless when you have a 4x Ice weakness and don't have the Speed and Power Dragons do. You also have a weakness to Fire, which almost every team has to take out Steels. Your remaining 3 weaknesses aren't that common: Poison, Flying, and Bug. If you plan on using Torterra, make sure it's for a purpose Hippowdon and Swampert can't do.
The Pentagon
Metagross @ Leftovers
Clear Body: Adamant
80 HP/252 Atk/36 Def/4 Spe/136 SpD
-Meteor Mash
-Earthquake/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch
-Iron Defense
-Light Screen
The HP EVs allow for optimal leftovers recovery while the defenses hit 305 and 250 respectively. Just double those numbers to see what you'll have after a boost. Bring this out after you see your foe's Metagross counter and use the respective defense raising move. You'll be taking just about ANY attack without a sweat. Modest Heatran deals 75% maximum with Fire Blast with Light Screen up. Atk is maxed because Metagross just isn't Metagross without rippling biceps, or whatever it has inside those gargantuan arms. Speed is set so that you tie others trying to outspeed you with zero speed. You can use another point if you'd like. Just take one from either of the defenses.
I chose to use Meteor Mash and Ice Punch because Metagross needs STAB, and I'm sure as hell not going to use Zen Headbutt; Bullet Punch on the other hand is much too weak. Also, Earthquake could be replaced for predictability reasons. You'll get walled by just about every Steel, Fire, and Water type without it, but an elemental punch could offer some very noteworthy coverage. Earthquake could be used with Ice Punch for very good type coverage. Preference comes in here. Pursuit isn't recommended since you're not forcing many switches. Have fun ****** stuff with this guy!
Metagross @ Choice Item/Iron Ball/Toxic Orb
Clear Body: Adamant
252 Atk/252 Def/4 HP
-Meteor Mash
-Thunder or Ice Punch/Agility
EVs can be adjusted to suit your needs. Personally, I use Toxic Orb so I can handle walls such as Hippowdon. No speed here so you can be slower than Skarmory and be able to hit it with an Earthquake as it Roosts and Thunder Punch when it won't Roost. Meteor Mash is just as strong as Thunder/Ice Punch when Meteor Mash is neutral and Thunder/Ice Punch is 2x Super Effective. Remember that when choosing your move. Defenses are invested so that not even Earthquakes can take you down. Metagross can't take Fire Blasts, anyways. It CAN take some flamethrowers with HP investment, but I'm the kind of guy that never sees any special attackers so I'm keeping him defensive.
Iron Ball can ruin Pokemon that would normally counter you. All you need to do is find out who your foe's Metagross counter is. If it's something like Salamence, you'll be worry free for the rest of the game. If it's something like sub roost Zapdos, keep a Rhyperior somewhere on your team. Choice items are really only used to get a free turn or switch out. If you like the idea of a reliable set-up, you can use Agility to set up for an end game sweep. Meteor Mash is what makes Metagross so powerful, but if you can't resist bringing him in early game to soften up your foe's team or just to reveal what they have on their team, you can use Agility, Earthquake, and Ice Punch for maximum coverage. Only Bronzong and Shedinja would be able to force you out.
You only need 88 Spe EVs to outrun all base 130s. Electrode isn't a threat and Ninjask will just use Protect on the first turn anyways, so you shouldn't have any problems. 196 Spe EVs will let you outrun neutral natured scarfed base 100s. This is the most you should ever shoot for, as outrunning anything else will force Metagross to use a Jolly nature.
I hate everything
Metagross @ Iron Ball
Clear Body: Relaxed
252 Def/252 SpA/4 HP - 0 Spe IV
-Hammer Arm/Zen Headbutt
-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Bullet Punch/Rock Slide/Hidden Power/Explosion
If you want a Standard set, go to Smogon. This sets counters just about all of Metagross' counters other than Gyarados, Zapdos, and Skymin (if you don't have Ice Punch). Hammer Arm is your best move against Bronzong, since they tend to carry a lot of SpDef EVs for Fire attacks. Shadow Ball 2hkos Rotom and Iron Ball doesn't let Rotom take advantage of Tricking you. Grass Knot kills bulky waters and Hippowdon. Your last slot gives you some freedom. Explosion is still extremely powerful with no Atk EVs. Hidden Power can give you another attack option to mess around with. Rock Slide lets you do something to Flying types, though you won't kill bulky ones anytime soon. Bullet Punch lets you finish off sash users.
Of course, Meteor Mash, elemental punches, and Earthquake are also options, but that's just stating the obvious. The Def EVs can be moved to HP, but again, I like my Metagrosses defensive. Using a Modest nature doesn't help you ohko or 2hko anything new. Remember, this set only beats Metagross' counters. It doesn't beat what Metagross usually beats.
I'm done. Torterra and Honchkrow don't have any other options other than the ones already listed on Smogon...