Actually it seems like IGN is the only one not being pleased with the game
"Alrighty. I’m happy to say that Star Fox feels very much like Star Fox 64. The voices aren’t as good this time around in my opinion, but besides that little discrepancy, I really was pleased with this game. It opens up the same as SF64 did, as in having the characters run in Great Fox, hop into the Arwings, and then blast off. I played and beat the first level, which was the demo. I used the Arwing, and flew around in outer space with hundreds of fleets of ships below me, (really good graphics too). It truly feels like SF64, I can’t stress that enough, and if you like that game, then you’re bound to like this one as well. One part of the demo had you encountering a prototype enemy robot who moved around very swiftly and was very well animated. The control scheme is like N64’s, with the exception that the Y button is your boost now. The boost’s effects look good too, as does every other special effect in this game. Blowing up these big ships with a Power Bomb is really neat." -- Paul Gale
"Starfox 2 area is packed. I cant even get a crack at it. Everyone is playing 4 player battles,ITS MADNESS. SOOOO much stuff going on. Amazing particle effects and explosions everywhere on screen."
"Ok back guys. Ijust got back from playing 3 and 4 player Starfox. ITS FRICKING AWESOME. I got owned at first and I couldnt figure out why. I had it on dual-analog!!! So although its good when you're on foot it sucks for tanks and the airships. I switched it to single stick mode, and from then I owned everyone.
Okokokok. Gotta think what I liked. THE TANK. I was down in the trenches and you cant really move the turrent up, so I just hovered in the sky, panned around and then just let my friggin charge nuke shots go and took down all the r-wings? (i forget what they are called). Also when you're ship is going down you can bail out so you dont die, your guy. I played as falco and he was bad @$$. HE has similiar moves to Link when youre on foot, backflip, side rolls, side flips. No one could land a shot on me! I was dodging everything. I took some pics on my camera phone so hopefully I can get those up. THE SKY IS PHOTOREALISTIC. Its insane. In space, the stars, supernovas and nebulas in the background are gorgeous!!!
let me post this so you know im alive, and then I will continue!!"
"Back to star fox impressions. Single player! You know in the intro, that huge fleet! You battle within it, side by side with the big ships. Like in Star Wars enemies come in on raids and start making attack runs on the fleet, you go out within the fleet, 100s of ships, and just dog fight in and out. Oh god it was sweet. This game has leaped from me not caring to my top 5 must haves games.
Back to multiplayer. On one level, there is just a black floor and random square objects like that one cours in Mario kart. Pretty basic, so its just all out fighting. I destroyed the two other ships then took off in the air and annihilated the people on the ground muawhawh." - Some guy at E3
The game sounds awesome to me!