Re: I feel lost...
You weren't paying enough attention.Originally posted by Ice_Climbers2
I'm pretty confused right now. I have just beaten the game on bronze and have viewed the ending. What happened here??? I am even more lost than I was at the begginning of the final boss fight. Where did James come from? How did Peppy survive? What was he flying in? How did Pepper get there? Where is the Star Wolf team? None of this is explained. The only thing we are left with is Fox saying everything is okey dokey. Did anyone else understand this? I realize that maybe a better ending could appear if I beat it on a harder level but that still doesn't explain this. Can someone with a higher understanding explain this to me cuz I'm not figuring it out.
Overall, it was an okay game. SF64 still holds its place as the best.
With the exception of Peppy surviving (Probably because it was like, only half way thru the thing, and then the shield seemed to keep one end from the other, so it looks like it could have been because the shield prevented them from getting the main explosion. Also he never says everyone is okay, he says it's certainly possible, however, nothing is certain. Then, the Queen was using their memories against them, like James McCloud, it was probably telepathic, I mean it did have to control an army.