This is so true.
A part of Esports is about getting companies to sponsor tournaments and it wont happen unless the community acts professional
Sponsors care about the number of views & the mode of advertising. They don't care what we do or say on the side.
Just look at Yipes. He has 2 sponsors, a clothing line, and a legion of followers. Deadpool even quotes him in the game. Every time he steps up to the mic, twitter blows up and the viewercount goes up.
Yet he isn't kosher and he doesn't dumb it down. Hes as raw as it gets, and people love it.
e-sports need professionalism
All it
needs to be is entertaining. The FGC recognizes this too (I hate to keep bringing them up but they are our closest comparison point)...why do you think guys like TwistedJago morph personalities for themselves? He created a show, titled "Why we hate you" where he basically **** talks the entire time. Its wildly popular (and very funny) and a great contrast to crosscounter's happy-go-lucky style. He found an entertainment mode that was missing, and he filled it. We have to do the same.
If you think that we need smash versions of Ultradavid on the mic at nationals, then godspeed but I think you would be hurting the community. The reason why people would choose a FGC stream over ours is because they don't know our
personalities yet. This is important. They need people to root for, people to hate, and things to talk about. The gameplay is important, but if you
really wanna make it big, it has to be about more than that.
The thing is, we HAVE story arcs and drama. The Armada/Mango rivalry at Genesis, the rise of PP, the Armada/Hbox rivalry, etc are all great material. We just don't have the storytellers (commentators, bloggers, facebookers, twitterers, youtube uploaders) to highlight them...
Let me put it this way: if high-caliber gameplay was all that is needed to have a massive following, then Melee would already be the most popular game and no one would watch Marvel 3.
(note: Jago is sponsored too btw. despite being so abrasive)