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Stage: WarioWare


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Joke? Hah! The only joke is what you guys are making of this fabulous game.
Items on or off, any powerranked competitive player can win vs any casual player. You can argue that you have more fun, but thats entirely subjective. I love smash, but I have my own way of playing it, I'm never bored and no I dont take this game seriously to the point where I dont have fun, or I wouldnt play. I don't play with tourney rules unless im at a tournament, I dont like banning all the stages in melee, I only dont play on flatzone, infinate mountain, and mushroom kingdom 2.

You're being a judgemental douche, saying your way is better than someone elses. I don't think there is any one ''right'' way to play smash, but the tourney scene has thrived for years and its set of rules ensure that the prize money goes to the right person, not the luckiest.

Way to use your first 3 posts. Not even a part of the community and you have to go for obvious flamebait. Well done.

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
And you're saying that despite all that, you don't feel annoyed that the tournaments are so limited? All I'm saying is it's an injustice to the game when people take the hard work done by the developers and remove it from existance. I think you understand what I mean, as you say you only play tournament style at the tournaments. So then haven't you ever felt the tournaments should be more accepting of what makes the game what it is? I'm not trying to flame, I'm trying to defend a game that is obviously going to be exceptional.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
And you're saying that despite all that, you don't feel annoyed that the tournaments are so limited?
Nope. I feel they are fair and are the most accurate way to measure ones skill vs another smasher.

All I'm saying is it's an injustice to the game when people take the hard work done by the developers and remove it from existance.
Thats overly dramatic. Just because tournaments ban stages and turn off items (which we're not even sure will happen in brawl) doesn't mean you can't still play them yourself.

Heck even AT the tournament you can play anyway you want in a friendly match, tourney goers are cool people, not nazis. Just during the tournament itself you have to follow whatever rules apply. These rules usually ensure that the prize goes to the person who used his skill to win, not the person who got lucky and an exploding crate fell on his opponents head.

I think you understand what I mean, as you say you only play tournament style at the tournaments. So then haven't you ever felt the tournaments should be more accepting of what makes the game what it is?
No, I think smash tournaments should strive to create a set of rules that make the competition fair for all those who compete. The tourney rules in melee are fine, I do however see what you're getting at with stage banning, I dont see the problem with some of the banned stages... but hey, most of the ones that are banned I dont like anyway.

I'm not trying to flame, I'm trying to defend a game that is obviously going to be exceptional.
I didnt say you were flaming, I said you were asking to be flamed. Try to come off a little less arrogant ''Tournament Players = Wasting the game'' being a prime example

I would know this, I was too arrogant when I started posting and I got harassed by numerous people. Your views make sense, just try not to be so provoking or this thread will go up in smoke...

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
I know you weren't trying to be all that harsh, and it's true I came in with high irritance, the topic name was added after I went on my rant and was even more annoyed with things. And it's not really the players, it's more the tournament. I want to know who would win in the game AS the game, not as their own creation OF the game.

Themed tournaments are one thing, such as "Only Mario stuff" or a handicap defense setup with teams where A keeps B safe on each team cuz he's 'weak'. I mean, there's a lot you can do to create fun setups. But for people to already be wanting to massacre Brawl the way Melee was (admittedly it was needed on some parts. I don't deny that) I just feel that's a horrid way to go into things. It's a new game. Treat it as such. Please. X_X Leave on the fun stuff, ya know? Smash balls, stuff like this stage. There's too much that's too new for these people and it is painful to hear them ranting :-\


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2005
Bottomline is: "Fun" is relative.

I haven't read all of the posts in this thread, so maybe your rant is justified, but i can assure you no tournaments will ban things from the game just because they're new.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I want to know who would win in the game AS the game, not as their own creation OF the game.
Before I go to bed I'll say this.

What is, ''the game''?

Is it timed, or stock? Items on? which ones... all of them?

There is no one ''true'' way to play vs mode, and the tournament rules for melee are the only standard vs mode rules that have ever been made.

Vs mode is entirely customizable, so there is no way to play smash without it being ''the game'' The only way you could play vs mode with some sense of playing it as it was intended for basic matches, is to leave the default settings and change nothing. If you are suggesting we all play 2 minute timed matches in tournaments with all the items on, you're nuts.

no tournaments will ban things from the game just because they're new.
QFT. Things only get banned if they make competition unfair, and therefore not an accurate test of skill.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2005
I'm sick of people complaining about graphics, when the level was based on a GBA game. Nobody's gonna be paying attention when you have three seconds to react anyway. Nobody complained about the old Mushroom Kingdom stages!

And secondly, all this talk about Waluigi made me think: Will Brawl have a Dan? I sure hope it does, since Jigglypuff became more useful in Melee.


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Performing aerial bombing raids on the Marth forum
Tournament Rules are as Pathetic as the Pros

I'm going to have to agree with Tobias Amaranth here on the "tournament rules" idea.

Tournament rules are pathetic. I mean when a group of friends get together and demand to only play on Final Destination, without items, and always with 4 stock, you know something is wrong. Its terrible how people play these days, ESPECIALLY since Brawl is coming out in four months.

Brawl is going to be here soon. Why not enjoy Melee a much as possible?

Seriously, most "pro" players are good in Melee only because they play on levels that gives THEIR characters the advantage (Marth on FD) or because they literally break the systems programming and the level helps them perform such tasks. (Falco with the reflect combo).

They shouldn't even be considered pro at this point. They all play the same, all on the same level, and none of them are actually having fun. They just play to win, which is sad....

At this point I can efficiently use EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER ON THE ROSTER. Yet so many players can only use one! The game has been out for 7 years and people still only use one character? How did this happen? How come I can win most of my rounds here with anyone yet nobody knows how to use Yoshi or DK? Anyone can use Marth or Sheik, how about you guys pick up a REAL pro character like Kirby or Ness. Lets see if you can manage to ever win while using Bowser in a free for all....

I really doubt most pros ever bothered to pick up or try out other characters. They only plagerized their skills from Youtube. Thats why 90% of them claim Luigi is a clone character, when that is completely untrue. I mean, if anyone is a clone its DR. MARIO. I mean if you never used Luigi you'll never realize how different he is than Mario. Everytime I see a pro Falco its the same thing, laser, laser, laser, and reflect combo. Why? Because levels like FD allow him to have such advantages.

Again, Brawl is going to be out soon. Try having fun with the game in any way you want. (I for one really enjoy time matches). And quit wavedashing, it makes you look stupid!


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Sandman, have you ever thought that some people have fun playing competitively?

Honestly, you rant about how the pros and tournaments are all evil and suck the fun out of things, but all I'm hearing from you is "Blah blah blah~ I'm a closed minded bafoon that thinks that everyone wants exactly what I want." Just because you have fun one way, doesn't mean it'll be fun for someone else or that they can't have just as much, if not MORE fun playing a different way. I'm not saying playing with items on time and all that is stupid, trust me, I'm not. I'm saying you're a closed minded ignoramus.

I could care less how you play, if I don't like how you play, I'm not going to complain, I'm just not going to play with you. It's that simple. I direct this at you because you're the freshest example in my mind. I know there's others out there that are just as blatantly ignorant and closed minded on this subject as you are. I'm sorry for singling you out, but as said...Most recent example in my mind. Take it as you will, I just hope this post causes you to be a bit more open in your views.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I'll just say, what someone calls "Fun" can be "Boring" to someone else. We learned about this in Science Class, its called QUALTATIVE data. It isnt very useful, as quantatative data is much more useful, but it does serve a prupose in determining someone's tolerance of a subject.

I will agree though, that pro Smashes absolutely destroy the game. Exploiting glitches is basically like cheating, and it really takes no skill if you make it so that opponent can't ever hit you. Not saying they are bad or anything though, I'd just love to see them vs. Casual Players, WITHOUT Final Destination, WITHOUT Items Off, WITHOUT exploiting glitches, and WITHOUT 4-Stock.

ONTOPIC: How do you think Pokemon Trainer will get around in this stage?


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
New Rule: You don't like the update, don't post in the thread. I'm getting tired of reading people arguing.


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
looks fun may be the must fun in brawl but i want there to be a luigi's mansion stage too it would be held up by boos you'll fly threw the mansion (like diffino plaza) and at some points ghosts will come flying by and hit you and a green ghost will rodomly apear and throw banana peels all over the place

Sneaky 2.0

Smash Apprentice
Aug 27, 2007
I wonder if this stage will get something like a roll of toilet paper. I can imagine it, the players have to fight atop it, and it keeps rolling them off into a damaging floor or pit. There could be multiple of these.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Man, here I thought I'd be safe here from idiots who think there's a "right" and "wrong" way to play smash. And it's always the more casual players yelling at the more hardcore group and saying their way is wrong or boring, never the other way around. Wonder if that says something.

The stage looks like it will be fun. I'm just worried if the walls and ceiling will be way too close (like in Flatzone) so that the level is barely playable. The randomness doesn't worry me, just the edges.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Josh, from the way I'm seeing it, the blast zones on the "neutral" part of the stage looks like any other stage. Durring the transformed parts, it looks a lot smaller, but it might just be zoom ins on the transformed mini-games. I'm leaning more towards zoom ins because if you look, the characters are a fair size larger on the mini-game parts than on the "normal" stage. Here's to hoping though~

Edit: I looked back at the picture of the "normal" portion and the outline on the background kind of makes me think the blast zones might be smaller than I had imagined. At the very least, it's not a walk off blast zone like Flatzone's blast zones were.

Zonezonezonezonezonezonezonezonezone. x.x

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
T2h Reel Wai To Plai A Gaem Is Wif 90% Of All Content Ingnored Or Turned Off Amirite!?
Not really. I'm just saying. You're just gonna get banned from the site. That's all; no big deal.

Anyway. I think the WarioWare stage looks downright awesome. Sure, there is the possibility that it could be banned from tourneys but it looks like crazy fun nonetheless. I like how Sakurai implemented the little timer from the WarioWare games to indicate a shift in the scenery.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
T2h Reel Wai To Plai A Gaem Is Wif 90% Of All Content Ingnored Or Turned Off Amirite!?
Trollland called, they want their idiot back ^^

Seriously now and on-topic: First I looked at the stage, I didn't care very much for it. But it gets more interesting by the minute, now I think: That stage's awesome and I'm pretty sure it'll be fun despite the stage changing every few seconds. I've never played the WarioWare game, but from what I've heard on the forums it seems to be silly fun.

Excuse my bad English. For short: WarioWare stage FTW! ^^


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
It's sad to see that just becuase of one member (and he diden't even really do anything) that all you anon's are raiding.

Guys, these 2 raiders, give 4chan a bad name. The owner said invasions are stupid, and also the mod's usually delete the threads but there not on right now I guess. I have the thread open right now in another thread, BAWWW keeps saying "Give me more comics before I get banned, and only 1 person's giving him comics."
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