I think one of my favorite things about this update is the fact that it cleared up some of his moves.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this confirms his:
Dash Attack is probably the headfirst dive that we've seen before. People thought it might have been his huge bite, but now we know he does it in the air.
The huge bite is probably a standard special move like Aeris said since he does it on the ground and air, like i just mentioned.
We have learned a new airial move, probably his Fair. Look in the last pic. Wario is doing a shoulder barge. At first it looks like he is on the ground but looking at the pic closer you can see he's slightly off the ground. Maybe after a short hop?
Anyway, great stage, although I'd love it more if it's the only stage of it's kind. If there's anything stranger than this stage, or anything like it, then it would be take away from the novelty of the stage and make it stupid. IMO though, WarioWare is Nintendo's strangest game, so it will get the strangest stage. Nothing to worry about there when you think about it.