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Stage: WarioWare


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Oh man, I'm loving this one. You can tell that the creative juices over at Sora are really flowing. I mean, a WarioWare stage was a complete shoe-in with Wario being in the game in his WarioWare form and all, but still, this is such a step up from what I thought may be included as a stage for him.

I already know that this probably won't be tournament legal, even if Brawl's tournament rules end up as a departure from Melee's. However, tournament illegal =/= FLIPPIN' AWESOME!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2007
this is sum crazy ****, wario ware is awesome and it should be instrestin what effects the minigames have on the fighters, im realli likin this stage even though its gonna be weird as ****


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
As of this post, the US page still doesn't have the update on the index page. Yet the update is in fact on the US site in the stage section. Looks like someone at Nintendo is slacking off. Hillarious.
I know that this is pretty irrelevant to the actual topic, and this post is kind of old now, but I feel the need to say this.

I checked the US site at 3:02am, (the site usually updates at 3:00am for me), and Wario Ware was on the main page. :ohwell:

So no one at Nintendo was slacking off—something just wasn't refreshing on your computer or something.

Andyway, I am glad that I'm at least not the only one who doesn't care for this stage.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
N.B Canada


i think u can get medicine for that. but yeah this stage rocks


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Hell yes! I love Wario ware, preferably on the DS.. But I sure as hell am going to be playing on this stage a lot!


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
This stage looks absolutly disgusting. I dont like the design, and dodging things during a fight doesn't appeal to me unless they're the cars from mute city, apples on green greens, or the like.

I dont want crap falling on my head all the time. this stage is gonna be banned in competitive play anyhow, reminds me of flatzone which I also dont like..


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
I checked the US site at 3:02am, (the site usually updates at 3:00am for me), and Wario Ware was on the main page. :ohwell:
It was there for me at 3:01 AM too, but a friend did mention to me that all he saw was gliding for a good 5 minutes or so.

I'm fairly neutral on the stage. I really kind of wish Sakurai would just halt stage revealing and just let us wait until release. All of these gimmicky stages are going to look lame as hell until we get to see them in actual action.

I really don't care about tournament legality, though. I still think it's just tournament players eliminating certain aspects of the game as an illusion to make their skill seem amplified. They don't want to practice enough to be able to turn that luck table in their favor.

Also, missing out on a character update this week has me worrying for the state of the roster yet again. Hopefully we get a significant newcomer this coming week or two profiles of some sort to balance that out.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
I really don't care about tournament legality, though. I still think it's just tournament players eliminating certain aspects of the game as an illusion to make their skill seem amplified. They don't want to practice enough to be able to turn that luck table in their favor.
lol I can't tell if this is a joke or a serious comment. If you actually believe this, you must have some serious issues you need to work out...it sounds like you're just making a snide comment to spite tourney players. Sounds like you're holding a grudge about something, I dunno...:laugh:


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
under the rainbow
lol I can't tell if this is a joke or a serious comment. If you actually believe this, you must have some serious issues you need to work out...it sounds like you're just making a snide comment to spite tourney players. Sounds like you're holding a grudge about something, I dunno...:laugh:
what? i thought that was a perfectly valid comment...


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2001
This is the best stage by far.

2.Castle Siege
3.Lylat Cruise
4.Delfino Plaza
5.Bridge of Eldin
7.Rumble Falls
9.Yoshi's Island


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
lol I can't tell if this is a joke or a serious comment. If you actually believe this, you must have some serious issues you need to work out...it sounds like you're just making a snide comment to spite tourney players. Sounds like you're holding a grudge about something, I dunno...:laugh:
I've never played in a tournament so I don't have much to hold a grudge against. That's just the general impression I get from watching tournament players talk on these boards.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
Seriously? Why do "tournament players" seem to come off this way...eh beats me. I don't think it's tournament players that you're seeing, more like trolls and strongly anti-casual players who are giving off that message. (You know, the ones who call non-tourney players "scrubs" and "noobs"...) I'm not very good at explaining these things, but tournament rules exclude items and certain stages for different reasons than you stated. Most tourney players have no problem with switching up the rules a bit, playing on "banned" stages, using items, etc; but just not at a tournament lol. Also most tourney players prefer to practice with tourney rules because 1: they just find it more fun in general and 2: these are already the rules for tournaments.

I probably still didn't explain it too well but who cares, this is the "Warioware" thread not the "tournament players" thread. :colorful:

btw reading over my last comment I kinda came off as a jerk, I apologize if I did because I didn't mean to.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I've never played in a tournament so I don't have much to hold a grudge against. That's just the general impression I get from watching tournament players talk on these boards.
Your impression is wrong, stages are banned for a reason. Casuals arent scrubs, people who whine that tournaments have the wrong rules are scrubs, if they REALLY whine. Your comment isnt scrub worthy, it makes sense why you might think that.

But stages are banned for a reason, alphazealot wrote a guide and posted it in the brawl section the other day. Look it up its called

stage banning and reasoning


Smash Rookie
Aug 26, 2007
You'll make a WarioWare stage, but not the Courtroom from Phoenix Wright or an EBA stage?!

I see your game, Sakurai...I see your dirty dirty game...

Oh, and by the way.

Little known fact: John Wilkes Booth only killed Lincoln because Lincoln was too distracted by the stage doing crazy stuff (like a PLAY going on, of all things).

If you support random stages like WarioWare, you obviously hate Abraham Lincoln.



Hahaha. This stage is awesome. I'd take a guess and say that the minigames probably only happen for a short while and the majority of the fight is spent on the normal stage.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
If you support random stages like WarioWare, you obviously hate Abraham Lincoln.
You know, I can't say I was ever partial to the guy. Though I don't really support the stage so I guess it's all good.

If the majority of the fight takes place on the normal stage, I think it could be fine, but the impression I got from Sakurai's update was that the mini-games hit you one after the other for a good while. If that's the case, then i think that's going too distract a little too much from the actual fight for my taste. Stage hazards can be fun, but I do still have to focus on my enemy at some point.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh
Well this stage certainaly opens the door for a few new weird stages...........

At least (and this may have been said before) Sakurai has an artistic side because this is just plain weird......


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Looking at that weird Wario Ware level at this time early in the morning is making me wanna vomit.....it looks disgusting.....

*throws up*


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I didnt feel like throwing up when I saw this, I did wonder if 4 year old designed that level though.

Gliding made me puke.
Ok ok ok, lets not panic here bro. Maybe this is a "joke" update. Yeah yeah! That's it, it's gotta be! Ok Sakurai, the jokes over! Now lets see the real update!

Oh who am I kidding!? With updates like that, I'm really starting to get nervous about Brawl! If that's the best Sakurai's lame development team can come up with, then hell, a person with the IQ of -155 can easliy get a job at Nintendo as a game designer!


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
With updates like that, I'm really starting to get nervous about Brawl!
Dylan_Tnga 7 months ago said:
Who else is nervous about brawl potentially sucking?

I saw some key words. yay for Brawl pesimissm...

Well.. thats hypocritical ^^ Yay for pesimissm? what am I on? nothing actually. I need a job and some weed.

Uh oh this post isn't good at all. I should stop writing now.

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
Tournament Players = Wasting the game

"I really don't care about tournament legality, though. I still think it's just tournament players eliminating certain aspects of the game as an illusion to make their skill seem amplified. They don't want to practice enough to be able to turn that luck table in their favor."

Fully agreed. I read through this whole topic and I say you're all fools. You're basing this game on Melee when it's nothing of the sort, and ruling out genuine creativity and nostolgia in favor of getting a stage with no change.

Well I have news for you. All of the Brawl stages are designed to change. Granted, yes, there are some that don't have any platform changes like Battlefield and the Starfox one, but if you base banning stages on the same crap you do normally, you'll be left with about 1/8 of the game.

If a tournament is going to take apart all this amazing stuff that makes Smash Bros what it is, then they need to stick to Melee and not pervert this wonderful game. And if they still decide to play, ban Metaknight, Pit, and -ESPECIALLY- Pokemon Trainer because omgthey'redifferent!

Any tournament that disables even a quarter of this amazing game should be ashamed of themselves, and I for one will not attend such a tournament. I plan on hosting quite a few "all's fair" tournaments, including a release day party.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Fully agreed. I read through this whole topic and I say you're all fools. You're basing this game on Melee when it's nothing of the sort, and ruling out genuine creativity and nostolgia in favor of getting a stage with no change.
No we're not. I dont give a **** whether this stage is neutral, banned, or the only stage not banned. It looks like crap.

Well I have news for you. All of the Brawl stages are designed to change. Granted, yes, there are some that don't have any platform changes like Battlefield and the Starfox one, but if you base banning stages on the same crap you do normally, you'll be left with about 1/8 of the game.
Again, who cares? If a stage offers an unfair advantage, itll be banned. We wont know what these advantages are until the game is released so likely at the first few tourneys while the meta game is developing most stages will be allowed. Its all speculation

If a tournament is going to take apart all this amazing stuff that makes Smash Bros what it is, then they need to stick to Melee and not pervert this wonderful game. And if they still decide to play, ban Metaknight, Pit, and -ESPECIALLY- Pokemon Trainer because omgthey'redifferent!
Pervert? The best smashers are clearly the competitive players, they carry with them a higher understanding of this game than any casual player. Characters aren't going to be banned, and tournaments have to be kept fair and balanced. Money and powerranking spots are on the line.

Any tournament that disables even a quarter of this amazing game should be ashamed of themselves, and I for one will not attend such a tournament. I plan on hosting quite a few "all's fair" tournaments, including a release day party.
Hmm good to know that MLG should be ashamed of itself, and that thousands of people are bringing shame to the good name of smashbrothers.

Hold your own tournaments, stop dissing the standard ones.

Tournament Players = Wasting the game


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA

I saw some key words. yay for Brawl pesimissm...

Well.. thats hypocritical ^^ Yay for pesimissm? what am I on? nothing actually. I need a job and some weed.

Uh oh this post isn't good at all. I should stop writing now.
*raises his hand* I don't get it bro!! Why why why!? Why doesn't this lame *** development team and Sakurai think outside of the box? Don't get me wrong bro, one goofy lame @$$ stage isn't going to ruin the game, but seriously, more updates like this and this game is going to suck anu$!

Birdo & Waluigi confirmed <------yeah.....lame@$$ updates like those.....


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
nah, waluigi would be awesome because he'd have his taunt from mario party ''YOU'RE LOUSY!''

Seriously, what stings more than being called lousy? It means you fail at all aspects of physical existence.

Id main him and my main strat would be calling the person lousy until they got so discouraged they left the room to go cry and wonder where their life went wrong and they became so lousy... :p


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
nah, waluigi would be awesome because he'd have his taunt from mario party ''YOU'RE LOUSY!''

Seriously, what stings more than being called lousy? It means you fail at all aspects of physical existence.

Id main him and my main strat would be calling the person lousy until they got so discouraged they left the room to go cry and wonder where their life went wrong and they became so lousy... :p
Yeah yeah I guess, but this would be the ABSOLUTE LAST comic relief character put on the game.

All I'm saying is that we need another home run or grand slam week! You know like earlier this Monday when they confirmed Andross as an assist trophy and when Sakurai showed us Meta-Knights skills of divinity movelist!


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Yeah yeah I guess, but this would be the ABSOLUTE LAST comic relief character put on the game.

All I'm saying is that we need another home run or grand slam week! You know like earlier this Monday when they confirmed Andross as an assist trophy and when Sakurai showed us Meta-Knights skills of divinity movelist!
Yeah.... Andross is amazing. I can forgive gliding (soo effing abusable) since Andross made it.

Tobias Amaranth

Smash Apprentice
Sep 1, 2007
Round Rock, TX
I look through here and all I see is "OMG BANNED", well that's just stupid. A true smash player should be able to work with the cards they are dealt, and adapt to situations. That's what the game is, and turning things off is like running from having to work for a living. Futile for all but those blessed with their own little world.

Besides, how is it unfair when every player has to deal with the same thing? And what will make me cry the most is how few tournaments will allow Final Smash balls. Such an incredibly fun part to this new game and it will exist maybe a day in the minds of the "hardcore"

It's possible to appreciate a game fully and still be a respected player. For crap's sake, play the game as it's meant to be played and if you dislike the randomness, either do best-2-of-3, or stfu and stick to Melee.

And tell me, why is it that there are people on this thread saying "Brawl is lame"? Oh wait, these are "tournament players" talking. Again, I respect those who can appreciate the game as a whole, not those who turn off all items and over half the stages. Melee had its flaws, **** straight. Even -I- don't play with everything on. But I don't live in the dark to the stuff those catagories add. Having items off? Shove a Thor up the entire devolopment team's butt then.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Yeah.... Andross is amazing. I can forgive gliding (soo effing abusable) since Andross made it.
Yeah I can forgive this new feature as well, but this week still sucked! No new confirmed returning characters from Melee and no Challenger Approaches! As a result, we're going to be twittling our thumbs for 48 hours over predictions, speculations, and such until next week.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
I look through here and all I see is "OMG BANNED", well that's just stupid. A true smash player should be able to work with the cards they are dealt, and adapt to situations. That's what the game is, and turning things off is like running from having to work for a living. Futile for all but those blessed with their own little world.

Besides, how is it unfair when every player has to deal with the same thing? And what will make me cry the most is how few tournaments will allow Final Smash balls. Such an incredibly fun part to this new game and it will exist maybe a day in the minds of the "hardcore"

It's possible to appreciate a game fully and still be a respected player. For crap's sake, play the game as it's meant to be played and if you dislike the randomness, either do best-2-of-3, or stfu and stick to Melee.

And tell me, why is it that there are people on this thread saying "Brawl is lame"? Oh wait, these are "tournament players" talking. Again, I respect those who can appreciate the game as a whole, not those who turn off all items and over half the stages. Melee had its flaws, **** straight. Even -I- don't play with everything on. But I don't live in the dark to the stuff those catagories add. Having items off? Shove a Thor up the entire devolopment team's butt then.
lol, joke post.
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