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Stage: WarioWare


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
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You forgot the "Sakur" part. Man you phail even for a troll.:laugh:

Guys just ignore them, they're trolls they like to do stuff like this. And they're posting without an account because they're making anonymous posts from Smashbrawl.com


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
New Rule: You don't like the update, don't post in the thread. I'm getting tired of reading people arguing.
So you're allowed to make up rules for a forum that you don't administer? I wonder what the other mods think of this? Infact I think Im gonna ask them.

If its not in the official rules, you cant hand out warnings/ban points for it. Unless you admit to being a completly bias and non impartial moderator.

Tournament rules are pathetic. I mean when a group of friends get together and demand to only play on Final Destination, without items, and always with 4 stock, you know something is wrong. Its terrible how people play these days, ESPECIALLY since Brawl is coming out in four months.
If you think people aside from falco mains, only play on FD, then you have no idea what you're talking about. Im a competitive player and FD isnt even close to my favorite stage, which is of course green greens. GASP! the one with apples that you can throw like items!

Brawl is going to be here soon. Why not enjoy Melee a much as possible?

Seriously, most "pro" players are good in Melee only because they play on levels that gives THEIR characters the advantage (Marth on FD) or because they literally break the systems programming and the level helps them perform such tasks. (Falco with the reflect combo).
So? thats the nature of competitive gaming. Stop being a scrub, how is falcos reflector combo breaking the systems programming... if it ''broke'' the programming, the game would glitch up and freeze. Again, you have NO idea what you're saying.

They shouldn't even be considered pro at this point. They all play the same, all on the same level, and none of them are actually having fun. They just play to win, which is sad....
Lol. the ''fun'' argument again. If someone isnt having fun playing a game. THEN THEY DONT PLAY IT. If you honnestly are so immature that you think 1000s of people play this game a certain way and therefore dont enjoy themselves... just think about how childish you are being.

At this point I can efficiently use EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER ON THE ROSTER. Yet so many players can only use one! The game has been out for 7 years and people still only use one character? How did this happen? How come I can win most of my rounds here with anyone yet nobody knows how to use Yoshi or DK? Anyone can use Marth or Sheik, how about you guys pick up a REAL pro character like Kirby or Ness. Lets see if you can manage to ever win while using Bowser in a free for all....
Any powerranked competitive smasher will beat you, with any character, on any level, items on or off. They're much better than you.

I really doubt most pros ever bothered to pick up or try out other characters. They only plagerized their skills from Youtube. Thats why 90% of them claim Luigi is a clone character, when that is completely untrue. I mean, if anyone is a clone its DR. MARIO. I mean if you never used Luigi you'll never realize how different he is than Mario. Everytime I see a pro Falco its the same thing, laser, laser, laser, and reflect combo. Why? Because levels like FD allow him to have such advantages.
Lol. actually, look up Azen, KDJ, M2k, Pc chris, Ken, all of them play a variety of characters. You have no evidence with which to base this claim.

As for falco on FD? Yeah I find that kind of lame too, but what can you do. Just counterpick the falco next chance you get and stfu.

Again, Brawl is going to be out soon. Try having fun with the game in any way you want. (I for one really enjoy time matches). And quit wavedashing, it makes you look stupid!
Wavedashing is a useful technique, everyone has fun playing smash, you're being foolish.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Hey, idiots. Not every competitive player plays on FD exclusivly. I can't believe you're still spamming this message board.

You guys are so friggin' pathetic it makes me want to throw up more than this ugly *** wario stage. Jesus christ, just do something else, ANYTHING else. Something productive? Jeez.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
You cowards hide behind the internet, refuse to use your real names, call yourselves anonymous and think you're tough ****?

You all deserve to get the **** kicked out of you.

Whos the real ***, me for posting on a message board about a game I love and play every day, or you spamming it because you have nothing better to do with your PATHETIC existence.

Im off to my friends now, I don't need this **** again.

But hey, nice job ruining a forum where a lot of nice people post soley for the purpose of ''lulz'' honnestly, you should all be shot.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Ruined...the forum?

And the answer iiiiis...Nope! ;P See the tons of people that post daily here? I don't even know how people can keep up with it. If the forum is anything, it's that it's full of trolls like you that need to get rid of, but it isn't dead.

Just stop it, you're embarrassing even for the human race.
I can't even imagine you being a REAL human, I can't ever imagine that you've actually got a face behind the farce that is this thread.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2006
Whos the real ***, me for posting on a message board about a game I love and play every day, or you spamming it because you have nothing better to do with your PATHETIC existence.
Honestly? You, because you keep blowing your top. The reason Anonymous keeps trolling you like this is because they know you keep falling for it every single time.

****it man, there's even a page on ED dedicated to your bat**** theatrics.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
New Rule: You don't like the update, don't post in the thread. I'm getting tired of reading people arguing.
Now come on, that wasn't an arguement, it was a debate between two individuals that have different views on tournament play and all that jazz. It only kind of got out of hand when Dylan called the guy "flamebait." Other than that, it worked out just fine.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Sorry, but, until some moderator removes the pictures from the board, I can't post something decently. Even DSL users have trouble loading this page, so 56k-ers are very screwed.

Plus, what's more to say about this update anyway?


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
I just thought of something. Since this is Wario's stage, would this mean this stage was built around his character build? Because seeing the trailers, I noticed how Wario has kind of a medium build, because he takes a while to turn around and attack the other person.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Des Moines, IA
Honestly? You, because you keep blowing your top. The reason Anonymous keeps trolling you like this is because they know you keep falling for it every single time.

****it man, there's even a page on ED dedicated to your bat**** theatrics.
Thats exactly the reason. Seriously responding to anon with lame threads like "i PM a mod" ain't gonna do nothing. Do you all seriously believe this anons haven't gotten their IP banned? There are ways around this so saying lame stuff like that just provokes the lulz.

I have told you how to stop anons raids in the most efficient way.


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2005
Oh yea, the update!

I personally love the update. Looks like it'd be alot of fun.

It'd be really weird for competitive play. Looks legal; no randomness.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
Augusta, GA
I would have to say that the legality of this stage could still be up in the air in tournament play. If you have played ww then you would know that you ara given a vague warning before each microgame, if this is indeed a feature in tha brawl stage, a pro player may not have a problem avoiding danger, also take into acount techs that may be new or get the ax.

What im saying is that with these vague updates its hard to tell the exact nature of things in brawl. That said, casual players will probably have blast here, even if its banned tourny wise.

Also if you have metroid prime curruption add my wii numbers and we can trade friend vouchers.


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2005
Oh wait, I just noticed there's no edges except for that last one.... LOL

HHmmm, will be interesting.

So you're allowed to make up rules for a forum that you don't administer? I wonder what the other mods think of this? Infact I think Im gonna ask them.
Mic_128 actually IS a moderator of this sub-forum.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
You cowards hide behind the internet, refuse to use your real names, call yourselves anonymous and think you're tough ****?

You all deserve to get the **** kicked out of you.

Whos the real ***, me for posting on a message board about a game I love and play every day, or you spamming it because you have nothing better to do with your PATHETIC existence.

Im off to my friends now, I don't need this **** again.

But hey, nice job ruining a forum where a lot of nice people post soley for the purpose of ''lulz'' honnestly, you should all be shot.
Dylan, look at the mirror. You are the guy ruining this forum. You insist in fighting with ppl and when nobody listens to you you fight with yourself. You ruin every thread you post, spreading your hardcore issues and bad-humour, making them disgusting to read and letting people down. You're so close-minded to keep a chat with someone with different oppinions, and the best they can get from you is a "shut up you pathetic scrub".
There's a reason you're a joke reason in 4chan.

Please, just be more kind. Nobody is going to hit you for having different thinks so why would you do it?


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
under the rainbow
*raises his hand* I don't get it bro!! Why why why!? Why doesn't this lame *** development team and Sakurai think outside of the box? Don't get me wrong bro, one goofy lame @$$ stage isn't going to ruin the game, but seriously, more updates like this and this game is going to suck anu$!
god **** shade, why do you have to be such a failure all the time? what would you rather have, boring *** stages like final destination or really fun, goofy stages like the WarioWare stage? if the game had more wacky stages like this, i'd love it more, honestly.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
god **** shade, why do you have to be such a failure all the time? what would you rather have, boring *** stages like final destination or really fun, goofy stages like the WarioWare stage? if the game had more wacky stages like this, i'd love it more, honestly.
It's not that sis, it's the fact that it looked like a 4 year old designed the level. I mean c'mon, it's like a ******** version of Flat Zone or something.

Yeah, Sakurai was definitely stoned when he designed this level......


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
under the rainbow
It's not that sis, it's the fact that it looked like a 4 year old designed the level. I mean c'mon, it's like a ******** version of Flat Zone or something.

Yeah, Sakurai was definitely stoned when he designed this level......
have you even played warioware? that's how it's supposed to look, it's an art style.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
have you even played warioware? that's how it's supposed to look, it's an art style.
Uh huh, but I still don't think it should be a stage on SSBB. Che....it's settled, I'll never use that stage, EVER! Unless it's used in tournament play. Then, my hand will be forced and I'll have to battle on it. Oh.....**** it all to hell!


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
under the rainbow
Uh huh, but I still don't think it should be a stage on SSBB. Che....it's settled, I'll never use that stage, EVER! Unless it's used in tournament play. Then, my hand will be forced and I'll have to battle on it. Oh.....**** it all to hell!
you haven't tried it yet, how do you know it won't be fun? you may end up liking it, you know.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
you haven't tried it yet, how do you know it won't be fun? you may end up liking it, you know.
No! In fact, I can't even look at that.....that abomination! *cough* The first time I saw the Wario Ware Stage , it was like I was looking at one of those Japanese cartoons that kids got seizures from way back when! So no.....it's looks like crap, thus I will forever hate it!


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Dylan, look at the mirror. You are the guy ruining this forum. You insist in fighting with ppl and when nobody listens to you you fight with yourself. You ruin every thread you post, spreading your hardcore issues and bad-humour, making them disgusting to read and letting people down. You're so close-minded to keep a chat with someone with different oppinions, and the best they can get from you is a "shut up you pathetic scrub".
There's a reason you're a joke reason in 4chan.

Please, just be more kind. Nobody is going to hit you for having different thinks so why would you do it?
Thats a filthy lie and you know it. I've been nothing but polite for at least an entire month. Infact, here. Ill prove it.

I'm tired of competitive players being arrogant towards casuals, and I have taken a personal oath to debate with

You're so close-minded to keep a chat with someone with different oppinions, and the best they can get from you is a "shut up you pathetic scrub"
Um.. Ok. here.

Me said:
Sounds like fun, I would definatly enter one of these item tournaments to see how Id do, but I sure as hell wouldn't put my money on the line if hammers and exploding crates were falling every 3 seconds on infinate mountain.

Its random, its not a true demonstration of skill ie: the mastery over the moveset of your character of choice, and your ability to outthink your opponent and subdue him, so Its basically like playing the lottery, and I don't gamble. I enter tournaments and put money in because I know I have a fair chance of winning so long as I use skill to do so. Not a legendary pokemon and a ****load of luck.
me said:
VERY good point about the bananna. However I think Final Smashes are still as sakurai said ''Personalized hammers''

I think we're better off keeping no items standard since thats what most competitive smashers want, but also encouraging item and FS enthusiasts to create their own set of tournament rules.

Seriously, if its your tournament, you make the rules. Whether people come or not is entirely up to how your set of rules reflects on them.
And the biggest evidence of all

Dylan_Tnga said:
No, it isn't. Mookierah is right, competitive smashers are so caught up in their own world that they dismiss the ideas and desires of other people, who love smash just as much as ANY competitive smasher, as being silly or not worth their time. This is wrong

I do disagree with items being legal in tournaments, but I don't see why pro item tournaments cant happen if there are enough people who want to do them.

I would even attend an item tourney, but, as I stated earlier, I would NEVER put money on the line on an item tournament. Its like playing the lottery.

If we keep acting so arrogant towards people, it will only incite further flamewars. I know this better than anyone, having being judged to be some sort of evil anti item competitive smash nazi who wishes to force his views on everyone. Which I was when I first signed up so there was obviously a reason.

So instead of posting useless stuff like that Adi, show the posters the respect they deserve, or don't post at all.
You are basing your judgement of me on an attitude which I had 7 months ago. Im honnestly becoming depressed now. Im trying my utmost hardest to be nice, polite, and consider all the angles.

I love this game more than any other, I think that anyone who plays it should enjoy it to the fullest, and that anyone who plays it has a right to speak their mind about it.

A ''scrub'' is someone who comes in and posts INSULTING comments, flames other people, and acts like a jerk instead of just posting their opinion and debating.

Since I have been told that I will be BANNED if I so much as reply to someone who provokes me, I will no longer be using the word scrub. Its not worth it. No one save a few people understand what it means.

Since the month of february 2007. Which was 7 months ago. I have not STARTED a single argument. I have defended myself, but I haven't started.

You people are the facists here. I have appologised for my actions, and I have made an effort to change. Yet you can't forgive me for a few negative posts I made?

How many times do I have to say this


Do you have any idea how ****ing hard this has been? People are insulting me, my birthmark, my opinions. people are giving out my personal information. Every single thing I have on the internet from youtube to email has been spammed beyond recognition.

I give up, ok? I guess Im just a ****ing horrible person is so many people hate me. Its the only possible explination.

This rant is entirely off topic, but if I didn't type this I feel I might just explode. I think I am justified in writing this, and it will be the last post of this nature I make in this thread.

Though I may not like this stage, It is intresting me in the game warioware... Ive never played it personally.. the sound of ''microgames'' is kind of intruiging... but my question is, are games that last under 10 seconds actually enjoyable? or is it confusing and annoying? If it manages to be a fun, interactive game with the shortest mini game legnths I have ever heard of, It sounds truly innovative and I may want to try it some day :)


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
Though I may not like this stage, It is intresting me in the game warioware... Ive never played it personally.. the sound of ''microgames'' is kind of intruiging... but my question is, are games that last under 10 seconds actually enjoyable? or is it confusing and annoying? If it manages to be a fun, interactive game with the shortest mini game legnths I have ever heard of, It sounds truly innovative and I may want to try it some day :)
As I've played and owned Wario Ware: Smooth Moves I must say that I really don't like the series at all. Half of the 5 second games are stupid beyond all belief... "Okay now use a clothes-hanger to catch that guy. Oh you did it.." It just gets really repetitive and annoying. I mean it was fun for like a minute, not to mention it took only a couple of hours to complete the entire game. It was an alright idea, but it sucks in reality.

And very nicely written out passage about yourself Dylan, i've seen you're trying to better yourself and that's great. It almost wants to make me serenade you with the musical stylings of Rick Roll. (His last name shall forever be Roll to me)


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Dylan, look at the mirror. You are the guy ruining this forum. You insist in fighting with ppl and when nobody listens to you you fight with yourself. You ruin every thread you post, spreading your hardcore issues and bad-humour, making them disgusting to read and letting people down. You're so close-minded to keep a chat with someone with different oppinions, and the best they can get from you is a "shut up you pathetic scrub".
There's a reason you're a joke reason in 4chan.

Please, just be more kind. Nobody is going to hit you for having different thinks so why would you do it?
^^^^Sounds like this guy's lookin for a fight with you Dylan. Wait, he sounds like he's catchin an attitude for no reason at all. There's only one explanation Dylan, he's on his period. Ignore him......if you can! ROFL!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Thats a filthy lie and you know it. I've been nothing but polite for at least an entire month. Infact, here. Ill prove it.

I'm tired of competitive players being arrogant towards casuals, and I have taken a personal oath to debate with

Um.. Ok. here.

And the biggest evidence of all

You are basing your judgement of me on an attitude which I had 7 months ago. Im honnestly becoming depressed now. Im trying my utmost hardest to be nice, polite, and consider all the angles.

I love this game more than any other, I think that anyone who plays it should enjoy it to the fullest, and that anyone who plays it has a right to speak their mind about it.

A ''scrub'' is someone who comes in and posts INSULTING comments, flames other people, and acts like a jerk instead of just posting their opinion and debating.

Since I have been told that I will be BANNED if I so much as reply to someone who provokes me, I will no longer be using the word scrub. Its not worth it. No one save a few people understand what it means.

Since the month of february 2007. Which was 7 months ago. I have not STARTED a single argument. I have defended myself, but I haven't started.

You people are the facists here. I have appologised for my actions, and I have made an effort to change. Yet you can't forgive me for a few negative posts I made?

How many times do I have to say this


Do you have any idea how ****ing hard this has been? People are insulting me, my birthmark, my opinions. people are giving out my personal information. Every single thing I have on the internet from youtube to email has been spammed beyond recognition.

I give up, ok? I guess Im just a ****ing horrible person is so many people hate me. Its the only possible explination.

This rant is entirely off topic, but if I didn't type this I feel I might just explode. I think I am justified in writing this, and it will be the last post of this nature I make in this thread.

Though I may not like this stage, It is intresting me in the game warioware... Ive never played it personally.. the sound of ''microgames'' is kind of intruiging... but my question is, are games that last under 10 seconds actually enjoyable? or is it confusing and annoying? If it manages to be a fun, interactive game with the shortest mini game legnths I have ever heard of, It sounds truly innovative and I may want to try it some day :)
Maybe, you aren't really mean, just very (and I mean VERY) dedicated to your opinion. Others could misinterpret what you say sometimes, based on the tone of your posts. I personally enjoy the games, as it gives you a rush to know you JUST made it in the basket, or you barely survived the attack. You should really try it Dylan, it's VERY addicting. I suggest WarioWare: Touched! for the DS and Smooth Moves for the Wii. The original and Twisted are great, but I prefer Touched and SmoothMoves the most. I just hate how people dis this stage because of the nostalgia. Sakurai tried his best to recreate the original game, and most of the people saying that it is ugly have probably never played the game. Each game actually lasts more/less than 5 seconds, it depends on the game. You won't be absolutely blown away, but it'll keep you entertained for quite some time. I really like this stage personally, maybe because I played the games, but it also looks fun. Imagine Charizard in the rain, or the arrows coming down on poor Squirtle. There are bound to be TONS of microgames portrayed, so I can't wait to see the others.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Thanks for being nice to me. Im so sorry for whatever I did. I hope someday maybe people will forgive me.. Other people are allowed to change their opinions, and attitudes but not me. I dont know why but like I said I give up. You win, 100s of people who hate me. Im a horrible person, I guess. Im sorry. Im sorry.

Thanks for being nice to me meta-kirby. It means more than you even know.

You should really try it Dylan, it's VERY addicting. I suggest WarioWare: Touched! for the DS and Smooth Moves for the Wii. The original and Twisted are great, but I prefer Touched and SmoothMoves the most. I just hate how people dis this stage because of the nostalgia. Sakurai tried his best to recreate the original game
Yeah, I guess without playing the game, I have no right to insult this stage. Ill form an opinion on it later, after I try out this intresting game.. thanks again for the reply.

And very nicely written out passage about yourself Dylan, i've seen you're trying to better yourself and that's great. It almost wants to make me serenade you with the musical stylings of Rick Roll. (His last name shall forever be Roll to me)
Thank you. I dont care what people think of me because It cant get any worse. Ive never let anything over the net get to me before, but this abuse has just gone too far. My personal life was attacked, it went beyond a game, beyond a message board and it became hate. Im ****ing depressed. If you think 100s of people attacking me hasn't gotten to me, then guess again. Im really hurt by all this, and I dont understand why I cant be forgiven for something I did half a year ago.

So thanks to anyone here who has realized that Im just trying to discuss. People like you are what keep me here.

That wario ware game sounds really neat... Can anyone tell me what the minigames are like? Im really intrested...
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