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Stage Tournament: Pokemon Stadium 2 Vs. PictoChat

Giga Wario

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2008
Jungle Japes, just for DK Rap.

OFF TOPIC: Will someone please tell me why Golden Suns theme wasn't included in the Worst of the Best?

(I was hoping to vote it for worst!)


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910

Dr. Ivo Robotnik

The arch-nemesis of Sonic in all their games. He is the villain of Sonic games, and since Sonic Adventure 1, joining Sonic and the gang when there is a stronger force than him, but for his own selfish measures. We all know Sonic? Then we all should know Dr Robotnik!

Robotnik will be in his trusty Egg Walker from Sonic Adventure 2 in this set, and whenever he jumps, it retracts its leg to resemble closely to the Mobile in the original games, but that is not the main attraction here. You know the flickies which appeared when Sonic hit a Badnik in the old games? Well, they are here! There are 6 of them, varying in different colours. Robotnik uses these to make his trusty badnik army appear. Not only that, Robotnik has 6 of the second best thing, Chaos Drives which were present in Sonic Adventure 2. These Drives are only used in certain button inputs. But less talk of this now, the mechanic section (which is ironically below).

At the start of match, 6 Flickies the size of a Mr Saturn appear on the screen. These Flickies run away from the enslaving doctor, but they have an invisible bubble the size of 2 stage builder blocks high and wide, which another Flickies invisible “bubble” has to touch. When a Flicky isn’t connected to another Flicky, they’ll fly to the nearest Flicky near them. The Flickies move away at half the speed of Ganons humble walk.

What do these Flickies do? Well, in this set, Robotnik wants to build up his Egg army up, so you have to grab the flickies, and then press a Button Input to make a Badnik, which will be listed just before the specials. These Flickies don’t want to be captured, who can blame them? Thankfully, Robotnik maybe slow, but he is much, much faster than those Flickies. When a badnik dies, the Flicky will become free again, and ready to be enslaved again.

In some button inputs, Robotnik creates a certain type of Badnik in one, and they don’t require a Flicky (although, they make the badnik get certain added qualities). Robotnik can build these badniks with Chaos Drives! They are about the size of a capsule, and Robotnik also has 6 of them. If you use all 6 Chaos Drives, you simply won’t do the button input. Also, just like the flickies when the badnik dies, the Chaos Drive hoots out, but thankfully, the Chaos Drive just floats above the ground the Badnik died at, and all Robotnik needs to do is walk into the Chaos Drive to collect it again; Chaos Drives can float in mid-air as well.

While these aren’t essential to every move in his arsenal, you’d want to make the most of your badniks don’t you? You know, they are there for a reason, so why not make good use of them, plus they can make your metagame a whole lotta deeper.

Strength - 7/10
Walking Speed - 3/10
Dashing Speed - 4/10
Direct Range - 8/10
Indirect Range - 7/10
Weight - 10/10
Size - 10/10
1st Jump - 5/10
2nd Jump - 5/10
Fall Speed - 7/10
Aerial Movement - 5.5/10
Crouch - 1/10
Traction - 6/10
Others - NOOO!


From these stats, you can tell that he is quite a slow moving character, who is incredibly heavy and big, to make up great range. These stats echo traditional heavyweight character (although his strength looks sub-par for a heavyweight), but remember about the mechanic, and how he plays, stats mean nothing when you have playstyle.

Side Special - Badnik Select and Play

When you press this, the closest badnik to Robotnik will be highlighted with a white outline (and will flash white occasionally as well), and after you press side-b once, just press left to right on the control stick to switch around the badniks (left being that left goes to the closest badnik left, and doesn’t go more left after that for example). This has no start-up or ending lag, as you can do this in the middle of the air and in middle of moves, just like how my Pegasus set could. You can cancel this at any time using the shield button. After selecting the badnik you want, you can command them to do what they want, instead of me using up another special slot; you do this by pressing any B move.

When you press B, a cursor like the original computer mouse appears, with the Robotnik face seen on the headers. You can do this straight away from before, but if you do this in the middle of the move, it’ll cancel that animation with the lag of this move (which is Robotnik pointing forwards – relatively short). These are the following effects you can do with this:

Patrol – Hold and drag, then release – For the grounded Badniks, you can only drag it to the space of the area that covers the platform, and for aerial badniks, they can only cover a maximum of 3 stage builder blocks upwards, and 3 stage builder blocks horizontally, or 1 Stage Builder block up and 9 Stage builder blocks horizontally, 9 stage builder blocks going upwards but 1 going horizontally, and anywhere in between. If the area is covered red, that means that you can’t do it, but if it’s green, you can let go and the effect takes place. You can still cancel this at any time. This has little ending lag

Stop – Press B on Badnik – This makes a green flash appear, which makes the Badniks stay in one spot until someone approaches them from 2 stage builder blocks radius, and they then make no hesitations in attacking the opponent. This has just 5 frames ending lag, making it very quickly.

Send and Stop – Hold and Drag, then press B on the spot you want – On grounded opponents, they can only be sent to somewhere on the same platform, and you get the idea (the same rules as the first one). This makes a red spark appear as well as a “Eee Orrr”, the sound that appears on many quiz programs that is used when they get a question wrong, and makes a green spark when it succeeds the criteria. This sends the badnik to the furthest point, and stand there just like the stop function. This has low ending lag.

Attack – Click the opponent with a single pressed B – A yellow flash appears on the Badnik and the opponent, and they will rush towards the opponent with a great aggression, attacking from a close range, but will not retreat and will always show a fighting spirit. They have little protection, and will not show any defence. This has low lag, but is the highest out of moves.

Run Away – Click the opponent and hold down B for 0.5 seconds – A grey flash appears on only the Badnik this time. This is when the badnik will run away at all costs when the opponent approaches, and attack from the furthest point if they have the use of an indirect attack. If the opponent is fast, they’ll just hone into the badnik, and destroy them up close while they try to run away.

You want to use this, as the Badniks AI are fairly low on their own, attacking the opponent up close, wander around the platform, and randomly stopping in one place. Every good leader needs to dictate their army correctly, without leadership, they are nothing more than Hedgehog Bait, curse them, destroying his plans of World Domination!

Neutral Special - Homing Laser and Machine Gun

I don’t know or remember what they called it in Sonic Adventure 2, so please excuse the very bad name. Right, the move. As I hope you could have gathered from the picture (which is also not very well done as well X.X), this has 2 parts to it, one which is done by just by tapping the b button, and the other by holding the b button down. I’ll put them into 2 sections, so that this won’t be unnecessarily mammoth’d sized. Oh, this has extremely low start-up lag (the only true zero lag move is when the hit-box/effect starts on frame 1 for example), and you can move around as you do this. I wanted this as a special, so you can use this in the air and on the ground. The angle the projectiles get shot out changes when Robotnik jumps, he slightly tilts his mobile upwards on the rise of a jump, and, then obviously downwards as he goes descends back to the ground.

“Machine Gun” – Tapped B – On the picture, the machine gun is where those little yellow balls are shot out from. The bullets are as small as a Bom-omb. These bullets travel the distance of Battlefields main platform at the speed of Falcos blaster in a straight line. These bullets have low ending lag (about the same as Falcos blaster as it is in the ground), but has low priority as well. Can’t have it our way all the time! Each bullet does 2% and hit-stun that is punishable of HIT, like Luigis fireball. This is spammable, but just think of this as a worse Falco blaster, since they function in such a similar way, oh, and the tilting thing may screw you up as well.

“Homing Laser” – Hold down B – When you hold it down, the blue laser first appears, which is a homing device used to send the homing energy ball, which is the size of Kirby. The Laser can stay out for 5 seconds, and is half of Final Destination long (and is like the size of a Deku Nut tall for crying out loud). You can move around while holding this down, and has extremely low start-up lag. When the opponent goes into the laser beam, they get a small blue target over their body, and a “ping” sound occurs. When you then release the B button, the laser ball homes into the opponent, and doesn’t disappear until 10 seconds pass. The ball travels at the speed of Luigis fireball which great priority, but has a bit of ending lag when executed (but you can still move around, but can’t input any attack moves). This does 7% and double the “knockback” of Links uncharged arrow. Although less spammable than the above one, this can be aggravating for the opponent, dodging these homing balls which can gimp the opponent if they are off stage, but they can just dodge to avoid it, as it travels slowly.

Up Special - Driller Mobile

Robotnik equips the 2 massive drills pointing upwards to the side of the mobile. Robotnik then travels upwards 3 stage builder blocks (about the same as Marths recovery distance), and you can slightly alter the angle this goes up by holding forward in the process of this recovery. This goes upwards about the same speed as Snakes recovery, which makes this very gimpable. The main feature of this is that If you aim towards the stage below it, it burrows through the main platform, and Robotnik will appear on the platform! The burrowing takes longer by how thick the main platform is, being 0.5 seconds (shortest time possible) if stuck below the lip of Final Destination, but if the platform is 4 stage builder blocks thick, it takes a hefty 5 seconds (longest time possible) to come up to the surface. This also has quite a bit of ending lag as well. The drills have hit-boxes that last through out the move (this move also has low start-up lag, but quite a bit of landing lag), doing 1% per hit (6% per second) with knockback similar to the multiple hits of the aerial version of Luigis tornado (with disjointed priority as well (H)). Although the possibility of recovering from ridiculous places (stupidly made Custom Stages for example), the ending lag of this is extremely punishable, and it might be better to just take pain from his up-air to recover (as he is the heaviest of the heaviest, he is a freaking tank).
[1% per hit (6% per second)]

Down Special - Robotnik Box

Robotnik takes out a television box (about the size of a soccer ball), WTF? Nah, it’s just his very own crafted Robotnik box, looks like those other boxes with Sonic heads and rings in. On the ground, Robotnik throws the box 2 stage builder blocks forward, and in the air, he throws it downwards (both of these have low start-up and ending lag). So, how does he distinguish them? Putting on a Sonic head in front of the box? No, the silly Robotnik just put his head in front of it *facepalm*, Sonic isn’t ******** you know? And I thought you had an IQ of 400 ffs.

But, how does it roll in Smash bros? Well, this has multiple effects, some which have random effects for the opponent (good or bad for you), which will be stated later on this move; this is because you’ll wanting to use this for another function, one for your loyal badniks. Any badnik in the surface area of a Smart Bomb explosion around the box will go towards it (a part from when they have full health and in the attack command), and they can’t go recovered again for 10 seconds (this recovers the badniks health COMPLETELY!). They have to travel at least a stage builder block away the box to receive its effect. What’s greater is that this bait for the opponent to destroy, but has the luck factor as well, so be wary of that. Oh, the side-effects of when the opponent hits the box (which you can only have one on at a time, and automatically disappears after 24 seconds), well, the list is here (Deepskyblue = good for Robotnik, Red = bad for you) :

Stun – the opponent that touched this will get stunned for 3 seconds in whatever position. Not much else to it boys.

Damage and Knockback – This does 13% and mid diagonally upward knockback which is unavoidable and delivers quite a bit of hit-stun.

Disability – This disables whatever the opponent used to hit this with for 8 seconds.

Explosion – This is lime, as it effects both the badniks and the opponent. The explosion is about the same radius of a Tlink bomb, which does 15% and high-low vertical knockback with a decent amount of hit-stun.

Recovery – The opponent recovers 10% (small amount, I know, but the opponent should thank Robotnik for his epic failure, I mean, WTF is wrong with him?)

3 Badnik insta death – Yes, quite literally, the 3 closest badniks closest to the box blow up (with NO hit-box), releasing the flickies into the air. Talk about bad luck. Robotnik = ;_;.

I told you already, but you should use this intentionally for recovering the badniks, but, if you want, you could use this as bait for the opponent, making them come into contact with the box to eradicate them, and preferably stun or damage them (we don’t want to recover them -_-), but that is unreliable for BOTH players, so the opponent will go to attack the badniks there instead, but this will hopeful put them of for Robotnik to take advantage off, situations need to be taken advantage off.

Neutral A - Mechanical Kick

Simple move is simple! Robotnik retracts its legs in quickly, lowing the Mobiles height greatly, and then quickly kicks the mechanical legs forward along the ground, with a flame out burst at the tip of the foot. This has slightly longer start-up lag than Ganondorfs Neutral A, meaning this is the laggiest Neutral A going, but has small amount of ending lag. This has great range (slightly further than Ganondorfs down tilt if only due to the flame), also with great priority. The sour-spot does 7% and low-high diagonally downward knockback which has a 55% chance of tripping (the knockback is like so they slide away on the stage). The Sweet-spot does 11% and mid horizontal knockback. I’d would prefer to use the sour-spot rather, since the low knockback means it is easy to follow up with, maybe with another jab, the sweet-spot might be good for getting opponents off the stage in the first place.

Dash Attack - DRILL TANK!!!

The Egg Mobiles legs go inside the mech, and then the wheels and drill appear extremely quickly, just like the above picture. This acts AWFULLY like Warios side-special. You can jump out of this with 0 lag at the height of the first jump (you get the second jump), and that the shell of the drill tank (wheels and drill) carry on driving forward about 3 stage builder blocks. Jumping is the only way out of this move. The drill also does 8% every second, which is just hit-stun (easy to DI out of, but is great for follow ups), but it has a disjointed hit-box. This also has low start-up lag as well. You can turn around as well, but it takes about 0.7 seconds to do so, and it goes at the constant speed of about Falcos run. This is great for moving forward, due to Robotniks slow movement, and you can perform the side-b as well. You could use this by jumping out of the drill tank when you hit the opponent, and while they are semi trapped, use an aerial such as Down Air and Back air. Robotnik is also very open, long ranged moves still out beat the drill.
[8% per second]

Oh, Robotnik also pulls the face which he turns towards the screen and laughs if he hits the opponent with this. At least this enslaving doctor has some cruel humour ay?

Forward Tilt - Boxing Glove

The front part of the Mech opens up, and then a boxing glove on a spring shoots out forward in a straight line. Robotnik raises his arms and goes “Oh yeah” when he does this. This has a bit of start-up lag, but has quite a lot of ending lag. The range of this move is around half of King Dededes forward tilt, and also has great priority. This does 15% and high-low horizontal knockback. This is one of Robotniks way of KOing the opponent, even with the lower-than-normal start-up lag for such a powerful move, it is still punishable. Keep this fresh as well, as it stales painfully quickly.

Upward Tilt - Crawlton Throw

Robotnik turns away from the camera, and then he pulls out a chaos drive quickly, and then we see screws and bolts flying outwards quickly, and he then turns around, and throws a Crawlton like the above picture a lucario into the sky, and then they carry on moving forward in front of Robotnik at the speed of Ganondorfs walk (Crawltons face is the size of Lucarios head, and the 4 spikes behind it are the same size as well), with pauses every 2 seconds. This has low start-up lag (it wasn’t look like that in the description ay?), but has quite a bit of ending lag. The hit-box of the thrown Crawlton does 10% and mid Sakurai knockback. This isn’t what you really want to use this for, but for the next paragraph.

The Crawltons can carry on moving around for 30 seconds, moving at a snail pace mind you, so they become a great obstacle, and have some stage control. However, Crawltons face doesn’t have any health (they can die from one hit of anything), and when the opponent hit the spikes, ALL the spikes jump and the only thing moving is the head. The spikes do 9% and low-high upwards knockback. Since this version uses Chaos Drives, you can try and spam this to your heart contents, and hope that the opponent falls into them (since Chaos Drives aren’t hard to pick up). They also turn at corners, which takes 3 seconds.

Downward Tilt - Hidden Spring

Robotnik crouches down and leans forward, and then he takes out a yellow spring like the above picture which has the same width as Sonics spring, and then he sticks it into the ground below, and we can see a small layer of the yellow spring just above the surface. This has low start-up and ending lag, but you can only place one at a time, and that they stay out for 13 second. This does no damage, but when the opponent walks into the spring, they get sprung up into the air the height of Ikes up-b (the opponent get their second jump and recovery back once landing on the spring). This is good for getting the opponent into a position they didn’t want to be in, but they can stall on it just like Sonics (Custom Stage) Spring if they want. You could throw opponents into it, or grab release them into the spring. This doesn’t effect the Badniks on the ground or Robotnik.

Forward Smash - Slicer

Robotnik turns away from the screen, making mechanical parts fly, just like creating a badnik (cause it is -_-), and raises a chaos drive. After 20 frames, Robotnik can move around, and the Badnik is shown. Slicer is about the size of Yoshi width and height ways. Slicer also dies from taking 11%, making the Chaos Drive appear. The Slicer sends out a boomerang (which have slash visual effects) at the same range/speed as Toon Links boomerang, and also angles in the same way (angling towards the opponent). This also has a second ending lag, but has great priority for a projectile (and is also a huge hit-box as well, the slice is about the same size of an Ivysaur razor leaf). This Badnik can’t turn around, making it useful for specific area support only. This also does 7% (11% fully charged) and low-low (low knockback fully charged) Sakurai Knockback. This can cover a great of range, making it useful for ledge-guarding, and is general Stage Control Support. This might be the recommended version to use, since Flickies are valuable, and Chaos Drives are more resourceful, and less Badniks use them, so you can use them, and not be bothered as much when they die (Talk about SCIENCE). Also, Robotnik is just a jerk character, with Projectiles being the only way of raking any damage.
[7 – 11%]

Upward Smash - Totem Pole

Robotnik equips the hammer from the above boss sequence, and a green flash happens instantly right in front of Robotnik (the same size of the Totem Poles width), causing the opponent a stun that lasts forever (don’t worry, the opponent will always get hit by this move if this is to happen). Then, just one head of the Totem Pole above appear, and if you charge this, the Totem Pole can have 4 heads at full charge, being 3 stage builder block tall, and the width of Kirby (Robotnik goes to the tip of Totem Pole, slightly behind it, for a perfect hit with the hammer). This has quite a bit of start-up, ending and landing lag, with disjointed priority. After the release of the button, Robotnik smacks the Totem Pole with the hammer, causing for each head to shoot out an arrow which goes at the same speed and Range of Wolfs Blaster, doing 6% and a flinch. The Hammer does 25% (33% fully charged) and Very high (extremely high knockback fully charged) low diagonally upwards knockback that KOs at around the ridiculous percent 82% on the middle weight characters. However, landing the hammer is incredibly hard (the flash lasts just about 2 frames), but it can catch characters off guard, just like with Luigis up-b, Plus, it can be an excellent get away move when you fully charge this.
[(6%) 25 – 33%]

Downward Smash - Spikers Sting

This has 2 different effects, which will be discussed in the below paragraphs. Robotnik turns around, and then gets out a Chaos Drive (he raises it into the sky), and then he turns around to face the screen, and throws his arm down and exclaims “LIGHTS OUT” (I remember MW requesting this for my Robotnik set in MYM4 for X reason), and then the Badnik above appears, or some actual spikes, depending on which effect you want on both sides of Robotnik (I told you this before mai boi). The Spikes/badnik is the size of Mario. This also has start-up lag 1.5 times longer than Mewtwos Down-smash, and also have quite a lot of ending lag. As I said, the little sections about the properties of the spike variations.

Spiker Badnik (When you hold Up after inputting down-smash) – When they shoot upwards, they spring the opponent 4 stage builder blocks into the sky, dealing just 8% (13% charged). After this, the Spiker will stay out for 30 seconds before combusting up and being unable to move, constantly up, and always have the spring effect (although doing no damage). This takes up a Chaos Drive, so you are limited. Springing up an unexpected opponent will place them in an unwanted position, hence why they were on the ground in the first place.
[8 – 13%]

ACTUAL SPIKES (!) (Just… down smash) – When they shoot up, this does 18% (25% fully charged) and high (Very high knockback fully charged) vertical knockback with great amount of hit-stun and priority. This is a great KO move that can kill at about 100% on most characters, to bad that he has so much start-up lag to make it a viable KO move. In this case, the Chaos Drive was a fake-out. The witting Scientist, you would expect dirty (perverted) tricks from a Doctor who wants to grind Sonic into iron filling.
[18 – 25%]

Neutral Aerial - Bubble Barrier

Robotnik surrounds himself with the bubbles type thing from the above image, and they VERY quickly circle around the mobile. There is 7 balls travelling around the Mobile, about the size of a gooey bomb. That is pretty much it animation wise. This has VERY low start-up, ending and landing lag, and each ball has their own hit-box, but can be destroyed by the weakest thing going (the balls also reflect projectiles at the same velocity as at the start of the projectile, but destroys the ball), but the other balls would come round and hit the opponent. Each ball does 1% (if the opponent is trapped in the middle of Robotnik SOMEHOW, it could potentially do 28% {4 hits by 1 ball}), and each ball can do low-high diagonally upward knockback (the knockback can’t stock; otherwise this move would be b.r.o.k.e.n. End. Off). This could potentially rake up nice damage if the opponent is too close, and could be used to reflect projectiles away. Man, this move goes against Robotniks “Slow, one heavy hitting moves”, but hey, we need an oddball move that goes against the vast majority of moves, otherwise Robotnik would be **** it X situation.
[1% per ball]

Forward Aerial - Jaws Charge

Robotnik gets out an empty Jaws badnik shell out into his arms while he leans forward, Robotnik opens the back of Jaws, and sticks in a Chaos Drive in it (Jaws is about the same size as a crouching Diddy Kong). The Badnik then moves forward in a straight line by his propeller at the speed of Ganons walk, travelling towards the death boundary, and turns around against a solid wall. This has quite a lot of start-up lag and landing lag, but has a small amount of ending lag. Jaws has 10% Health. Jaws does 10% with every bite, doing mid horizontal knockback (Which doesn’t stale). This has great range, and the slow movement could become problematic in numbers and off the stage for the opponent while they recover, plus you can have 6 at one time if you want, but it can’t really be used as a move that Robotnik relies on, Robotniks is great about ganging upon the opponent, numbers overwhelming yes?

Backward Aerial - Acid Spill

Robotnik gets the stretcher thing with the blue liquid just like the above picture, but have it backwards instead. After 0.4 seconds of start-up lag, the pole with the acid move outwards the length of King Dededes crouch (what is its proper name? This is just horrendous, I’ll just say “Acidpole” ay?). The acid then drips downwards, having infinite range downwards, and causes a splodge of the stage the same width of Kirby. This stops all moves (other than those weird moves which have weird properties that avoid it), which pushes the opponent downwards a stage builder blocks with quite a bit of hit-stun, dealing 7% on the initial hit. The puddle also stays on the floor for 10 seconds, unless Robotnik does this move again. This also has quite a lot of ending and landing lag however. The acid is a bit trippy, having a lot of properties, so I’ll list them, like a good scientist!

Corrosive acid (When the acid falls on the opponent) – Quite simply put, this does 1% every second, and this lasts for 10 seconds overall. This can’t be stacked upon, otherwise this would be broken (since this has low start-up lag). 7 + 10% is a lot of damage

Badnik Destruction (When the acid falls on a Badnik) – The acid goes through the whole body of a badnik, making it shake very quickly in spot before blowing up (visual effect), releasing the flicky inside. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as you can easily get rid of Badniks that you don’t want/was a mistake, and that you don’t have to wait for the opponent to destroy them anymore, like you once thought.

Acid Pool (When the acid is left on the ground) – Anyone who stays on the puddle gets dealt 2% every second, and that it increases the chance of tripping by 70%, and sticks the opponent in the trip position right above the acid as well. Badniks spin around upon going into the puddle, taking 2 seconds to get out of the puddle, and also very defenceless. 70% chance of tripping is so high that players will not chance going into it, but be wary of where you place it, you don’t want to harm your badniks now, plus the opponent can just hurt the Badniks while they have no defence at all.

Upward Aerial - Bomb Throw

Robotnik looks down into his mobile, and after a brief moment, he pulls out a bomb like the above picture into the air, which makes it spin around at the same time, exploding on any obstacle it touches makes it explodes (including Robotnik). This is about 1.5 times the size of a Bom-omb, and having the same explosion radius as well. Robotnik throws the bomb upwards the size of Ganondorf, and then it falls down at the speed of a dropped grenade, only disappearing past the death boundary. This has quite a lot of start-up and ending lag, and the landing lag is slightly shorter than the ending lag. The bomb beats everything other than super-armour, invincibility, and large disjointed moves (like D3s forward tilt, it makes the bomb explode, but far enough to not cause harm to the big fat penguin). This does 17% and high-high knockback with the Sakurai angle (goes more upwards the higher the percent). This is a great KO move, as it covers a large area (a tiny bit upwards and all the way down) but is very laggy. This could be used as an Edge Guarder, since of the range going downwards, it could seriously gimp people, seriously.

Oh, and when he throws the Bomb, Robotnik goes “Take this” (from the Sonic Advance games) and/or “A Ha” (Sonic Adventure).

Downward Aerial - Catcher

Robotnik equips the catcher thing from Sonic 3 which was present after the last boss and Hidden palace Zone. The Catcher reaches down 2 stage builder blocks, and retracts back up quickly. This has VERY low start-up and ending lag, but has quite a bit of landing lag. This is a grab-box as well, so this is a great move to counter Metaknights Tornado with. The Effect of this is that you grab the opponent, and the catcher pushes the opponent into Robotniks arms, meaning you can throw them in mid-air (you get the second jump back if you do this off the stage). This is incredible, as it might have the greatest grab range in the game, and plus no up-airs (unless they are a grab) beat this. You can also use this to grab items and flickies as well (you can build badniks in mid-air as well, you lose ALL momentum as well, but stops you in your tracks). The momentum cancelling effect is very situational however. This does no damage nor knockback due to it being a grab.
[Didn’t you just gather? This does no damage!

Robotnik leans forward, slightly tipping out of his mech, and grabs forward. This the same range as Charizards grab range, and comes out on frame 6, but has hideous ending lag (Robotnik almost topples over in true lulz spirit), and the Dash Grab is the exactly the same (but has more range on top of it {shock, a dash grab better than the standing one}). The Pivot Grab pwns them all by having the lowest start-up and ending lag, but has a small grab box (sorry, but momentum makes Robotnik slide a tad, making this have decent range as well). Also, Release grab frames are the standard as well (Robotnik doesn’t get no exceptions good or bad (like DK/Bowser or the Earthbound boys).

Pummel - Boring punch

A standard punch to the head of the opponent at the speed of Marios pummel. This does 3% with each punch. Use to slightly un-stale some moves and rake some damage before throwing the opponent.

Forward Throw - Badnik Rush

Robotnik whistles his badniks (apart from stationed enemies) over to where the mad man scientist is, regardless of what command you gave them. After a short pause, the whole screen turns pitch black (other characters movement are frozen), and depending on how many badniks you have on your team, the more slashes we see. After hearing the ****-age, the screen turns back to normal, and we see the Badniks fly off to their previous postitions, and Robotnik is standing away from the opponent with his arms folded. This leaves the opponent on the floor, but don’t threat opponents, Robotnik has more ending lag than you, so tech chasing is incredibly hard for him. Since this is dependant on the number of Badniks you have on your side (6 non-stationed Flicky Controlled badniks, 6 Chaos Drive Crawltons/ Jaws), the total damage output varies, the lowest it can be is 2%, while the highest is a whooping 24%!!!!!! The highest damage in a throw EVER! However, this should be used when you have at least 6 Badniks, the follow-up and KO potential of this move is an amazing 0%, so you want a move that would utterly destroy the opponent in terms of damage. There’s a time and a place for everything. (Also, this CAN’T be used using the downward air tactic)
[2 – 24%]

Robotnik also exclaims “TAKE THIS” or “FULL DESTRUCTION, FULL POWER” before the badniks pwn the opponent.

Backward throw - Fire Pillar

Robotnik lifts his leg underneath the opponents’ crotch, and lifts it so the opponent is lifted into the air behind Robotnik. Robotnik then sets the front of his Mobile into a flamethrower, and then shoots a stream of fire (as thin as a Bom-omb) at the same angle as Foxes/Falcos back throw, which reaches 4 stage builder blocks longer. The kick will ALMOST always go into the fire (has low knockback growth), while it depends on the character, you normally can hit the opponent for certain from 30 – 90%. The kick does 3%, and the fire does 8% and mid-low diagonally upwards knockback (the fire stays out for 0.5 seconds with a bit of ending lag {and zOMG amazing priority}). This is useless at any percents other than I stated, but it is a great damage raker (if you have enough Badniks on your side, use that obviously), and sends opponent in a direction that makes Robotnik safe and run away a bit (or start spamming the lock-on on the rise of a jump).
[3% + 7%]

Upward Throw - Hydro Mobile

The Bottom of Robotniks mobile opens up, and sends a massive burst of water the width of Bowser downwards, making Robotnik go up into the sky 3 stage builder blocks before the move ends. This has 10 multiple hits, with the last hit doing knockback. This does a total of 15% and the final hit does mid-high diagonally upward knockback. 15% sounds nice don’t it? Sadly, this can be SDI’d out of, making Robotnik punishable (this has quite a bit of ending lag to boot), it looks cool, but against any decent player, they’ll DI out of this.
[15% (multiple hits)]

Downward Throw - Platform Buster

Robotnik equips a spike to the bottom of the mobile, and sticks it in the opponent, and goes 2 stage builder blocks into the air, and then drops the opponent to the ground. This does 6% and a medium power meteor smash. Useless bah humbugs. However, if you are on a floating platform, Robotnik pulls the platform out (regardless of size), and instead of dropping the platform, he breaks it, inflicting 10% and mid diagonally upward knockback. This destroys the platform for 15 seconds before reappearing! This is useful, and can make some stages play like Final Destination for a bit, which Robotnik excels at (flat area plus no platforms = projectiles travel to their location without interruptions), and Robotnik can’t do this better with any other throw.

Equip: Ball and Chain

The camera will zoom into Robotnik, and he’ll say “Get a load of this” or “Get ready to be schooled” before jumping to the top of screen. After a slight pause, Robotniks mobile will be completely like the above picture. The chain is about the size of Ganondorf, and the ball is about the same size as Bowser. The Ball swings back and forth with the same pattern from the original game, taking 3 seconds for it to go from one side to the other. The ball does 20% and high-high diagonally upward knockback. Robotnik has constant super-armour frames, and floats in the air with the same movement as Yoshis final smash. This also lasts 15 seconds, and Robotnik can use his specials and aerials in this mode as well (plus grab as well). This is great for easily setting up Badniks (fly to those flickies and grab them), good for KOing the opponent and providing as a good obstacle, too bad the ball is so darn slow lol.

Robotnik is a character who relies on his Badniks to do some quick and cheap damage, and Robotnik can use forward tilt and his up and down smashes to KO the opponent. Robotnik is about controlling the stage, and dominating mistakes by the opponent and placing them in bad situations with his Badniks and tricks. But first of all, I’ll start about how Robotnik would about playing the start of the match.

Robotniks ideally want to get at least one flicky from the start of the match (VERY easy, flickies are only a foot away at the start), mostly one which compliments the stage the most (Batbot and/or Coconuts are the ideal one), and then start about using your own projectiles or use forward air while jumping towards some more flickies. From there on, it’ll be easier to build your badnik army, because your badniks will occupy the opponent (remember that it only takes 0.2 seconds to build a badnik) for enough time, and you could’ve used some of those chaos drive badniks as well to make up for numbers. That how I would ideally start most matches.

Now, since that is over a done with, lets state about the existence of Robotniks damage raking game. Robotnik has Neutral A (reliant on the tripping section, otherwise it’s a push back move), Dash Attack (becomes predictable and that if you DI TOWARDS Robotnik, you’ll get out of it), and Neutral Air (DIable at the edge of this move, only really unavoidable in the middle of Robotnik). Robotnik can also rake up some damage with his throws, but that’s also a good part of Robotniks game.
Now let’s count the KO moves, there is Forward Tilt, down smash, up smash, and Up Air. These moves are all strong, but they get stale quite easily, so it is wise to use them more for killing than other things.
Robotnik also have those “Trap/situational” moves, such as Down Tilt, Down Special (kind off, there is that risk element), Down Air, Down Smash (Badnik variation), and Back Air as well. These all hinder the opponent... but some of those might benefit the opponent, and might MINDGAME you into pushing them into their ideal position, so, well, that’s why they are situational.

So, what have Badniks have? Well, they DON’T stale, and that the vast majority of those Badniks are PROJECTILE WIELDERS, all with a different twist. Badniks are useless and vulnerable, but in packs and variations, they can prove troublesome. They can prove troublesome, as the projectiles all come from different places, different angles, different ranges and different speed and movement. Having these will make it hard for the opponent to dodge them, and if the opponent doesn’t dodge, you can cause a hell-bent destruction of damage in one go. Since they don’t stale and have these qualities, they can provide and try to be used as cheap damage.
Badniks have a great deal of depth to them; they can be used for Stage Control (With patrol and stop commands), Edge guarding (Attack), and bait for the opponent (Run away), seriously, utilise that side-b man, that could make the difference. You also need to have great Badnik knowledge, understand which is best for a match-up and the stage.
Badniks ARE vulnerable, and you don’t want to be chasing Flickies all game, so you want to use those CHAOS DRIVE badniks, and/or use that odd one hit move to knock the opponent away, and hit the opponent with your standard projectiles.
REMEMBER, Robotnik has a healing move for the badniks only, and also has Back air to destroy unwanted badniks in the first place, so don’t fret that much now that I reminded you all.

So if you get it, Robotnik issues commands for the badniks, stand back making more chaos drive badniks, or go into the fray and push the opponent away, so that the opponent will not trouble the badniks. Did I mention about his grab game? Wait, I didn’t. Robotniks grab game is quite situational, but they can be AMAZING to Robotnik. Robotnik has an AMAZING throw that can do 24% (!), but that is only when you have 12 NON STATIONED BADNIKS, and that if you have, lets say, 3 Badniks, since the follow-up of this move is bad, it wouldn’t be worth it. Back Throw can only be used in certain but large percent ranges mind you, and this can push opponents far away (but not KO the opponent), and Down throw is awesome sauce for platform stages, but the opponent have to be on platforms on the first place, so :/ (Up throw isn’t good though).

Oh, another part of Robotniks game that I only mentioned a word about is about his edge-guarding. Robotnik can use neutral b (homed) to follow the opponent, use some projectiles AND non-projectile badniks (yes, you heard. Orbinauts, Jaws and Crawltons on the edge can be decent edge guarders as obstacles for the opponent to dodge), and Up-air (briefly jump off the stage, up-air so when they get hit, they get hit below the edge, and hopefully stage-spiked). While having all badniks on attack is only good here (as they’ll just get hit and be useless otherwise), what is better is having Mid-air badniks off the stage, either patrolling or stopped, making it harder for the opponent to come onto the stage (I personally like the sound of Batbot patrolling the areas from death boundary > ledge, while having Turbo Spiker on attack or Run away). Look at that Ledge-guarding skill with that the need of leaving the stage.

Robotnik doesn’t have the greatest recovery, but it is far from the worst, since he can hit himself with up-air, or recover from below the stage, but regardless, he is very punishable (you won’t be gimping that up special with that massive drill at the front of it), and Robotnik doesn’t have any melee moves that are any good at off stage, and he is very gimpable far away from the stage, and doesn’t have any other better ways of getting back to the stage.

So, overall, Robotnik wants to control the stage, and bombard the opponent with throws and projectiles until they mess up and take a ton of damage, ready to be ledge-guard and/or KO. But, Robotnik has either good or bad match-ups, as quick attacks that do great damage causes too much pain to the badniks hurt him a lot, and other characters trap moves would destroy them (think Snakes down-smash and C-4 in this match-up), but as a plus, Robotnik WOULD and SHOULD be the greatest combo fodder in the game due to his huge size, weight and fall speed, but, once again, Badniks get him out of the combos (those banana chains won’t pwn any Orbinaut, attacking batbots, or Motobugs {surprisingly effective lol}), and ICs chain-grabs won’t happen unless you get grabbed at the start of a match.

*Author Comment*

Wow, I know what people are going to say about this set, so I’ll say it first. Robotnik has 2 mechanics as we know, The Badnik creation is just like my Battalion Army moveset (but better done, there is only one way to do it instead of 3 specials, and ISN’T based on luck), and the controlling of it is just like Battalion Army AND Pegasus (the selecting is like one of Pegasus’s specials, but the selecting and “playing” is only ONE special this time round, instead of 2). I think this set capitalises on a similar idea, and I liked the execution of this much better, and plus it’s Robotnik yeah yeah yeah, and it features Badniks from the wall of text Robotnik set, Boss scenes from Onishafox Doc set, and this has an overall mechanic. Sorry, no pingas in this set, Robotnik is busy being a slave master in his Chemical Plant Zone with innocent animals. This was also 7,742 words long, I blame the Playstyle section, considering the size and depth of it.

~~~ DFM Syndrome Struck not once, but twice in the same place.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
So, can somebody tell me what to do here...? -_-

I'm guessing we choose the worst of the two, in our opinion.

Hmm.. I love Mario Bros., and I love Jungle Japes... so eh, I prefer.. eh, I love them both to tell you the truth, so eh, I'm neutral. XP


Smash Apprentice
May 4, 2008
Herndon, VA
Jungle Japes (Melee), mainly because I've never really enjoyed the DK Country games that much, and I'm not a fan of it's music.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2008
I didn't vote Mario Bros before. It's a good song, but Jungle Japes (Melee) is just too awesome.
Mario Bros.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Jesus, again, I love both of them. >_< So, again, I'm neural. D: They are both awesome stages.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Jungle Japes's music is good but the stage isn't, as for PokeFloats I found the original Game Boy version better, this remix of the battle theme just didn't cut it out for me, so I vote for PokeFloats for worst.

Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.
I really don't get what "worst of the best" is meant to mean
New to the thread I see...

We simply vote on which song is the worst of the two (or sometimes three). The choices of songs to vote from have already been decided from the Best of the Best Tourney section, we vote on songs from that section.

In any case, my vote is casted towards Pokefloats (Melee).
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