Off topic, but the fire triangle is the 3 things needed for a fire to burn, which is heat, fuel, and oxygen.
Yeah, thanks, I've been looking for some information about it. That's something I could have actually learned if I didn't have such a stupid and lazy teacher. Also, first day was pretty cool, it looks like I'm the only one in the whole class who works correctly, as I've had no problem doing the work we got so far, unlike everyone else. I don't really feel like I should be here, but atleast I'm refreshing my memory a bit.
Edit: Wait, that reminds me, I know why I failed this class. Even though we didn't learn anything, I still had another science teacher, who helped me a lot, so I easily did the work he would give us from time to time (Time to time being one time per 3 weeks), but there was one work where he said we could give it to him at the end of school (I was almost done), so I continued it in English class, but my teacher saw it and confiscated it, and my teacher said he'd be leaving at 3:05, so I was in hurry and just took the paper from her desk and ran away to his class. That's when he said he was actually going to be there until 3:15, but I was like "No problem, at least he got the work now.". It was the next day that my English teacher came in my French class and gave me a paper, where I had to write an excuse letter to her, and ask my parents to sign the paper, and I had a detention with her. Not only that, but my science teacher said he never found my work, even though it was in the pile of his work (I saw it). But, since he hated me for some kind of reason, he wouldn't look at the pile, so I got 0%, on an important work that counted for A LOT, so that's probably why I got less than 60%, because I always had 85% and more before.
Anyway, I don't think you want to know about my life, so if you reply, after that, we should get back to the topic.