As far as anyone can tell, yes. I'm operating under the assumption that it has until proven otherwise.
Budget Player Cadet_
and I played some online matches on Kalos Pokemon League, Gamer, and Yoshi's Island. I'm sure he'll have his own piece to say later when he wakes up but here's my impressions.
Kalos Pokemon League: Overall surprisingly manageable given the sheer number of hazards it throws around. The Flood and Dragonmark Chambers are easy to play around regardless of what's going on. The Flame Chamber has the flame pillars offstage that can do ludicrous amounts of damage if they hit you into the stage and you miss the tech since you bounce back for another hit, but they're only there for a second at most. They only hit either of us once out of...I'd guess around 6 or 7 matches. The Ironworks Chamber is the weirdest of the lot since the swords are solid, so it's possible to rack up lots of damage. The metal pool is a double-edged sword -- it lets you survive if you're at high % but it also means it's easy to take a lot of damage since you're not flying far at all. The legendaries didn't appear that often, so I couldn't get a good feel for how much they made a difference. Rayquaza was easy to avoid though, the stage gives ample warning.
My first reaction after a few matches was, "Why is this banned, again?" I originally thought the dragon-type segment's explosions were considerably faster and more random, but I was wrong. Every single hazard is extremely telegraphed and easy to react to, trivial in scope, or both. If you get hit by something, it's either your fault for not paying attention or your fault for letting your opponent throw you into it. In like 10 matches neither of us could force the other into either Dragon hazard or the Water hazard once. I got hit by Registeel, but only because I didn't know what I was looking at. None of the hazards seem to have noteworthy kill power, except the water stage which is
phenomenally telegraphed and does no damage.
The metal stage is probably what most people are going to get hung up on, but it's got really interesting counterplay. Being metal is actually a huge advantage over the opponent, especially because unlike in previous smash games, it's not trivial to just combo or chaingrab a metal character to death, so while you
can camp it out, it's not a good idea, and the metal coat gives players who want to approach a great tool to get past the typically
very strong positional advantage of "behind a wall". It can swing matches, but these swings are entirely dominated by Player vs. Player interaction - how the two players deal with the situation of someone (or both people) being temporarily almost impossible to KO. This is
so cool. This kind of counterplay is hard to find elsewhere, and it really does create an interesting and unique, but not broken or degenerate gamestate. This is super cool.
Seriously, why is this banned? I have no idea.
Gamer: Mom is almost trivially easy to avoid unless you're just not paying attention. The vast majority of layouts give plenty of cover to hide from her gaze, and she only ever looks at half the table at a time anyway so you can just carry the fight somewhere else. The only wrinkle is that Mom sometimes comes out of the TV and walks back and forth while her gaze is active, which caught BPC by surprise at one point since he didn't know the ominous SFX that started playing was the cue for such an event. (On a related note, Mom breaks shields instantly.) She also kills really early if you do get caught by her. Neither of us tried to circle camp so no comment on the viability of that.
I think that the way mom walks around the room kinda kills the match. You're forced to stop the match for a good 30+ seconds while she scans, and if someone has a decent projectile, it can get very unpleasant for their opponent *cough cough luma warp*. Oh, and it kills super early. When talking about hazards, kill %s really is an issue, because a hazard that kills at 30% means a situation where your opponent can force a kill at 30%, and thus super swingy, and in this case, you can't just stay away from the walkoff to avoid the problem. I died to mom at 20%. I don't think this stage would be viable even if it didn't have a hard circle half the time.
Yoshi's Island: Blast zones are super duper close. Pikachu's bthrow nearly killed Peach at 20% from the left ledge. The right side and ceiling aren't much better. The flip blocks can be hit to make them intangible but I still felt closed in by them, not sure if BPC felt the same way or not. Overall not my cup of tea in the slightest.
Nah, I'm done with that stage. It's probably the most fun anyone will ever have with Little Mac, but it's also kinda... ass. Like... wow. You know how Rosalina gets uair kills for free on Halberd? This stage
pays Rosalina 10k a month to get uair kills. I think Ness probably kills Mewtwo off the left-side ledge at like 10%. It's just riddled with problems.

Sad BPC is sad.