Even though my crew match wasn't so good (gg Greenbunny), the singles tourney was the best tourney I ever played. For once I didn't feel disappointed at the end. I felt like I played the best I could possibly play.

Hopefully the bracket gets posted. I wonder what I placed?
Thanks to that smashfest, I have figured out my 3 main characters: G&W, Samus, and Peach. Everyone else is just for fun. I've learned that "picking up" so many characters, even if I suck at them, allows me to learn more about each character, and what to do/not do while playing against them. I get to learn the ins and outs of their moves, their physics, and what each character is (and isn't) capable of. For example, I don't play Bowser, but my knowledge of him allowed me to have some decent Bowser matches.

Of course, it's good to have knowledge, but having skill helps as well. I will continue to pick up various characters and learn about them on the way.
Next crew match, I'm using G&W. Every time we do crews I always doubt my G&W, then I pick a secondary and get *****. I'm going G&W next time. Either that or I can get better with Samus. >_>
Shouts! (I'll do more shouts when I remember more names). I'm not gonna say gg every time, because I think it's implied.
Greenbunny: gg @ the crew match. And gg here stands for "good god." Your Marth *****. We went down to the wire, even though you basically 3-stocked me.
JoeMotion: I'm sure I would've lost if I didn't spend hours smashing with you at the dorms >_>. lol we got the 10,000th vs match. See you at the U.
Seanson: gg's. You play an awesome Yoshi. You probably couldn't tell but I was definitely scared of that Falcon lol.
SuperDoodleMan: Your Peach is
too good, but you already know that. I should've used my Samus against you but I didn't because I got pwnt in crews. Sorry I screwed up a bit in the movie. I'm sure if Aaron were controlling that Y. Link, it would've gone perfect
Bluewolf: gg's. It's kinda weird but I actually don't remember our tourney matches. I think I was in auto-pilot during our set. I don't even remember who I used but who cares, you always pwn me in tourneys lol
Ulti: Best Ganon I've ever played.

I should really start playing him again. I only use him in teams. Those were some awesome friendlies.
Aaron: Thanks for all the tips. I actually took two stocks off of you once! Amazing. I think I Screw Attacked you like 100 times lol. That super L-Cancel I did with Luigi was too good.

You're like a walking combo video.
more shouts later.