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SSBM: Academy of smash (Wow! It's updated!)


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
watch it!

This is starting to turn into a pokemon fan club! Please don't let's go on and on like this?
well, anyway, I too like pokemon and everyone at my school hates it.
It's surprising how a good game soon gets unpopular because the stupid people start to think that it's not "cool" anymore because they're so grown up. (not)
Take one look at EarthBound, for example.
My friend refuses to let me give him the floppies for it because it looks too kiddy for him.
EarthBound is one of the greatest games of all time in my opinion. It has a rediculously addictive sound track, a cheezy sense of humour and it's one of the few games that lifts your spirits and makes you feel happy! It does! It really makes you smile! I, myself, hate violent, gory games and am questioning weather I should get Metroid Prime or not. Animal Crossing looks more my thing!
(don't get me wrong, I don't mind violent games, I just don't like games with lots of blood)

So this is officially going to be the last "Pokemon rules" conversation on this thread.
I don't mind you all having a mindless chat every now and again. You have my permision to express your thaughts, just don't spam.
O.K? Good!

No updates today, sorry.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2002
Mount Silver...Actually, Cape Cod!
No, I'm the one who should be sorry, KingMewtwo. I started this whole mess, and even worse, the post that started this was supposed to be on the SSBM High School thread, not this one!(some noob I am!) Oh well, it was nice seeing other Pokemon fans, right?


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
The Cafeteria was alive with noise once more. The sounds of talking filled the air along with chinks of cutlery and plates.

Ness was the last to join the table, as all his other teammates where already seated. The little boy was heaping a small mountain of food on his plate.

Ness: ooooh! Man! I am sooooo hungry…I’ve been working out in my dorm all morning.

Fox: yeees…been busting your butt, haven’t you?

Ness: how’d you know that?

On the other side of the Cafeteria sat the Spacer team. They hardly exchanged words untill Falco broke the silence.

Falco: I wander where the next spirit is…I’m going to beat those wannabes to it and snag some points.

Kirby: awww! c’mon! We almost died last time. Let them do all the hard work. We’ll get all our points in the tournaments. After all, we are superior fighters.

C. Falcon: yeah! Chicks dig superior fighters!

Peach walked past, escorted by Mario and Luigi.

C. Falcon: hey little bustly mumma, do you want me to do a magic trick? I bet I can tell you the colour of your knickers!

Peach: surprise me.

Before anyone could move, Captain Falcon whisked down and grabbed the hem of Peach’s dress. Fast as lightning, he stood up and exposed the princess’s frilly undergarments to the whole world.

C. Falcon: PINK!

There was a chorus of laughter. Peach was completely speechless. Mario clenched his fists and stepped between her and the bounty hunter.

Mario: you freak! How a dare you! I should a punch you in da face!

Peach: stand aside, Mario, that’s MY job!!

The laughter died down. Peach shoved Mario aside, her hair was matted against her face and she really looked quite fierce. She grabbed Captain Falcon by his collar and shook him violently.


She let him drop to the floor and stormed out of the Cafeteria.

There was silence as everyone stared at Captain Falcon, who was shakily getting to his feet.

Kirby: you’ve really done it now, Romeo…Do you think you can beat her?

C. Falcon: huh? Oh, pfft, easy peasy! That little hot-tempered dame is just acting. She’s really very weak in battle. She has to be! I can beat her easy!

Ness watched silently as Captain Falcon bragged and boasted.
“Over-confidence is a major weakness,” he thought to himself gravely.

* * *

The battle between Peach and Captain Falcon was about to start. Fox found Ness, Jigglypuff and Mr. Game and Watch sitting in the middle row. Ness appeared to be deep in thought, Jigglypuff was experimenting with rolling lollies down the isles, and Mr. Game and Watch was eating a piece of paper, or something that looked like one.

Fox plonked himself in the vacant seat next to Ness, startling the 12 year-old out of his daydreams.

Fox: I sure hope C. Falcon wins, Peach is really starting to scare me.
Just yesterday I think she even tried to bait me with a piece of veal. I threw it away in case it was poisoned.

Ness: VERY good move…


M Hand: oh, shut up Eddie, big, long, drawn-out speeches are my job, keep yours simple!


M hand: yew idiot! Those are their normal costumes!

Commentator: umm, gee, sorry boss. er-hem. LET THE BATTLE GET STARTED NOOOOOW!

Peach didn’t move, she stood there, smirking at her opponent.
Captain Falcon, however, ran full-pelt at her, jumping over the little gap and tried to connect a knee-smash attack in the air.
His knee struck something soft and squidgey that certainly didn’t feel like princess. He didn’t have time to think about this, though, because he was being rapidly juggled by clouds of ouchie spores. He had hit Toad.

C. Falcon flopped onto the ground at the Princess’s feet, she promptly smashed him into the air with a can-can kick (forward A) and bashed him even higher with a pipe cleaner smash. (up smash)

Peach now proceeded to slap him around with every painful aerial combo she had. Weather it be sticking her parasol up his * #$$ or kicking him in a very sensitive spot.

C. Falcon now had a good 58% damage. He couldn’t believe this.

Peach leaped over the little gap and tried to hit him with a running shove, but Captain Falcon was ready for her this time. He utilized a heel grinder (up A) and brought it crashing down on her head. She popped up into the air a bit where he used the falcon dive to grab her and flame her away.

Peach was about to land nicely when Falcon hit her into the air with a raptor boost, then grabbed her with falcon dive again.

Peach fell down the little gap and landed with a bump on the ground. She opened her eyes to see the Bounty hunter about three meters above her, about to use a falcon kick in the air (it goes diagonally down). She quickly rolled over and he slammed into the ground.

Taking the slow recovery time of the move to her advantage, Peach whacked Falcon with her sporty smash (forward smash) and got a golf club, hitting him against the wall so he bounced just above her head where she finished him off with a pipe cleaner.

The fairly titanic battle between Peach and C. Falcon will continue next update!!
(because I felt like being annoying)


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Peach jerked back as Captain Falcon started to rapidly punch her. He had done this many, MANY times and it was starting to annoy her.
“Two can play at that game.” she thought to herself as she rolled away from the flurry of punches.
Falcon ran up and tried a shoulder bash, but beach blocked it with a Toad and slapped him with a weak A attack…and did it again! And again and again and again!!! Peach was on high damage now, she had three stock and C. Falcon had two. He was damaged very little but was gaining percentage rapidly with each slap. They where scrapping it out in the cave-like part of the level.
Falcon finally managed to escape from the well-timed slaps by rolling behind Peach, where she smartly drilled him with a can-can kick. He bounced off the ceiling and landed right in front of the Princess, who was now holding a veggie. (the kind that looks like it has something In its right eye)
She blocked the Captain’s “getting up” kick and socked him in the face with the veggie, stunning him a bit. Before he could react, she had ran over and shoved him into the ceiling again. He grabbed onto the ceiling to stop himself from bouncing down, he prepared to administer a meteor kick (aerial down ) and BAM! Peach hit him with a pipe cleaner, BAM! he was pounded by another pipe cleaner, BAM! She hit him with a skirt slash smash. (down smash) he went flying up the little chasm to the right and hit the wall, bouncing all the way over to the little temple-thing in the top left hand corner of the stage.

C. Falcon: Wheea! what happened?

he landed with a “thump” and hastily got to his feet. Just in time to see Peach emerging from the vertical opening just a few meters in front of him, holding a veggie. (a smily one)

He got into a fighting stance and held his ground. Peach got into a float and tried to hit him with a crown attack (aerial foreword) but he dodged it and grabbed her, slammed her into the ground, raptor boosted her into the air and falcon dived her away. The veggie flew out of her hands and hit him. causing him minor damage and a lot of irritation.
Peach landed on the roof of the sheltered area next to the steps.
Falcon sprinted over and got her with a falcon dive from below, she recovered quickly and was soon standing on the roof thingie, facing him.
Captain Falcon dodged her veggie, unsuccessfully tried to hit her with an flamin’ elbow attack (smash forward) and then stupidly jumped up as high as he could and used a knee smash, high above his opponent’s head before falling harmlessly to the ground.

Peach stared in disbelief as her opponent fell towards her with his knee in the air. She came to her senses and slapped him around some more with her weak attack. slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap. C. Falcon managed to escape once more, only to be greeted by a can-can kick that sent him into the background.

C. Falcon: DDDDDOooooaoooooooAAAAAAORRRRRsEARRRRyeah! (or something like that, you’ve all heard the noises he makes)

Peach started pulling up veggies, looking for a good one as Captain Falcon came down on his little platform. he hopped off and, in a bout of pure speed, caught the princess off guard by using a raptor boost in the air and sending Peach airborne.

She certainly hadn’t expected that. And she was so surprised, that she let C. Falcon hit her with a bounty backhand (aerial back A) and got K.Oed .

Falcon turned around and screamed “show me your mo…” but didn’t get time to complete his stupid taunt because Peach had floated over and hit him with a crown attack, sending him into a neat ark and onto the ground with a bonk.

As Falcon got up, he saw his opponent in front of him and, acting on instinct, began his punch, punch, knee, punch punch punch punch punch combo. Peach escaped from it and rolled behind him, but he didn’t stop. He kept on punching at the air.
Peach stood behind him, watching with interest as the bounty hunter was furiously pounding the air.


Meanwhile, the smashers where sitting in the audience watching the battle on screen.
Just about everyone was surprised and shocked at Captain Falcon’s stupid mistakes. Especially the Spacer team. Why was he standing there, punching the air?

Unable to take it any longer, Falco stormed up to the mike and pushed the commentator out of his chair.

In the battlefield, Peach was growing bored, she was standing behind Captain Falcon, doing nothing, while he constantly continued to pummel the air.
Peach began to whistle a tune in hope of getting his attention. She imagined the effect it would have on him if he turned around at last, only to see her smiling face before she released a powerful smash attack on him, she smirked at the thought.

Suddenly Falco’s voice crackled in the commentator’s place.


Realization spread across Captain Falcon’s face. Peach was ready for this, she put on a nice, evil grin and began charging a skirt slash smash.
But Captain Falcon didn’t turn around, he ducked!
Peach tore into him with a fully-charged skirt slash smash. Because he was crouching, it trapped him and dealt WAY over one hundred damage. Falcon went skidding across the ground and landed just meters from the right edge of the stage.
Captain Falcon rose groggily to his feet, not believing what had just happened.
Upon seeing Peach running over to him, veggie in hand. He stood his ground, jumped over the veggie, jumped again, executed a falcon dive up in the air, and fell helplessly towards the ground.

Peach questioned the intelligence of the F-Zero X racer before grabbing him out of the air, kicking him a few times in the shin with her high heels, and administering to him the royal death slap of shishkabob’s past. (throw forward, yes, THAT move)
Falcon was out of the ring before he knew what hit him.


The princess posed like a little schoolgirl.

Peach: ooooh, did I win?

Even through her innocent pose, it was easy to see that she clearly knew about her victory.

Captain Falcon was forced to clap in the background. He was completely flabbergasted.
Beaten by a girl!

Ness sat back in his chair. he looked over at Fox, who seemed to be a bit edgy, and back at the screen.
He put his arms behind his head, closed his eyes and…smiled. :)


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
A short little update to keep you ocupied.

Quite a fuss was stirring in the Academy. Three days after the battle between Peach and C. Falcon, the Mario Brotherhood team and the Magic Mystics and co. had both captured a Smash spirit each, the spirit of currents and the spirit of sticky things.

Most of the other smashers had already realized that there where only three spirits left. And there was fierce competition to find them.

Fox was up first thing in the morning that day, he quickly showered, pulled on his boots + clothes and got his helmet, blasted Falco with his bagpipes, before grabbing something out of his little bag and ran out of the dorm.
Making sure to slam the door REAL loud in case Falco was still asleep.

On the way through the hallway he was joined by Mr. Game and Watch and Jigglypuff without a word.
With the silence of a trained mercenary, Fox crept up to Ness’s dormitory door and poked it open a crack. Ness was obviously doing some exercise, because his simulator was glowing and Fox could see him battling a level 9 Pikachu on the screen.


Ness emerged from the simulator with a burst of steam.

Ness: look at me! I can powershield like a computer player!

Fox: what?

Ness: I reflected Pikachu’s thunder jolts three times in a row!

Fox: er…that’s nice…how?

Ness: with my shield! It’s called powershielding when you reflect a projectile with your shield, and I can do it!

Fox: aaah! I’ve seen Mewtwo do that once…

Ness: giggle, pitch this baseball at me, I bet I can reflect it at you!

Fox caught the baseball and halfheartedly threw it at Ness. It hit him smack in the face.

Ness: aaaaaahaaaw!!

Fox: gee, are you all right?

Ness: boohoohoo…oh, I’m fine. What was it you wanted?

The Outcast team quickly sprinted up to the hospital wing where all the other smashers where gathered around an examining table, each one had a grimace on their face. Even the Master and Crazy hands seemed a bit put off.

Jigglypuff: Ness, look, look, you have to see this.

Ness: uh? What is it? What is it?

Ness realized that he must have trained through an important message on the intercom. He pushed through the crowd and saw…

Captain Falcon. Sitting in the table, with not a single scratch on him.

Ness: huh? What’s going on here?

Pichu: somefing vewy bad…vewy vewwy bad…

Link: ugh…there’s no way I’m going in there…

Kirby: eeaauuurgh! Just the thought gives me the wrigglies!

All the other smashers just looked very pale, and very disturbed.

Ness: can someone please tell me what’s going on?

C. Falcon: DaMMIT! How many times do I have to show you all!?? One last time and that’s it!

Captain Falcon stood up, turned around, dropped his pants and exposed his bottom to the rest of the world.

Now any normal person would be slightly “putt off” if a psychedelic, bounty hunting girl freak bared his bum at you. But what disturbed Ness even more was the fact that a radiant, purple light was shining out of the captain’s crack.
The sort of light given off by a Smash spirit.

Ness: EEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAARGH! (jerks back in revulsion)

C. Falcon: Hmf!

Ness: AAAARGH! AAAAAH, AAAAAH, AAAAAAAAAAH! ( has a seizure and has to be restrained by Fox and Link)

M hand: yes, Smash Brothers, there is, indeed, a Smash spirit wedged between the cheeks of Captain Falcon’s…butt. (he said the word “butt” as if he was spitting it out)
I am at loss to explain how it got there, but it must be removed…Do we have any volunteers?

Apart from Ness’s agonized screams, there was silence.

C. Falcon: oh, that’s just great! At least I’ll be able to read at night.

Kirby: (under his breath) captain falcon is a festy old dork, a festy old dork, a festy old dork, captain falcon is a festy old dork, a festy old dork is he…

C. Falcon: I heard that! If you say one more thing like that, I’ll kick your pink rear!

M hand: silence, Douglas Falcon. This will be sorted out.

Kirby: DOUGLAS? Is that your name?

C. Falcon: ahh, NO! WHAT GIVES YOU THAT IDEA!?!?

Will the smashers be able to retrieve the Smash spirit from Captain Falcon’s posterior?
Find out in the next update. Soonish.


Dec 19, 2002
LOL, a smash spirit in C. Falcons butt. He is in trouble:chuckle: . Anyways nice chapter;) .


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
In reply to a question asked earlier, CHAPTER 3 will begin once all the Smash spirits are safely back in the Final Destination.

Speaking of chapter 3, are you all really eager to see the tournaments? Because if not, I could delay the tournament again and do something really cool wiith chapter 3 instead.

Would you like the Tourneys first?
Or later?

Please tell me.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
ooh, YES! You guys won’t regret the tournaments coming in later, because I’m going to do something REALLY cool for chapter 3.
Anyway, here’s an update.

All eyes where upon Captain Falcon’s glowing bum.
Most of the smashers where not willing to go in and get the spirit. That included the Outcast team.

Jigglypuff: this is just sad…

G&W: I would never go in there…not even if I lost my life savings in it.

Ness: (starts vomiting up hair and teeth)

Fox: the thought of going near that makes me start to shed my coat.


Kirby: (whispers) oh, hey mr. bumie, and mr. crack, and mr. tush, and mr. scrummie…

C. Falcon: I’m warning you, puff ball. Make one more joke about Johnnie and you’re toast!


C. Falcon: What’s so funny??

M hand: he-hem…never mind that…I should note that them who ventures into this unknown place will receive 100 points for their team…

All the smashers looked slowly up at the big white glove.

Fox: nothing doing.

Mario: getta de’ stuffed.

Falco: huh…no way.

Pichu: aaaah, you’re all stupid heads! I bet I could take that thing on single handedly!


Pichu: I’m gowing in…and anyone who doesn’t fowwow is a cowad!

Bowser: huh. If Pichu is going in, I’m going in too. You’re all wusses!

Gannondorf: yeeesss…It can’t be much worse than my fortress…I’m going in!

D.K.: duuuhh…I’m too dumb to have my own opinion, so I’ll follow yose guys…

M hand: Ahhh, I see the Ten Ton team are going to take up the challenge…

Yoshi: allow me, Master hand.

Yoshi stood tall and straight before bringing forth a cascade of verbal diarrhea.

Yoshi: TheTenTonteamhavedecidedtogointothedepthsoftheunknownandenterCaptainFalcon’sGluteusMaximusalsoknownasJohnniewhichisanamewhichstemsfromanonamousorigins. Wewishthemgoodluckandgoodwillbecausethethingwhatresidesinthefoldsofthecaptain’saforementionednetherregionscouldbedangerousandtheycouldgethurt.
Note: try to imagine this in Yoshi’s high-pitched voice.

M hand: you are a real suck-up, you know that?

Yoshi: gee, you really think so?

Just about no-one understood a single thing the little dinosaur had said.

Link: leave it up to the villains to do something as disgusting as that.

Pichu: who are you calling a villain.
If I’m a villain than you’re a pansy. I’m going in. Weady, you guys?

Gannondorf, Bowser, D.K.: yep!

With determination on their (mostly) scary faces, the Ten Ton team carefully approached Captain Falcon’s glowing hiney. They walked slowly and cautiously, as if almost expecting it to snap at them.

C. Falcon: now this is just stupid. First my Falcon Flyer blows up, my soda-can racer was destroyed, I was beaten by a princess and now I have a shiny thing up my Johnnie. This just Isn’t my year…

Yoshi: Indeed. It is a paranormal phenomenon.

C. Falcon: don’t use big words around me! I think they’re scairie! @_@

Suddenly the purple glow shot out of its unsavory hiding place and enveloped the Ten Ton team in a bright swirly thing, then they where gone.

* * *

The Ten Tonners found themselves floating in a purple void. All where dazed and confused.

Gannondorf: this certainly doesn’t look like C. Falcon’s bum…

Bowser: what is THAT?

Floating out of the gloom floated a great, big, huge, black…moustache. It was the biggest, hairiest, scariest, fear-inspiring moustache they had ever seen!

D.K.: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…I’m SCARED of facial hair! waaaaaaaaaah!

Bowser: me too!

Pichu: I want my mummy!

Gannondorf: for some reason, that moustache installs fear into my evil heart…I know not why…and in the words of a famous Hyrulian poet, I quote a little line that has served me well over the years. Eh-hem… “CRIKEY! THAT IS ONE BL*DDY SCARY PILE OF *bleep*.”:D


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

The evil moustache disintegrated and The Ten Ton team found themselves in a room with no windows, no doors and no openings whatsoever.

Gannondorf: mm? What is this place?

Bowser: there’s nothing here. I’m starting to think we’ll have to fight something…

Pichu: look at that!

lurching out of one of the dark corners of the room came a creature. It looked human, only very deformed. It was walking as if its legs where broken and its neck was lolling at a crazy angle.
The beast gave a growl and began limping forward, its arm outstretched.

Gannondorf: a living corpse! Or zombie, for those of you who insist on using silly words.

Bowser: it’s uglier than you!

Pichu: it wants to bite your wegs off!

D.K: (faints)

The zombie pulled of its arm and threw it at them like some freaky projectile, Bowser blocked it and breathed fire all over its rotting body. The zombie gave a shriek and melted into dust on the floor.

Bowser: was that it? MWAHAHAHA! Too easy!

there was a hissing sound and two phosphorous forms came thrashing through the walls. They where banshees, and they where shrieking and screaming and had red eyes all that.

Bowser: uuh…(backs off)

The first banshee squealed and swooped through Bowser’s body, paralyzing him. He slumped to the ground.

The second banshee made its attack. It began wildly slashing at Gannondorf’s face. But the Gerudo king stuck his hand out and pushed its pointy nose right up into its face. The ghost disappeared with a flash of red light.

The first banshee flew at Pichu, its eyes glowing in a freeky sort of way. But He dodged it and shocked it HARD with a spark attack. (smash forward) It blew up with a flash of pretty sparklies.

The room glowed with an eerie green light now, three skeletons jumped out of nowhere and began stalking them, cackling horribly.

Pichu was too scared to attack, but Gannondorf wasn’t. He defeated the first skeleton with a wizard’s foot attack, finished the second with a nightmare elbow smash (smash forward) and destroyed the last one with a Gerudo dragon.

This time the room began to lurch and twist, it reformed itself upside down, so the lights where on the floor and the carpet stuck to the ceiling.
Upon entering the room, Gannondorf had noticed that there where small, glowing gem things in the corners. Now these gems where on the roof, in the corners, and where beginning to shake and split.

The first gem burst open with a cascade of green slime and a pitch-black creature crawled out and began climbing down the wall towards them. The room darkened as each egg hatched. Soon the room only dimly lit by the lights on the ground (ceiling) and Gannondorf and Pichu could hear the creatures snarling and howling around them.

Pichu: I-I-I’m scared, Mr. Dorf…

Gannondorf: just shut up and start using thunder jolt! Then we’ll be able to see them!

Pichu did as he was told, and fired a thunder jolt. It crawled along the ground, emitting light. Gannondorf could just make out the shape of one of the creatures. It was humanoid, about his height, in fact, it looked a bit like him. In fact, it looked JUST like him, except it was black and had dark red eyes.

Gannpndorf realized that this was a doppelganger. A creature that assumed the form of its opponent or prey. (this is my explanation for Dark Link in Ocarina Of Time, ta-daaaah!)

The Dark Gannondorf silently attacked the real Gannondorf with a heel bomb attack, (up A) but Gannondorf took advantage of the charge-up time and nightmare elbowed it right in the ouchie spot.
Pichu fired a thunder jolt at it and upon being hit by the light, The doppelganger assumed its normal form for a split second. It was tall and sinewy and seemed all skin and bones, and was black with bog claws and red eyes.
The creature quickly transformed back into Gannondorf, Pichu watched as its arms and legs thickened and the cape grew out of its back, and was suddenly surprised by a Dark Pichu jolting him from behind, the Dark Pichu’s electricity was cold and grey, but still hurt.

Pichu sparked his evil self right in the face. The light forced it to return to its doppelganger state and because Pichu’s spark attack hits multiple times, it was defeated in one hit!

Pichu: Gannondorf! They are weally weak in their normal forms!

Gannondorf was wrestling with two of them now, both taken his form. They where gang-bashing him.
Pichu ran over and thunder jolted the weakened one. It hissed at him and slashed him in the face with its claws. Gannondorf kicked the other to the ground and pushed his magic hand into the weak one’s chest. It screeched and evaporated.

Pichu was just enjoying the stinging sensation across his face, when a fourth doppelganger, in Gannondorf’s form, came up behind him and kicked him into the air.

The two Dark Gannondorfs began to double-team Pichu. The mouse Pokemon was blasted into a wall by a dark dive. He liked being hit around by these things, but he was starting to feel faint, and he knew Gannondorf needed him, so…he struggled. But it wasn’t much use. The Dark Gannondorfs where excellent combo-ists. They had him completely off balance.
Pichu was about to give up when the real Gannondorf warlock punched the two fakes against the wall and they bounced to the other side of the room.

Pichu sent a thunder jolt over to the fake Gannondorfs, while the real Gannondorf used a wizard’s foot. The timing was perfect.
This combo defeated one of the doppelgangers, and the other tried to grab Gannondorf, but the big man simply smashes it with a hackysack kick (smash down) and it fell through the floor, defeated.

A bright light filled the room and the scary moustache floated into view. It hovered and quivered before transforming into a little ball of light, which Gannondorf went over and grabbed.

Bowser: aaauuagh…I feel like I’ve been asleep for a thousand years…

D.K.: duuuh, did I faint?

Gannondorf and Pichu turned to face them. They wore huge grins on their faces. Gannondorf’s grin looked very evil.

Gannondorf: you missed it all, but that does not matter. Only those who are brave deserve to face and capture the Smash spirit of fear.

:chuckle: Hope you enjoyed the double post thingie.


Dec 19, 2002
WOW! I can't believe Pichu is brave enough to look fear in the eye...He should be on Fear Factor!
Well, Pichu likes to fight and get beaten up in this fic. When is the next update:crazy: .


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2002
Mount Silver...Actually, Cape Cod!
2quick4U, no more mentions of the Pokemon Fan Club! We don't want to be spamming, do we?! Y'know, I was thinking, little Pichu sounds a little like Suzie from Digimon Tamers, doesn't he? I like it, it makes him even more cute than he already is!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
there are a lot of Pokefans replying to this thread, arn't there?
I was hoping to get some EarthBound fans...
Have any of you played it?
Hmm, not to worry, that will change.
I will begin the next update NOW. But don't expect it untill late tonight or tomorrow.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Bowser, Pichu, Gannondorf and Donkey Kong materialized back in the hospital wing. Captain Falcon was still lying on the bed with his bum exposed.

Pichu: what happened? Wew’s evewyone?

C. Falcon: They all ran off to see the swordsman team capture a Smash spirit over at the games room. Too bad for you, eh?

Gannondorf: show a little respect for us, Falcon, we where the ones who saved your…

He looked down at the bounty hunter’s ripe peaches with distaste.

Gannondorf: … Johnnie…

C. Falcon: well it’s him who should be grateful, not me!

Bowser: hopeless case…

They made their way down to the games room to find everyone gathered around the Swordsmen team, who where standing with their noses in the air.

Yoshi: was it hard, Link?

Link: naaaaah, not for us…

Marth: you suck, Link. You stayed out of the action in the corner for half the time, along with Roy. Me and Young Link did all the work.

Link: hey! That was part of my strategy! We only had to avoid those spikes…

Y. Link: yeah, well me and Marth did it the HARD way. So there!

Gannondorf: what’s going on?! We’re here as well!

M. hand: oooh! You made it…um, yes, yes…I

Gannondorf: I demand to know what you are all doing here! You should have been waiting for us to retrieve that blasted spirit!

M hand: let’s not get stroppy…you see…we figured that it would take you a while…and Link just happened to find another Spirit…

Gannondorf: I bet you abandoned us ages ago! Have you no sense of loyalty? GAAAARGH!

Pichu: that scream was unnecessary, for those of you who are confused.

M hand: well…um…we…

Kirby: we got a bit tired of eyeballing Captain Falcon’s beezumph. So we split.

M hand: thank you, Kirby. Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Gannondorf: bah! Well at least we managed to capture this thing…(hands over the glowing orb)

M hand: aaah, the Smash spirit of fear…excellent, excellent…you must have worked hard for it…

Pichu: we did.



Gannondorf looked around the room. The smashers where all standing around playing baseball in the massive games room. Fox was keeper, Ness was batting, Mario was pitching and everyone else was fielding.
Judging by the scoreboard, the team with Ness on it was winning by a mile.

Gannondorf: I’m going to my room. I can’t stand anything happy or cheerful.

Pichu: that’s not twoo. You do so!

As the Gerudo and the Pokemon argued, Ness put down his bat because the time was up. Everyone was heading back to their dorms.

Fox: great game, Ness…

Ness: yeah, you too.

Fox took off his baseball cap, and then took off his helmet and wiggled his ears around. Ness had to admit. He liked Fox better without his helmet.

Fox: I used to play baseball when I was a cub…

Ness: did you? Where you best at pitching or batting?

Fox: pitching. I was terrible with a bat. I could never hit the ball because my timing was all wrong.

Ness: I’m starting to feel a bit homesick. I really wish Master hand would let us go home and visit our friends for a bit…

Fox thought about the Great Fox, and living with a smart a*$e bird, a senile old rabbit, and a toad who hadn’t yet struck puberty.
Just the thought of Slippy’s shrill voice made him want to dig a burrow and hide.

Fox: I like it here. When you live on the Great Fox, with metal and things on all sides. You start to miss fresh air and greenery. At least the Academy has a nice courtyard out the front.

Ness silently looked away from Fox…he stared at his feet as he mustered up the courage to ask his final question.

Ness: why did your parents call you “Fox”? Wasn’t that a bit silly?

Fox stared strait ahead. He breathed deeply before giving his answer.

Fox: back when I was young, our kind weren’t treated with a great deal of trust or respect. If someone was going to address you, you could be sure they wouldn’t use your name. It was always “oy, fox” or “you, fox!”…My father hated this so badly, that he called me “Fox” so I wouldn’t have to be offended by it.

Ness looked at the ground for a long time, before looking back up at his furry teammate.

Ness: It must be awful not having a dad. I’m really sorry…

Fox: huh…It’s O.K…he was a bit of a fool anyway.

Ness: huh?

Fox: he should have been able to tell that Pigma was a traitor just by looking at him! Had he not been so trusting, he would have saved me a lot of emotional pain!

Ness: how could James McCloud have known that? Did he have E.S.P. or something?


Ness: and I thought your dad didn’t like distrust! You told me he hated to be distrusted…so…why should he be suspicious?

Fox stared coldly at the small boy standing next to him. the hairs on his back began to prickle.

Fox: just don’t ask any more questions. If you where from the Lylat system, you’d understand.

Ness: If Paula was here, she could read your emotions and think just like you! Then I’d know! But she isn’t here, and I want to know what you meant by that last comment!

Fox didn’t answer. He simply stopped walking and stood still, with his eyes closed. Without another word he walked quickly and silently towards his dorm. leaving Ness to stare after him, trying to understand how his partner’s mind worked.
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