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SSBM: Academy of smash (Wow! It's updated!)


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
ok everyone. this is one of the rare moments that i can get on! from now on cuz school has started (this is the last day of my winter break) i will only be able to get on the net during the weekend, and even then i might not be able to get on too much. these were fun updates. sorry to hear about your parents restricting you NESSBOUNDER, but they do that to me too durring school (hence, only being on durring weekends) so i can sympathise <---(spelling, probably). c ya later!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Ness: we’ve been lost in this particular spirit for ages, and we still have no idea of how to defeat it or even any of its weaknesses!

Fox: I’m starting to get thirsty…

Jigglypuff: me too…

Pichu: awww! You’re all pansies! I wuve it out hewe! The hot sand BURNS yoa feeties, ya!


Sure enough, the two shiny breast ornaments where missing from his absurdly tight costume.

Fox: they disgusted me, so I took the liberty of removing them for us.

C. Falcon: HEY! You give me back those right now! I am due to marry the Earl of Notham this instant and must have my llama steam-dried until it is all hot and pinkish so it stands out on the diving board!


Ness: well I see another vehicle coming this way! get ready, you guys!

A bright yellow clipper ship came sailing gracefully through the air. It landed in a not-so graceful fashion by plopping itself down to the ground with much force.
The driver stepped out, and they all got a shock.

Ness: you look just like the guy who tried to drive us into the lava!

Driver: I am thinkink that you is mistakink me for somebody else. I am a Sailor! And this is my pet rhubarb, Daniel.

He held the potted plant up so all could see it.

Fox: heey! Back home on the Great Fox I have a pet plant! Her name is Melody and she’s a succulent cactus!

Sailor: Ah…de succulent. Lovely companions they make. I once had one…

Fox: what breed was it?

Ness: man, I wandered what the Lylatians did when they wanted a pet…

Fox:…you should never leave a succulent out in the rain, it rots the leaves, I my cousin once made that mistake. Poor guy, lost his best friend that day. We had a real funeral for it and everything…

Ness: you are starting to freak me out, Fox.

Sailor: now enough of this talk, are you wantink anything in particular?

Ness answered this time.

Ness: yes, we are looking for our friends. Can you take us in your ship to a blue falcon, a big mutant turtle, a round, pink thing with red feet, a girl in a robot armor suit, a big, ugly man with earrings and a giant monkey?

Driver: of course, of course…do be steppink right in.

The inside of the ship was quite interesting, the interior walls where decorated with every kind of mountedfish you could imagine.
But what really caught the smasher’s attentions was the still form of Bowser, sitting lifeless in the corner next to a very jittery and frightened looking kirby.

G&W: Kirby! What happened to Bowser?

Kirby: h-h-he said that he didn’t know where he wanted to go! Then he went all dead! I-I don’t know where I want to go either! But if I tell the captain, I’ll go all dead too! I don’t want to abort because I don’t know where Samus and Falco are…And I don’t think they would like me to just run off without them…boohoohoo!

Fox: don’t cry, Kirby! We’ll find them. We’ve already found Captain Falcon for you…

Kirby: Him? He can sit on a pin for all I care, It’s Falco and Samus I’m worried about!

Jigglypuff: gee, Kirby is really into this team spirit thing.

C. Falcon: (quiet voice) Samus is such a tender gentle flower, her beauty rebounds around the inside of my scull like a dog rebounds off a watertight proof beanbag stuffed with scantly-clad pickled onions and spotty bras. She makes my kidneys weep into light pink tissue paper, my heart do the long jump at St. Manlydude’s Olympic boogie dance championship street display, and ShE RealLy TurNs Me UP To ThA ToP NotcH of StEaMY StUDLeYNeSS BaAAYBY! ShOw ME YouR MoVEs! (rips off his shirt and does some kind of weird puppet show with his biceps)

Ness:…isn’t anyone normal around here?!? (looks at Fox, Mr. Game and Watch and Jigglypuff and crosses his eyes) You guys are so lucky that I’m used to weird and demented stuff. Otherwise I would probably be gibbering inside a locked up wardrobe by now.

Fox: what’s so strange about me? I mean, I can understand you getting the heebie geebies from HIM…(points to C. Falcon who is lying on his back, twiddling his legs)…and him and her…(points to Jigglypuff and Mr. Game and Watch)…but there’s nothing abnormal about me. Apart from me being a fox, which in my world is quite normal, but in your world is probably a bit surreal … oh yeah, that means that to you I am a freak…darn!

G&W: oh yeah? Well I think you’re ALL really weird! Hahaha!

Kirby: oh yeah, you can talk! You don’t even have any eyes! I think Jigglypuff and Ness are the only ones around here who look normal to me!

C. Falcon: you dudes are kidding! Ness’s eyes are like…little dots, man…

Kirby: eyes SHOULD be little dots! Your eyes are strange!

This argument lasted for quite some time and eventually the ship came to another crash-landing. Right on top of a big steam train.

Sailor: the blue falcon you wanted me to take you to is inside that train.

Ness: c’mon you weirdoes! Board that train!

C. Falcon: I’m not weird!

Kirby: shut your trap!

C. Falcon: EEEK! Sorry mum!

Falco sat rigid inside the train. Ness tried to wake him up, but to no avail.

Ness: there has to be a way to lift the spell. Can you guys keep Captain Falcon quiet? I have to concentrate. I’m going to find out what kind of energy the Spirit uses so I can counter it.

Kirby delivered a swift kick to Captain Falcon’s nads, he fell to the floor, clutching his groin and squeaking.

Ness: elements of PSI, reveal your force, to my mind’s eye.

An image of Falco appeared in Ness’s mind, he appeared to have strings of light blue power flowing along his head and chest. The rest of his body glowed around the edges with a black and dark green aura.

Ness: I see…a thick binding spell…possibly Mana powered-cross-Magi…No…It’s Magi-cross-Dark…not going to be easy to exorcise…ah!

Ness opened his eyes and clutched his head.

Fox: what happened?

Ness: Magi is a form of PSI that usually powers peaceful spells that don’t harm. You can mix Magi with other damaging forms of PSI to create powerful magic spells. Dark PSI, on the other hand is aggressive. So if the Magi is mixed with Dark, they cancel each other out and you get a nasty binding spell that immobilizes the victim. When I looked into the spell’s psyonic properties, the Dark attacked me. It’s all rather complicated…

Fox: huh! You aren’t kidding!

Kirby: actually, it’s really simple, you just have to be smart.

C. Falcon: Yeah! Like me!

Kirby: don’t kid yourself, Falcon. You know nothing about PSI energies…

C. Falcon: yes I do! If you combine me with tight underpants and minus my clothes, you get chicks!

Ness: I think I should be able to counter the spell. but I really don’t think that’s necessary.

Fox: uh?

Ness: If we remove Falco from the source of the energy flow, he’ll go back to normal. Just like Captain Falcon and Pichu did when we removed them from the red car!

Fox: oh yeeeah, I forgot…

The driver of the train stuck his thin head around the corner of the badly squashed train cabin’s door.

Driver: who are ye? Did I say you could get on my train? And who is this hooligan on my roof?

The Sailor from the ship entered the carriage and pointed at the train driver.

Sailor: who is this hooligan under me ship!

Driver: I’ll sue ye for damages…

Sailor: I’ll sue ye for damages…

Driver: Ye is being a meanie!

Sailor: Ye is being a naughty man!

There was a sudden flash of light and the train, the boat, and both the Driver and Sailor disappeared with a puff of dust. The dazed smashers sat in the sand, staring around and rubbing their eyes.

G&W: what happened?…

Ness: I say that the driver and the sailor where both spirit beings made from the same type of PSI energy as each other. When two identical compacted energies meet, they fuse and exceed their power limit and fizz out.

Fox: here you go about that energy thing again, stop it would you? It’s bringing back bad memories of Arwing flight school.

Ness: hah! we finally have this spirit’s weakness! Finally!

Bowser: What is going on? Why am I sitting around with you losers and where did the Outcast team come from.

Falco: just what I was about to say…what are you guys doing, we found this spirit first! Trying to steal it of us, eh?

Fox: no, you chose one of the most powerful spirits of them all. Master hand sent us in here to rescue you and capture the spirit. Huh, well you can’t say that you didn’t need help…

Falco: hmpf…yeah, we did need rescuing…but now we’re even, Fox!

Fox remembered his last battle with Andross and remembered when the mad mutant scientist tried to swallow him and Falco intercepted with a smart bomb.

Fox: yeah, we’re even.

Pichu: oh, no! another sand storm is blowing up!

Everyone shielded their eyes from the swirling sands once more.

Is the Smash spirit of Transport too complex for the smashers? Find out in the next part of SSBM: Academy of Smash!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
EXELENT!!! i can get on today, but my practice SAT test to prepare me for the real one im taking on the 25th is tomarrow, so i might not get on tomarrow till the afternoon.:( neway, great update! i can understand you frustration as to how you cant get on accept every once in a while. dont be discouraged! btw, i like how you make C.Falcon a freak. i always thought there was something seriously wrong with him...;) keep posting whenever possible!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
like i said, this is the first time ive been able to get on today (afternoon). basicly, the SAT doesnt even have that much algebra, and what little it does have iv covered in my Algebra I class. so basicly, it might not be as hard as i susspected, but some of the problems are worded strangely so that might be a problem.;) ill take the real one on the 25th as i said b4. neway, c ya!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Sorry to keep you guys waiting, here's the next update;)


While the Outcast Team, the Spacer Team and the Ten Ton Team where battling the Smash spirit of Transport, some unusual going-ons had been going on in the Academy as well.
The smashers and the hands had gathered for a meeting to discuss these things.

Peach: we are called here today to get some things straight. I suppose most of you are all familiar with the accident that happened in the Mushroom Kingdome dorm?

Everyone nodded.

Peach: good, well as you all know, the unfortunate mishap effects us all, and we should try to uncover the person who started this thing so we can give him a darn good thrashing. Luigi, would you please stand up and show the others your, um, wound?

Luigi stood up and limped on stage. He appeared to be bandaged around his nether regions and looked like he was part mummy.

Luigi: it’s a me, the man with his tushie in a sling!

Peach: as you can probably see, Luigi has his a*se in a plaster cast. Can you tell us what happened Luigi?

Luigi: well…I was in the our dorm, playing with a plunger…(turns red)…It got stuck to my face and I couldn’t get it off…I suddenly had a call of nature…

Peach: that’s “I had to have a cr*p” for the rest of us…

Luigi: er…yeah, so I finally got it a off and then I was a busting to go. I ran as fast as I could to the toilet and sat a down and when I relieved myself, I then flushed the loo and the whole thing violently blew up right underneath me!!

Mario: our dorm still a stinks.

Luigi: then a bunch of pill-shaped things flew out and a exploded all over my bum!

Peach: this ruptured every single drain in the Academy!

Roy: oh! So THAT’S why we’re up to our knees in water!

This earned him a few odd glares.

Mario: Ah! Earlier this a morning, I saw Dr. Mario filling our toilet up with megavitimins! He must haved plugged the pipe!

Peach: where is Dr. Mario now?

M hand: he’s giving the nurse wireframes a lesson on surgery.

Peach: grrr, Let’s go get him!!

In the hospital wing of the Academy, Dr. Mario was just beginning his speech to the crowd of wireframes sitting patiently before him.

Dr. Mario: hello every bod-dy!

Wireframes: hi Dr. Maaario.

Dr. Mario: have ya got ya mon-ey?

Wireframes: yes Dr. Maaario.

Dr. Mario: have ya got ya tum-my?

Wireframes: (holding up their sheep’s stomachs) yes Dr. Maaario.

Dr. Mario: good, now before you dissect a person, you have to be a sure that they are a sick. Then you have to be sure that you are a doctor. Only THEN do you operate. Are you doctors?

Wireframes: yes Dr. Maaario.

Dr. Mario: Good, now repeat after a me, “say hey to the day in May wi’ a TRAY!”

Wireframes: blahblahblahblahblah…

Dr. Mario: fantastic! The lesson is over, now you are qualified surgeons! Be sure to dispose of your latex gloves and rinse your sheep’s stomachs down that sink over there…

The door burst open and a very angry-looking Peach strode in, followed by a group of Cruel Melee wireframes.

Peach: Dr. Mario! You are in deep goonah! Get him!

The Cruel Melee wireframes went over to Dr. Mario and chained together a perfect 258 hit combo as if it was nobody’s business. Dr. Mario looked up from the floor he had been pounded into with a dizzy look on his face.

Peach: let this be a lesson to you, Doc! Anyone who causes general mayhem of any sort around here will have to face up to Peach, second lady of the Academy! But you can call me ma’am!

She turned and strode(waded) down the corridor, laughing like an evil person.

* * * *

When Peach returned to the crowd of sopping wet smashers, she noted the Master hand had started a speech of his own. This annoyed her because she wasn’t finished, and the Master hand was talking about nothing in particular, boring everyone stupid. And she knew what happened when the Smash Bros. got bored.

Sure enough, Young Link was starting to fidget uncontrollably, The Ice Climbers where already halfway up the wall and Zelda was sighing and gasping and looking royal. Link and Marth had engaged in a particularly noisy sword fight, complete with the “AAAAARGH”s and “CLANG”s and “HEEEEAA!!”s and the flashes of clashing steel and all that.

Y. Link: oooh, I wanna sing so bad…I have the best ditty in my head…


Marth: don’t be such a drama queen! You aren’t even wounded. The swords just go through.

Link: you just wish you had cool scars like me! (rolls up his tunic to reveal a nice giant-axe- mark across his chest.)


Link: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! (clang, clash, ching)

Yoshi: a sword is just a big knife, you know…

There was a bright flash coming from the doorway of the Mushroom Kingdome dorm followed by a whooshing noise and voices.
All interest in Master hand’s speech was instantly dropped as the smashers raced over to Mario’s room.

There, floundering in the knee-deep water, was the Outcast Team, the Spacer Team, and the Ten Ton Team. Fox clutched a glowing orb in his fist.

Young Link: YaaaaaY! Three cheers and boogie for the Outcast team, the Spacer Team and The Ten Tonners!

All: yaaaay, yaaay, YAAAAAAAAY! (confetti explodes everywhere and everyone starts breakdancing in the water like crazy.

Peach: AAAARGH!!!

C. Falcon: WHOO! Breakdancing! SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!

Ness, Fox, Jigglypuff and Mr. Game and Watch looked at each other and then at Falco and Bowser’s teams. They didn’t care that they where up to their knees in dunny water, they where just happy that they captured the Smash spirit of Transport!


Aug 12, 2002
Chugiak, Alaska
Yes, you guys do need to stop spamming. If you're going to make a reply, at least make it helpful.

Anywho [/Phill_Sounding_Voice], this is a VERY funny fic! I'm not quite sure how you come up with these ideas... but they're all great!

You might want to work a bit on your grammar, but that's not a real big thing. It doesn't take away from the enjoyment, anyway.

Hmmm, not really much else I can think of... well, other than script form. >_< I hate script form! But whatever.

Keep it up (or something? ^_~)!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Sorry for not updating for a while, I just got an EarthBound rom and WHOO! IT’S THE COOLEST GAME ON EARTH! (not quite, but I love it all the same)

Not much had happened since the capture of the Smash spirit of Transport. The Master hand had realized that the smashers needed some fun and decided to have a game of Blast The Face in the gym.

M hand: I suppose you all know how to play Blast The Face?

All: NUH!

M hand: er…well then, I’ll teach you. Blast The Face is a game in which I, the arranger, leave weapons and ammo lying around in a labyrinth-like place, such as the gym, and you smashers go around the place, picking up guns and ammo and blasting the crud out of each other.
You will not be killed because this is in Smash Tourney conditions. Upon being “killed” a smasher will simply respawn in a different area without a weapon.

Samus: like a deathmatch.

M hand: yes! Quite right. Each player will have unlimited stock and the game will be set in time mode. Half an hour, and the person with the most K.O.s wins. You may not use any weapons that you already have, so Samus, you can’t use your beams.
Now start!

Each smasher was teleported to a different corner in the dungeon-like gym. Let’s join Ness.

Ness started in a room with a door on one side and a passageway heading down the other. He entered the door and discovered an empty room with a hand pistol in the corner, he grabbed that.
Upon exiting the empty room, he came face-to-face with an unarmed Link. Link realized that he was in deep doo-doos and quickly scampered down the corridor he came from. Ness gave chase but was soon faced with a forking chamber. He went left and entered a large room with one chamber in the far corner and a balcony on top. Ness went into the chamber and picked up a second pistol (he has one in each hand now) and entered another room. This room had some large pillars, and a fountain in the center of it. Suddenly Ness spun around and narrowly dodged the spray of machine-gun fire coming from behind him and dived behind a pillar. He stuck his head out to see Zelda with a big assault rifle. She shot at him again.
Ness fired his pistols around the pillar, forcing her to duck for cover, Ness could see her clearly now, he aimed the pistols and fired.
Zelda’s body faded as she was teleported away, losing one stock.

Ness picked up the assault rifle and headed down the corridor into a twisted passageway with a door at the end. He opened the door, which lead into a big ballroom, to see Mario and the Ice Climbers having a skirmish. Mario had a shotgun, and the Ice Climbers where holding twin uzis.
Ness got out his machine gun and blasted them to kingdom come.

Picking up both weapons, Ness went up a staircase and came out on a balcony over one of the large rooms. He walked along the balcony before he heard a huge explosion behind him. Fox was down there with a rocket launcher.

Ness ran as fast as he could to escape the screaming rockets. He entered a safe little corridor with a wipper-snipper in the corner, he grabbed that.
Fox had found his way up on the balcony and soon had Ness cornered with his rocket launcher. Fox, however, overlooked the fact that a rocket launcher is not a good close-range weapon and Ness’s wipper-snipper made short work of him.

With his newly acquired rocket launcher, Ness ran bravely down the passageways until he came across Link again, link had a stupid little air-rifle and upon seeing Ness and his big gun he took off down the corridor. Ness sent a rocket screaming after him, but he turned the corner just before the rocket hit him. The rocket launcher was out of ammo, so Ness tucked it into his pants (as all first person shootists do) and took out his uzis instead. He bolted down the corridor and turned the corner, right into Kirby’s chain saw. BREEEOOOOOWW!!!

Ness respawned in a dark room with few windows. It was a bathroom. Directly in the corner was an acid-filled super-soaker and a remote-controlled racing car with explosives tied to it. Both went into his pockets.

As soon as Ness exited the room, Samus attacked him with a hairpin, he melted her and left the hairpin where it was.

The next room he entered was quite alive, Jigglypuff was wielding a can of capsicum spray and hiding behind a statue while Gannondorf, Young link, and Dr. Mario where blasting at her with a plasma cannon, a semi-automatic, and a Radioactive Swiss Shoe of DoomTM
Ness stood a fair distance away and piloted the racing car over to them and blew them sky-high.
Jigglypuff, on the other hand, was making a break for it. Ness couldn’t be bothered chasing after her and headed down another corridor and opened the door at the end. He found a shotgun and some ammo for a gun he didn’t have yet. The door opened and Roy came in sporting a flame thrower. Ness stood out of the way of the flames and hosed him down with the acid-soaker, but it didn’t claim any of his stock. The flames damaged Ness a little as he changed to his shotgun and let Roy have it with both barrels. Leaving the room, Ness heard gunshots coming from the big room. He loaded his shotgun and made his way back down the corridor.

Find out what happens next in this exciting game of Blast the Face in the next update! In the meantime you can twiddle your thumbs and tear pictures out of Women’s Day magazines and flush them down the loo.
See ya!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
hehehe... that was funny. "Blast the Face" hehehe...

Ness started in a room with a door on one side and a passageway heading down the other. He entered the door and discovered an empty room with a hand pistol in the corner, he grabbed that.
Upon exiting the empty room, he came face-to-face with an unarmed Link. Link realized that he was in deep doo-doos and quickly scampered down the corridor he came from.

With his newly acquired rocket launcher, Ness ran bravely down the passageways until he came across Link again, link had a stupid little air-rifle and upon seeing Ness and his big gun he took off down the corridor. Ness sent a rocket screaming after him, but he turned the corner just before the rocket hit him. The rocket launcher was out of ammo, so Ness tucked it into his pants (as all first person shootists do) and took out his uzis instead. He bolted down the corridor and turned the corner, right into Kirby’s chain saw. BREEEOOOOOWW!!!
As soon as Ness exited the room, Samus attacked him with a hairpin, he melted her and left the hairpin where it was.
I love these funny things! keep 'em coming!:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Young Link, Samus, Bowser, and Marth where battling it out in the big room like a bunch of prize stags. Samus had a revolver, Young Link clutched a laser pistol, Bowser was blasting away with a thunder rifle and Marth was making lots of noise with a mortar cannon. They where all missing each other spectacularly.

Ness leveled his shotgun at them and fired a few pot shots, knocking off a fair bit of Young Link and Samus’s health. The battlers stopped and turned their attentions to him.

Ness: oh, bum!

Ness dodged like crazy as a rain of nasty projectiles whizzed all around him. He ducked behind a statue.

As the four assailants shot at the gatecrasher, Bowser slyly aimed his gun to the side and Finished Young Link. Marth, in turn, Blasted Samus and then the two went head on in a spectacular dogfight.

Ness watched as they attacked each other and readied his shotgun to get them when they where weakened. But before he could do anything, a noisy PTEW! sound filled the air and Bowser and Marth where vaporized by a powerful green ball of plasma.

Ness poked his head around the corner to see Pichu wielding a Bluddy Big Gun. ™

Pichu: haa! That teaches you not to not look behind you! Anover bunch of woosers for me!

The gigantic gun he was carrying was at least twice his size.

Ness waited for him to turn the corner and ran down the opposite passageway, as far away from Pichu as he could.

There was a BANG and Ness found himself on the other side of the gym in a locker room. He hadn’t even seen who’d shot him!

In the locker room was a funky mushroom grenade and a Super Duper Party Pooper gun which shot strands of electrically charged streamers.

He opened the door and found himself in a room with lots of computers and a big screen on one side. a whizzing noise filled the air and he felt a stinging sensation in his back. Ness spun around to find Peach with a bunch of throwing stars in her hand and a huge Ultra Laser Arm Cannon Thingie in her other. She put away the throwing stars and pulled out a Hairy Spider Flail.

Peach: you can’t run, and you can’t hide! I’m going to blow you to smithereens!

She fired the arm cannon and a swirly laser beam shot out and blew up the ground just inches away from Ness’s feet. He quickly regained composure and pitched the funky mushroom grenade at the Princess. It filled the air with brown spores.
When the spores cleared Peach was wobbling around and, apparently, feeling a little bit funky baby, yeah!

Ness took out the Super Duper Party Pooper and tried to get within its firing range. But Peach began wildly swinging her Hairy Spider Flail.
The massive hairy tarantula swooped within a foot of Ness’s head. He ducked under it and was just about to fire his gun…when the alarm went off, signaling that the game was over.

Ness reappeared outside the gym, along with everyone else. Where the Master hand and Crazy hand were floating around in a jolly manner.

M hand: aaaaah. Time up, time up. Did you lot enjoy that hmmm?


M hand: I thought so…I shall have to organize more of those in the future.

Ness: erm, who was the winner?

M hand: eh? I was just getting to that…The person with the most K.O.s and the least amount of stock loss was… … … MEWTWO!


M hand: Mewtwo didn’t get K.Oed once. He claimed 15 stocks and was only shot three times.

Fox: but I didn’t see him at all!

M hand: Mewtwo simply used stealth. He hid behind obstacles and around corners, used a relatively quiet weapon and made all his attacks from behind, lining up perfect head shots each time.

Mewtwo: heheheheheheheeeeeh!

Falco: who came second?

M hand: Pichu. And Mr. Game and Watch came third.

There was a chorus of grumbles and moans.

M hand: I expect you’re all hungry now. So the Cafeteria is now open.

C hand: YAAAAAAA! Ya aYhA! Da YuMMy PorK JuBes StrIke At MiD-TwilighT To NauGhty Go0lEis! HAHAHAHA! (bashes himself against the floor)

M hand: please ignore that lunatic, he is a sped.

On the way to the Cafeteria there was much talk and chatting. All the teams had got back together after the game of Blast The Face.

Fox: hoooyeah! It’s been So long since I held a decent gun! You did really well, Ness. One would think you’ve been handling weapons for ages!

Ness could have told him that he had. But decided against it.

G&W: I came third! And all I did was creep around in the dark places!

Jigglypuff: I am so pooped. When we get to the Cafeteria, I am going to stuff myself stupid until food starts oozing out of my ears!

Fox: I guess we should start looking for the next Smash spirit now…

Ness: naaah, leave it for tomorrow. As my good old Dad used to say, “Ness, you like to work hard, just like your mother, but I don’t think it’s good to work too hard.”

Edit: sorry these games of Blast The face have short updates. But I am trying to cram as much in as I can before my computer time is all gone. So take what is given to you and be grateful! :p!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Beleive it or not, Every one of those stupid weapons (except the real ones) was an original, created by my warped Mr. Head. If you look at some of the cr*p I write and get a horrible temptation to scream "What are you on?" at the top of your voice, please realize that it's not my fault. Mr. Head controls how I think, so if my story gives you an attack of the "What tha"s, blame it on Mr. Head!
(and no, this is still my fic and I won't have him stealing any of my credit!)
Next update sometime tomorow, unless something happens. :bee:

Shadow King

Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2002
Corona Mountain
Crazy Hand: YAAAAA! YAA ahYA! Da yuMMy PorK tUBez strIKE At MiD TwilighT tO NauGhty GOOIes! HAHAHAHA! *Bashes himself against the floor.*
Master Hand: Please ignore that lunatic he is a sped.
Lol funny. Heeey! I`m a lunatic too! Gibbergibbergibbergibberdribbledribbledribble.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

It was a beautiful morning in the Academy of Smash. Mr. Game and Watch emerged from his dorm (a vertical slit in the wall, painted on the inside) and looked down the hallway at the sun shining through the windows.
Link and Young Link where already up and about and on their way to the Cafeteria.

Link: you think something is going to happen at the Cafeteria today, Mini Me?

Y. Link: stop calling me that! I don’t know how Zelda managed to split us up, but since I met you I never want to grow up, EVER!

Link: don’t be like that…

They both stopped to greet Mr. Game and Watch and then moved on. The black sprite smiled at them and waved politely at them with his turtle.

G&W: I wander if Fox and Ness and Jigglypuff are up yet?

He walked down the corridors until he got to the Pokemon dorm. Inside, Pikachu was teaching Pichu about special and physical attacks and Mewtwo was floating in the air with his arms folded and quietly observing the two mouse Pokemon with interest.
Jigglypuff was in her nest, sleeping.

Game and Watch quietly closed the door and tiptoed over to Fox’s dorm. There was an unearthly sound coming from inside.
He pressed a button on the door and it slid open, exposing a sound that could curdle milk.
Fox was sitting on his bed, playing his bagpipes, while Falco was reading some kind of space travel magazine, with a pillow strapped across the sides of his head.

Fox: (SqUEEEaaaAAKLSEE!) Oh yeah! One, two, three, (SAL:DJFA:SLJDOFJBAKJGQ!!!)

Falco: hmm, hmm, hmm, la, la, la, I CAN’T HEAR YOU, FOX!


Mr. Game and Watch really couldn’t take much more of the mind numbing sound, so he beeped very loudly and muted the room. That got Fox’s attention.

Fox: huh? Darn thing must be broken…oh hi Mr. Game and Watch.

Falco: oy, Flatso, do you think you could get rid of him for me?

G&W: sure, Falco. Fox! Let’s go to Ness’s room!

Fox: huh! Critics everywhere!

The two jogged over to Ness’s dorm. Fox shoved open the door and was greeted with a disturbing sight.

Ness was awake all right. He was dressed only in his boxer shorts and was standing in front of a mirror, a determined look on his face. He hadn’t noticed either of them.

Ness: look at yourself, Ness! You’re getting fat! It’s disgusting! you will not tolerate obesity! you will not tolerate it! It is evil! Fat is EVIL! Fat is NOT your friend! It wants to kill you! You must learn to fight it! FIGHT YOUR FAT, BEFORE IT GETS YOU!

He got into a fighting stance and began throwing punches at the air.

Ness: you know what you have to do to fight fat? How do you fight fat?! You have to work hard! That's how! You have to work your butt off! Work it off with a crowbar! Bust your butt! BUST IT!

He began attacking the air furiously with his bat.

Ness: get those muscles into gear! Bust your butt! Bust it like a banana! Bust it like Beckham!

Mr. Game and Watch stared for a while at the screaming boy, as he beat up hoards of imaginary bad guys, before silently closing the door and creeping back down the hallway.

Fox: whoa…Is that normal human behavior?

G&W: I’m pretty sure it isn’t…

Zelda: hiiii! Oh, Fox, do you think you could do me a favor?

Fox: like what?

Zelda: like talking those two down from up there? I hear you are very persuasive. (points to the Ice Climbers who are hanging from the ceiling.

Nana: why did you have to use belay right then?!

Popo: I didn’t use belay! I threw you, it’s your fault that you fastened the chord!

Nana: I thought you where using belay!

Popo: well I wasn’t.

Nana: then why did you throw me?

Popo: umm… … … … I don’t really know, myself!

Nana: aaaarh! Now we’re stuck up here by our hammers! And there’s no way I’m letting go of my hammer.

Popo: me neither!

Fox: you think I can make those crazy Eskimos let go of their mallets?

Zelda: I’m confident in you.

Fox: fine…YOU IDIOTS HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE I START FIRING! (pulls out blaster and aims it at them)

Ice Climbers: EEEK! (let go)

Zelda: sigh, you never cease to amaze me Fox! I’m so glad I met you!…I’m a real animal person…see you at breakfast…giggle!

With a flourish of her dress, Zelda turned and shimmied down the corrodor.
Fox stared after her. Trying to make sense of what she said.


Dec 19, 2002
Nana: why did you have to use belay right then?!

Popo: I didn’t use belay! I threw you, it’s your fault that you fastened the chord!

Nana: I thought you where using belay!

Popo: well I wasn’t.

Nana: then why did you throw me?

Popo: umm… … … … I don’t really know, myself!

Nana: aaaarh! Now we’re stuck up here by our hammers! And there’s no way I’m letting go of my hammer.

Popo: me neither!

Fox: you think I can make those crazy Eskimos let go of their mallets?

Zelda: I’m confident in you.

Fox: fine…YOU IDIOTS HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE I START FIRING! (pulls out blaster and aims it at them)

Ice Climbers: EEEK! (let go)
LOL that was funny.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2002
Mount Silver...Actually, Cape Cod!
Is it just me, or is Falco starting to sound a bit like Vegeta? Without saying Kakarot, I mean... Well it looks like Mewtwo is back to his old ways---I sorta feel that way too because almost everyone at my school disses Pokemon, and even say they killed Pikachu too! Anyway, good chapter.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
great updates!

Ness watched as they attacked each other and readied his shotgun to get them when they where weakened. But before he could do anything, a noisy PTEW! sound filled the air and Bowser and Marth where vaporized by a powerful green ball of plasma.

Ness poked his head around the corner to see Pichu wielding a Bluddy Big Gun. ™

Pichu: haa! That teaches you not to not look behind you! Anover bunch of woosers for me!

The gigantic gun he was carrying was at least twice his size.

Ness waited for him to turn the corner and ran down the opposite passageway, as far away from Pichu as he could.

The two jogged over to Ness’s dorm. Fox shoved open the door and was greeted with a disturbing sight.

Ness was awake all right. He was dressed only in his boxer shorts and was standing in front of a mirror, a determined look on his face. He hadn’t noticed either of them.

Ness: look at yourself, Ness! You’re getting fat! It’s disgusting! you will not tolerate obesity! you will not tolerate it! It is evil! Fat is EVIL! Fat is NOT your friend! It wants to kill you! You must learn to fight it! FIGHT YOUR FAT, BEFORE IT GETS YOU!

He got into a fighting stance and began throwing punches at the air.

Ness: you know what you have to do to fight fat? How do you fight fat?! You have to work hard! That's how! You have to work your butt off! Work it off with a crowbar! Bust your butt! BUST IT!

He began attacking the air furiously with his bat.

Ness: get those muscles into gear! Bust your butt! Bust it like a banana! Bust it like Beckham!

Mr. Game and Watch stared for a while at the screaming boy, as he beat up hoards of imaginary bad guys, before silently closing the door and creeping back down the hallway.

hehehe... Mewtwo ROX!!!

also, ppl started hating pokemon bcuz the kids who liked it first thought it wasnt "mature" when they turned older, so they told that to eachother and the younger kids caught on to them, following their example, and BOOM!!! almost everyone hates pokemon. its disgusting how much little kids do what older kids do, and cant think for themselves. o well, we still love pokemon, dont we?
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