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SSBM: Academy of smash (Wow! It's updated!)


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
Spirit: hows about playing a little game? Choose how many shcarabs you wish to gamble, and I’ll then throw them into this…

G&W: hey! there’s something familiar about those lines!

Spirit: ****! you found me out! I hate it when people catch me copying stuff! Paper, scissors, rock!

G&W: I’ll play!

they both shook their fists at each other then showed their chosen object.

Spirit: Dang! yer paper wraps up my rock!

Round 2:

Spirit: Dang! yer paper wraps up my rock again! But you won’t be so lucky next time!

Round 3:

Spirit: What? I can’t believe ye won! Theh old three-times-the-same-thing-in-a-row trick never fails!

If Mr. Game and Watch had been a fair player, he would have told the spirit that he had actually used scissors all three times only his flat hands always looked like paper. But he was a dirty player and simply nodded in reply.

G&W: I did it! I captured a spirit all on my own! I’M so cool, do it old school, I’m so cool, do it old school, etc etc.

It just so happened that Dr. Mario was passing by the MEN’S at that very moment, and upon hearing the cries of “Game and Watch forever!” coming from the bathroom commode, he shook his head and uttered this wise statement:

Dr. Mario: I am a DOCTOR!

(I bet you thought he was going to say something about him being a sick, didn’t you? Well HAHAHA! I TRICKED YOU ALL!)
hehehe... up date some more! this is getting good, hehehe...



Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
YAY! New readers!

Glad you guys like this fic! Thanks for rating, I appreciate your efforts.

The next update should be sometime today or tonight.
If I can't update it's because I have to make some jelly for a party.
See ya soon.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Three weeks later, All the smashers where up and about and feeling better. For three weeks the nasty hunting war between Samus and Mr. Game and Watch had been going on. Since the incident in the MEN’S room, Mr. Game and Watch had not collected a third spirit while Samus had managed to capture one, the Smash spirit of noise.

All the smashers where sitting in the cafeteria at lunch time eating lunch (gee! who would have thought?)
Fox, Ness, Jigglypuff and Mr. G where sitting at a little table sucking on some avocado sandwiches but not swallowing.

After the machinery in the kitchen broke down, Peach was forced to cook by the Master Hand.
And many of the smashers suspected that she was trying to poison them.

Ness: (whispers) these sandwiches stink to kingdom come!

Fox: (pushes his plate into the center of the table) I’m strictly carnivore.

Jigglypuff: to be quite frank, I think they taste like…

Mario: I don’t want this yuu-kky lunch…

Everyone stared at Mario, shocked by his bravery.


Mario: I don’t want this yuu-kky lunch!

Peach: (brandishing a carving knife) I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT JUST ONE MORE TIME, YOU LITTLE *)@*$*%%@!

Mario repeated his little complaint once again and Peach went as red as a baboon’s rear end


The room was silent until Kirby piped up, breaking the silence.

Kirby: we don’t want no yuu-kky lunch!

Ice Climbers: We don’t want your yukky lunch!

Zelda: they don’t want their yukky lunch!

This didn’t take long to develop into a little ditty and in no time at all, a big chain of smashers had linked hands and where skipping around the cafeteria little girl style singing their hearts out:

All: We don’t want this yuu-kky lunch,
we won’t eat this yuu-kky lunch,
confiscate this yuu-kky lunch,

Jigglypuff: because it tastes like…

Fox: you can die from yuu-kky lunch,
Ness: we want pie, not yuu-kky lunch,
Roy: we won’t try this yuu-kky lunch,

All: because it smells like…

Yoshi: you’ll get sick from yuu-kky lunch,
C. Falcon: you can’t get chicks from yuu-kky lunch,
Zelda: let’s give the flick to yuu-kky lunch,

All: because it looks like…

Ice climbers: it’s minus five, your yuu-kky lunch,
Luigi: it looks alive, your yuu-kky lunch,
Pichu: it’ll jump and jive, your yuu-kky lunch,

Dr. Mario: take three pills and call me in the morning.

All: :mad:

Dr. Mario was slapped around for a while by a mob of angry smashers before being released outside the cafeteria.

Peach: (her face is all twisted up into a mask of hate) FINE! You diss me as much as you like! But there will come a day when I will get my revenge! Now starve! HAHAHHAHAH!

Mario: oops. We really did it that time…

Luigi: YOU did it, PIGGY! ( pokes Mario in the stomach with his finger)

Mario: DOOH!

Fox: come on, the Spacers are catching up with us. We’d better go to the library to look for those spirits.

Ness: The library is the perfect spot for those goulies to hide!

Falco suddenly appeared behind Ness as if by magic.

Falco: sooo, the library huh?

Fox: you keep off our hunting grounds!

Falco: Fox, Fox, Fox, you seem to be forgetting that the library is public property.

Fox: grrrrrr!

Falco: hahah! don’t growl at me, this clearly shows that I’m smarter than you.

Ness: he’s baiting you, Fox…

Falco: see you at the library, out-of-here team!

Jigglypuff: gee! He’s sure got a big stick up his ar…

Fox: come on, you guys, to the library, full steam ahead!

Will the spacer team beat them to the Spirit? What’s up with the Doc? Is Peach really such a bad cook? Find out in the next update, when I feel like writing it!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

The library wasn’t as packed as you would expect it to be. The only people there where The Spacer team, the Outcast team and Master and Crazy hand.

Fox: Ness! Start looking behind all those books! Game and Watch, check those cracks in the wall, Jiggs! Help Ness!

He looked sideways to see the Spacer team weren’t being slack about it.
Falco was tearing books from their shelves and throwing them on the floor, Samus was doing the same with her grappling beam, Kirby was sucking up board games and solitaire cards and Captain Falcon was running aimlessly up and down the isles.

Ness: I have an Idea! Mr. Game and Watch, can you mute the sound in this place?

G&W: yes.

Ness: Jigglypuff, I want you to go and get Master hand and tell him what the Spacer team are doing to the books. Hurry!

Jigglypuff tottered down the isle and after a few minutes, came back with Master hand and Crazy as well.

M hand: e-gads! stop this vandalism right now!

Crazy hand: rubba dub dub, three men in a tub, and who do you think they where? ‘D butcher, ‘d baker, ‘d candlestick maker, ‘dey all sailed off in a rotten potater!!

M hand: what is the meaning of this destruction?

Falco: but we’re only looking for a blah blah blah…

Ness: go, Mr. Game and Watch! Mute the sound around me!

Game and Watch let out a long, high pitched beep that totally muted every other sound within three meters of him.

Ness: now I can concentrate…

Ness closed his eyes and began to scan the library for any sources of PSI energy.
A bookshelf with a book about the geography of Termina sitting on it flashed in his mind’s eye, then a quick burst of light showed him a small cupboard underneath the shelf below that.

Ness: listen up you guys! We have to find a book called “The Geography Of Termina Field”

Fox: that could take ages! This place is huge!

Ness: that’s what the computers are for! (walks over to a search computer)

Falco’s team where still receiving a talk from Master hand. Fox noticed Kirby looking at Ness and the computer.
The puff ball nudged Samus in her leg and she turned and saw Ness as well.

Fox: (whispering) Jigglypuff, I want you to stay here once we’re gone and guard the computer, if they get too close, put them to sleep. They mustn’t see that number!

Jigglypuff: eye eye captain!

Ness: O.K., The book is on shelf 905 KU non-fiction.

He wrote down the number and wiped the screen before motioning for the others to follow him. Jigglypuff stayed to guard the computer.

Master hand had let the Spacer team off the hook and the first thing they did was head towards the computer.

Jigglypuff: keep away from this computer!

Falco: O.K. you little tell-tail, give us that number!

Jigglypuff: or what?

C. Falcon: or you will got really ownzed!(rips off his shirt, exposing his hairy chest)

Kirby: ignore that sped, could you please let us on the computer, Jiggly?

Jigglypuff shook her body/head stubbournley.

Falco: grrr…get away from that computer! (tries to attack Jigglypuff)

Jigglypuff immediately began to sing, Falco managed to dodge the pink sound waves and backed off.

Falco: Samus! take care of this little pest!

Samus grabbed Jigglypuff with her grappling beam and slung her into a pile of books.

Falco: now let’s see what the losers where looking at…

Jigglypuff: don’t you dare, Falco!

Jigglypuff leaped out of the books and pounded Falco in the side of his head. He flew in a graceful arc and landed on Kirby.

The battle was on, Falco tried to hit the puff with a roundhouse kick, but she side-stepped and countered with a one-two punch + up smash combo, sending him flopping onto the ground, where he was bashed by her lunging kick. (smash forward)
Falco rolled away from his attacker and used a Falco Phantasm attack, surprising Jigglypuff and sending her into the air.
Upon doing so, he tried to hit her with a jumping attack but his high jump betrayed him and he missed her by a bit. On the way down he was hit with a arc swipe (aerial up) followed up by an attack from the amazing stretching feet. (aerial forward)
Falco fell quickly onto the ground, smashing into the carpet. He rose giddily up to his feet only to have Jigglypuff jump up and poke him in the eye with her foot. (aerial backwards)
Jigglypuff watched as Falco charged towards her and tried to pound him, but he powersheilded it and countered with a grab.
A nasty face punch (throw forward) was administered folowed up by another Falco Phantasm, sending her air born.
Coloured lights danced before her eyes as Falco sent her rocketing into the ground with his corkscrew spike. (aerial down) She just managed to avoid his roundhouse kick by rolling behind him before administering a final lunging kick.
Falco was sent flying directly into the computer, which promptly exploded in a shower of sparks.

Mission accomplished for Jigglypuff.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
And now...


Ness: 856, 802…We’re going backwards!

Fox: the 900ds are over here!

G&W: no they aren’t!

After what seemed like ages for the three smashers, they had finally managed too locate the section of library in which the Termina geography book should be. Ness had managed to link the book up to a PSI energy flow. (he managed to “Link” it up, get it? GET IT??)

Ness: we must be close, I can feel the force running through my veins like wild animals, and my feet are starting to hurt.

G&W: have you ever thought of using your powers for profit?

Ness: I had a psychic hotline back at Onett, but I stopped it because I accidentally blew up the phone several times.

Fox: Termina chronicles, Termina lore…AHA! “The Geography of Termina”

Ness: good on ya, Fox! there should be a small cupboard underneath the shelf that it’s on, the PSI appears to be radiating from there.

Ness and Mr. Game and Watch gathered around fox as he gingerly opened the cupboard. Almost instantly, they found themselves flying through a mass of badly clashing colours.

Ness: Fox! what is the spirit?

Fox: I don’t know, it looks like some kind of flying brain!

G&W: that is most disturbing.

Fox: shows that you haven’t seen much action Flat boy.

The brain suddenly morphed into a beautiful librarian, (do not accuse me of being weird, please) she lifted her finger to her lips and made a hissing sound and a room materialized beneath their feet. The librarian grew huge and, towering above them, began to open a huge encyclopedia.

Ness looked around the room, littering the floor were a lot of big, thick books.
He turned around to see Fox squirming on the ground, his eyes open wide with a look of terror masked across his face.

Suddenly the sound hit Ness’s ear, it sounded like a hundred people speaking in a monotone all at once. The librarian was reading a passage from the book, it was the most boring thing Ness had ever heard in his entire life. His Knees felt weak and his head began to swirl. He felt like falling to the ground to escape the sound.

Mr. Game and Watch struggled to mute the sound but it overpowered him and he fell, gibbering, onto the floor next to Fox.

Ness stood his ground.

Ness: (thinks) if I can survive my English class I can survive this! There has to be a way to fight it, all the spirits seem to have provided their own weakness so far!

Ness suddenly remembered his English classes. His teacher often made them read stupid books aloud to the rest of the class. However, she hated it when she had to read and the kids spoke and interrupted her. Ness sometimes used to read just one word ahead of her and it drove her bonkers.

His knees buckled underneath him. The sound was seeping into every pore in his body.

Ness: I’ve got to think of a way! what would I do in English class?

He stared up at the librarian’s book, it was called “Johnneis Big Encyclopedia of All Stuff” He looked towards the books on the floor. Sure enough, one of them was a miniature version of the librarian’s torture implement.

Ness crawled up to the book and grabbed it. Rising to his feet with great effort he thew open the cover to look at the contents page.

Library spirit: Tiger, A large member of the feline family, these ferocious predators are…

Flipping rapidly through the pages, Ness reached “Tiger” and read down the paragraph as fast as he could.

Library spirit: …leaping upon its helpless prey, it…

Ness: BITES…

The librarian’s voice went haywire, she fumbled the book and screamed: INTO A NECK OF BRIGHTLY COLOURED FLANNELS!

Ness’s energy flooded back into his body as the massive librarian flashed red, signaling she’d been “hurt.”

But the spirit wasn’t done yet, she opened another book, “Fairy tails of the World” and ruffled through the pages.

Library spirit: Chapter Nine: Little Red Riding Hood went skipping through the woods…

Ness was ready for her this time, he sorted through the books on the floor and found the fairy tales book. He threw back the cover and glanced at the contents to find out the page.
He quickly caught up with the spirit.

Library spirit: …and then she saw her…


Again the library spirit went psycho: BY JOVE! WHAT A BIG BOWL OF PORRIGE YOU HAVE, JACK!

Now Ness was shaking. His little eyes where dilated to the max, his heart was beating like a drum.

The librarian opened a history book this time, Ness quickly found it and was soon staring at the contents page.

Library spirit: …The Gyarados was shining a strange red colour…

“What? the spirit didn’t even read out the chapter name!” Thought Ness, as a wave of panic spread around his body.
Who was Gyarados?

He scanned the contents page. Nothing about a Gyarados.

The boringness was starting to eat at his health again, he wobbled unsteadily from weakness.

Library spirit: …a threat to humans and Pokemon alike…

Ness: AHA! something to do with Pokemon!

He opened the book up to page 2289: Pokemon legends and flipped through the pages untill he got to the very last page.

Ness: what? there’s nothing about Gyarados in here!

He was really frightened now.

Ness: I-I can’t give up! I have to try…

He flipped back to the middle of the book, it just so happened that his eye strayed across the word “Gyarados”, Hope seized him in it’s warm grip.

Library spirit: …Shot a Hyper Beam at the…


The library spirit exploded with a blast of incredible light patterns. The force of the blast knocked Ness backwards onto his unconscious teammates.

A flying brain hovered briefly in the air before the room dissolved, sending the smashers back to the library.

Ness opened his eyes. He was lying with his head on Fox’s chest and in his hand he clutched the Smash spirit of knowlige. He could hear Fox’s rapid heartbeat and he gave a silent sigh of relief.

Jigglypuff came bouncing around the corner, covered in nasty bruises and cuts.

Jigglypuff: y-you got it?

Ness hoisted Fox onto his shoulders and smiled as Jigglypuff did the same to Mr. Game and Watch.

Jigglypuff: wow! that must have been one tough spirit! Mr. Game and Watch is out cold!

Ness: what happened to you?

Jigglypuff: I just had a little argument with Falco…So once we get these two over to the sick bay, what are we going to do?

Ness: I don’t know about you, but I’m going to read a book.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
I may not update untill tonight, but in the meantime you can help me out. I am running out of ideas for the Smash spirits. could you possibly come up with some for me? Don't tell me what they do, just the name.



Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Try the "Spirit of Royalty." Maybe fit Peach into the scene somewhere. This fic is excellent.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Ness: how are you feeling guys?

Jigglypuff: you missed out on the battle between Mario and Marth. Mario won…

Fox smiled slightly and looked around the sick bay. The nurse wireframe was desperately trying to keep Dr. Mario out, and Mr. Game and watch was hooked up to a heart monitor. Similar to his.

Fox: I heard Jiggs beat up Falco all by herself.

Jigglypuff: only just.

G&W: I am really hungry, aren’t you, Fox?

Fox: Nurse…can I get up yet?

Nurse wireframe: sorry Fox, not until your metabolism is stable.

Ness: the spirit of knowledge really took you out, didn’t it, guys?

Fox: ooooh, that was horrible!…only once before have I ever felt so helpless…

G&W: mmm..it wasn’t so bad. But I was scared.

Jigglypuff: hope you get better soon, we brought you some leftover toffee. I made it myself…

Nurse wireframe: I’m sorry, but the patients are on a special diet to help them get better and may only eat their favorite food.

Jigglypuff: oh…

Ness: I think we’d better get going, breakfast is almost ready.

As they walked out the door, the nurse picked up a dish with what looked suspiciously like a rat’s tail hanging out the side and gave it to Fox.
Ness didn’t want to know about that.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Academy, the Spacer team where sitting around with nothing to do.
Falco ignored the pain. On his face, just around his left eye, shined a shiny shiner, a gift from Jigglypuff’s left foot.

Falco: (grumbling) I can’t believe she did that to me…It’s impossible…she had to have been on steroids or something!

Samus: I wouldn’t get so angry about it if I where you, it wasn’t a real match…

Falco: that’s not what annoys me most, I can’t believe that I GOT THE BLAME FOR BREAKING THE COMPUTER!

He stopped and eyed Samus suspiciously. The bounty hunter was staring fixedly at him through her visor.

Falco: why are you looking at me like that?…huh? ARE YOU SCANNING ME AGAIN?!?

Samus: sorry, I can’t help it. You really look like a Chozo…are you sure you don’t descend from…

Falco: look…I live in a different universe from you…

Samus: I still think you remind me of the Chozo.


Everyone turned to look at the spedly bounty hunter who was building a racer out of old soda cans.

Samus: are you nuts or something? That thing will never fly!

C. Falcon: so? It’s sexy to build racers out of old soda cans!

Kirby: you’re straaange…

C. Falcon: this baby is going to go 9 346 724 Km per second!!

Kirby: in your dreams, it will!

To prove his point, Kirby swallowed Captain Falcon and stole his helmet.

Kirby: (jumping into the racer) look! I’m Captain Falcon! I’m going to fight crime in my stupid mobile!


Suddenly Pichu appeared as if out of nowhere, wearing his little blue goggles.

Pichu: yeee! A broom-broom car! I always wanted to be a dwiver! ‘Den I can make wots of cool boomies! (shoves Kirby out of C. Falcon’s new car and grabs the wheel)


Kirby: ROAD HOG!

Pichu pressed all the buttons and the car rocketed off at 9 346 724 Km per second, right into a wall, boom.

Gannondorf: hey, have you guys seen Pichu?

Kirby: no

The cafeteria was actually very silent this time, possibly because Peach looked like she was about to hit the fan.

Mario: Peachy…can you whip up a nice pasta, please?

Luigi: Mario wants to get even more fat!

This earned him a few nasty looks.

Peach: here you go, and you’d better like it!

Link: this place is quiet…too quiet.

Y. Link: I think we should do something to amuse ourselves, there is no rule against that…especially if we do it in honor to the lovely maiden Peach!

Marth: LOVELY MAIDEN? cough, cough!

Y. Link: oh lovely damsel sweet and fair, you don’t mind if we sing and dance in your honor? (kisses her hand)

In the presence of such a little gentleman, Peach turned bright red and nodded shyly.

Y. Link: O.K. GUYS…LET’S PARTY! (gets out a top hat and cane and jumps onto a table)

(Dood oot, do-do, do, do, bum.)
All: we’re dancing in the cafeteriaaaa!
‘cos Peach is superiooor!
Y. Link: she’ll kick her leg up one and two,
Link: and show her knickers just for you!
All: Peach is our num-ber one!

Marth: I never met a girl with such a baaaaack…
Jigglypuff: it’s used in her Peach bomber ataaack,
All: that girl has got a butt of iron,
enough to stun a full grown lion,
Peach is our num-ber one!

Mario: she’s got a nifty litt-le defeeence…
Ness: she pulls Toad out-of her dreeeess,
All: hit him and you’ll be in a fizz,
Pikachu: I wonder where my Pichu is?
All: Peach is our num-ber one!

Roy: her veggies are pulled from the groooound…
Ice climbers: they make a fun-ny little sound,
All: if you try to beat her grace,
you’ll find a veggie in your face.
‘cos Peeeach is our nuuuuumber oooooooooooone!
Mewtwo: FOOL!

Young link cleared his throat and stepped down from the table and bowed.

The cafeteria looked very different now, there was bits of confetti and chicken feathers and what not scattered left, right, and center. Most of the smashers where wearing knee high stockings and frilly hats, including the guys.

Roy: whoa! why am I wearing knee high stockings and a frilly hat?

Link: Young Link always saves the best outfits for himself! (wipes off his lipstick)

Peach was stunned for a while. All the smashers looked eagerly at her, waiting for a reply.

Peach: you are all such suck-ups! I would never allow anyone to kiss my posterior in that manner! Get down on your knees and clean up this mess!

The smashers stared at her, dumbfounded.

Peach: well? I expect this cafeteria to be clean within the next ten seconds, and if this is not accomplished within my standards, team points will rapidly decline, I kid you not!

Zelda: (under her breath) you are such a dog…

Peach: I heard that!

Ness: this is bad…

Jigglypuff: yeah! where’s Kirby when you need him?

Ness: no, no! I mean that Fox and Mr. Game and Watch are sick, we are stuck here, cleaning up this mess, and the Spacer team never showed up for lunch so they aren’t in trouble…Which means that they have this whole time to look for Smash spirits. And we can’t do anything about it!

(note: If this was a cartoon, the screen would go all dark as spooky music played and the ads would come on. But because this is not a cartoon, this doesn’t happen. Just thought you’d like to know)


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
Everyone turned to look at the spedly bounty hunter who was building a racer out of old soda cans.

Samus: are you nuts or something? That thing will never fly!

C. Falcon: so? It’s sexy to build racers out of old soda cans!

Kirby: you’re straaange…

C. Falcon: this baby is going to go 9 346 724 Km per second!!

Kirby: in your dreams, it will!

To prove his point, Kirby swallowed Captain Falcon and stole his helmet.

Kirby: (jumping into the racer) look! I’m Captain Falcon! I’m going to fight crime in my stupid mobile!


Suddenly Pichu appeared as if out of nowhere, wearing his little blue goggles.

Pichu: yeee! A broom-broom car! I always wanted to be a dwiver! ‘Den I can make wots of cool boomies! (shoves Kirby out of C. Falcon’s new car and grabs the wheel)


Kirby: ROAD HOG!

Pichu pressed all the buttons and the car rocketed off at 9 346 724 Km per second, right into a wall, boom.

hehehe... C.Falcon is strange!... stupid peach! update! this is a great fic!

note: can u post about whos ideas you will turn into smash spirits?


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Great Smash spirit ideas! I will use:
The Smash spirit of Time
The Smash spirit of pointy objects
The smash spirit of transport
The smash spirit of doom (although it will be called the Smash spirit of fear)
And the last one I'll make up myself.

Thanks! next update will be sometime this evening.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2002
Wondering who X is because he forgot (again)
could you try to update within the next 15-20 mins? i dont know what time it is for you but it is 11:15 PM for me. i would like to read it before i go to bed, but tomorrow would be fine, i guess

Oh, and for those who bother to highlight: the smash spirit of hygiene!!! AHHHHH!!!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Falco’s team had unknowingly escaped from Peach’s punishment in the cafeteria. The Ten Ton Team had also managed to skip lunch.
This left them free to search the whole Academy without competition, but left them hungry.

Falco: why aren’t you guys at lunch?

Gannondorf: we thought we could try to look for some Smash spirits while everyone else was eating.

Kirby: err..that was our idea!

Bowser: huh! well it doesn’t matter, we are still going to find a spirit and get ourselves some house points!

Falco: not if we get to them first!


D.K.: eherherher! THERE you are, Pichu…

To anyone just passing by, it would have looked like the big monkey was talking to a large blast mark on the wall. But a closer inspection would have revealed it to have pink cheeks and a tail.

Pichu: whay! you’re car is weally, weally cool Mr. Falcon! I want another wide!


Kirby: oh shut up! You’re not cool!

C. Falcon: I am so! I can do this! (runs full pelt at a wall and bashes into it with considerable force then blacks out)

Samus: yeah…real cool…

Bowser: I know! why don’t we join forces for a while and say we caught the spirit TOGETHER! Then both our teams will get the points!

Falco: hmmm, you’re smarter than I gave you credit for…O.K. Let’s join forces, That way at least we have a better chance of succeeding and we’ll still be 50 points ahead of you guys anyway!

D.K.: HuH?

Ganondorf: I think we’d better go and look in a place where there are plenty of small spaces.

Falco: no duh…that would be someplace like…UNDER ALL THE DORMITORY BEDS!

All: EH?

Falco: everyone is busy in the cafeteria. They haven’t come out and I heard some singing in there so I think that Young Link held another one of his stupid dances in there and they have to clean up the mess. That means that all the dormitories will be empty, catch my drift?

Everyone except Donkey Kong gave a little “aaaah” of evil thought. Donkey Kong just stood there, staring at his thumb.

Falco: to the dorms!


Meanwhile, back at the cafeteria…

Peach: no slacking off! I want to see my beautiful face in the floor! Make it SHINE! Mario! you should know a thing or two about cleaning up!

Mario suddenly had a brainwave.

Mario: Peach! can I go-a to a my dorm? To get a cleaning implement?


The little plumber bolted out of the cafeteria and took a lift to the dorms. He ran puffing down the corridor and opened his door and collapsed onto his bed.

Mario: hoo! that feels a so much better…now where did I put that thing?

Mario rummaged around in his luggage and pulled out his FLUDD.

FLUDD: hello Mario. Do you have a job for me?

Mario: of a course! now get a on my back.

Mario also went through Luigi’s bag and took out the Poltergust 3000 as well. He then went into the bathroom and filled the tub with soapy water and filled his FLUDD.

FLUDD: Mario, why are you filling me with soapy water?

Mario: because I want to! Stupid!

Suddenly Mario heard voices. He peered around the bathroom door to see Falco, Samus, Kirby, C. Falcon, D.K., Gannondorf, Bowser and Pichu standing in his dormitory! Well, it was Bowser’s dorm as well, so he was probably just showing them around, but Mario found it a good idea to hide and listen.

Falco: oooh! I’m so hungry…I bet I could even eat shrew meat!

Samus: you Lylatians are so foul!

Falco: aah…well you should see Fox! He eats anything small and furry that moves!

Bowser: wait a minute…if you Lylatians are all evolved animals then wouldn’t that be cannibalism?

Falco: there are some animals in the Lylat system that haven’t evolved, namely many birds and an assortment of small rodents…

Kirby: don’t you guys tell me that you haven’t tried shrew? It’s stringy and not nice!

Samus: gross!

Falco: I think I saw Fox scoff a live gerbil once…

Samus made a robotic burping sound, which signaled that she’d thrown up inside her helmet.

Bowser: well let’s get to work here, then.

Mario was listening intently when his FLUDD decided it was going to have a chat with him.

FLUDD: dirty socks can breed germs…

Mario quickly closed the door and slammed FLUDD into the bath as silently as he could.

Mario: are you a crazy?

Dr. Mario: no, I am a doctor!

Mario: hoo? how did you get in a here?

Dr. Mario: I was giving the toilet a check-up, it was a sick in the loo!

Mario tried to picture how many pills Dr. Mario had crammed down the hole and decided not to.

Mario: I am a plumber. I fix sick drains. That is MY job, not yours…

He slowly opened the door again. All the unwanted guests had disappeared.

When he got back to the cafeteria, Mario gave Luigi his Vacuum cleaner and then proceeded to spray away all the mess with Luigi walking behind him, sucking up all the water. In no time at all, the cafeteria was funky and fresh.

Zelda: hooray for the Mario brothers!


Peach: spoilsports!

The celebrating stopped as the intercom crackled into life and the voice of Master hand filled the room.

M hand: Smashers, I have done a progressive scan of the dorms and have found that there is a very powerful and very dangerous Smash spirit residing under Mario’s bed. This is not a job for the inexperienced and I will be sending the Outcast Team in once Fox and Mr. Game and Watch are better seeing as it is the team with the most points. I advise Mario to sleep on the floor, thank you for listening as it may save your sorry hides!

Mario’s stomach tied itself into a granny knot; Weren’t Bowser and Falco’s teams looking under his bed? Dun Dun DUN!:eek:

(sorry, this update is a bit not-exciting but it's all I had time for. My parents limit my computer time, you know:( )

Master Hand 4561

Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2002
In final destination 2.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
cool! you used both my ideas for smash spirits! i bet the other teams are gonna get realy ticked that the outcast team gets to get it. btw, im gonna be gone for about a week or so cuz im taking a pre SAT test for middle schoolers at Duke University!:D but that means ill be gone for a while.:( so dont be mad if i dont reply for a long time. by

EDIT: correction. i might not be back till after the 25th, but i might be able to get on every now and then (emphasis on might).

Shadow King

Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2002
Corona Mountain
Well, considering Marios bed, its either the smash spirit of Fear or Pointy Objects. Or the one u made urself. Update soon or be hoarded by Monkeys and Lawyers.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
CHAPTER 2: PART 11 (sorry, the last chapter should have been chapter 10)

Bowser: what is this place?

Samus: this is the dream world that the spirits lock you in.

C. Falcon: WoW! Such a big, open space! I want to run around like a little blue hedgehog!

Kirby: boy, you have the most demented mind I have seen in a long time!

Gannondorf: I wonder what spirit this is…

Falco: who cares? We’ll find out once we capture the stupid thing.

He cupped his wings around his beak and called: COME AND FACE US IF YOU DARE, SPIRIT!

There was an almighty WHOOSH and suddenly they all where thrown at least 3000 miles apart from each other, a dangerous sand storm began to whip up around them.

Falco: uuh…what was that??

He looked around to see that there was no sign of another smasher for at least 3000 miles, but he couldn’t have known that, because he couldn’t see beyond 3000 miles and for all he knew, the nearest person could have been around 89354 miles away. If I’m confusing you then go and rinse your brain with essence of pineapple tart and read it again.

Falco: hello? hellloooooo? is anybody there? Aggh, this sand!

Suddenly, a train appeared out of no-where and a creepy looking driver with a big, sharp nose climbed out of it.

Driver: wantink to going somewheres?

Falco: huh? you expect me to ride in such a primitive transport device?

The driver said nothing, he simply started to walk back to his train.

Falco: on the other hand, I could do with some protection against this sand storm.

He hopped into the train and sat in one of the seats.

Driver: where do you wantink me to be taking you?

Falco: uuh..I really don’t know, perhaps…

He didn’t get to say anything before the train started moving. Falco’s eyes glazed over and his body was frozen. The last thing he heard before his mind went numb was the Driver.

Driver: you do not nowink where you is wantink to go? Then you must ride in my train for ever, good sir.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Master hand was telling Ness about the spirit that was living under Mario’s bed. He had been informed by Mario that Falco and Bowser and their teams had been under his bed.

M hand: Outcast team, I want you to go in and rescue those idiots. The Smash spirit of Transport is one of the most powerful, and it has a very intricate structure. I do not know the exact way to capture it but you must not let it trick you in any way, abort if you must. You’re not going to get points for this, by the way.

Fox: HUH? Why not?!

M hand: because then it wouldn’t be fair on the other teams who I didn’t call on.

G&W: hmm, I suppose.

Jigglypuff: after this, can you scan the Academy for the rest of the Smash spirits?

M hand: no, I can only scan the dorms.

Ness: Well come on then, Let’s go!

They crawled under the bed and where greeted by a blinding flash of purple light. When the light cleared, they where in a HUGE barren wasteland with no permanent features whatsoever.

Fox: whoa…It’s like a desert, except without rocks or any cactus…

A sandstorm began to swirl around them, pelting them with grainy sand particles.

Ness: aaah! Sandstorm!

Fox: aaaw! It stings!

Jigglypuff: hey, look! a car!

Sure enough, a bright red sports car was screeching its way towards them.

G&W: what luck! (starts making hitch-hiker signals with his thumb)

The car stopped and a driver stepped out (identical to the one Falco came across)

Driver: are you wantink a lift?

G&W: yeah! we’re wanting a lift…

Suddenly they all found themselves thousands of meters up in the air, inside a glass elevator:


Ness: what are we doing up here? how did we get in this lift?


Sure enough, the lift blew apart in mid air, leaving its passengers to fall at breakneck speed towards the ground:






Ness activated his PSI magnet while Mr. Game and Watch took out his oil panic bucket, these special moves slowed their fall. Jigglypuff, however, didn’t have a special attack that slowed her fall, but it didn’t matter, because she was light enough to fall slowly anyway.

Everyone hit the ground with a bump. The car and it’s driver where still there.

Ness got angrily off his behind and stormed over to the car.

Ness: what was the meaning of that? We asked for a ride! Not a death warrant!

Driver: you asked for a lift and I gave you one, so do not complain.

Fox: we meant for you to give us a ride, as in take us from one place to the other.

Driver: oooh, I is seeink what you meaned now, do be hopping in…

Ness: why thank you sir, how much will this cos…

His eyes fell upon the lifeless forms of Captain Falcon and Pichu sitting in the back seat.

Ness: w-w-what are those two…w-wh-are they…

Driver: they failed to give me the correct instructions. Now enough of that, I am waitink for you to hop in so I can give you that ride…


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
BAD news

I'm sorry to tell you guys this, but I will no longer be able to update every day from now on, my parents dont want it to become a part of my daily life, a ritual if you will.:rolleyes:

I may be able to update every second day or even every third or forth day (they say that even every second day is too soon.)
If I am lucky enough to be allowed to go on the computer every day to type (which I doubt) I promise to try to make my updates worth wile.

While I am gone, don't refrain from keeping this thread bumped.
See you soon (I hope)

Oh, and Shadow King, Keep your Monkeys and lawyers away from me! I HATE monkeys! If you dare to assault me in this manner I shall be forced to chuck a telekinetic muffin at you!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Hey Chan, i have been doing all my updates on word. Just because I can't go on the internet, doesn't mean I can't type an update. Expect the next update to be TWO PARTS LONG! Whoop, whoop, whoop!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Well, things happen, and I have decided to do a regular-sized update just now. Please enjoy the next action-packed part of the fic untill I post another one.:cool:


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

The driver stared at Ness with his creepy eyes. Ness stared back.

Driver: well? Are you goink to take a ride?

Ness thought as hard as his oversized brain would allow him. He remembered what had happened when he asked for a lift.
The little boy was still thinking when Fox stuck his head into the car with a sly grin on his face.

Fox: we want you to take us in your car to the middle of this place.

The driver was silent.

Ness: hey, good thinking, Fox! Let’s hop in.

In no time at all they where whizzing along the sands in the little red car. It took a few hours to reach the middle of the desert. The car stopped and the Outcast Team undid their seatbelts.

G&W: thank you my good fellow, we must be going now…

Driver: you are not goink anywheres untill we reach your destination…

Fox: huh? But we’re here!

Driver: you asked me to take you to the middle of this place, so I now be takink you there.

The car began to spin at an incredible speed. It was burrowing into the earth!

Fox: NO! Not the MIDDLE of the earth!

Too late, they where already floating around in boiling lava, deep down in the core of the dream desert.

Driver: we are now preparink to submerge into the lava so you can reach the center of this place.



Ness stared at Fox angrily. Did he expect him to work miracles? He was only a little boy of 12!

Ness: I can try, but I don’t guarantee any positive results…AAAAGH!!!!!

Using his mind, Ness formed a giant PSI platform beneath their feet, similar to the ones that he used for his mid-air jumps. (the sparkelie thingies)
Although Ness rarely used Telekinesis, except for jumping and moving small objects, he somehow managed to lift Fox, Jigglypuff, Mr. Game and Watch, Captain Falcon, Pichu and himself, and elevate them out of the convertible roof and slowly back up the hole from which they came.
The Driver and his car splashed into the lava with a BAMPH noise and where destroyed almost instantly (but don’t feel sorry for the driver or the car, because they weren’t real)

Fox looked sideways at Ness. His face was red and his eyes where screwed shut, sweat was pouring down his face.

Ness: just…a little…bit…aaagh…!

Fox: Ness, hold on! you can do it!

Jigglypuff: concentrate! concentrate!!

C. Falcon: Who0! I’m flying like a funny little birdie! Tweet tweet tweet!

Put of by Captain Falcon’s spedtasticly demented voice, Ness lost his grip on the PSI elevator for a split second, and everyone was lurched around for a terrifying moment or two.

Ness quickly regained his composure and they where floating upwards once more.

Fox: please Captain, don’t talk, whatever you do just don’t talk!

C. Falcon: only if you give me a lollie

Fox: I’ll give you a lollie! (bashes Captain Falcon over the head with his blaster, knocking him unconscious)

Pichu: why didn’t I fink of that?

They where almost at the rim of the hole when Ness began to start thrashing around in agony.


The PSI elevator disappeared and everyone was again falling towards the boiling pit of lava.
Ness was completely zoned out from pushing his PSI to its limit. He fell through the air like a ragdoll.

Fox: triple jump, everyone! (uses firefox)

As the other smashers triple jumped to safety, Jigglypuff grabbed Ness and began jumping towards the opening.

Jigglypuff: aagh! …Too… heavy…


Jigglypuff looked up to see the falling body of Captain Falcon coming at her. He must have been juggled into the air by Mr. Game and Watch’s fire trampoline attack. But now he was falling…Right at her!

Jigglypuff: I’m a gonner! but I can probably save Ness and Falcon even if I don’t save myself…

With these last words in her mind, Jigglypuff pulled Ness as close to her body as possible and waited for impact…WHAM! Captain Falcon landed on her, canceling her last jump. Jigglypuff made sure both Ness and C. Falcon where touching her and then used rest.

SCREEEE! The horrible screeching sound filled the air and Ness and Captain Falcon where sent flying out of the hole like cannonballs.
Jigglypuff fell like a beach ball towards her grave.



The desperate cries rang in little Pichu’s ears. The mouse Pokemon was suddenly filled with inspiration.

Pichu: down’t wowwy Jigglypuff! I’ll save you!


Pichu took no notice of him, he had already leaped down the hole after the falling Jigglypuff.
He fell as fast as he could towards his target and at the last moment, used his tail spin(aerial up) to whip her a bit further up the chasm. Pichu grabbed onto the side and jumped off it in a perfect wall-jump, hitting Jigglypuff with another tail spin. The yellow rodent continued to wall jump up the chasm, each time hitting Jigglypuff further up.

Fox: is Pichu really doing what I think he’s doing?

G&W: yeah! Go Pichu! You can do it!

Pichu gave jigglypuff a final whip and she managed to grab onto the edge, where she was helped up by Fox.

G&W: Pichu! just a few more wall jumps!

Pichu was about to do the last wall jump and get to safety, when he mistimed his jump and did an aerial dodge instead.

Fox: NO!

Pichu: aaaaaaaaaaaah!


A blue orb of psyonic electricity flew down the chasm and shocked Pichu out of his after-aerial dodge state.
The yellow Pokemon used another wall jump and an agility to make it out of the hole and onto the bank to safety.

Fox: NESS! How did you manage to awaken so fast!?

Ness: that rest attack that Jigglypuff hit me with must have returned me to my senses…


Ness: It’s O. K., I was only doing my job…

Pichu: no! Not for saving my life, I mean for shocking me like that! I haven’t been bashed for days!

Jigglypuff: oh, Pichu! once we get out of this dream world, I’ll bash you as much as you want!


Jigglypuff slapped Pichu happily across his face in reply.

Fox and Mr. Game and Watch looked at Captain Falcon sitting on the ground, rubbing his nose while muttering about sandy bottoms, and looked at each other and shook their heads.
However tempting it may be, they knew that it would be unsporting to chuck him back down the hole. Even if it would have done the Nintendo universe a favor.
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