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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2014
Teletubbie land
Warning Received
This thread is primarily for the discussion of potential rumors and leaks that have surfaced around the internet and the greater Smash community. However, the discussion of creating fake leaks and rumors to spread to other forums/sites is discouraged. Discussing the leaks creation, spreading the leak out, and potentially having it come back to Smashboards makes this community look bad. If you want to create a leak, discuss it privately via PM or make sure that any relation between the leak and Smashboards is removed.

@ BKupa666 BKupa666 , @Curmudgeon, @GreenReaperGod, @APC99 and @Groose helped compile these leaks

  • GREEN - Confirmed true
  • RED - Confirmed fake
  • YELLOW - Special cases
  • DEFAULT - Pending confirmation
Live Leaks
Leaks which have yet to be disproven

Betternet Roster Leak (12/20/13)


  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Toon Zelda is playable
  • Palutena is playable
  • Krystal is playable
  • Chrom & Lucina are playable
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Takamaru is playable
  • Pac-Man is playable
  • Ike does not return
  • Lucas does not return
  • Wolf does not return
  • Snake does not return
  • Mewtwo was the final character "solidified" on the roster (can't be proven)
  • Mewtwo uses neither Mega Evolution
  • Mewtwo's Final Smash is "Psycho Break"
  • Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized (can't be proven)
  • Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed
  • Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed
  • Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard (leaker did not specify who replaces them)
  • Pac-Man and Ganondorf will be announced E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct
  • Release date will be announced at E3 2014
  • Wii U release date is "early autumn"
  • 3DS release date is during the holidays
  • Chrom & Lucina are a duo character, with either character being able to be selected on the CSS
  • Chrom and Lucina each have their individual moveset and fight separately, bar special moves in which the partner materializes and the duo swaps. The specials are the same in name but function slightly differently depending on character
  • Chrom & Lucina share the Final Smash
  • Krystal uses her staff
  • Krystal's Final Smash has not been decided yet (can't be proven)
Original Post:

I'm not going to bother with some vain preface and balderdash in an attempt to establish credibility. Read and think what you will, but remember to come back to this list as more and more revelations show concurrence.

Final Character Roster

1st Row: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Bowser, Wario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo
2nd Row: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Pit, Palutena, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Marth, Chrom & Lucina
3rd Row: Mii, Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Ness, Samus, Olimar, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Little Mac, Takamaru, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, Mega Man, Sonic, Pac-Man

All names written as announced upon selection.

Cut: Ike, Lucas, Wolf, Snake
Reworked: Pokemon Trainer

Clarifications and general information are as followed:
- Mewtwo was the final character solidified in the roster.
- Mewtwo will not use either Mega Form.
- Mewtwo's Final Smash is called "Psycho Break".
- Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized.
- Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed.
- Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed.
- Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard.
- Pokemon Trainer's Final Smash is called "Tri-Pledge" or "Triple Pledge".
- Pac-Man will be announced at E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct.
- Ganondorf will be revealed at E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct.
- Release date will be announced at E3 2014: Wii U being "early autumn" and 3DS during the holidays.
- Other characters are at the whim of marketing demands regarding showcasing

Regarding Chrom & Lucina: During the selection screen, the player may choose who to start the match with. Both Chrom and Lucina have a separate moveset and fight individually, save for when any of their specials are used, at which point their partner will materialize (having been out of view in any other circumstance) to perform a combo and switch them out. Their specials are the same in name but perform slightly differently depending on who was in use upon their activation. They share the same Final Smash, which does not induce a swap out. Switching is instant, considering the special being used, and has no transformation delay.

Regarding Krystal: No blaster--she uses her anticipated staff from Star Fox Adventures. Her Final Smash isn't yet decided but is narrowed to the names "Krazoa Spirit", "Krazoa Takes" (which may be a misinterpretation on my end), simply "Krazoa", and "Quake".

That is all I know for the time being. Other details and finishing touches I will learn gradually throughout the first and second quarters, upon which time most information will be pouring out regardless. I'll close in saying that this isn't my first time at the rodeo, fellows, and that I know how this whole routine usually plays out; despite inevitable doubt and ridicule (even though complaints at the "drought of information" are everpresent and ongoing), know that it was my pleasure to share this leaked information with my peers and friends, as it always.

"ChaosZero/Brawl-era Leaker" Leak (1/19/14)


  • Ridley is a stage hazard
  • King K. Rool is not playable
  • Diddy returns, is not partnered with Dixie (Leaker didn't specify if Dixie is playable)
  • Online will have host rooms and individual item/rule set up
Notes: Leaker claims to have obtained this information from ChaosZero, a Brawl-era leaker who provided valid leaks for the previous game. The current leaker's claims of relation to ChaosZero are unverified.
Update: ChaosZero has verified this "leak" was not provided by him, however as the leaker never specified which Brawl-era leaker gave him this information, the leak cannot yet be deconfirmed.
The current most suspected "leaker" of this information is PortraitofRuin, another Brawl-era leaker. However, as before, these claims remain unverified and likely fake. In all likelihood this leak will only be able to be deconfirmed when and if the information is proven false.

Original Post:

I'm sure none of you know me, I used to hang out on the Brawl boards before release all the time. I never really posted much though, just followed the dojo hype train with everyone else around that time. Anyone that was around then knows there were legitimate leaks, but no one believed them at the time because of how crazy they seemed(wtf ROB?). Well there was a user in particular who leaked correct information that I managed to befriend around that time, this person is no longer active on gamefaqs, nor do they have plans to return.

I didn't befriend them right away, it took a bit of work, but it eventually got to a point where we would talk every now and then over AIM or Skype. I was mostly interested in their line of work, as at the time was aspiring to work in the video game business. After awhile we kinda fell out of touch, but I saw them on Skype today and figured I'd say hello and see if I could find any information out because I've noticed all these "leaks" lately around here and people going back and forth about them.

My friend wasn't particularly interested in sharing any information with gamefaqs, and told me gamefaqs wouldn't believe anything anyway. I agreed and asked if they would just answer a few questions at least, and this is what I gathered:

Ridley is not playable, he's a stage hazard.
King K. Rool is not playable.
Diddy is not partnered with Dixie.
Online will have way more options then Brawl, like being able to host rooms with your own item/rule set ups.

That's all the info I was able to get, I couldn't squeeze one new comer out sorry. I tried to get a Little Mac confirmation at least, but they wouldn't confirm or deny. Obviously I don't know if this information is legit, I could have been lied to very easily. My friend wasn't treated very well by the Brawl board users, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were just yanking my chain. This the first conversation I've had with them in like 2 years so take that for what it's worth.

E. Gadd Leak (1/28/14)


  • Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy. He flies around in his Koopa Clown Car throwing items
  • "Toad House" is an Assist Trophy. A toad house pops up and Toadsworth exists, giving the summoner items
  • Waluigi returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Hammer Bro. returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Lakitu has been removed
  • Professor E. Gadd is playable.
  • E. Gadd uses different Poltergusts and their accessories. Ghost Portrificationizer is his Final Smash
  • King Boo is an Assist Trophy who summons other Boos
  • Dixie Kong is playable. She is separate from Diddy and uses her hair
  • Cranky Kong is an Assist Trophy and bounces with his cane
  • Gangplank Galleon is a stage
  • King K. Rool is a stage element on Gangplank Galleon
  • Wario has no newcomers
  • Yoshi has no newcomers
  • Kat & Ana return as an Assist Trophy
  • Kamek is an Assist Trophy. He changes the size of characters
  • Sheik returns
  • Impa is not playable
  • Ganondorf's moveset has not changed
  • Tingle is playable
  • Tingle uses rupees, bombs, and balloons
  • Midna and Wolf Link are an Assist Trophy. Wolf Link bites opponents and Midna occasionally uses dark magic
  • Beedle is an Assist Trophy who summons items
  • Zero Suit Samus returns
  • Ridley is a boss
  • Metroid returns as an Assist Trophy
Original Post:

I can’t tell you how I got this information. Even if I did, I feel as if it would make no difference due to the “fake leaks” that have been flying around the web lately. It will be up to you, the reader, to decide whether or not you want to believe what I am about to tell you.
• Bowser Jr. appears as an assist trophy. He flies around in his Koopa Clown Car and throws bomb-ombs and other items.
• “Toad House” is a new assist trophy. A Toad House will pop out of the ground and Toadsworth will open the door and walk out. He will throw items to the player that summoned the assist trophy.
• Waluigi and Hammer Bro return as assist trophies. Lakitu has been scrapped.
• Professor E Gadd is one of the newcomers and he looks amazing in HD. He uses the Super Poltergust 3001 in his moveset and the Ghost Portrificationizer is his final smash. He also uses the Poltergust 5000 and its accessories, such as the Strobulb.
• King Boo is an assist trophy. He summons lots of hostile Boos that will follow players when they aren’t facing them, but the Boos shield their face and stop if a player turns to them. King Boo and all the Boos will eventually disappear.
• Dixie Kong is not with Diddy. She is her own character and uses her hair in her moveset.
• Cranky Kong is an assist trophy. He uses his cane to bounce around on top of foes.
• King K Rool does make an appearance as a stage element on Gangplank Galleon.
• Warioware and Yoshi have no newcomers.
• Kat & Ana return as an assist trophy.
• Kamek makes an appearance as an assist trophy. He changes the sizes of characters and causes chaos around the stage.
• Sheik returns the same and is not replaced by Impa.
• Ganondorf also returns the same. He does not have a new moveset with his sword.
• Tingle is the new Legend of Zelda character. He uses rupees, balloons, and bombs. He is extremely fun to play as.
• Midna and Wolf Link is a new assist trophy. Wolf Link will run around biting at opponents and Midna will occasionally use the dark energy attack.
• Beedle is another new assist trophy. He summons items, but opponents can possibly use them.
• Zero Suit Samus returns.
• Ridley does not appear as a character or a stage hazard. He is a boss and has been greatly improved from Brawl.
• The Metroid assist trophy returns.I will be posting the rest of the information I have over the next couple of days. All the information stated has been completed and will not change.

Jumpman Leak (12/9/13)


  • Roster is around 40 characters
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mii is playable
  • Jumpman is playable
  • R.O.B. returns
  • Lucario returns
  • Snake does not return
  • Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy
  • A Tetris stage is in the game
  • Cannon Box from Super Mario 3D World is an item
Original Post:

Specifically made this account to avoid any trouble.
I'm on these boards and Smash Boards under a different acct. name.
Found out a few things and I'm willing to share. I trust my source, but I haven't seen anything first hand:

-Roster is around 40 characters
-Mewtwo is back
-Dixie Kong, Mii, Jumpman are all in
-ROB, Lucario are back
-Snake is not back
-Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy
-There's a stage based on Tetris
-The Cannon Box from Super Mario 3D World is an item

This is everything I know, don't bother to ask me about more information.

Neoseeker Leak #1 (1/15/14)


  • Ridley is playable
  • Ridley is the largest character
  • Ridley's Final Smash is Omega Ridley
  • Pyrosphere is Ridley's home stage
  • Metroid returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Anthony Higgs is an Assist Trophy
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Little Mac is quick and has good recovery (Little Mac does not appear to have good recovery, however pending more information it can't be verified)
  • The boxing ring is Little Mac's home stage
  • King Hippo is an Assist Trophy
  • Nabbit is an Assist Trophy
  • Toadsworth is an Assist Trophy
  • Kamek is an Assist Trophy
  • Cranky Kong is an Assist Trophy
  • Tingle is an Assist Trophy
  • Beedle is an Assist Trophy
  • Tom Nook is an Assist Trophy
  • Hector is an Assist Trophy
Original Post:

"I moved to the United States about a year ago. I learned English, got a job, and am pretty content here. I stayed in contact with a few of my buddies back in Japan. One works for Nintendo and is involved in the development of Super Smash Brothers 4. I just gained interest in the game and asked him if he could share a few details. He was reluctant at first, but did anyway.

-Ridley is among one of the newcomers. He is the largest character and his final smash is Omega Ridley.

-Pyrosphere is Ridley's home stage.

-The Metroid assist trophy returns

-Anthony Higgs is a new Metroid assist trophy

-Little Mac is another newcomer. He is very quick and has a decent recovery so Little Mac is hard to KO.

-Boxing Ring is Little Mac's home stage

-King Hippo is the Punch Out!! assist trophy

-Nabbit, Toadsworth, Kamek, Cranky Kong, Tingle, Beedle, Tom Nook, and Hector are some of the new assist trophies"

NotSakurai Leak (1/3/14)


  • Barrel Cannon returns as an item
  • Tiki's Tear is a new item from Awakening. It increases damage given and decreases damage taken
  • Baby Yoshi is a new item. He blocks projectiles, can wander off the stage and be killed
  • Lor Starcutter is a stage on Wii U. The stage tilts due to Landia and Magolor fighting
  • Pokemon World Tournament is a stage on 3DS. Pokemon fight on the stage and become stage hazards if the Mega Evolve
  • Chimera Factory from Mother 3 is a stage on 3DS
  • An 8-bit Ice Climber stage appears on both platforms with destructible platforms and interactive enemies
  • Prison Island from Xenoblade is a stage on Wii U. Metal Face is in the background
  • Metal Face is a boss in Adventure Mode
  • No Melee stages return
  • Tharja is an Assist Trophy. She damages opponents and heals the summoner
  • Tails is an Assist Trophy. He saves users from falling off the stage once, but can be KO'd.
  • Magnus is an Assist Trophy. He attacks with his sword
  • Avatar/My Unit is playable
  • He is a stance change character, with costumes for both genders and a Final Smash that involves Grima
  • Grima is a boss in Adventure Mode
  • Shulk is playable
  • Shulk is the newest character on the roster
  • Ridley is playable
  • Ridley was added due to western demand (can't be proven)
  • Ridley is the largest character in the game, focuses on aerial combat, can glide, and has Meta Ridley as a Final Smash
  • The Brawl Pokemon veterans return
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Solid Snake could be replaced by Naked Snake
  • No more Mario newcomers past Rosalina
  • Dr. Mario is an alternate costume
  • No Brawl characters are cut with the possible replacement of Snake (with Naked Snake)
Original Post:

Copying its content over because the dumbarse GameFAQs mods delete all "leaks."

Pardon if the English I use is not the best.

Before I go on and discuss what I know, I am not Sakurai. I am not claiming to have worked on the game, though I have seen some production sketches and even heard about the game progress over dinner with a few of my friends who work on the game. If you do not wish to be spoiled or disappointed, I suggest to stop reading. Now here is what I know for sure.

New Items:

Barrel Cannon from Melee and Donkey Kong

Tiki's Tear, which increases damage given by 1.1X and damage taken .9X. From Fire Emblem Kakusei

Baby Yoshi that blocks projectiles, can wander off stage and can be KO'd. From New Super Mario Brothers U

New Stages Include

Lor Starcutter, which is a peaceful stage that can tilt due to Landia and Magalor Fighting over the Master Crown. This stage is on the Wii U.

Pokemon World Tournament, in which certain Pokemon like Garchomp and Tyranitar will battle. They become a stage hazard when Mega Evolution is in play though! This stage is on the 3DS.

A Chimera Factory stage from Mother 3, in which different chimeras roam, waiting for snack! This stage is on the 3DS

An 8 bit version of Ice Climber, in which players can destroy platforms and use enemies to KO opponents, This stage is on both Wii U and 3DS

Prison Island from Xenoblade, in which Metal Face appears in the background, and is fought in adventure mode. The music is to die for on this stage. This Stage is on the Wii U

No Melee Stage is returning unless you count Battlefield and Final Destination.

New Assist Trophies

Sallya, who uses Dark Magic to damage the opponent and heal her summoner. From Fire Emblem Kakusei

Tails, who can save a summoner from being knocked off only once, but can be KO'd himself.

Magnus from Kid Icarus, who uses his sword to do two strikes, but can be dodged easily.

Character Details

My Unit from Fire Emblem Kakusei is a newcomer. My Unit uses a unique stance change moveset, in order to diversify the Fire Emblem newcomers. There are costumes for both a male and female My Unit. The final smash involves Grima, though Grima is also an adventure mode boss.

Shulk, who uses the Monodo to strengthen his own attributes in battle, and is about as fast as link normally. He is the most recent character to be added into Smash Bros.

Ridley, who Sakurai added in order to please Western Fans. He is the largest character in the game, a bit taller than Bowser. He focuses on aerial combat, and has a hover much like Peach's, His final smash is Meta Ridley

The Pokemon Lineup is Mewtwo, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, and Pokemon Trainer, who reprises his pokemon.

Discussion on Snakes return are vague. The possibility of replacing Solid Snake with Naked Snake is there...

There are no other Mario characters besides Rosalina added, though Dr Mario is a Mario Skin...

The only cut characters are Pichu, Young Link, and Roy. Snake is possible at this point, if only to be replaced by his father, who would be called Snake.

Keep in mind that this is all i know, and this is a throwaway account.

Palutena Leak (1/22/14)

Notes: Two images claiming to be leaked pictures of Palutena in the 3DS version of Smash 4 were posted to 4chan. The model used for Palutena has not been able to be specifically identified or confirmed as any previous models.

The leaker did not specify whether Palutena was apparently a character or an Assist Trophy.


Chrom Leak (3/31/14)

(Safe For Work edit)

Notes: An image claiming to be a leak of Chrom on the Wii U was posted on 4Chan. Due to the picture containing an explicit hand gesture, this only contains the censored version.

I Want Mewtwo to return (i never played as Mewtwo but i heard hes awesome)
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
Just for reference I remember now the people attacked PoR and accused her of piggy backing on other leakers and stealing their info (as apposed to more logically, reconfirming their info).
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Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
Just to come back to the Raiden thing for a bit...
Raiden was always a character that I had wanted to play. I did end up playing him on PlayStation All-Stars (*amended at the request of Mr.Langdon);
I did end up playing him on PlayStation All-Stars (*amended at the request of Mr.Langdon);
amended at the request of Mr.Langdon
Snake confirmed.

Seriously though, this whole thing is just too fishy. They talk about Voice Acting in every single question of the interview (in a site called GAMEVOICES, no less), and he suddenly decides to bring up a motion capture role? Also...

Reuben Langdon said:
Yeah, I’m an avid video game player. Going back to the Ken Masters thing, I RULED at Street Fighter, like all I did in my High School years was play Mortal Kombat 24/7. Literally that’s all I did. I read comic books and played Street Fighter- that was my life.
Does this sound like a guy that would confuse Smash Bros. with its Sony clone? Hmm... I dunno.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
Just to come back to the Raiden thing for a bit...

Snake confirmed.

Seriously though, this whole thing is just too fishy. They talk about Voice Acting in every single question of the interview (in a site called GAMEVOICES, no less), and he suddenly decides to bring up a motion capture role? Also...

Does this sound like a guy that would confuse Smash Bros. with its Sony clone? Hmm... I dunno.
Dude enough, if you read further down he stopped being obsessed with video games and only played what he REALLY liked.

EDIT: Also Kojima CAN NOT say one way or another if Snake is in IF he was in, he can do whatever he wants with his games so he can lie if he wants. But with Nintendo's he can't even say "I doubt it" Sega did not confirm or deny Sonic's fate. They just basically said - It would be cool if Sonic was in Smash! Ask Nintendo about this! Snake's probably not in this.
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Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
Dude enough, if you read further down he stopped being obsessed with video games and only played what he REALLY liked.
You were wrong though, you said he was talking "in the context of motion capture", which he is not. He talks about voice acting almost exclusively during the whole interview. Just sayin'.
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Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I wish Ridley and King K. Rool could be confirmed so a lot of leaks could be killed.
Even if they just showed Ridley OR K. Rool, so many disappointing and annoyingly not-yet-disproven leaks would be instantly dead.

Your days are numbered Betternet! THIS. I. SWEAR!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
You were wrong though, you said he was talking "in the context of motion capture", which he is not. He talks about voice acting almost exclusively during the whole interview. Just sayin'.
I wasn't, read the question he answers. The question was simply if there was any franchise he was interested in working with. Motion cap is in PBR, that's it. The question itself was vague.

And the begging of the article introduces him as a MOCAP actor.

"April's Gamevoices interview is with the extremely entertaining MOCAP and Voice Acting star Reuben Langdon."
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Miles Pierre

Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2005
You were wrong though, you said he was talking "in the context of motion capture", which he is not. He talks about voice acting almost exclusively during the whole interview. Just sayin'.
You're desperate and that's making you blind. There is no conspiracy. He was talking about PSASB


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
I wasn't, read the question he answers. The question was simply if there was any franchise he was interested in working with. Motion cap is in PBR, that's it. The question itself was vague.

And the begging of the article introduces him as a MOCAP actor.

"April's Gamevoices interview is with the extremely entertaining MOCAP and Voice Acting star Reuben Langdon."
Did you miss the part I bolded in your quote?


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
I wish Ridley and King K. Rool could be confirmed so a lot of leaks could be killed.
I wouldn't even care for the rest of the leaks if they were confirmed, they can add anyone they want after that.


Smash Rookie
Apr 4, 2014
This thread is primarily for the discussion of potential rumors and leaks that have surfaced around the internet and the greater Smash community. However, the discussion of creating fake leaks and rumors to spread to other forums/sites is discouraged. Discussing the leaks creation, spreading the leak out, and potentially having it come back to Smashboards makes this community look bad. If you want to create a leak, discuss it privately via PM or make sure that any relation between the leak and Smashboards is removed.

@ BKupa666 BKupa666 , @Curmudgeon, @GreenReaperGod, @APC99 and @Groose helped compile these leaks

  • GREEN - Confirmed true
  • RED - Confirmed fake
  • YELLOW - Special cases
  • DEFAULT - Pending confirmation
Live Leaks
Leaks which have yet to be disproven

Betternet Roster Leak (12/20/13)


  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Toon Zelda is playable
  • Palutena is playable
  • Krystal is playable
  • Chrom & Lucina are playable
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Takamaru is playable
  • Pac-Man is playable
  • Ike does not return
  • Lucas does not return
  • Wolf does not return
  • Snake does not return
  • Mewtwo was the final character "solidified" on the roster (can't be proven)
  • Mewtwo uses neither Mega Evolution
  • Mewtwo's Final Smash is "Psycho Break"
  • Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized (can't be proven)
  • Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed
  • Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed
  • Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard (leaker did not specify who replaces them)
  • Pac-Man and Ganondorf will be announced E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct
  • Release date will be announced at E3 2014
  • Wii U release date is "early autumn"
  • 3DS release date is during the holidays
  • Chrom & Lucina are a duo character, with either character being able to be selected on the CSS
  • Chrom and Lucina each have their individual moveset and fight separately, bar special moves in which the partner materializes and the duo swaps. The specials are the same in name but function slightly differently depending on character
  • Chrom & Lucina share the Final Smash
  • Krystal uses her staff
  • Krystal's Final Smash has not been decided yet (can't be proven)
Original Post:

I'm not going to bother with some vain preface and balderdash in an attempt to establish credibility. Read and think what you will, but remember to come back to this list as more and more revelations show concurrence.

Final Character Roster

1st Row: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Bowser, Wario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo
2nd Row: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Pit, Palutena, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Marth, Chrom & Lucina
3rd Row: Mii, Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Ness, Samus, Olimar, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Little Mac, Takamaru, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, Mega Man, Sonic, Pac-Man

All names written as announced upon selection.

Cut: Ike, Lucas, Wolf, Snake
Reworked: Pokemon Trainer

Clarifications and general information are as followed:
- Mewtwo was the final character solidified in the roster.
- Mewtwo will not use either Mega Form.
- Mewtwo's Final Smash is called "Psycho Break".
- Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized.
- Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed.
- Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed.
- Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard.
- Pokemon Trainer's Final Smash is called "Tri-Pledge" or "Triple Pledge".
- Pac-Man will be announced at E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct.
- Ganondorf will be revealed at E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct.
- Release date will be announced at E3 2014: Wii U being "early autumn" and 3DS during the holidays.
- Other characters are at the whim of marketing demands regarding showcasing

Regarding Chrom & Lucina: During the selection screen, the player may choose who to start the match with. Both Chrom and Lucina have a separate moveset and fight individually, save for when any of their specials are used, at which point their partner will materialize (having been out of view in any other circumstance) to perform a combo and switch them out. Their specials are the same in name but perform slightly differently depending on who was in use upon their activation. They share the same Final Smash, which does not induce a swap out. Switching is instant, considering the special being used, and has no transformation delay.

Regarding Krystal: No blaster--she uses her anticipated staff from Star Fox Adventures. Her Final Smash isn't yet decided but is narrowed to the names "Krazoa Spirit", "Krazoa Takes" (which may be a misinterpretation on my end), simply "Krazoa", and "Quake".

That is all I know for the time being. Other details and finishing touches I will learn gradually throughout the first and second quarters, upon which time most information will be pouring out regardless. I'll close in saying that this isn't my first time at the rodeo, fellows, and that I know how this whole routine usually plays out; despite inevitable doubt and ridicule (even though complaints at the "drought of information" are everpresent and ongoing), know that it was my pleasure to share this leaked information with my peers and friends, as it always.

"ChaosZero/Brawl-era Leaker" Leak (1/19/14)


  • Ridley is a stage hazard
  • King K. Rool is not playable
  • Diddy returns, is not partnered with Dixie (Leaker didn't specify if Dixie is playable)
  • Online will have host rooms and individual item/rule set up
Notes: Leaker claims to have obtained this information from ChaosZero, a Brawl-era leaker who provided valid leaks for the previous game. The current leaker's claims of relation to ChaosZero are unverified.
Update: ChaosZero has verified this "leak" was not provided by him, however as the leaker never specified which Brawl-era leaker gave him this information, the leak cannot yet be deconfirmed.
The current most suspected "leaker" of this information is PortraitofRuin, another Brawl-era leaker. However, as before, these claims remain unverified and likely fake. In all likelihood this leak will only be able to be deconfirmed when and if the information is proven false.

Original Post:

I'm sure none of you know me, I used to hang out on the Brawl boards before release all the time. I never really posted much though, just followed the dojo hype train with everyone else around that time. Anyone that was around then knows there were legitimate leaks, but no one believed them at the time because of how crazy they seemed(wtf ROB?). Well there was a user in particular who leaked correct information that I managed to befriend around that time, this person is no longer active on gamefaqs, nor do they have plans to return.

I didn't befriend them right away, it took a bit of work, but it eventually got to a point where we would talk every now and then over AIM or Skype. I was mostly interested in their line of work, as at the time was aspiring to work in the video game business. After awhile we kinda fell out of touch, but I saw them on Skype today and figured I'd say hello and see if I could find any information out because I've noticed all these "leaks" lately around here and people going back and forth about them.

My friend wasn't particularly interested in sharing any information with gamefaqs, and told me gamefaqs wouldn't believe anything anyway. I agreed and asked if they would just answer a few questions at least, and this is what I gathered:

Ridley is not playable, he's a stage hazard.
King K. Rool is not playable.
Diddy is not partnered with Dixie.
Online will have way more options then Brawl, like being able to host rooms with your own item/rule set ups.

That's all the info I was able to get, I couldn't squeeze one new comer out sorry. I tried to get a Little Mac confirmation at least, but they wouldn't confirm or deny. Obviously I don't know if this information is legit, I could have been lied to very easily. My friend wasn't treated very well by the Brawl board users, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were just yanking my chain. This the first conversation I've had with them in like 2 years so take that for what it's worth.

E. Gadd Leak (1/28/14)


  • Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy. He flies around in his Koopa Clown Car throwing items
  • "Toad House" is an Assist Trophy. A toad house pops up and Toadsworth exists, giving the summoner items
  • Waluigi returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Hammer Bro. returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Lakitu has been removed
  • Professor E. Gadd is playable.
  • E. Gadd uses different Poltergusts and their accessories. Ghost Portrificationizer is his Final Smash
  • King Boo is an Assist Trophy who summons other Boos
  • Dixie Kong is playable. She is separate from Diddy and uses her hair
  • Cranky Kong is an Assist Trophy and bounces with his cane
  • Gangplank Galleon is a stage
  • King K. Rool is a stage element on Gangplank Galleon
  • Wario has no newcomers
  • Yoshi has no newcomers
  • Kat & Ana return as an Assist Trophy
  • Kamek is an Assist Trophy. He changes the size of characters
  • Sheik returns
  • Impa is not playable
  • Ganondorf's moveset has not changed
  • Tingle is playable
  • Tingle uses rupees, bombs, and balloons
  • Midna and Wolf Link are an Assist Trophy. Wolf Link bites opponents and Midna occasionally uses dark magic
  • Beedle is an Assist Trophy who summons items
  • Zero Suit Samus returns
  • Ridley is a boss
  • Metroid returns as an Assist Trophy
Original Post:

I can’t tell you how I got this information. Even if I did, I feel as if it would make no difference due to the “fake leaks” that have been flying around the web lately. It will be up to you, the reader, to decide whether or not you want to believe what I am about to tell you.
• Bowser Jr. appears as an assist trophy. He flies around in his Koopa Clown Car and throws bomb-ombs and other items.
• “Toad House” is a new assist trophy. A Toad House will pop out of the ground and Toadsworth will open the door and walk out. He will throw items to the player that summoned the assist trophy.
• Waluigi and Hammer Bro return as assist trophies. Lakitu has been scrapped.
• Professor E Gadd is one of the newcomers and he looks amazing in HD. He uses the Super Poltergust 3001 in his moveset and the Ghost Portrificationizer is his final smash. He also uses the Poltergust 5000 and its accessories, such as the Strobulb.
• King Boo is an assist trophy. He summons lots of hostile Boos that will follow players when they aren’t facing them, but the Boos shield their face and stop if a player turns to them. King Boo and all the Boos will eventually disappear.
• Dixie Kong is not with Diddy. She is her own character and uses her hair in her moveset.
• Cranky Kong is an assist trophy. He uses his cane to bounce around on top of foes.
• King K Rool does make an appearance as a stage element on Gangplank Galleon.
• Warioware and Yoshi have no newcomers.
• Kat & Ana return as an assist trophy.
• Kamek makes an appearance as an assist trophy. He changes the sizes of characters and causes chaos around the stage.
• Sheik returns the same and is not replaced by Impa.
• Ganondorf also returns the same. He does not have a new moveset with his sword.
• Tingle is the new Legend of Zelda character. He uses rupees, balloons, and bombs. He is extremely fun to play as.
• Midna and Wolf Link is a new assist trophy. Wolf Link will run around biting at opponents and Midna will occasionally use the dark energy attack.
• Beedle is another new assist trophy. He summons items, but opponents can possibly use them.
• Zero Suit Samus returns.
• Ridley does not appear as a character or a stage hazard. He is a boss and has been greatly improved from Brawl.
• The Metroid assist trophy returns.I will be posting the rest of the information I have over the next couple of days. All the information stated has been completed and will not change.

Jumpman Leak (12/9/13)


  • Roster is around 40 characters
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mii is playable
  • Jumpman is playable
  • R.O.B. returns
  • Lucario returns
  • Snake does not return
  • Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy
  • A Tetris stage is in the game
  • Cannon Box from Super Mario 3D World is an item
Original Post:

Specifically made this account to avoid any trouble.
I'm on these boards and Smash Boards under a different acct. name.
Found out a few things and I'm willing to share. I trust my source, but I haven't seen anything first hand:

-Roster is around 40 characters
-Mewtwo is back
-Dixie Kong, Mii, Jumpman are all in
-ROB, Lucario are back
-Snake is not back
-Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy
-There's a stage based on Tetris
-The Cannon Box from Super Mario 3D World is an item

This is everything I know, don't bother to ask me about more information.

Neoseeker Leak #1 (1/15/14)


  • Ridley is playable
  • Ridley is the largest character
  • Ridley's Final Smash is Omega Ridley
  • Pyrosphere is Ridley's home stage
  • Metroid returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Anthony Higgs is an Assist Trophy
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Little Mac is quick and has good recovery (Little Mac does not appear to have good recovery, however pending more information it can't be verified)
  • The boxing ring is Little Mac's home stage
  • King Hippo is an Assist Trophy
  • Nabbit is an Assist Trophy
  • Toadsworth is an Assist Trophy
  • Kamek is an Assist Trophy
  • Cranky Kong is an Assist Trophy
  • Tingle is an Assist Trophy
  • Beedle is an Assist Trophy
  • Tom Nook is an Assist Trophy
  • Hector is an Assist Trophy
Original Post:

"I moved to the United States about a year ago. I learned English, got a job, and am pretty content here. I stayed in contact with a few of my buddies back in Japan. One works for Nintendo and is involved in the development of Super Smash Brothers 4. I just gained interest in the game and asked him if he could share a few details. He was reluctant at first, but did anyway.

-Ridley is among one of the newcomers. He is the largest character and his final smash is Omega Ridley.

-Pyrosphere is Ridley's home stage.

-The Metroid assist trophy returns

-Anthony Higgs is a new Metroid assist trophy

-Little Mac is another newcomer. He is very quick and has a decent recovery so Little Mac is hard to KO.

-Boxing Ring is Little Mac's home stage

-King Hippo is the Punch Out!! assist trophy

-Nabbit, Toadsworth, Kamek, Cranky Kong, Tingle, Beedle, Tom Nook, and Hector are some of the new assist trophies"

NotSakurai Leak (1/3/14)


  • Barrel Cannon returns as an item
  • Tiki's Tear is a new item from Awakening. It increases damage given and decreases damage taken
  • Baby Yoshi is a new item. He blocks projectiles, can wander off the stage and be killed
  • Lor Starcutter is a stage on Wii U. The stage tilts due to Landia and Magolor fighting
  • Pokemon World Tournament is a stage on 3DS. Pokemon fight on the stage and become stage hazards if the Mega Evolve
  • Chimera Factory from Mother 3 is a stage on 3DS
  • An 8-bit Ice Climber stage appears on both platforms with destructible platforms and interactive enemies
  • Prison Island from Xenoblade is a stage on Wii U. Metal Face is in the background
  • Metal Face is a boss in Adventure Mode
  • No Melee stages return
  • Tharja is an Assist Trophy. She damages opponents and heals the summoner
  • Tails is an Assist Trophy. He saves users from falling off the stage once, but can be KO'd.
  • Magnus is an Assist Trophy. He attacks with his sword
  • Avatar/My Unit is playable
  • He is a stance change character, with costumes for both genders and a Final Smash that involves Grima
  • Grima is a boss in Adventure Mode
  • Shulk is playable
  • Shulk is the newest character on the roster
  • Ridley is playable
  • Ridley was added due to western demand (can't be proven)
  • Ridley is the largest character in the game, focuses on aerial combat, can glide, and has Meta Ridley as a Final Smash
  • The Brawl Pokemon veterans return
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Solid Snake could be replaced by Naked Snake
  • No more Mario newcomers past Rosalina
  • Dr. Mario is an alternate costume
  • No Brawl characters are cut with the possible replacement of Snake (with Naked Snake)
Original Post:

Copying its content over because the dumbarse GameFAQs mods delete all "leaks."

Pardon if the English I use is not the best.

Before I go on and discuss what I know, I am not Sakurai. I am not claiming to have worked on the game, though I have seen some production sketches and even heard about the game progress over dinner with a few of my friends who work on the game. If you do not wish to be spoiled or disappointed, I suggest to stop reading. Now here is what I know for sure.

New Items:

Barrel Cannon from Melee and Donkey Kong

Tiki's Tear, which increases damage given by 1.1X and damage taken .9X. From Fire Emblem Kakusei

Baby Yoshi that blocks projectiles, can wander off stage and can be KO'd. From New Super Mario Brothers U

New Stages Include

Lor Starcutter, which is a peaceful stage that can tilt due to Landia and Magalor Fighting over the Master Crown. This stage is on the Wii U.

Pokemon World Tournament, in which certain Pokemon like Garchomp and Tyranitar will battle. They become a stage hazard when Mega Evolution is in play though! This stage is on the 3DS.

A Chimera Factory stage from Mother 3, in which different chimeras roam, waiting for snack! This stage is on the 3DS

An 8 bit version of Ice Climber, in which players can destroy platforms and use enemies to KO opponents, This stage is on both Wii U and 3DS

Prison Island from Xenoblade, in which Metal Face appears in the background, and is fought in adventure mode. The music is to die for on this stage. This Stage is on the Wii U

No Melee Stage is returning unless you count Battlefield and Final Destination.

New Assist Trophies

Sallya, who uses Dark Magic to damage the opponent and heal her summoner. From Fire Emblem Kakusei

Tails, who can save a summoner from being knocked off only once, but can be KO'd himself.

Magnus from Kid Icarus, who uses his sword to do two strikes, but can be dodged easily.

Character Details

My Unit from Fire Emblem Kakusei is a newcomer. My Unit uses a unique stance change moveset, in order to diversify the Fire Emblem newcomers. There are costumes for both a male and female My Unit. The final smash involves Grima, though Grima is also an adventure mode boss.

Shulk, who uses the Monodo to strengthen his own attributes in battle, and is about as fast as link normally. He is the most recent character to be added into Smash Bros.

Ridley, who Sakurai added in order to please Western Fans. He is the largest character in the game, a bit taller than Bowser. He focuses on aerial combat, and has a hover much like Peach's, His final smash is Meta Ridley

The Pokemon Lineup is Mewtwo, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, and Pokemon Trainer, who reprises his pokemon.

Discussion on Snakes return are vague. The possibility of replacing Solid Snake with Naked Snake is there...

There are no other Mario characters besides Rosalina added, though Dr Mario is a Mario Skin...

The only cut characters are Pichu, Young Link, and Roy. Snake is possible at this point, if only to be replaced by his father, who would be called Snake.

Keep in mind that this is all i know, and this is a throwaway account.

Palutena Leak (1/22/14)

Notes: Two images claiming to be leaked pictures of Palutena in the 3DS version of Smash 4 were posted to 4chan. The model used for Palutena has not been able to be specifically identified or confirmed as any previous models.

The leaker did not specify whether Palutena was apparently a character or an Assist Trophy.


Chrom Leak (3/31/14)

(Safe For Work edit)

Notes: An image claiming to be a leak of Chrom on the Wii U was posted on 4Chan. Due to the picture containing an explicit hand gesture, this only contains the censored version.
I have 2 leaked screenshots of Mr. Game and Watch.


Smash Rookie
Apr 4, 2014
This thread is primarily for the discussion of potential rumors and leaks that have surfaced around the internet and the greater Smash community. However, the discussion of creating fake leaks and rumors to spread to other forums/sites is discouraged. Discussing the leaks creation, spreading the leak out, and potentially having it come back to Smashboards makes this community look bad. If you want to create a leak, discuss it privately via PM or make sure that any relation between the leak and Smashboards is removed.

@ BKupa666 BKupa666 , @Curmudgeon, @GreenReaperGod, @APC99 and @Groose helped compile these leaks

  • GREEN - Confirmed true
  • RED - Confirmed fake
  • YELLOW - Special cases
  • DEFAULT - Pending confirmation
Live Leaks
Leaks which have yet to be disproven

Betternet Roster Leak (12/20/13)


  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Toon Zelda is playable
  • Palutena is playable
  • Krystal is playable
  • Chrom & Lucina are playable
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Takamaru is playable
  • Pac-Man is playable
  • Ike does not return
  • Lucas does not return
  • Wolf does not return
  • Snake does not return
  • Mewtwo was the final character "solidified" on the roster (can't be proven)
  • Mewtwo uses neither Mega Evolution
  • Mewtwo's Final Smash is "Psycho Break"
  • Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized (can't be proven)
  • Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed
  • Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed
  • Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard (leaker did not specify who replaces them)
  • Pac-Man and Ganondorf will be announced E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct
  • Release date will be announced at E3 2014
  • Wii U release date is "early autumn"
  • 3DS release date is during the holidays
  • Chrom & Lucina are a duo character, with either character being able to be selected on the CSS
  • Chrom and Lucina each have their individual moveset and fight separately, bar special moves in which the partner materializes and the duo swaps. The specials are the same in name but function slightly differently depending on character
  • Chrom & Lucina share the Final Smash
  • Krystal uses her staff
  • Krystal's Final Smash has not been decided yet (can't be proven)
Original Post:

I'm not going to bother with some vain preface and balderdash in an attempt to establish credibility. Read and think what you will, but remember to come back to this list as more and more revelations show concurrence.

Final Character Roster

1st Row: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Bowser, Wario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo
2nd Row: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Pit, Palutena, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Marth, Chrom & Lucina
3rd Row: Mii, Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Ness, Samus, Olimar, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Little Mac, Takamaru, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, Mega Man, Sonic, Pac-Man

All names written as announced upon selection.

Cut: Ike, Lucas, Wolf, Snake
Reworked: Pokemon Trainer

Clarifications and general information are as followed:
- Mewtwo was the final character solidified in the roster.
- Mewtwo will not use either Mega Form.
- Mewtwo's Final Smash is called "Psycho Break".
- Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized.
- Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed.
- Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed.
- Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard.
- Pokemon Trainer's Final Smash is called "Tri-Pledge" or "Triple Pledge".
- Pac-Man will be announced at E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct.
- Ganondorf will be revealed at E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct.
- Release date will be announced at E3 2014: Wii U being "early autumn" and 3DS during the holidays.
- Other characters are at the whim of marketing demands regarding showcasing

Regarding Chrom & Lucina: During the selection screen, the player may choose who to start the match with. Both Chrom and Lucina have a separate moveset and fight individually, save for when any of their specials are used, at which point their partner will materialize (having been out of view in any other circumstance) to perform a combo and switch them out. Their specials are the same in name but perform slightly differently depending on who was in use upon their activation. They share the same Final Smash, which does not induce a swap out. Switching is instant, considering the special being used, and has no transformation delay.

Regarding Krystal: No blaster--she uses her anticipated staff from Star Fox Adventures. Her Final Smash isn't yet decided but is narrowed to the names "Krazoa Spirit", "Krazoa Takes" (which may be a misinterpretation on my end), simply "Krazoa", and "Quake".

That is all I know for the time being. Other details and finishing touches I will learn gradually throughout the first and second quarters, upon which time most information will be pouring out regardless. I'll close in saying that this isn't my first time at the rodeo, fellows, and that I know how this whole routine usually plays out; despite inevitable doubt and ridicule (even though complaints at the "drought of information" are everpresent and ongoing), know that it was my pleasure to share this leaked information with my peers and friends, as it always.

"ChaosZero/Brawl-era Leaker" Leak (1/19/14)


  • Ridley is a stage hazard
  • King K. Rool is not playable
  • Diddy returns, is not partnered with Dixie (Leaker didn't specify if Dixie is playable)
  • Online will have host rooms and individual item/rule set up
Notes: Leaker claims to have obtained this information from ChaosZero, a Brawl-era leaker who provided valid leaks for the previous game. The current leaker's claims of relation to ChaosZero are unverified.
Update: ChaosZero has verified this "leak" was not provided by him, however as the leaker never specified which Brawl-era leaker gave him this information, the leak cannot yet be deconfirmed.
The current most suspected "leaker" of this information is PortraitofRuin, another Brawl-era leaker. However, as before, these claims remain unverified and likely fake. In all likelihood this leak will only be able to be deconfirmed when and if the information is proven false.

Original Post:

I'm sure none of you know me, I used to hang out on the Brawl boards before release all the time. I never really posted much though, just followed the dojo hype train with everyone else around that time. Anyone that was around then knows there were legitimate leaks, but no one believed them at the time because of how crazy they seemed(wtf ROB?). Well there was a user in particular who leaked correct information that I managed to befriend around that time, this person is no longer active on gamefaqs, nor do they have plans to return.

I didn't befriend them right away, it took a bit of work, but it eventually got to a point where we would talk every now and then over AIM or Skype. I was mostly interested in their line of work, as at the time was aspiring to work in the video game business. After awhile we kinda fell out of touch, but I saw them on Skype today and figured I'd say hello and see if I could find any information out because I've noticed all these "leaks" lately around here and people going back and forth about them.

My friend wasn't particularly interested in sharing any information with gamefaqs, and told me gamefaqs wouldn't believe anything anyway. I agreed and asked if they would just answer a few questions at least, and this is what I gathered:

Ridley is not playable, he's a stage hazard.
King K. Rool is not playable.
Diddy is not partnered with Dixie.
Online will have way more options then Brawl, like being able to host rooms with your own item/rule set ups.

That's all the info I was able to get, I couldn't squeeze one new comer out sorry. I tried to get a Little Mac confirmation at least, but they wouldn't confirm or deny. Obviously I don't know if this information is legit, I could have been lied to very easily. My friend wasn't treated very well by the Brawl board users, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were just yanking my chain. This the first conversation I've had with them in like 2 years so take that for what it's worth.

E. Gadd Leak (1/28/14)


  • Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy. He flies around in his Koopa Clown Car throwing items
  • "Toad House" is an Assist Trophy. A toad house pops up and Toadsworth exists, giving the summoner items
  • Waluigi returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Hammer Bro. returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Lakitu has been removed
  • Professor E. Gadd is playable.
  • E. Gadd uses different Poltergusts and their accessories. Ghost Portrificationizer is his Final Smash
  • King Boo is an Assist Trophy who summons other Boos
  • Dixie Kong is playable. She is separate from Diddy and uses her hair
  • Cranky Kong is an Assist Trophy and bounces with his cane
  • Gangplank Galleon is a stage
  • King K. Rool is a stage element on Gangplank Galleon
  • Wario has no newcomers
  • Yoshi has no newcomers
  • Kat & Ana return as an Assist Trophy
  • Kamek is an Assist Trophy. He changes the size of characters
  • Sheik returns
  • Impa is not playable
  • Ganondorf's moveset has not changed
  • Tingle is playable
  • Tingle uses rupees, bombs, and balloons
  • Midna and Wolf Link are an Assist Trophy. Wolf Link bites opponents and Midna occasionally uses dark magic
  • Beedle is an Assist Trophy who summons items
  • Zero Suit Samus returns
  • Ridley is a boss
  • Metroid returns as an Assist Trophy
Original Post:

I can’t tell you how I got this information. Even if I did, I feel as if it would make no difference due to the “fake leaks” that have been flying around the web lately. It will be up to you, the reader, to decide whether or not you want to believe what I am about to tell you.
• Bowser Jr. appears as an assist trophy. He flies around in his Koopa Clown Car and throws bomb-ombs and other items.
• “Toad House” is a new assist trophy. A Toad House will pop out of the ground and Toadsworth will open the door and walk out. He will throw items to the player that summoned the assist trophy.
• Waluigi and Hammer Bro return as assist trophies. Lakitu has been scrapped.
• Professor E Gadd is one of the newcomers and he looks amazing in HD. He uses the Super Poltergust 3001 in his moveset and the Ghost Portrificationizer is his final smash. He also uses the Poltergust 5000 and its accessories, such as the Strobulb.
• King Boo is an assist trophy. He summons lots of hostile Boos that will follow players when they aren’t facing them, but the Boos shield their face and stop if a player turns to them. King Boo and all the Boos will eventually disappear.
• Dixie Kong is not with Diddy. She is her own character and uses her hair in her moveset.
• Cranky Kong is an assist trophy. He uses his cane to bounce around on top of foes.
• King K Rool does make an appearance as a stage element on Gangplank Galleon.
• Warioware and Yoshi have no newcomers.
• Kat & Ana return as an assist trophy.
• Kamek makes an appearance as an assist trophy. He changes the sizes of characters and causes chaos around the stage.
• Sheik returns the same and is not replaced by Impa.
• Ganondorf also returns the same. He does not have a new moveset with his sword.
• Tingle is the new Legend of Zelda character. He uses rupees, balloons, and bombs. He is extremely fun to play as.
• Midna and Wolf Link is a new assist trophy. Wolf Link will run around biting at opponents and Midna will occasionally use the dark energy attack.
• Beedle is another new assist trophy. He summons items, but opponents can possibly use them.
• Zero Suit Samus returns.
• Ridley does not appear as a character or a stage hazard. He is a boss and has been greatly improved from Brawl.
• The Metroid assist trophy returns.I will be posting the rest of the information I have over the next couple of days. All the information stated has been completed and will not change.

Jumpman Leak (12/9/13)


  • Roster is around 40 characters
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mii is playable
  • Jumpman is playable
  • R.O.B. returns
  • Lucario returns
  • Snake does not return
  • Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy
  • A Tetris stage is in the game
  • Cannon Box from Super Mario 3D World is an item
Original Post:

Specifically made this account to avoid any trouble.
I'm on these boards and Smash Boards under a different acct. name.
Found out a few things and I'm willing to share. I trust my source, but I haven't seen anything first hand:

-Roster is around 40 characters
-Mewtwo is back
-Dixie Kong, Mii, Jumpman are all in
-ROB, Lucario are back
-Snake is not back
-Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy
-There's a stage based on Tetris
-The Cannon Box from Super Mario 3D World is an item

This is everything I know, don't bother to ask me about more information.

Neoseeker Leak #1 (1/15/14)


  • Ridley is playable
  • Ridley is the largest character
  • Ridley's Final Smash is Omega Ridley
  • Pyrosphere is Ridley's home stage
  • Metroid returns as an Assist Trophy
  • Anthony Higgs is an Assist Trophy
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Little Mac is quick and has good recovery (Little Mac does not appear to have good recovery, however pending more information it can't be verified)
  • The boxing ring is Little Mac's home stage
  • King Hippo is an Assist Trophy
  • Nabbit is an Assist Trophy
  • Toadsworth is an Assist Trophy
  • Kamek is an Assist Trophy
  • Cranky Kong is an Assist Trophy
  • Tingle is an Assist Trophy
  • Beedle is an Assist Trophy
  • Tom Nook is an Assist Trophy
  • Hector is an Assist Trophy
Original Post:

"I moved to the United States about a year ago. I learned English, got a job, and am pretty content here. I stayed in contact with a few of my buddies back in Japan. One works for Nintendo and is involved in the development of Super Smash Brothers 4. I just gained interest in the game and asked him if he could share a few details. He was reluctant at first, but did anyway.

-Ridley is among one of the newcomers. He is the largest character and his final smash is Omega Ridley.

-Pyrosphere is Ridley's home stage.

-The Metroid assist trophy returns

-Anthony Higgs is a new Metroid assist trophy

-Little Mac is another newcomer. He is very quick and has a decent recovery so Little Mac is hard to KO.

-Boxing Ring is Little Mac's home stage

-King Hippo is the Punch Out!! assist trophy

-Nabbit, Toadsworth, Kamek, Cranky Kong, Tingle, Beedle, Tom Nook, and Hector are some of the new assist trophies"

NotSakurai Leak (1/3/14)


  • Barrel Cannon returns as an item
  • Tiki's Tear is a new item from Awakening. It increases damage given and decreases damage taken
  • Baby Yoshi is a new item. He blocks projectiles, can wander off the stage and be killed
  • Lor Starcutter is a stage on Wii U. The stage tilts due to Landia and Magolor fighting
  • Pokemon World Tournament is a stage on 3DS. Pokemon fight on the stage and become stage hazards if the Mega Evolve
  • Chimera Factory from Mother 3 is a stage on 3DS
  • An 8-bit Ice Climber stage appears on both platforms with destructible platforms and interactive enemies
  • Prison Island from Xenoblade is a stage on Wii U. Metal Face is in the background
  • Metal Face is a boss in Adventure Mode
  • No Melee stages return
  • Tharja is an Assist Trophy. She damages opponents and heals the summoner
  • Tails is an Assist Trophy. He saves users from falling off the stage once, but can be KO'd.
  • Magnus is an Assist Trophy. He attacks with his sword
  • Avatar/My Unit is playable
  • He is a stance change character, with costumes for both genders and a Final Smash that involves Grima
  • Grima is a boss in Adventure Mode
  • Shulk is playable
  • Shulk is the newest character on the roster
  • Ridley is playable
  • Ridley was added due to western demand (can't be proven)
  • Ridley is the largest character in the game, focuses on aerial combat, can glide, and has Meta Ridley as a Final Smash
  • The Brawl Pokemon veterans return
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Solid Snake could be replaced by Naked Snake
  • No more Mario newcomers past Rosalina
  • Dr. Mario is an alternate costume
  • No Brawl characters are cut with the possible replacement of Snake (with Naked Snake)
Original Post:

Copying its content over because the dumbarse GameFAQs mods delete all "leaks."

Pardon if the English I use is not the best.

Before I go on and discuss what I know, I am not Sakurai. I am not claiming to have worked on the game, though I have seen some production sketches and even heard about the game progress over dinner with a few of my friends who work on the game. If you do not wish to be spoiled or disappointed, I suggest to stop reading. Now here is what I know for sure.

New Items:

Barrel Cannon from Melee and Donkey Kong

Tiki's Tear, which increases damage given by 1.1X and damage taken .9X. From Fire Emblem Kakusei

Baby Yoshi that blocks projectiles, can wander off stage and can be KO'd. From New Super Mario Brothers U

New Stages Include

Lor Starcutter, which is a peaceful stage that can tilt due to Landia and Magalor Fighting over the Master Crown. This stage is on the Wii U.

Pokemon World Tournament, in which certain Pokemon like Garchomp and Tyranitar will battle. They become a stage hazard when Mega Evolution is in play though! This stage is on the 3DS.

A Chimera Factory stage from Mother 3, in which different chimeras roam, waiting for snack! This stage is on the 3DS

An 8 bit version of Ice Climber, in which players can destroy platforms and use enemies to KO opponents, This stage is on both Wii U and 3DS

Prison Island from Xenoblade, in which Metal Face appears in the background, and is fought in adventure mode. The music is to die for on this stage. This Stage is on the Wii U

No Melee Stage is returning unless you count Battlefield and Final Destination.

New Assist Trophies

Sallya, who uses Dark Magic to damage the opponent and heal her summoner. From Fire Emblem Kakusei

Tails, who can save a summoner from being knocked off only once, but can be KO'd himself.

Magnus from Kid Icarus, who uses his sword to do two strikes, but can be dodged easily.

Character Details

My Unit from Fire Emblem Kakusei is a newcomer. My Unit uses a unique stance change moveset, in order to diversify the Fire Emblem newcomers. There are costumes for both a male and female My Unit. The final smash involves Grima, though Grima is also an adventure mode boss.

Shulk, who uses the Monodo to strengthen his own attributes in battle, and is about as fast as link normally. He is the most recent character to be added into Smash Bros.

Ridley, who Sakurai added in order to please Western Fans. He is the largest character in the game, a bit taller than Bowser. He focuses on aerial combat, and has a hover much like Peach's, His final smash is Meta Ridley

The Pokemon Lineup is Mewtwo, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, and Pokemon Trainer, who reprises his pokemon.

Discussion on Snakes return are vague. The possibility of replacing Solid Snake with Naked Snake is there...

There are no other Mario characters besides Rosalina added, though Dr Mario is a Mario Skin...

The only cut characters are Pichu, Young Link, and Roy. Snake is possible at this point, if only to be replaced by his father, who would be called Snake.

Keep in mind that this is all i know, and this is a throwaway account.

Palutena Leak (1/22/14)

Notes: Two images claiming to be leaked pictures of Palutena in the 3DS version of Smash 4 were posted to 4chan. The model used for Palutena has not been able to be specifically identified or confirmed as any previous models.

The leaker did not specify whether Palutena was apparently a character or an Assist Trophy.


Chrom Leak (3/31/14)

(Safe For Work edit)

Notes: An image claiming to be a leak of Chrom on the Wii U was posted on 4Chan. Due to the picture containing an explicit hand gesture, this only contains the censored version.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Well, it seems Nintendo gives certain news outlets a heads up of what's going to be revealed in a trailer, perhaps even some pre-written news blurbs on their press site prior to Directs.

Remember those earlier pre-Direct leaks on small latin news sites? That could happen, so whatever that's going to be revealed on Tuesday could leak earlier.
Likely, but only by a span of hours, which I feel defeats the point.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Did you miss the part I bolded in your quote?
From what I can find of the bloke's history across several sites, it seems he's done a lot more stunt/mocap work than he has voice acting. That to me, plus the ease of confusion between PSABR and SSB to someone who isn't an avid gamer, says it's more than likely a simple mistake. I don't see Raiden making the game and I don't particularly see Snake making the game after what was said by Kojima. A lot of people seem to have read deeply into this voice actor's comments when it's more believable to assume it was just a mistake as he said.


wow, gaming!
Writing Team
Aug 18, 2013
@ F FalconMegaBuster
That looks like easy, 5 minute photoshop.
And a leak for a character that's not only likely to return but unlikely to change in appearance isn't very big.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
Motion cap is in PBR, that's it. The question itself was vague.
None of that changes the fact that it's a site focusing on videogame voice actors and that that's the topic of the interview. You changed from "the context indicates mocap" to "the question is vague". The context does not indicate he's referring to mocap and the whole interview is focused on voice acting.

Whatevs though, I pointed to some stuff which could mean he's backtracking, but everyone can make their own minds.

You're desperate and that's making you blind. There is no conspiracy. He was talking about PSASB
LOL, desperate?

I don't even care if Snake's in or not, and I actually lean a bit towards wanting him replaced for someone new. I even gave some posters a hard time after the Kojima interview. You can disagree with me, but I believe this could still be a leak.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
Found portraitofruins youtube channel. It has her old videos from 5-7 years ago. But its pretty much an artifact at this point. Useless unfortunately cause I see no email to get a hold of.

None of that changes the fact that it's a site focusing on videogame voice actors and that that's the topic of the interview. You changed from "the context indicates mocap" to "the question is vague". The context does not indicate he's referring to mocap and the whole interview is focused on voice acting.

Whatevs though, I pointed to some stuff which could mean he's backtracking, but everyone can make their own minds.

LOL, desperate?

I don't even care if Snake's in or not, and I actually lean a bit towards wanting him replaced for someone new. I even gave some posters a hard time after the Kojima interview. You can disagree with me, but I believe this could still be a leak.
I said it was vague because I was using your logic against you. The question being vague means he can answer it anyway he wants to. If he just wants to work with Metal Gear and he PRIMARILY does mocap, the logic says that its mocap he is talking about. Your semantical games will not work here. I've been on forums and have seen the clown outs and games for far to long.
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Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2013
Warning Received
Ladies, you're both pretty and can get the D whenever you want
....now kiss

But seriously, chill at this point is there really a point of arguing about who said what, who meant this, or who has bigger boobs?


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2014
Houston, TX
So, if Pac-Man is getting revealed pre-E3, then we have only one newcomer that could possibly be bigger than K. Rool, Palutena and Pac-Man combined. I think we all know who that is.

Expecting Ridley? TOO BAD.



Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
If he just wants to work with Metal Gear and he PRIMARILY does mocap, the logic says that its mocap he is talking about. Your semantical games will not work here. I've been on forums and have seen the clown outs and games for far to long.
Yeah, of course his background indicates he's talking about a certain subject despite the whole interview being about a specific part of his work. :laugh:

Semantical games =/= actually reading the interview.

Ladies, you're both pretty and can get the D whenever you want
Is that supposed to be a put-down? What if we really were women?

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
It'd be especially funny if Lip gets confirmed in the Direct, because it would kill that stupid Betternet roster and critically wound a buttload of others.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Ignore the guy who claimed Pacman will be revealed. He's one of those GameFAQs users with an attention-seeking schtick, with his being posting daily "This is why Yoshi is cut" or "Have Ridley fans forgotten XYZ..." topics. Remember that arsewipe dedekong? The one who spammed daily "Mega Man has NO CHANCE" threads before E3? This guy is the modern equivalent of him.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
What is it with people quoting the entire first post to get my attention? You don't need permission to post leaks, though obvious fakes with not so much as a simple source/explanation will get you nowhere.


Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2013
Is that supposed to be a put-down? What if we really were women?
Nope. Pretty common phrase where I'm from (minus getting the d....I added that because the phrase amuses me) and many other places.
It simply means settle down, usually because an ongoing argument is pointless, going nowhere, or just annoying.
Whether you're a woman, man, genderless, or genderboth doesnt matter. It's the context.

But if you or anyone else is somehow actually offended feel free to explain. I usually listen.
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
Yeah, of course his background indicates he's talking about a certain subject despite the whole interview being about a specific part of his work. :laugh:

Semantical games =/= actually reading the interview.

Is that supposed to be a put-down? What if we really were women?
You can laugh all you want. Its already dumb enough to think Nintendo would use a different voice actor for Raiden over the one thats been constant for years. Since the beginning even. Don't know what it is come leak time that makes everyone lose their damn minds.

I just want the direct to get here so we confirm or kill some leaks and get passed all the whinners who don't get their character. Call Sakurai stupid all you want. You'll buy the game anyway.


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Ignore the guy who claimed Pacman will be revealed. He's one of those GameFAQs users with an attention-seeking schtick, with his being posting daily "This is why Yoshi is cut" or "Have Ridley fans forgotten XYZ..." topics. Remember that arsewipe dedekong? The one who spammed daily "Mega Man has NO CHANCE" threads before E3? This guy is the modern equivalent of him.
I don't hang around GameFAQs that often, so I don't know the people there very well. I just post what I find for the sake of discussion. Though with this guy I will try to keep in mind his.... less-than-trustworthiness.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2014
I can exclusively reveal that every single Nintendo character ever will be confirmed playable next Tuesday during the direct. The roster size will total over 10,000 there'll be a search bar at the top of the character select screen.

Do you feel satisfied?
yes. yes i would be.

Pega-pony Princess

Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
I love the NotSakurai Leak a lot myself, minus the Tharja bit. Seeing as none of it can be confirmed fake yet, I have hope.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2014
>A Mario Kart AT will be revealed
>then Sakurai and Iwata tell us the game's delayed til 2015
>the Mario and Luigi mascots gasp at the news.
>"Prease understand."

In all seriousness, probably a newcomer or two, a couple vets, some gameplay modes and some (possibly extended) gameplay will be shown off, while they say more big news at E3.

Johnny Wellens

Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2014
Excuse ****ing me?

The only veterans revealed were Luigi because of "Year of Luigi" and Sonic because he's a third party, ever other single veteran was revealed in a PotD.

Makes me question YOUR common sense.
I'll be back to quote your posts on Tuesday and smile all up in your face because I was right and you make poor assumptions. See you in 3+ days.

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
The middle finger was supposed to be along the lines of "look at me I'm so edgy and confrontational. That's how you know my leak is legit, because anyone with a forged leak wouldn't have the balls to insult their viewing audience! I'm so confident!"

Then of course the leak turned out to be fake anyway.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
The middle finger was supposed to be along the lines of "look at me I'm so edgy and confrontational. That's how you know my leak is legit, because anyone with a forged leak wouldn't have the balls to insult their viewing audience! I'm so confident!"

Then of course the leak turned out to be fake anyway.
So how is it fake? That render looks pretty good. I mean if people could believe that dumb ass white kid Nester could be a legit inclusion then why not this one?
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