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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Sr. Community Manager, Smashboards Editor / Social
Oct 22, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
"I will say that there are a fair amount of hints in some of the daily pictures that are going to be pretty amusing once more is revealed."

Ridley as a stage hazard confirmed.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
The header for the whole section on the Hero's Shade in Hyrule Historia is "Link, The Descendant of the Hero of Time"

To quote that section : "The spirit of Link's ancestor, the Hero of Time, teaches him his secrets."

Someone theorized that the events of Majora's Mask are Link in purgatory after dying. Link is a child in Majora's Mask.
I'm not arguing about this on this thread, but, for those of you who know about OoT, could he have fathered a child before he became a child again?


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2013
Angel Grove
Well, there was that one screenshot with Kirby holding his hammer in the Mario Galaxy stage before said stage was revealed. Maybe things like that?

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
"I will say that there are a fair amount of hints in some of the daily pictures that are going to be pretty amusing once more is revealed."

Ridley as a stage hazard confirmed.
Hope that's not true


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I'm not arguing about this on this thread, but, for those of you who know about OoT, could he have fathered a child before he became a child again?
Wait, you were arguing about Zelda, yet you don't even know this? Twilight Princess takes place on the Child Timeline, directly after Majora's Mask, which is directly after OoT when Link returns to his childhood. Wind Waker takes place in the Adult Timeline, the one where Link is sent back to his childhood, but everything continues as normal after Link defeats Ganondorf... Except there is no Link because he was sent backwards in time, creating a split in the timeline.

So any child Link might have had before being sent back would have went on to leave him ancestors in Wind Waker, but he couldn't have had a child, because he was sent back as soon as he beat Ganondorf. This also means that Link in The Wind Waker has absolutely no blood relation to the Hero of Time. TP Link however, is a descendant of OoT Link, meaning that he had kids after the events of Majora's Mask. Actually, the Child Timeline is the only timeline that still has the pure blood of the hero reaching all the way back to Skyward Sword, all of the Links in the other two timelines have no relation other than getting the Triforce of Courage, which noticeably, they had to work towards (such as collecting the broken shards in WW) whilst TP Link was apparently born with it.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Please get this stupid theory stuff out of our collective face and take it somewhere else.

This popped up on GameFAQs (again). It's not a leak of new information, other than just to say "these other leaks are wrong," and the final game is drastically different from what they're claiming.

"So there's been a flood of "leaks" and "prophets" on here lately.
Or should I say people who say "I'm not prophet. I'm no troll." And then claim to leak copious amounts of information.

Which, as somebody who actually knows a few things, I can say that just about every single leak has almost entirely false information, with any true information being good guesses. Don't believe a single leaker that you read on here. None of them are even close to getting anything right, and I mean literally none of them. The roster is extremely clever, the stages are interesting, the game modes are fun and engaging. Everything is beyond the creative capabilities of anyone on these forums.

Best Smash ever? Hands down. Just wait until the next couple of reveals--there's so much more in store than hasn't been revealed yet that I'm not going to spoil, stuff that nobody else could come up with. I will say that there are a fair amount of hints in some of the daily pictures that are going to be pretty amusing once more is revealed."
Sounds reasonable. But no info was given, just the obvious.

I'll main neutral on this one, since it doesn't scream fake, like most of these rumors.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Back in 2007 there was a guy that only posted once and just came here to post the EXACT DAY Sonic would be revealed.

He was, of course, flamed as being a troll until the day Sonic was revealed on the Brawl dojo. I never saw the guy post again, but I remember he had a peach avatar. I don't remember his name, but it was around a month before Sonic was revealed.

....we need that guy back.

That was legendary. The only time I ever questioned questioning rumours out of nowhere for a little while.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
People could have guessed that Sonic would be revealed on that exact day! Enough people were talking about Sonic that someone eventually had to guess the one day out of 365 he'd be revealed! That doesn't make NyaseNya a true leaker!


Banned via Warnings
Jan 31, 2013
at temple
**** that gets the blood flowing...

Gets me thinking about what random Nintendo characters we will be seeing that none of us would ever expect.

Sakurai doesn't include characters you want, he includes characters you didn't know you wanted.

And now I can't stop thinking about how this game is going to separate itself from the rest.
I'm hoping for some new game types like king of the hill and a capture the flag/hold onto an object for the longest.

Mr. Mumbles

Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
The one thing that makes this leak seem potentially credible, is no one would have to be a colossal idiot to leak what he/she leaked, as there was no new information, thus I don't think they'd get fired or even reprimanded over it.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
I not sure if I want that to be true or not since it might mean the death of ridley


Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
Aug 25, 2012
Please get this stupid theory stuff out of our collective face and take it somewhere else.

This popped up on GameFAQs (again). It's not a leak of new information, other than just to say "these other leaks are wrong," and the final game is drastically different from what they're claiming.

"So there's been a flood of "leaks" and "prophets" on here lately.
Or should I say people who say "I'm not prophet. I'm no troll." And then claim to leak copious amounts of information.

Which, as somebody who actually knows a few things, I can say that just about every single leak has almost entirely false information, with any true information being good guesses. Don't believe a single leaker that you read on here. None of them are even close to getting anything right, and I mean literally none of them. The roster is extremely clever, the stages are interesting, the game modes are fun and engaging. Everything is beyond the creative capabilities of anyone on these forums.

Best Smash ever? Hands down. Just wait until the next couple of reveals--there's so much more in store than hasn't been revealed yet that I'm not going to spoil, stuff that nobody else could come up with. I will say that there are a fair amount of hints in some of the daily pictures that are going to be pretty amusing once more is revealed."


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
According to the video, her Parasol, Frying Pan, and slap moves come from Mario RPG.
It pains me to hear some of you haven't played this game. Kind of one of the best Mario games, ever.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
That leak actually pisses me off, because we all know it's just as fake as the rest, except this one is promising something none of the others had. That it's actually going to be an amazing game.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
That leak actually pisses me off, because we all know it's just as fake as the rest, except this one is promising something none of the others had. That it's actually going to be an amazing game.
Didn't we all know that already :p.

Also, leak is officially fake due to it saying it will be the best Smash. Melee exists. :p


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Didn't we all know that already :p.

Also, leak is officially fake due to it saying it will be the best Smash. Melee exists. :p
And here we have people attempting to initiate things.

It's always awkward when leaks are legitimate, because then you just have to wonder. Will one of these leaks that everyone writes off as fake eventually come true anyway?


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Another f**king friend at Namco Bandai had this to leak to a GameFAQs user.

Ok, so I'm good friends with a developer from Namco Bandai who's working on Smash Bros 4 right now. A couple days ago I asked him about SSB4. He was surprisingly open about the game and told me a huge amount of stuff. I don't like all of it, and I have no proof that all of it, or even any of it is true, but I felt obligated to share.


-The Little Mac, Mii, & Pac-Man rumor is true. They were planned to be revealed at E3 2013 along with WFT, Villager, and Mega Man, but after the leak they were taken out of the presentation
-The current plan is for them to be revealed at E3 2014
-Mii will not have a customizable moveset. However, you will be able to load your Miis into the game and play as them
-Dixie Kong is in, not a clone
-Paper Mario is in
-Mewtwo returns w. Melee moveset
-Ridley is in. He's the biggest character in the game and can float like Peach
-Krystal is in
-Shulk is in
-Isaac is in
-Takamaru is in with a new design(I don't have any proof of this, but I assume it's a situation similar to Pit in Brawl, and Nazo no Murasame-jo will get a revival soon).
-KI has 3 reps
-Chibi-Robo is in the roster, but is very low-priority. Work on him hasn't even started yet, so there's a possibility he'll be cut
-Toon Zelda/Tetra is in the same situation as Chibi-Robo
-No cuts from Brawl
-There are currently 4 3rd-parties in the game but more are being discussed
-Prof.Layton has been discussed a lot, but isn't planned right now due to not being iconic like the other 3rd-parties
-Geno was not planned for Brawl, but was discussed in the early stages of SSB4
-A character from Bravely Default was under consideration, but is unlikely
-The Slime from Dragon Quest is probably going to be the next 3rd-party added, if they add one
-SEGA, Namco & Konami have contacted Nintendo about more of their characters in SSB4
-The roster isn't as finalized as people assume it is, but will most likely have 'about 60 characters'
-Villager has a female alternate costume
-HFT is an alt
-Dr. Mario is a Mario alt
-Dr. Luigi is a Luigi alt
-No new Pikmin reps
-No new Mother reps, but Ninten was discussed early on
-Roy will not be in
-Sukapon will not be in
-Harry from Teleroboxer was never even considered. He's 'not sure Nintendo even remembers he exists'
-Daisy is not in because there are more important Mario reps
-Neither Impa nor Tingle is in, but there will be a new Zelda rep
-DK gets a new FS with Rambi
-Falcondorf returns


-Lucina is an AT
-Cranky is an AT
-Tingle is still an AT
-Saki is still an AT
-Mr. Resetti is still an AT
-Magnus is an AT


-The Boxing Ring is a Punch-Out stage. Doc Louis appears in the background
-The Lor Starcutter on WiiU
-The Pokemon World Tournament on 3DS
-Thorntail Hollow on WiiU
-Macbeth on 3DS
-Yoshi's New Island on 3DS, and a Yarn Yoshi stage on WiiU
-Murasame Castle on WiiU
-Gaur Plains on Wii U and Central Factory on 3DS
-Tropical Freeze on WiiU & a DKCR stage on 3DS
-Hyrule Castle/Lorule Castle is a stage on 3DS
-Fire Emblem stage on WiiU, will be a specific area(unlike Castle Siege). However, what area has not been decided yet
-Stage builder is better


-Focuses more on vs. mode
-DLC is under consideration, but no plans have been made
-Adventure Mode works like Melee's, but with branching paths
-Medusa is a boss in adventure mode
-King K. Rool is a boss in adventure mode. You fight him multiple times in DK's part of adventure mode, with each of his different personas.
-The game will probably release late fall 2014, but there is still a lot of work to do, so it might be pushed to winter.
-Namco and Sakurai are fighting internal battles over the balancing, where Namco wants to do the balancing and take ideas from Project M for movesets, but Sakurai wants to balance the game alone

It's bull****ty to me because it's a "best hits" compilation of features from other leaks, and Sakurai is past the character selection process of the game.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Another f**king friend at Namco Bandai had this to leak to a GameFAQs user.

Ok, so I'm good friends with a developer from Namco Bandai who's working on Smash Bros 4 right now. A couple days ago I asked him about SSB4. He was surprisingly open about the game and told me a huge amount of stuff. I don't like all of it, and I have no proof that all of it, or even any of it is true, but I felt obligated to share.


-The Little Mac, Mii, & Pac-Man rumor is true. They were planned to be revealed at E3 2013 along with WFT, Villager, and Mega Man, but after the leak they were taken out of the presentation
-The current plan is for them to be revealed at E3 2014
-Mii will not have a customizable moveset. However, you will be able to load your Miis into the game and play as them
-Dixie Kong is in, not a clone
-Paper Mario is in
-Mewtwo returns w. Melee moveset
-Ridley is in. He's the biggest character in the game and can float like Peach
-Krystal is in
-Shulk is in
-Isaac is in
-Takamaru is in with a new design(I don't have any proof of this, but I assume it's a situation similar to Pit in Brawl, and Nazo no Murasame-jo will get a revival soon).
-KI has 3 reps
-Chibi-Robo is in the roster, but is very low-priority. Work on him hasn't even started yet, so there's a possibility he'll be cut
-Toon Zelda/Tetra is in the same situation as Chibi-Robo
-No cuts from Brawl
-There are currently 4 3rd-parties in the game but more are being discussed
-Prof.Layton has been discussed a lot, but isn't planned right now due to not being iconic like the other 3rd-parties
-Geno was not planned for Brawl, but was discussed in the early stages of SSB4
-A character from Bravely Default was under consideration, but is unlikely
-The Slime from Dragon Quest is probably going to be the next 3rd-party added, if they add one
-SEGA, Namco & Konami have contacted Nintendo about more of their characters in SSB4
-The roster isn't as finalized as people assume it is, but will most likely have 'about 60 characters'
-Villager has a female alternate costume
-HFT is an alt
-Dr. Mario is a Mario alt
-Dr. Luigi is a Luigi alt
-No new Pikmin reps
-No new Mother reps, but Ninten was discussed early on
-Roy will not be in
-Sukapon will not be in
-Harry from Teleroboxer was never even considered. He's 'not sure Nintendo even remembers he exists'
-Daisy is not in because there are more important Mario reps
-Neither Impa nor Tingle is in, but there will be a new Zelda rep
-DK gets a new FS with Rambi
-Falcondorf returns


-Lucina is an AT
-Cranky is an AT
-Tingle is still an AT
-Saki is still an AT
-Mr. Resetti is still an AT
-Magnus is an AT


-The Boxing Ring is a Punch-Out stage. Doc Louis appears in the background
-The Lor Starcutter on WiiU
-The Pokemon World Tournament on 3DS
-Thorntail Hollow on WiiU
-Macbeth on 3DS
-Yoshi's New Island on 3DS, and a Yarn Yoshi stage on WiiU
-Murasame Castle on WiiU
-Gaur Plains on Wii U and Central Factory on 3DS
-Tropical Freeze on WiiU & a DKCR stage on 3DS
-Hyrule Castle/Lorule Castle is a stage on 3DS
-Fire Emblem stage on WiiU, will be a specific area(unlike Castle Siege). However, what area has not been decided yet
-Stage builder is better


-Focuses more on vs. mode
-DLC is under consideration, but no plans have been made
-Adventure Mode works like Melee's, but with branching paths
-Medusa is a boss in adventure mode
-King K. Rool is a boss in adventure mode. You fight him multiple times in DK's part of adventure mode, with each of his different personas.
-The game will probably release late fall 2014, but there is still a lot of work to do, so it might be pushed to winter.
-Namco and Sakurai are fighting internal battles over the balancing, where Namco wants to do the balancing and take ideas from Project M for movesets, but Sakurai wants to balance the game alone
It's bull****ty to me because it's a "best hits" compilation of features from other leaks, and Sakurai is past the character selection process of the game.
If only this were true, the only thing that would make this perfect is if K rool was playable and lyn.

But yeah its probably some smashboarder trolling again, some of these things are only things that someone from smashboards would know. I deem this as fake. but It'd be cool if it were true, even though it would disappoint someone.


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
Hmm.... well, that one leak said the other leaks are fake, so this one must be as well.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
60 characters yeah right, also isent chibi robo 3rd party and if so, if they went to the trouble of getting him then he defintly would not even be considered a cut

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Take ideas from Project M? Is he ****ing high or something? Not to mention he's listing a lot of characters that I would never think that neither Nintendo or Sakurai would have in their minds and more of what the fans alone thought of (like Impa, Toon Zelda/Tetra, Harry from Teleboxer). And I know for sure we ain't getting a Dr. Luigi alt (too soon, why two Dr. alts?, and can't see Sakurai/Nintendo considering). And why are they saying SEGA & Namco are wanting more characters in? And what's HTF?

This is 100% ****ing bull****.


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
60 characters yeah right, also isent chibi robo 3rd party and if so, if they went to the trouble of getting him then he defintly would not even be considered a cut
Chibi-Robo is owned by Skip, Ltd., but was developed in a partnership with Nintendo, which would make him second party.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Cloud Cuckooland
Another f**king friend at Namco Bandai had this to leak to a GameFAQs user.

*insert ****ty leak here*

It's bull****ty to me because it's a "best hits" compilation of features from other leaks, and Sakurai is past the character selection process of the game.
Taking ideas from P:M?
No playable K. Rool?
60 Characters?
Oh man, this leaker is pulling all the stops on this one!


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
Take ideas from Project M? Is he ****ing high or something? Not to mention he's listing a lot of characters that I would never think that neither Nintendo or Sakurai would have in their minds and more of what the fans alone thought of (like Impa, Toon Zelda/Tetra, Harry from Teleboxer). And I know for sure we ain't getting a Dr. Luigi alt (too soon, why two Dr. alts?, and can't see Sakurai/Nintendo considering). And why are they saying SEGA & Namco are wanting more characters in? And what's HTF?

This is 100% ****ing bull****.
HFT is the He Fit Trainer or the Male Wii Fit Trainer. And I don't see why it's too soon for Dr. Luigi when:
A. it's just an alt costume
B. it wasn't too soon for Dr. Mario to be added in Melee (Melee's Japan release was only seven months after Dr. Mario 64's release).
C. Sakurai would have been aware of the game's existence long before now

Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
Aside from the lack of playable K. Rool and no new Pikmin reps, I wouldn't mind the leak being true. It seems like a pretty obvious fake though.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
"Ok, so I'm good friends with a developer from Namco Bandai who's working on Smash Bros 4 right now."

"Namco wants to do the balancing and take ideas from Project M for movesets."

These two sentences have convinced me it's fake, without a shadow of a doubt.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2013
Another f**king friend at Namco Bandai had this to leak to a GameFAQs user.

Ok, so I'm good friends with a developer from Namco Bandai who's working on Smash Bros 4 right now. A couple days ago I asked him about SSB4. He was surprisingly open about the game and told me a huge amount of stuff. I don't like all of it, and I have no proof that all of it, or even any of it is true, but I felt obligated to share.


-The Little Mac, Mii, & Pac-Man rumor is true. They were planned to be revealed at E3 2013 along with WFT, Villager, and Mega Man, but after the leak they were taken out of the presentation
-The current plan is for them to be revealed at E3 2014
-Mii will not have a customizable moveset. However, you will be able to load your Miis into the game and play as them
-Dixie Kong is in, not a clone
-Paper Mario is in
-Mewtwo returns w. Melee moveset
-Ridley is in. He's the biggest character in the game and can float like Peach
-Krystal is in
-Shulk is in
-Isaac is in
-Takamaru is in with a new design(I don't have any proof of this, but I assume it's a situation similar to Pit in Brawl, and Nazo no Murasame-jo will get a revival soon).
-KI has 3 reps
-Chibi-Robo is in the roster, but is very low-priority. Work on him hasn't even started yet, so there's a possibility he'll be cut
-Toon Zelda/Tetra is in the same situation as Chibi-Robo
-No cuts from Brawl
-There are currently 4 3rd-parties in the game but more are being discussed
-Prof.Layton has been discussed a lot, but isn't planned right now due to not being iconic like the other 3rd-parties
-Geno was not planned for Brawl, but was discussed in the early stages of SSB4
-A character from Bravely Default was under consideration, but is unlikely
-The Slime from Dragon Quest is probably going to be the next 3rd-party added, if they add one
-SEGA, Namco & Konami have contacted Nintendo about more of their characters in SSB4
-The roster isn't as finalized as people assume it is, but will most likely have 'about 60 characters'
-Villager has a female alternate costume
-HFT is an alt
-Dr. Mario is a Mario alt
-Dr. Luigi is a Luigi alt
-No new Pikmin reps
-No new Mother reps, but Ninten was discussed early on
-Roy will not be in
-Sukapon will not be in
-Harry from Teleroboxer was never even considered. He's 'not sure Nintendo even remembers he exists'
-Daisy is not in because there are more important Mario reps
-Neither Impa nor Tingle is in, but there will be a new Zelda rep
-DK gets a new FS with Rambi
-Falcondorf returns


-Lucina is an AT
-Cranky is an AT
-Tingle is still an AT
-Saki is still an AT
-Mr. Resetti is still an AT
-Magnus is an AT


-The Boxing Ring is a Punch-Out stage. Doc Louis appears in the background
-The Lor Starcutter on WiiU
-The Pokemon World Tournament on 3DS
-Thorntail Hollow on WiiU
-Macbeth on 3DS
-Yoshi's New Island on 3DS, and a Yarn Yoshi stage on WiiU
-Murasame Castle on WiiU
-Gaur Plains on Wii U and Central Factory on 3DS
-Tropical Freeze on WiiU & a DKCR stage on 3DS
-Hyrule Castle/Lorule Castle is a stage on 3DS
-Fire Emblem stage on WiiU, will be a specific area(unlike Castle Siege). However, what area has not been decided yet
-Stage builder is better


-Focuses more on vs. mode
-DLC is under consideration, but no plans have been made
-Adventure Mode works like Melee's, but with branching paths
-Medusa is a boss in adventure mode
-King K. Rool is a boss in adventure mode. You fight him multiple times in DK's part of adventure mode, with each of his different personas.
-The game will probably release late fall 2014, but there is still a lot of work to do, so it might be pushed to winter.
-Namco and Sakurai are fighting internal battles over the balancing, where Namco wants to do the balancing and take ideas from Project M for movesets, but Sakurai wants to balance the game alone
It's bull****ty to me because it's a "best hits" compilation of features from other leaks, and Sakurai is past the character selection process of the game.
So fake, first. Even if he did have a friend that worked at Namco, his friend wouldn't be like "yeah sure I'll tell you tons of info about it, you know I could be fired and sued but oh well :)"

And second, I really, REALLY doubt Smash Bros. 3DS will get 3 Zelda stages.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Man, Namco Bandai should win "The friendliest company" award. People sure have a lot of friends who work there. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2013
Here, maybe?
Please get this stupid theory stuff out of our collective face and take it somewhere else.

This popped up on GameFAQs (again). It's not a leak of new information, other than just to say "these other leaks are wrong," and the final game is drastically different from what they're claiming.

"So there's been a flood of "leaks" and "prophets" on here lately.
Or should I say people who say "I'm not prophet. I'm no troll." And then claim to leak copious amounts of information.

Which, as somebody who actually knows a few things, I can say that just about every single leak has almost entirely false information, with any true information being good guesses. Don't believe a single leaker that you read on here. None of them are even close to getting anything right, and I mean literally none of them. The roster is extremely clever, the stages are interesting, the game modes are fun and engaging. Everything is beyond the creative capabilities of anyone on these forums.

Best Smash ever? Hands down. Just wait until the next couple of reveals--there's so much more in store than hasn't been revealed yet that I'm not going to spoil, stuff that nobody else could come up with. I will say that there are a fair amount of hints in some of the daily pictures that are going to be pretty amusing once more is revealed."
Whelp, legit or not, this just raised my already high level of hype even higher.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Another f**king friend at Namco Bandai had this to leak to a GameFAQs user.

Ok, so I'm good friends with a developer from Namco Bandai who's working on Smash Bros 4 right now. A couple days ago I asked him about SSB4. He was surprisingly open about the game and told me a huge amount of stuff. I don't like all of it, and I have no proof that all of it, or even any of it is true, but I felt obligated to share.


-The Little Mac, Mii, & Pac-Man rumor is true. They were planned to be revealed at E3 2013 along with WFT, Villager, and Mega Man, but after the leak they were taken out of the presentation
-The current plan is for them to be revealed at E3 2014
-Mii will not have a customizable moveset. However, you will be able to load your Miis into the game and play as them
-Dixie Kong is in, not a clone
-Paper Mario is in
-Mewtwo returns w. Melee moveset
-Ridley is in. He's the biggest character in the game and can float like Peach
-Krystal is in
-Shulk is in
-Isaac is in
-Takamaru is in with a new design(I don't have any proof of this, but I assume it's a situation similar to Pit in Brawl, and Nazo no Murasame-jo will get a revival soon).
-KI has 3 reps
-Chibi-Robo is in the roster, but is very low-priority. Work on him hasn't even started yet, so there's a possibility he'll be cut
-Toon Zelda/Tetra is in the same situation as Chibi-Robo
-No cuts from Brawl
-There are currently 4 3rd-parties in the game but more are being discussed
-Prof.Layton has been discussed a lot, but isn't planned right now due to not being iconic like the other 3rd-parties
-Geno was not planned for Brawl, but was discussed in the early stages of SSB4
-A character from Bravely Default was under consideration, but is unlikely
-The Slime from Dragon Quest is probably going to be the next 3rd-party added, if they add one
-SEGA, Namco & Konami have contacted Nintendo about more of their characters in SSB4
-The roster isn't as finalized as people assume it is, but will most likely have 'about 60 characters'
-Villager has a female alternate costume
-HFT is an alt
-Dr. Mario is a Mario alt
-Dr. Luigi is a Luigi alt
-No new Pikmin reps
-No new Mother reps, but Ninten was discussed early on
-Roy will not be in
-Sukapon will not be in
-Harry from Teleroboxer was never even considered. He's 'not sure Nintendo even remembers he exists'
-Daisy is not in because there are more important Mario reps
-Neither Impa nor Tingle is in, but there will be a new Zelda rep
-DK gets a new FS with Rambi
-Falcondorf returns


-Lucina is an AT
-Cranky is an AT
-Tingle is still an AT
-Saki is still an AT
-Mr. Resetti is still an AT
-Magnus is an AT


-The Boxing Ring is a Punch-Out stage. Doc Louis appears in the background
-The Lor Starcutter on WiiU
-The Pokemon World Tournament on 3DS
-Thorntail Hollow on WiiU
-Macbeth on 3DS
-Yoshi's New Island on 3DS, and a Yarn Yoshi stage on WiiU
-Murasame Castle on WiiU
-Gaur Plains on Wii U and Central Factory on 3DS
-Tropical Freeze on WiiU & a DKCR stage on 3DS
-Hyrule Castle/Lorule Castle is a stage on 3DS
-Fire Emblem stage on WiiU, will be a specific area(unlike Castle Siege). However, what area has not been decided yet
-Stage builder is better


-Focuses more on vs. mode
-DLC is under consideration, but no plans have been made
-Adventure Mode works like Melee's, but with branching paths
-Medusa is a boss in adventure mode
-King K. Rool is a boss in adventure mode. You fight him multiple times in DK's part of adventure mode, with each of his different personas.
-The game will probably release late fall 2014, but there is still a lot of work to do, so it might be pushed to winter.
-Namco and Sakurai are fighting internal battles over the balancing, where Namco wants to do the balancing and take ideas from Project M for movesets, but Sakurai wants to balance the game alone
It's bull****ty to me because it's a "best hits" compilation of features from other leaks, and Sakurai is past the character selection process of the game.
Namco-Bandai taking ideas from Project M.

Mentioning an obscure Virtual Boy character only discussed on Smashboards by the people who spend their time digging up obscure games to find characters without a support thread yet.

More characters from SEGA, Konami or Namco, yet Capcom is left untouched.

They literally took ideas from the Smashboards refrigerator, chopped them up, then sauteed them and atomically bound them all together into a rumor danish.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2012
Buffalo, NY
They literally took ideas from the Smashboards refrigerator, chopped them up them, sauteed them and atomically bound them all together into a rumor danish.
This. I've seen a load of these ideas in other, RECENT rumors.
Also 60 Characters, please.
And anyone who claims the roster isn't decided by this point is totally full of it. The potential list of characters to be used in the roster is decided WELL in advance. The final number may differ based on time constraints, but I don't think that's an issue this time around.
Taking Ideas from Project M? :rotfl:
That's like saying Megaman in Smash 4 stole ideas from SSF2. What a load of ****.
This is the mash-up king of the rumors. I'd like to see someone top it :facepalm:.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
I read the part about project m and got really sad.

I had a shred of hope that it was real and was totally cool with it because it had three Kid Icarus characters.
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