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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Frog Prince? Da fuq? Instead of trying to revive a very under looked franchise, you add the new character from the new Yoshi game whom has the same abilities as Sabure, except only frog form. That makes me mad in the inside.
This seems pretty believable, to my own demise. ):
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
That is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard of (especially for smash bros.), and why only the Wii U version? And doing so for every character would be tedious for the developers and players. also it would be so uneeded

I'm sorry guys but this one part of the leak just makes it bogus (is bogus still a thing nowadays?)
We accepted Mega Evolution.


Sep 26, 2013
I sometimes wonder if us discussing leaks day in and day out isn't our way to cope with our own insanity. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?


Smash Ace
Jan 22, 2014
Probably under my bed.
New guy.

Hey, Gamefaqers (Is that the right term to use? Lol.) Just to get this out of the way now, I am not a leaker. There is no way that I can confirm nor deny that this information is true. It is all unverified rumors unless otherwise proven true. I just made this account today in order to post these rumors. Now that that’s settled, let’s move on to how I got this information. I do not have a friend who conveniently works at Nintendo/Sora Ltd/Namco-Bandai. I am basically part of a special society of people who do intensive research on the game by completely legal means. It is impossible to easily explain what we do. However, I can tell you we don’t browse files on the companies’ computers, or play test demos, or work with Sakurai, or do any of that harebrained stuff. People who claim to do this are just pulling your leg. You probably already knew that, but after looking through some of the “leaks” posted here, I felt the need to clarify just in case.

I’ll try to make this rumor list as concise as possible for your convenience.

-Link's Gale Boomerang and Toon Link's Boomerang return.
-Kirby's Swallow returns. A new mechanic strengthens his swallowing power when B is repeatedly tapped.
-Olimar's Pikmin still max out at six, even though screenshots only show three.
-Falco, Wolf, and Captain Falcon return to the battle. Starfox and F-Zero crossover is coming to WiiU soon.
-Diddy’s Monkey Flip returns.
-Palutena joins the battle. Main method of fighting is by swinging her staff.
-Pit's Final Smash remains unchanged, though Palutena does not appear in the background if she is being played as.
-Crates and Barrels return.
-Toon Zelda and Tetra join the battle. Magic Bar involved with moveset. Toon Zelda can steal magic energy from opponents, Tetra can steal held items.
-Panels are a new item. Explode when the player makes contact with two adjacent panels.
-The Frog Prince joins the battle. An anthropomorphic frog wearing a red cape. Main method of fighting is whipping with his tongue.
-Frog Prince stars in an upcoming WiiU title by Intelligent Systems (creators of Paper Mario and Fire Emblem) and is the two-player partner in Yoshi's Epic Yarn.
-Charcters that did not make it as newcomers: Cranky Kong, Genesect, Hawlucha, Ray MKIII, Bandana Dee, Lucina, Mach Rider, Kamek, and Saki Amamiya
-Trophy Stand item is removed.
-Subspace Bombs appear in Adventure mode. Sends the character into the Subspace Battlefield. If you have played Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, you may know what to expect.
-Every character has a second form, only in the WiiU version. Known forms are Mario in Cape & Fire Feather form, Villager with the Golden Tools and horned hat, Kirby with a glowing star on his forehead, Fox in Arwing armor, and Rosalina & Luma as Cosmic Spirit and baby Ztar.
-Finally determined that Phantom is a new item, works differently from normal items. It falls down on the stage just like any other item, in a sleeping state. Attack the back of it to take control. Moves left and right depending on where you’re facing. You lose your jab, side tilt, and dash attack in exchange for different, “commands.”: Heavy downwards slash for jabs, sideways slash for side tilt (as shown in Zelda's gallery,) and dash attack makes it leap forward, slashing down on the enemy. Automatically reflects projectiles with its shield. You can even distance yourself from the Phantom and it will still follow your commands. Attacking the back of the Phantom while it is under someone else’s control will destroy it.

That is all the information we have gathered for now. I can’t stay and answer questions, as we have a really important meeting tonight. I will probably be back someday, but for now, I will be leaving you all with this.

An interesting one, for sure. Not just another final roster drop or Q&A session, but an array of tidbits.
I'm gonna debunk any Rumor that involves some random dude just making a account to post these rumors or anything that involves a "upcoming game".


Feb 13, 2014
Betternet Roster Leak: I'm not going to bother with some vain preface and balderdash in an attempt to establish credibility. Read and think what you will, but remember to come back to this list as more and more revelations show concurrence.

Final Character Roster

1st Row: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Bowser, Wario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo
2nd Row: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Pit, Palutena, Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Marth, Chrom & Lucina
3rd Row: Mii, Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Ness, Samus, Olimar, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Little Mac, Takamaru, R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch, Mega Man, Sonic, Pac-Man

All names written as announced upon selection.

Cut: Ike, Lucas, Wolf, Snake
Reworked: Pokemon Trainer
I know there seems to be a lot of people who don't like this roster, but I think it's actually pretty perfect. The only part of it that doesn't settle well with me is Chrom & Lucina. I suppose it could work, but we've already got Ice Climbers who are a duo team and Rosalina who seems to work that way as well. Have a third set of them seems overkill, but I'll just have to wait and find out. :p


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
Toon Zelda and Tetra sound pretty fun. I wish this leak wasn't fake.

And why isn't anybody talking about CRATES AND BARRELS RETURNING? Hype hype hype!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2014

I doubt this would ever happen.
Its not too out there
In the ending to Start fox command there is an ending where fox and falco join the Fzero racing cup

Plus Fox's dad was technically playable in an F-zero game


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2014
That's a lot of information. A little too much information. The only way he would ever come back is if he probably coincidentally get's something right. It sounds as if he is talking about the deep web or something. I wish leakers like Chaos_Zero that didn't sound so conceited and attention seeking came back.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
What is this Pt fights without pokemon rumors? As for that new one, it sounds cool, especially f zero X Star fox.


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2013
We accepted Mega Evolution.
yeah but that's just the Pokemon, this leak mentions ALL the characters in the game. could you imagine olimar, diddy kong and other characters with no relation with transforming....TRANSFORMING INTO ANOTHER FORM!!!


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Oh I was making fun of how fb-whatever put "crates and barrels return," in his leak. It's just weird that he or she would think people would have some exciting reaction to hearing that.
Ah, I see. Yes, that doesn't sound like something most people would have an extravagant reaction to. It's not surprising. That's like someone making a leak before the game is announced and saying "Hey guys! Mario's back!"


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
New guy.

Hey, Gamefaqers (Is that the right term to use? Lol.) Just to get this out of the way now, I am not a leaker. There is no way that I can confirm nor deny that this information is true. It is all unverified rumors unless otherwise proven true. I just made this account today in order to post these rumors. Now that that’s settled, let’s move on to how I got this information. I do not have a friend who conveniently works at Nintendo/Sora Ltd/Namco-Bandai. I am basically part of a special society of people who do intensive research on the game by completely legal means. It is impossible to easily explain what we do. However, I can tell you we don’t browse files on the companies’ computers, or play test demos, or work with Sakurai, or do any of that harebrained stuff. People who claim to do this are just pulling your leg. You probably already knew that, but after looking through some of the “leaks” posted here, I felt the need to clarify just in case.

I’ll try to make this rumor list as concise as possible for your convenience.

-Link's Gale Boomerang and Toon Link's Boomerang return.
-Kirby's Swallow returns. A new mechanic strengthens his swallowing power when B is repeatedly tapped.
-Olimar's Pikmin still max out at six, even though screenshots only show three.
-Falco, Wolf, and Captain Falcon return to the battle. Starfox and F-Zero crossover is coming to WiiU soon.
-Diddy’s Monkey Flip returns.
-Palutena joins the battle. Main method of fighting is by swinging her staff.
-Pit's Final Smash remains unchanged, though Palutena does not appear in the background if she is being played as.
-Crates and Barrels return.
-Toon Zelda and Tetra join the battle. Magic Bar involved with moveset. Toon Zelda can steal magic energy from opponents, Tetra can steal held items.
-Panels are a new item. Explode when the player makes contact with two adjacent panels.
-The Frog Prince joins the battle. An anthropomorphic frog wearing a red cape. Main method of fighting is whipping with his tongue.
-Frog Prince stars in an upcoming WiiU title by Intelligent Systems (creators of Paper Mario and Fire Emblem) and is the two-player partner in Yoshi's Epic Yarn.
-Charcters that did not make it as newcomers: Cranky Kong, Genesect, Hawlucha, Ray MKIII, Bandana Dee, Lucina, Mach Rider, Kamek, and Saki Amamiya
-Trophy Stand item is removed.
-Subspace Bombs appear in Adventure mode. Sends the character into the Subspace Battlefield. If you have played Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, you may know what to expect.
-Every character has a second form, only in the WiiU version. Known forms are Mario in Cape & Fire Feather form, Villager with the Golden Tools and horned hat, Kirby with a glowing star on his forehead, Fox in Arwing armor, and Rosalina & Luma as Cosmic Spirit and baby Ztar.
-Finally determined that Phantom is a new item, works differently from normal items. It falls down on the stage just like any other item, in a sleeping state. Attack the back of it to take control. Moves left and right depending on where you’re facing. You lose your jab, side tilt, and dash attack in exchange for different, “commands.”: Heavy downwards slash for jabs, sideways slash for side tilt (as shown in Zelda's gallery,) and dash attack makes it leap forward, slashing down on the enemy. Automatically reflects projectiles with its shield. You can even distance yourself from the Phantom and it will still follow your commands. Attacking the back of the Phantom while it is under someone else’s control will destroy it.

That is all the information we have gathered for now. I can’t stay and answer questions, as we have a really important meeting tonight. I will probably be back someday, but for now, I will be leaving you all with this.

An interesting one, for sure. Not just another final roster drop or Q&A session, but an array of tidbits.
The dude does not know what he's talking about. He thinks the Prince is actually the Frog. That was just a power the Prince got along with a Snake power, it would make NO SENSE for the Frog to be the character when it has less combat abilities than the prince himself. What a freaking joke.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
The betternet roster seems like it could be believable but the following just sticks out to me, some good some not so much. Mostly just opinion but here's my thoughts:
- Chrom&Lucina - It makes sense based on the whole team element in Awakening not to mention it represents two of the three most important characters to the plot. I personally don't see this happening but I'd be all for it.
- Toon Zelda/Toon Shiek/Tetra - Kind of turns me off on this leak but I'd have no problems with this character being real though Toon Zelda/Tetra would make more sense. Plus she was originally intended and ultimately cut.
- Krystal - Wasn't she at one point pretty much an indicator for obviously fake leaks? Given, she'd play different than Fox or Falco for sure based presumably on StarFox adventures but I personally don't see this happening (If anything, it should have happened in Brawl.). I feel the same way about Geno in the same context on credibility of leaks.
- Johto Trainer - Yeah, great way to represent the new generation of Pokemon with using a trainer from the second generation that isn't going to be as memorable as the original trainer nor current in the vein of the trainer in X/Y. This is where the leak loses me.
- 45 characters. I'd be fine with it but I wouldn't be mad if it was this number or even 40 characters (excluding transformations, etc.). Wasn't it said that 39 (counting transformations) characters along with all the other features pretty much pushed the wii to the limit?
- A lack of Ridley. If it's true then he's pretty much locked in as a Stage Hazard.

Personally I think back to when it was closer to Brawl's release dates. How close was it to release in Japan before the whole roster was leaked and was there even an official release date penned in at that point when the whole roster was revealed? That alone could be a thing that could possibly add or subtract credibility to all of these "leaks" to some degree.
There's actually Toon Zelda data on the Brawl disc.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
got please don't let the betternet leak happen, if so megaman and pacman will be the only character i care about :(

Cinderella Man

Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2014
First post!

I'm really hoping Lucas doesn't get cut though, he's my main and best character by a longshot. Definitely making Villager my second choice though.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I remember hearing some people say they can't see the Betternet Leak, because of all the stuff on the OP. So, might as well post it here.

  • Dixie Kong is playable
  • Mewtwo returns
  • Toon Zelda is playable
  • Palutena is playable
  • Krystal is playable
  • Chrom & Lucina are playable
  • Little Mac is playable
  • Takamaru is playable
  • Pac-Man is playable
  • Ike does not return
  • Lucas does not return
  • Wolf does not return
  • Snake does not return
  • Mewtwo was the final character "solidified" on the roster (can't be proven)
  • Mewtwo uses neither Mega Evolution
  • Mewtwo's Final Smash is "Psycho Break"
  • Lucario's Final Smash has not been finalized (can't be proven)
  • Zelda's transformation into Sheik has not been changed
  • Samus's transformation into Zero Suit Samus has not been changed
  • Pokemon Trainer no longer commands Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard (leaker did not specify who replaces them)
  • Pac-Man and Ganondorf will be announced E3 2014 via Nintendo Direct
  • Release date will be announced at E3 2014
  • Wii U release date is "early autumn"
  • 3DS release date is during the holidays
  • Chrom & Lucina are a duo character, with either character being able to be selected on the CSS
  • Chrom and Lucina each have their individual moveset and fight separately, bar special moves in which the partner materializes and the duo swaps. The specials are the same in name but function slightly differently depending on character
  • Chrom & Lucina share the Final Smash
  • Krystal uses her staff
  • Krystal's Final Smash has not been decided yet (can't be proven)


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
Someone said (regarding the betternet leak) that there should be more villains added than females and that's why they thought it was fake, and someone threw in there that its called super smash brothers not sisters
I hope you know by now that 'Super Smash Bros' is word play taken from 'Super Mario Bros'.... it has nothing to do with the playable characters being male/female


Sep 26, 2013
I just wish we had a way to debunk it now instead of having to wait til E3. Ike, Lucas, Wolf, Snake, or Ganondorf.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Someone said (regarding the betternet leak) that there should be more villains added than females and that's why they thought it was fake, and someone threw in there that its called super smash brothers not sisters
I hope you know by now that 'Super Smash Bros' is word play taken from 'Super Mario Bros'.... it has nothing to do with the playable characters being male/female
I'm pretty sure I was joking when I said that. Its not easy to make a joke through text.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding (regardless though, I've heard people other than you say that, Ijust wanted to make it clear haha)
Yea its a pretty dumb argument:grin:!:happysheep:

hopefully no one really thinks that in regards to a leak.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2013
Isn't he technically a third-party character since he was created by Square? I don't know where ownership of him lies.
He's third party. Fortunately, most people who wanted him before are not in denial anymore and know that the chances of an obscure one-off third-party character are literally zero
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