Alright, so I fought the Kimono girls last night:
Umbreon was a bit annoying, as Forretress wasn't as bulky as I thought he was, so he lost about half his HP there. He did weaken it enough to the point where I could switch into Tentacruel and take it down.
Espeon was actually the hardest. Forretress nearly died on the switch, so I sent in Alakazam and we had a Psychic war, which I won through recover giving me more HP.
Flareon was really easy. I switched into Gyarados and one-shotted it with Waterfall.
Jolteon was funny, because the AI registered that it couldn't hit me with Electric moves and proceeded to spam double team and last resort... except that Last Resort was doing no damage because it hadn't used all its moves yet. So the fight was annoying, but since Jolteon wasn't smart enough to be able to damage me, I just had to keep attacking it until I hit enough times.
Vaporeon was the killer. I switched into Sunflora and it used Aurora Beam, which didn't kill her, but when I went to use Petal Dance, it didn't kill it back, so another Aurora beam took sunflora down. After that, I just switched into Gyarados and headbutted it for the KO.
RIP Solaria the Sunflora Level 12-38
Afterwards, I added Jigglypuff to my team and went up the bell tower. I caught a Gastly and when I got to the top, I caught Ho-oh to trade to SoulSilver, which I did instantly. I know, I'm terrible, but dex completion is important too. After which, I headed down to route 37, accidentally killed my Tohjo falls encounter (Raticate), and Jigglypuff died to a Doduo because of Crits. Yay!

RIP Jigglypuff level 15-20
I caught the Doduo and added it to my team, and nothing eventful happened until the next route, where I caught a Sandslash, and Victory Road, where I caught a Donphan and took out my Rival without much trouble. And now, I have to train everyone to level 52. Wheee!