I'm a little late to the party, but Chandelure is a strange, although fun-looking, choice. I'm really interested to see how he'll play, since he's a levitating Pokémon and all. I bet he'll be really unique. I really like Chandelure's design, as well, so that's another point in his favor. Something about the whole "possessed chandelier from the 1800s" look he has going on really appeals to me.
Anyhow, I guess I'd be interested in a Nintendo anime of some kind. I'm not really into anime that much, and none of what I'd consider the prime candidates for an anime adaptation, Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus, are series that I'm particularly interested in, but I might watch a Legend of Zelda anime. That doesn't seem too far outside of the realm of possibility. I'd definitely watch a hypothetical Smash anime, however, but that seems a tad more Farfetch'd. Hopefully, it'd go down a better path than the Pokémon anime, though, from the episodes that I've sporadically watched, the latter seems to have recovered somewhat.