That's exactly the point platforms exist though...
Some combos just won't work when there are platforms, while some combos ONLY work when there are platforms. Platforms open up a new dimension of movement options too, and also create a new way to pressure your opponent with horizontal stage control in neutral, something that isn't present in platform-less stages (unless you're being juggled, but at that point you're not in neutral).
You can prefer platform stages or platform-less stages. It depends on your playstyle and your character, but you cannot say it "severs the flow of the matches" because it doesn't really. Captain Falcon just becomes much faster and much more combo heavy when played on a stage with platforms, which makes the match more hype and faster paced.
What I mean is, even though I almost always ban BF and I sometimes ban Lylat, I still think they should always be legal because they lead to a plethora of other combos and playstyles that just can't happen in Omegas.
There's also platform-only techs and even ledge cancels, which become prominent in platform stages and make the game faster too.
As for the combo bit, platforms hurt more than help.
As for the movement options, they don't really help much, they just get in the way. There have been so many times where I have hit somebody with an Aerial Attack that I would've been able to follow up with had a platform not been there to trigger my landing lag before I could react.
This is probably just me, but I've never been a fan of the neutral. I just go offense.
It's not as black/white as that for me. I don't mind platforms, I just dislike the way they are used. In Smash 4, they integrate platforms more like this is a platformer than as extra ground to stand on. If there was only one, large platform in the center of the stage, I would be content. but when you bring forth 10,000 platforms, it gets insane, and... well... casual.
Also, why make a broken character like Captain Falcon (who is fast and strong) even faster and even stronger?
I don't mind these stages being legal either, but they are mostly just casual stages.
It makes the game faster for certain characters (like Falcon), but what does it do for, say, Olimar, or Dedede, or Game&Watch?
Yeah, nothing.