Looks like the first day of playable Mewtwo is nigh upon us... Unfortunately, I won't be able to contribute to this forum in quite the way I had planned. Or at least, not in the original time frame that I planned.
My initial goal was to have my capture card ready on the day of Mewtwo's release and to stream a bunch of gameplay for you guys, and to make a lot videos of Mewtwo tech, strats, and general exploration of the character. I've hit a couple snags along the way, however. One of them being capture card related, and the other being the realization that I just straight up don't have a machine capable of streaming anything to the standards that I desire.
For now, all I can do is give you all my word that I will be giving this character my all, and that I intend to share as much information about him as possible. Thus far, I've acted as little more than a lurker on these boards, and that's about to change.
I hereby dedicate myself to the growth of the Mewtwo community, to the spreading of information, and to the purging of misinformation. I shall impart my own strategies to you, refine ones that exist, provide matchup analysis, and more. Nothing will be left unknown. And together, we will stamp out the Diddy Kongs, the Rosalinas, and the Sonics!
Ready yourselves, my friends, our time is drawing near.