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[SPOILER ALERT] - The Sevens Squares. - A Square-Enix general support threads.

Who do you think is the most likely possible Square-Enix Newcomer? (Two Choices possibles)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Here is my take. :V
That makes sense and re-iterates the flashy bit for the combat and all. Too bad for people who were looking for more. Well, im still curious about more views from people who played it too.
It's too bad the hard mode doesn't compensate for some of the combat part.

I loved every second of it.

It's like, you just kinda gotta roll with the punches and turn your brain off and lose yourself in the lore and you'll have a good time. Despite the absurdity of the story there were moments that really deeply affected me, and it made me love Sora even more. It was just a good time, honestly, and some levels were just fantastic. The Caribbean was my personal highlight, and the entire endgame too.

It's a mess, but an endearing and fun one. What matters is how it makes you feel.

Also the gameplay is killer. Sure, it's kinda easy, but sometimes you just want to have fun with something easier and enjoy a story and mow down some enemies flashily.
So go at it like a summer movie then. I can imagine it being fun. It's possible some people were looking for a lot more, maybe including because of all the build up from previous games. I need to finish KH2 sometime. actually i'll just restart it. and maybe i dont need to get too deep into the story.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Controversial topic that I wanted to see everyone’s opinions on. Is Kingdom Hearts 3 better than Kingdom Hearts 2?
Whilst I do feel that the gameplay, graphics and music is what I consider is the best elements within Kingdom Hearts III, however I don't feel it is as good as Kingdom Hearts II.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
Well, here's an even more controversial stance.
I think KHI destroys every other game in the series. It's an excellent game all around.
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Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
What's up with all of these god damn Kingdom Hearts hot takes all of a sudden? As much as I like 3, I'll admit 2 still kinda edges it out more. Again, I just want to say that I like 3! I think it just comes from people's expectations and the fact that we waited so long for 3 to even get here that it kinda tempered some people.
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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
I definitely expected one. My mind says Erdrick, but something tells me there might be something more to it.
I'm gonna go bold here and say I expect two S-E characters in the DLC runs. This includes future Passes


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
definitely? no. And I wouldn't be surprised if there's none, especially if nintendo wants to try new ips like persona.
But for most likeliness, from what we know, then yes and erdrick. Or, i'll just say a DQ hero, because i feel like they could decide to use someone else as a rep of the characters (like luminary) and erdrick could be moved to being alts.

People have also moved me a bit to think that Sora could be possible too, even if we havent heard as much. It could also be someone no one expects, who knows. :)


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
I would opt to say yes and if it is anyone that would be an ideal rep for Square-Enix, it would be Dragon Quest's Erdrick as like one of the posters above me stated, this could be due to the leak evidence of the "Brave" code.

Deleted member

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
Yeah. Leaks, game data, notoriety, and general marketing make me believe we're getting Erdrick.

If I had a second guess, I can see Sora or Geno. Sora because he's topical and Geno because it'd be unexpected but historically cool.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
As for Sword and Shield, these starters are honestly my least favourite yet, which is sad as last gen may well have been my favourite (it's between gen 7 and gen 3, the former with two of my top 5 but also Litten which is super dull to me, and the latter which is good all round, but not quite as much imo); hopefully they are not indicative of the rest of the designs to come...
Same. Not really feeling the Gen 8 starters. Thankfully there are bound to be some good new Pokémon not yet revealed. Love the new region that’s based on England. I’m almost positive the Legendary Pokémon will be based on wolves. Sword wolf and shield wolf, maybe?


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Same. Not really feeling the Gen 8 starters. Thankfully there are bound to be some good new Pokémon not yet revealed. Love the new region that’s based on England. I’m almost positive the Legendary Pokémon will be based on wolves. Sword wolf and shield wolf, maybe?
It's all about the evolutions :). Maybe you'll see one and find it super cool. And yeah I really hope there's tons of new pokemon.

Pokemon is an rpg too. u know there's a lot of rpg characters in smash, at the end of the day :O


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
100% we get a Square Enix character. They only got one and it just makes sense given their history and business practices that they’d want to get another, and Nintendo would want to get one from them.

Personally I’m pretty certain it’s Erdrick, mostly because of DQ’s mark in gaming history and its enduring popularity. If it’s not Erdrick, then Sora, for similar reasons. 10% Chance it’s Crono because Nintendo wanted to score cool points with the hardcore crowd (pretty much why the Belmonts were included over Bomberman imo)


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Thanks for the responses!

I have one more question to ask. Since I normally hangout in the Geno thread, I don't typically hear a lot of Geno criticisms. I wanted to ask, would anyone be opposed to Geno? Or disappointed if he was announced? My intent isn't to start an argument, I just like to hear all sides of the spectrum.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Thanks for the responses!

I have one more question to ask. Since I normally hangout in the Geno thread, I don't typically hear a lot of Geno criticisms. I wanted to ask, would anyone be opposed to Geno? Or disappointed if he was announced? My intent isn't to start an argument, I just like to hear all sides of the spectrum.
I can think of one name who would lol, but i won't get into that. I honestly would be happy with whoever at this point, I want it to be over with. But of course Geno and/or Sora would make me the most happy, personally.
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Deleted member

I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
Mostly due to Tansut Im leaning on it, but not 100% sure.
Thanks for the responses!

I have one more question to ask. Since I normally hangout in the Geno thread, I don't typically hear a lot of Geno criticisms. I wanted to ask, would anyone be opposed to Geno? Or disappointed if he was announced? My intent isn't to start an argument, I just like to hear all sides of the spectrum.
Im pretty much ambivalent of him. I wouldnt mind Geno if he gets in and he isnt a dealbreaker unless Im ambivalent to the rest of the DLC.

I pretty much like every other option of the poll better considering they are either new franchises to Smash that I really like, or something that just is added value to current stuff in the case of Sephiroth.

Deleted member

Thanks for the responses!

I have one more question to ask. Since I normally hangout in the Geno thread, I don't typically hear a lot of Geno criticisms. I wanted to ask, would anyone be opposed to Geno? Or disappointed if he was announced? My intent isn't to start an argument, I just like to hear all sides of the spectrum.
I'd love Geno. He's a wooden toy robot that fires laser beams and throws chakrams. That's a win in my books. Super Mario RPG was also a pretty alright time too.

Over time, Erdrick gradually overtook Geno's spot in my Big 3 candidates, though, which is odd. If someone told me they wanted Dragon Quest in Smash Bros months ago, I'd be like, "Eh?" Granted, most suggestions I heard at the time was Slime, and he doesn't do it for me. I also thought the series was horribly obscure until I started reading recent discussions.

Thinking it over after I heard the possibility of Erdrick getting into Smash, I suddenly started appreciating the series a lot more. I have more positive memories with Dragon Quest than I do with Super Mario RPG and Dragon Quest is an ongoing series with way more games. Geno would be awesome but I think Dragon Quest deserves more of a chance and I have more nostalgia with DQ thanks to my brother introducing me to it.

And if we're being real here, I might like Sora in Smash more than Geno now. New series + Kingdom Hearts look like great times now that KH 3 is out. Plus if it's a chance for some Disney reps, even if it's just Mickey Mouse and his side characters, I'd be pretty hype. I'll have to play the games myself before I can really believe that though.
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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I have zero attachment to Geno, personally.
And I did play and beat SMRPG.

But he’s always felt like a respected rival, every step of the way throughout Smash speculation since Brawl.

Back then, I wanted Crono. And I was introduced to this puppet character who I would have never suspected was a Mario character, let alone, a Squaresoft character. (Always seemed more like a Zelda character tbh).

On 3DS Wii U cycle, when I low key wanted Chocobo+Slime, there he was, Geno being the likelier choice.

And come Ultimate. being a big Dragon Quest fan, cautiously hyped about the idea of Erdrick being in the game, there he is again. Geno, only this time being likelier than ever before. Till suddenly... grinch leak was fake? Now Erdrick is rumored to be the confirmed one?
Still, show isn’t over until the Fat Chocobo warks. And Geno is still on the other side of that coin flip (and 3 more big question marks as well).

TBH, I would probably be crushed if he made it in over a DQ character (or Crono), but I would at least get over it quickly because there are still a LOT of characters, most of them being past top3 most wanted, that I can go back to.
(And dragon quest games keep being pumped out)

Then I’d be happy for Geno fans who have come a long way, and as a big fan of another obscure character, then I can somehow relate.

But in my eyes, Geno’s always been the rival pick I’m voting against. Nothing against him or his fans. Just competition I guess. :D


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
I definitely expected one. My mind says Erdrick, but something tells me there might be something more to it.
I'm gonna go bold here and say I expect two S-E characters in the DLC runs. This includes future Passes
I actually have a theory about the possibility of Square getting two characters in the Fighters Pass instead of one. Now, hear me out when I say this.

I definetly think that we are getting one, and I'm also starting to get on the maybe it's not just one angle. I do expect Erdrick at this point, but what if the reason they haven't shown him off yet is because there's another character along with Erdrick from Square.

The fact that they could've shown him at the last direct makes me thinks that there's maybe something else, and Square could want a dual reveal with the other character. The fact that Kingdom Hearts rumors for the Switch have been floating around a good bit this month tells me they could be getting two characters in the pass and not one, being both Erdrick and Sora. Not to mention it would completely bamboozle the leakers for not thinking or even sayin that there's two Square characters and not just one.
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
I definetly thinking that we are getting one, and I'm also starting to get on the maybe it's not just one angle. I do expect Erdrick at this point, but what if the reason they haven't shown him off yet is because there's another character along with Erdrick from Square.

The fact that they could've shown him at the last direct makes me thinks that there's maybe something else, and Square could want a dual reveal with the other character. The fact that Kingdom Hearts rumors for the Switch have been floating around a good bit this month tells me they could be getting two characters in the pass and not one, being both Erdrick and Sora. Not to mention it would completely bamboozle the leakers for not thinking or even sayin that there's two Square characters and not just one.
It would probably also make Erdrick's reveal that much more hype for the west, given he'd be revealed alongside another character that provides more worldwide appeal. They'd be able to advertise DQ more to the west while making fans pleased. It'd be a good double whammy. Something is telling me that isn't going to happen, though, and if we get another SE rep, it'll be as misc. DLC or in future passes.

What would make me buy Erdrick is if they bundled Geno's Mii costume with him because, honestly, he's got next to no chance in the pass as a playable character. I just want the Mii costume back for this first and possibly only wave.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
Can't really say I'm definitely sure we're getting another SE rep, but I believe it's a big possibility due to the rumors and whatnot. I personally think DQ is the most likely (or, at least most sensible) candidate for that spot. I've said this multiple times, so I'll try not to rant about it again, but SE has said that they want DQ to become more popular in the west. Putting a DQ character in Smash has the potential to greatly raise western interest in the series, thus getting more people to pick up DQ XI S in order to give the series a try, which could spark a more steadily growing fanbase in the west and lead to more successful DQ releases in the future. Yeah, some people will say it's a gamble, but in my opinion, it could really only help SE reach their goal of DQ getting more attention in the west. It has the potential to do great things for the franchise, and I personally think it'd be a huge missed opportunity if they passed it up.

Not only that, but DQ's an absolutely legendary franchise that more than "deserves" its place in Smash on just its own merits alone. It essentially created what we know as the "JRPG", and it's probably the most influential video game series currently not in Smash. Dragon Quest is a big deal, and I'm sure someone like Sakurai would be able to appreciate its legacy. It's also a series really close to Nintendo as well.

As for who it'd be? Erdrick. There's no better option. The main series is about the Heroes, they're the protagonists, and Erdrick is the favorite and most iconic of the bunch. He'd rep the franchise better than any other character could.

Thanks for the responses!

I have one more question to ask. Since I normally hangout in the Geno thread, I don't typically hear a lot of Geno criticisms. I wanted to ask, would anyone be opposed to Geno? Or disappointed if he was announced? My intent isn't to start an argument, I just like to hear all sides of the spectrum.
I wouldn't really be opposed to Geno, but I'd be pretty disappointed that I didn't get to see DQ in Smash. I like Super Mario RPG, it was the game that got me into JRPGs when I was a kid. I'd be sad, but I would deal with it. The only characters on the list that'd actually upset me a bit would be Slime or Sephiroth.
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Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
I definetly thinking that we are getting one, and I'm also starting to get on the maybe it's not just one angle. I do expect Erdrick at this point, but what if the reason they haven't shown him off yet is because there's another character along with Erdrick from Square.

The fact that they could've shown him at the last direct makes me thinks that there's maybe something else, and Square could want a dual reveal with the other character. The fact that Kingdom Hearts rumors for the Switch have been floating around a good bit this month tells me they could be getting two characters in the pass and not one, being both Erdrick and Sora. Not to mention it would completely bamboozle the leakers for not thinking or even sayin that there's two Square characters and not just one.
I've been betting on the idea of a dual reveal before.
I even made a mockup of a trailer through text here a good number of pages ago. Hahahahahaha
I would be super down for that.

On an unrelated note, I forgot to pinpoint one thing in KHIII that really left me sad.
I don't know about anyone here, but the classic Disney princesses being the Princesses of Heart made sense to the universe and to Disney's history. They are extremely important and timeless characters. Switching their roles with current and marketable princesses was just.... bleh. And I love Tangled (hate Frozen tho). XD


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I know it's a bit unlikely for us to get two characters at least in the same fighters pass. I wouldn't count it out as a possibility. I wouldn't put it pass Square to want to have all three characters of their most biggest franchises being represented in the same game. The way Square has been doing their guest DLC is why I wouldn't be too surprised if we do end up getting two Square characters at the end of all of this.

The only franchises to not be in as a guest DLC for them at this point is Dragon Quest and Kingdom Hearts. (Yes, I know the there's the whole Dai thing is debatable but, but that's beside the point, and it's kinda unrelated to Square). It would also match the whole narrative that's been going around as to why the Square character thing has been so intense to work on behind the scenes this time around. Just sayin.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2019
I wanted to ask, would anyone be opposed to Geno? Or disappointed if he was announced?
I have always been kinda of a mild supporter of Geno across the years. The character and the Mario RPG franchise are not something I feel emotional ties to, but I like him and the music well enough to say I would be pleased if he got in.

Yet Ultimate and it's Dragon Quest talk really added a perspective to it I did not expect. DQ along with Mega Man and Harvest Moon are my favorite franchises and I am now very emotionally attached to that possibility, to the point I even came here to get more info. If that breaks with Geno being the SE rep or Banjo bring brave, it will hurt, but at the same time I would also be happy with the picks. If that makes any sense XD
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Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Honestly, I still want Geno, but I would not want him to be this up-and-coming rep because of the Erdrick fans being given so much hope. I'd place my hopes for him being misc. DLC or some other kinda inclusion instead. I think Erdrick has honestly earned his spot and has earned it for a long time. It's way overdue.

I'm biased, but if we got a double reveal and got both Erdrick and Geno, I think I'd cry. I would literally cry. Bring my boy back, Nintendo, it ain't even gotta be in Smash, omg.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Honestly, I still want Geno, but I would not want him to be this up-and-coming rep because of the Erdrick fans being given so much hope. I'd place my hopes for him being misc. DLC or some other kinda inclusion instead. I think Erdrick has honestly earned his spot and has earned it for a long time. It's way overdue.

I'm biased, but if we got a double reveal and got both Erdrick and Geno, I think I'd cry. I would literally cry. Bring my boy back, Nintendo, it ain't even gotta be in Smash, omg.
You sure are nice to erdrick. Well, It's overdue for geno too, so really it just comes down to that it's a good business decision too, though I would hope and wish for sakurai to feel like getting geno at the same time would be the ultimate duo and put geno in either as a bonus character or for a future dlc character (not that it couldn't be reversed for the timing). I could see several ways for that to be possible, though im still not fully optimistic about it all yet, but I'd like to be. Anyway i'll just enjoy what we get, but it'll be really cool if we get some characters we like.

Unrelated, but I had an idea about pokemon sword and shield. I think that it could be cool if the 'gimmick' this time is that some pokemon can have an armor form as well as a weapon form. Dunno what that would look like, but I've heard people say that the names and the title screen does point out some new gimmick and i think that's a real possible idea for how it could be. Maybe it's something totally different tho, Another idea I had was that it could be cool if the sword version of the game had more 'weaspon' stones (or whatever it'd be) than the other version (which would have more 'armor' stones), so you'd see more of one than another at first depending on the version you have, at least at first, assuming you could farm those stones later on. Just playing with some ideas :p
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Deleted member

I actually have a theory about the possibility of Square getting two characters in the Fighters Pass instead of one. Now, hear me out when I say this.

I definetly think that we are getting one, and I'm also starting to get on the maybe it's not just one angle. I do expect Erdrick at this point, but what if the reason they haven't shown him off yet is because there's another character along with Erdrick from Square.

The fact that they could've shown him at the last direct makes me thinks that there's maybe something else, and Square could want a dual reveal with the other character. The fact that Kingdom Hearts rumors for the Switch have been floating around a good bit this month tells me they could be getting two characters in the pass and not one, being both Erdrick and Sora. Not to mention it would completely bamboozle the leakers for not thinking or even sayin that there's two Square characters and not just one.
I would think that if we were to get two Square characters it would be Erdrick/Sora and Geno. it may just be bias speaking but it would make sense to pair a Character from a franchise which is alive and that will continue to be supported in the future with a Fan Favorite who is from a frankly irrelevant game.

Think of it like this if we were to get Erdrick and Geno it would be good for the fans AND Square, Square would get to push their second biggest franchise to the west with a character that doesn't have much of a backing but also make up for it by adding in a Character that would appease Smash Fans. It's a win-win scenario.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I want to get an idea for what the general consensus is here.

Do you guys expect a Squeenix character to definitely get in? And if so, who would it be and why? Just curious :p
While I would like it, I'm starting to get more and more skeptic about it. Especially now with Erdrick (since most leakers to claim that its him) not being revealed in the overall direct where Dragon Quest had a huge stage on that Nintendo Direct. It would have been a perfect marketing tool to reveal Erdrick it if that character truly is in, just like how they announced Isabelle for Ultimate together with a new Animal Crossing.

We have heard about this mysterious Square Enix character for months now even before the game was released, yet we have no sign of it. It doesn't help the supposed leakers either that someone like Joker got announced out of nowhere during the TGA, It does not help the Square Enix character (or any other rumored or that matter) if PolarPandas claim that Star Fox Grand Prix was a hoax (something that leakers said was just a matter of time for gameplay and release date to be revealed) is true.

It has come to the point that I'm personally leaning towards that it won't happen all things considered. If the next character isn't Erdrick (or a Square character for that matter) then I think Ryce is right on the money that the DLC is an entirely different beast then the main game. Before someone says Tansu, one time is no time, two times is a coincidence and three is a pattern. Just because he was right about Cloud doesn't mean he will be right now. He doesn't have a track record showing in either direction.

Unrelated, but I had an idea about pokemon sword and shield. I think that it could be cool if the 'gimmick' this time is that some pokemon can have an armor form as well as a weapon form. Dunno what that would look like, but I've heard people say that the names and the title screen does point out some new gimmick and i think that's a real possible idea for how it could be. Maybe it's something totally different tho, Another idea I had was that it could be cool if the sword version of the game had more 'weaspon' stones (or whatever it'd be) than the other version (which would have more 'armor' stones), so you'd see more of one than another at first depending on the version you have, at least at first, assuming you could farm those stones later on. Just playing with some ideas :p
Ehm.. you might want to see this video then. Just saying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgpI7O_olJc
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Rumble Red

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2018
While I would like it, I'm starting to get more and more skeptic about it. Especially now with Erdrick (since most leakers to claim that its him) not being revealed in the overall direct where Dragon Quest had a huge stage on that Nintendo Direct. It would have been a perfect marketing tool to reveal Erdrick it if that character truly is in, just like how they announced Isabelle for Ultimate together with a new Animal Crossing.
I dunno if that's really a point against Erdrick. Maybe if there wasn't a Smash Direct of some kind obviously on the horizon, but that's the obvious place to show off any new character, no matter who it is.

Making a fuss about Dragon Quest now and then revealing the character later rather than dumping it all on at once is probably a smarter move anyway; the Isabelle reveal worked because Animal Crossing is a series they expect their core audience to be very familiar with, whereas Dragon Quest needed a trailer where Boring Man tells you that This Is Important, and revealing a Smash character right after that would probably have come across as too pushy. The fact that DQ got that trailer is a positive sign, if anything.

Not that there aren't plenty of other reasons to be skeptical. Generally expecting as little as possible of Square Enix is a safe practice.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I dunno if that's really a point against Erdrick. Maybe if there wasn't a Smash Direct of some kind obviously on the horizon, but that's the obvious place to show off any new character, no matter who it is.

Making a fuss about Dragon Quest now and then revealing the character later rather than dumping it all on at once is probably a smarter move anyway; the Isabelle reveal worked because Animal Crossing is a series they expect their core audience to be very familiar with, whereas Dragon Quest needed a trailer where Boring Man tells you that This Is Important, and revealing a Smash character right after that would probably have come across as too pushy. The fact that DQ got that trailer is a positive sign, if anything.

Not that there aren't plenty of other reasons to be skeptical. Generally expecting as little as possible of Square Enix is a safe practice.

Even when the leakers was not as certain as they claim they are now, people said that Erdrick would make sense considering 2 factors.
A) How huge it is in Japan
B) It is well known that Square want to push the game here in the west since its a niche title here. I mean there is a reason why an article like this was released back in September last year https://sea.ign.com/switch/141780/news/dragon-quest-xi-will-have-to-sell-well-in-the-west-for-futur

Depending on how long they have come with fighter two... if that one is Erdrick, why not do a reveal trailer as they did with Joker, and show gameplay in the March/April direct that is more then likely to happen together with Jokers? I can see your point about Animal Crossing but even so. It would get people to start talking about the franchise even if it was indirect because of Erdrick inclusion

Showing him off together with the Dragon Quest games would have been a smart move to get more people talking about the games afterward. I might check the wrong places, but there was more talk about Fire Emblem, Mario Maker 2 as well as the new Platinum Studios game and not that much talk about Dragon Quest afterward of what I could see from the casual Nintendo fans which are arguably the biggest marketing every game wants to be noticed by. No offense to you Dragon Quest fans on the board, but if the already existing fanbase would be enough to target, then we would not have articles like the one I posted above.

Also, a third party game being revealed for Switch doesn't mean jack squat about chances or not. If that's the cause then Joker would not have appeared since we don't have Persona 5 on the Switch nor a Persona 5r confirmed for Switch either (or Cloud for Smash 4 for that matter) If getting on Switch means a character could get in, then I guess Goku is getting in because the latest Dragon Ball fighting game is on Switch. The same goes for Doom Guy because of the recent Doom or Dovakhin because of Skyrim and the list goes on.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Even when the leakers was not as certain as they claim they are now, people said that Erdrick would make sense considering 2 factors.
A) How huge it is in Japan
B) It is well known that Square want to push the game here in the west since its a niche title here. I mean there is a reason why an article like this was released back in September last year https://sea.ign.com/switch/141780/news/dragon-quest-xi-will-have-to-sell-well-in-the-west-for-futur

Depending on how long they have come with fighter two... if that one is Erdrick, why not do a reveal trailer as they did with Joker, and show gameplay in the March/April direct that is more then likely to happen together with Jokers? I can see your point about Animal Crossing but even so. It would get people to start talking about the franchise even if it was indirect because of Erdrick inclusion

Showing him off together with the Dragon Quest games would have been a smart move to get more people talking about the games afterward. I might check the wrong places, but there was more talk about Fire Emblem, Mario Maker 2 as well as the new Platinum Studios game and not that much talk about Dragon Quest afterward of what I could see from the casual Nintendo fans which are arguably the biggest marketing every game wants to be noticed by. No offense to you Dragon Quest fans on the board, but if the already existing fanbase would be enough to target, then we would not have articles like the one I posted above.

Also, a third party game being revealed for Switch doesn't mean jack squat about chances or not. If that's the cause then Joker would not have appeared since we don't have Persona 5 on the Switch nor a Persona 5r confirmed for Switch either (or Cloud for Smash 4 for that matter) If getting on Switch means a character could get in, then I guess Goku is getting in because the latest Dragon Ball fighting game is on Switch. The same goes for Doom Guy because of the recent Doom or Dovakhin because of Skyrim and the list goes on.
Revealing a DQ character in the last Direct would have been overkill. Moderation in marketing is far more beneficial then dumping a whole bunch of related information at once. Not to mention, Revealing a DQ character then would have been incredibly blatant on the shill factor. If Erdrick's in the game, he's getting revealed in a Direct that has little to no DQ content in it.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Revealing a DQ character in the last Direct would have been overkill. Moderation in marketing is far more beneficial then dumping a whole bunch of related information at once. Not to mention, Revealing a DQ character then would have been incredibly blatant on the shill factor. If Erdrick's in the game, he's getting revealed in a Direct that has little to no DQ content in it.
Considering how lukewarm the reception was after that direct when they show of the direct, I disagree that it would have been a bad move. Granted, you are absolutely right that marketing is about spreading breadcrumbs around like Hanzel and Gretel are doing in the classic fairytale. But with the argument about how it would be an obvious shill if it had been shown during the direct, you might as well say that it will be seen as such if Erdrick is the next one reveal, and Nintendo is just delaying the reaction which is why they might as well release the bandage off already.

No matter what, I really don't think revealing Erdrick on its own after the game is a smart move. Especially after seeing how lukewarm the reception was afterward by those that aren't fans of the series already like I mentioned earlier. Maybe they should have revealed him first and then do the trailer reveals for the game after that? Who knows.
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Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
Frontloading a potential Smash/DQ announcement when:

  1. Joker hasn't been properly shown or given a release date.
  2. DQ11 S doesn't even have a release date.
  3. They said there would be more info on DQ at a later date.
  4. Most characters aren't announced alongside a game.
doesn't make much sense. I'm still not sure if this rumor is going to pan out but some people will use any excuse to try and bury it.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2018
Santiago de Chile
Frontloading a potential Smash/DQ announcement when:

  1. Joker hasn't been properly shown or given a release date.
  2. DQ11 S doesn't even have a release date.
  3. They said there would be more info on DQ at a later date.
  4. Most characters aren't announced alongside a game.
doesn't make much sense. I'm still not sure if this rumor is going to pan out but some people will use any excuse to try and bury it.
But, Since Joker is gonna be out on Late April I expect an announcement between March and April, Late March Early April.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Reasons why Erdrick is totally not in:

1) Wasn’t shown at the TGA (when only one source claimed it would happen).

2) Wasn’t shown at jump festa (when this was simply fan speculation).

3) Wasn’t shown in the last direct (when we haven’t even caught a glimpse of Joker’a full model).

It’s going to be like this all the way through, isn’t it?


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
I personally understand the skepticism that Icewolff92 Icewolff92 is bringing when it comes to Erdrick being confirmed by the general Smash audience. It’s true he has a lot of factors going for him and leakers backing him. However I always encourage strong caution when it comes to giving leaks a high percentage of probability.

If there are Injustice 2 fans on this thread then they know what I mean. Spawn had so much going for him, there were leaks backing him, and so much hints from Ed Boon and other sources that Spawn would be in the game. YouTubers were all giving Spawn a high possibility or saying for sure he was going to be in. And yet in the end there was no Spawn, and a large group of people got burned because they were so sure it was a lock.

My point is until we know for sure, it’s good to be skeptical until it’s confirmed. I always treat leaks as a 70-80% chance of being likely.

With Erdrick I will say he has a lot going for him, despite that I remain at 75% likely. And that is largely because of Square’s business patterns. In all their cross promoted picks so far, they are always globally popular.

Hopefully in the upcoming Smash direct the second Square character will be revealed and we can move on to who the next character will be.

Also I saw some talk on here that there might be two Square characters for DLC. As much as I would love that to be true, that’s just not how Square does things. They are incredibly stingy, if it weren’t for cross promotion we wouldn’t even get a 2nd Square character. Square always does the bare minimum they can do so they can get cross promotion. So as great as it would be to get 2 Square characters it’s extremely unlikely to happen, hopefully we get some Mii costumes though and more than 2 songs this time.
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I personally understand the skepticism that Icewolff92 Icewolff92 is bringing when it comes to Erdrick being confirmed by the general Smash audience. It’s true he has a lot of factors going for him and leakers backing him. However I always encourage strong caution when it comes to giving leaks a high percentage of probability.

If there are Injustice 2 fans on this thread then they know what I mean. Spawn had so much going for him, there were leaks backing him, and so much hints from Ed Boon and other sources that Spawn would be in the game. YouTubers were all giving Spawn a high possibility or saying for sure he was going to be in. And yet in the end there was no Spawn, and a large group of people got burned because they were so sure it was a lock.

My point is until we know for sure, it’s good to be skeptical until it’s confirmed. I always treat leaks as a 70-80% chance of being likely.

With Erdrick I will say he has a lot going for him, despite that I remain at 75% likely. And that is largely because of Square’s business patterns. In all their cross promoted picks so far, they are always globally popular.

Hopefully in the upcoming Smash direct the second Square character will be revealed and we can move on to who the next character will be.

Also I saw some talk on here that there might be two Square characters for DLC. As much as I would love that to be true, that’s just not how Square does things. They are incredibly stingy, if it weren’t for cross promotion we wouldn’t even be getting a 2nd Square character. Square always does the bare minimum they can do so they can get cross promotion. So as great as it would be to get 2 Square characters it’s extremely unlikely to happen, hopefully we get some Mii costumes though and more than 2 songs this time.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Ehm.. you might want to see this video then. Just saying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgpI7O_olJc
It's crazy how multiple leaks had 'sword and shield' and great britain correct, and yet say different things, obviously some if not all of them got info somewhere and are spewing stuff they made up along with it. It's horrible, tho i hope at the same time it makes people see how people can deceive by using some correct information. It's not a culture I like at all anyway.
One mentions an armor form but no weapon form. I mean, that's possible but considering the titles and the japanese image has two colors to the little ball-like icons in there, I think having two forms or two of something makes sense:

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