No, this is incorrect.
Cloud has nothing to do with Nintendo. He's 100% Final Fantasy VII and barely has a few cameos on the Nintendo systems. Calling him important is beyond ridiculous. Those games are 100% unrelated to Cloud(all the other Final Fantasy games before VII). They mean nothing. He is not in any way a Nintendo-related character. He wasn't meant to be either. He was chosen because he was the top dog of the FF series as a whole, but they still chose absolutely zero Nintendo-related things for his designs. He is based upon Dissidia, a Sony only series. FYI, that was FFVI that was trying to be made for the N64. Not FFVII. All the FF games have some similar story elements, but that doesn't make them related to Nintendo anyway.
Snake debuted on the MSX, not the NES.
Joker not only didn't debut on Nintendo at all, his series specifically didn't either. It's a different series from Shin Megami Tensei. He did have an actual proper Nintendo appearance, unlike Cloud, who was cameos at most.
Bayonetta, on the other hand, isn't an offender and actually hard-related to Nintendo. And the only one among those 4 remotely related to it.
Quite a lot of stuff there that I must point out as some are slight mistakes.
He is from the FF series, an RPG series created with the support of Nintendo in the 1980s, and has since become a mainstay title among the Nintendo fanbase in that time. Not sure if you were alive back then, but I can assure you that FF was big among the people in the community. The series even had an easter egg for "The Legend of Zelda" in one of the first titles.
FFVII was developed for the N64 for a number of months before they decided to shift development. And they insisted in trying to convince Nintendo to change their design for the console, instead of leaving them immediately. So it's not like it came out of nowhere.
You're also seeing things as a person who believes in console wars as if they were a true thing. Like, companies compete, but games tell stories, and they weren't always affiliated with a particular company. There's a reason why the old Nintendo crowd still liked the FF titles up to IX. Play the game and you'll see the similarities to quirks and characteristics of games such as Zelda. The console a game launched on is mere detail when analysing the game itself and the design philosophy behind it. Also, he was based in his FFVII appearance. Dissidia was only used as a slight inspiration for his moveset, but the way his moveset works in that game is nothing like in Smash. Only his dash comes from that game. The rest of his moves are closer to the original material.
And you're incorrect. There was a tech demo shown for the N64 with the FFVI characters, but no game was being made on it (and it wouldn't even make sense if you think about it). FFVII was the game being produced using that initial tech demo, but the game was too large to fit on a cartridge, so they switched hardware. And what does the FF having similar story elements have to do with being related to Nintendo? I meant the design philosophy behind it and the quirks and charm that is put in it. From I-IX you had a similar direction and planning, under the guidance of FF creator Sakaguchi. Him producing a game to a different hardware doesn't change how he thinks a game's design, narrative and characters should be.
I meant his debut on a Nintendo console, not in general.
Again, you're using the console war mentality instead of analysing the franchise itself.
And uhhh... You're talking about Persona Q2? Bc before Cloud in Smash we not only had a KH game with him and a Theatrythm FF, but also FF Explorers. They aren't mainline core titles, but so is Persona Q, tbh.
Lmfao. Now with Bayonetta you forget that she debuted on PS and Xbox. To you it seems it's a matter of being in the console at the current generation, not the franchise, not the characters themselves, not even the series' original debut. I rest my case.
You know Snake debuted in the MSX, a home computer? And that Ryu Hayabusa debuted in the NES?
How does this makes Ryu not have Nintendo-essence?
As stated above, I meant his debut on Nintendo, not in general. I said that to reflect the time the character already had with Nintendo. When I said that about Ryu, I didn't mean in terms of console wars. I meant more along the lines of the series being more classic-oriented or not.
Like, I don't see Mortal Kombat being remotely Nintendo. Again, I understand it's an abstract concept, and my opinion in itself. I don't expect everyone to understand my point. XD
Not shaming on your character, btw. I respect him