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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3

Senko Zero

Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2005
Newport News VA
*grabs topic from second page with Bionic Commando grappling hook* YOU MUST STAY ON FIRST PAGE!

Sorry I couldn't make it with you Otis, was just out of the blue. Not even sure if I could make it to Magfest...but...YOU NEED TO ANNOUNCE THE DATE FOR THE YEAR END TOURNEY ALREADY!


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
O-NO, I just thought, Lisa and I should just room with you to share rent. Only thing is, our lease for our current apartment isn't up until March.

Get C-Stick to room with you.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
O-NO, I just thought, Lisa and I should just room with you to share rent. Only thing is, our lease for our current apartment isn't up until March.

Get C-Stick to room with you.
lol, we'd have to talk about the inherent costs that I'll need to cover here, because even though it'd be nice to move out, it would be nicer to NOT end up paying an extra 6-7 grand a year on rent, food, and extra insurance cost when i can live at my mom's place for free >_>


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I actually took the time to average it out

I could move out if i learned to pay bills and had 2-3 roomies, but I'd miss my mom's cooking and would have to quit full-time school :(


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
i'm free on friday after 4 as well. we can kidnap him then too. the force wont be able to save him.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
to all the people i played yesterday... gg's my falco gets deadlier w/ each waking second. bwaahahahahahaha

but peaches are still so gay.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA

I strolled up CStick's driveway over a year ago smiling, loudly greeting, "Hey guys!" A tall man with a mustache and his friend turned and looked at me and then looked away. My girlfriend whispered, "Way to make an impression." It would turn out that these two smashers would be the legendary O-NO and Blackheart Lee.

I was over three hours late for the one of the largest tournaments to hit SoVa to date. I squandered this particular time because of school work (that I didn't even end up doing), and it would set a trend for the rest of my smash career. I looked around at all the smashers playing. There were plenty of Falcos and a few Peaches and Marths. Undoubtedly, these people had been inspired just like myself by watching pros play. In one particular instance, Blackheart Lee very nearly four-stocked a Fox with Zelda while O-NO shouted every comical insult in the book. It was the first time I had encountered a smash scene like this, and my heart was beating as I wondered who the best smashers here were.

I turned to my left and watched a man with glasses play an amazing Sheik. I'd had bad experiences with Sheik in the past; in fact, my competition against Sheik with Marth helped spark my desire to improve in the game. But this was clearly a Sheik that I had never encountered before. Every movement had an intention. Every plan had a backup. After watching for 10 seconds, I knew that this must be the Tope that I had heard about.

CStick was another smasher I looked up to. I'd lurked on Gamefaqs and watched him post some vids of himself as Falco a long time ago against his friend's Samus, and they were both really good. CStick approached me, scolded me for being late, and offered me some chips and soda. He said it was too late to enter singles, but I could play some friendlies. He said most smashers were here just for friendlies. I wondered if most of SoVa was scared to enter tournaments.

I sat down and played some people that asked me, and I can't remember their names. Then the mustache man's friend came over and asked if he could play me. I said, "Yeah, what's your name?" He said, "Otis....O-NO." I flipped out. "You're O-NO?" He started laughing, "Yeah, you heard of me?" You couldn't even talk about SoVa smash without O-NO's name popping up. "Yeah!" I exclaimed. "You're famous!"

We played Marth/Falco and Fox/Falco matches. He exhibited his vast knowledge of the game when he brought my Marth down to one or two stocks with Jigglypuff. Then he went Marth. The matches got really tough. I went Jiggly against his Marth. I got cut worse than a knife fight in New York. O-NO four stocked my Jigglypuff, and I vowed to quit using Jiggs. To this day, when I go into battle with Jigglypuff, I expect to lose.

Then O-NO had to leave me to play against CStick in the tournament. They were close matches...O-NO went Link, and he did quite well, but CStick won the match. CStick told him he should have stayed Marth.

CStick advanced to fight a Peach player named Cow. I had heard that Cow was very good, and I could definitely tell that this was true from watching him play. CStick lost the match, and I thought, "How could you lose to a Peach? You use Marth!" But I hadn't fought a good Peach.....yet.

The top three played it out. I think Adwillia was there. Tope took the tournament, but I didn't get to watch his matches. I was busy playing a chill smasher named FATS. He sat down next to me and chose G&W. I chose Marth. He asked, "Are you ready for this?" I nodded. The match went to Yoshi's Story. FATS was unable to get a foothold, and the match was a four-stock. He then went Ganon. I'd never fought against a Ganon player, so I was impressed. He claimed I was sandbagging at one point. I never told him I wasn't.

He called his brother X-LAX to play me. X-LAX happened to play Pikachu and Sheik, just like the friends I grew up playing. I overwhelmed X-LAX with the blinding speed of my Fox (no strategies, just fighting as fast as I could) for another four-stock.

By this time, Tope was leaving, and I never had a chance to play him. I was very disappointed because even though I felt I would lose to him, I knew that I was missing a great opportunity to get better...

Everyone post a story of what you would consider the beginning of your competitive smash career. Richmond should post here, too.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Rofl, it got a bit better anyways, but I really want to play me some marth, not that it'll ever be comparable to my peach. ;_;
Also, XD at Ether's story. Tope says he doesn't plan anything, and just throws out random ****. I'll have to add my own story when I don't have a giant end of term paper to be doing. It also involves Tope....


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
Nice story Ether. It's almost as good as the 3rd Strike Story starring "Red Ken"


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
okay here's my final paper about my crappy smash start

so we were a couple months into playing smash at ODU. then this black guy and this tall white guy come into the retro room and we start playing teams..

1. back then ODU knew sht about teams
2. we only played final
3. we were trash, oh were we trash.

so basically it's a **** train of doom, while every team is getting ***** by O-NO and Lee. then me and KOTR play... IC's and fox and somehow win.. maybe b/c of sandbagging.. but who cares now.. but we were like wow... we actually beat some pretty good people. Then, i realized that i really wanted to get better, and i didn't care what it'd take whether it cost me money or not.. i wanted to be one of the premiere names in the area. so here i am now, semi-whipped. and people don't recognize Kitsune, THE SoVa falco =)


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Kitsune, you're one of the only people in SoVa who I fear losing to. As a result, you push me to get better. You are definitely underrated, but I know how good you are.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
Kitsune, you're one of the only people in SoVa who I fear losing to. As a result, you push me to get better. You are definitely underrated, but I know how good you are.
shankyu! ^^

dont matter how long it takes me, who i have to ****, or how many hoes i have to shmack, Kitsune will be a SoVa household name.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
my introduction to smash is hilarious...

I hosted an ssbm tourny at CNU my freshman year, pay was $75 gift certificate to comp usa for 1st, 50 for 2nd, and 25 for 3rd.

anyways, my rules were....
1 game
random level selection
brinstar depths and flatzone were the only banned levels
7 stock
all items, low frequency

I got first.

I heard of a tourny in richmond just a couple months later.

I played a bunch of friendlies, people were using all sorts of characters I've never seen be good before. I remember being blown away by samus bomb recovery.

I won my first few matches until I played tope in the 3rd round. He was alot shorter and just as gay. He beat me with Kirby to get revenge for his friend who I pwned

I was mad and tried complaining that he stalled the game, so he rematched me using ganon and marth, I got whooped both times. You're so gay tope, hahahaha. beating me with my own character (eventhough you used to main him)

I was unsatisfied yet humbled. I am very competitive. I lost again in the following set to some one, and I watched KM's fox waveshine my brother and I thought to myself that this game is completely different that I had once thought.

G-Reg asked me who I lost to, I said tope. G-reg said "who does he use?" I said he played marth/kirby/ganon and G-Reg just laughed and said that he would **** him.

in my head I was thinking, "there's no way this kid can beat tope, he's so gay, tope is going to win the whole thing"

sure enough, I watched the fight and G-reg just straight ***** him.
This is when I decided to leave, I looked up on line these advanced techniques, and I got sucked in.

oh, then I met a bunch of cool smashers down in SoVa and CNU
Cow, my long term smashing partner, O-No (the host with the most), C-stick (my ganon brother), My actual brother who's been a fierce challenge since day one, and all the people I met at ascendency. Now there are these ODU kids and new CNU kids. God this game is great. I need to play more people.

Ether, darn you for making me reminiss.

was that tourny really the first smash tourny you went to? how were you so godly and technical?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
it all started a year ago 4 me when i met mashi at comic kings. we went to some small tourney over at kaboom. i did ok 4 my first time playing and i wanted to get better. 2 days after that tournament i went to gamestop and bought a cube and a copy of smash. then i started training with mashi, mark and russ. at the same time a worked at a place called mc hell as a shift manager. who knew how much that would hold me back. and suprisingly enough it did. i lost count of how many tournaments i missed beacuse of work. then sometime i january i met o-no and blackheart lee. the first time i played against them i was amazed at how good they were and i wanted to get better. as time passed i got screwed over by work again and again and it started to make me realize how far behind i was compared to everyone else. once the summer started, things began to change. i walked out of mc hell and i gained the freedom to chill and play smash. over the summer i refurbished my ability to play smash and i worked to get better. at the end of the summer i played at MGC and ***** a bunch of noobs then lost in the finals to LOZR who is one of the best players in NC and a pretty cool dude. At the end of the summer Ether decided to make a crew called the Head Rapers which is now known as "The Squirtle Squad" which was composed of the best smashers in the area. Since that time i trained to get better and to try to join the Squad. A few months later I was added to Squirtle Squad along with Russ. As i write all this, I wonder what my life would be like without Smash.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
I'm enjoying reading these. FATS, I had organized a small tournament at Florida Tech and that's it. I was so scared walking into CStick's tournament and not knowing the ruleset and looking stupid... >_< As for my tech skill, my sheer hatred for Sheik forced me to search for a character who might be better than her, just in case I might never improve my Marth well enough to beat her. At the time, Fox was being considered potentially the best, if someone could master his technical skill. It was considered impossible at the time. I practiced the motions so much... even when the GameCube was off, I'd hold a controller and repeatedly waveshine while watching t.v. I consider drillshines to be the pinnacle of my training, and the inverse drillshine infinite is the ultimate test.

I watched Ken vids over and over and over until I memorized his movements. Most of my mindgames and tech skill for Marth come from Ken. I still can't understand Mew2King's movements, or Cactuar's.

It's funny, but I get my reaction time from DBZ. I pretend I'm a Z-fighter, and my eyes can follow the movements of opponents with weaker or equal power levels. If someone is at a higher power level, like g-reg, it appears as a blur to me. lol I'm a geek


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
How about since my personal story is filled with starting on the path to greatness, to falling behind, to re-emerging as a player as skilled as the middle pack of NoVA, to falling behind again, etc. etc. I just tell the sub-epic story of the little smash region that could: SoVA.

When did smash start around here anyway? Good God.

The answer? Kab00m! Collectibles in 2003.

The first marked tourney in SoVA history happened here. It was hosted by Area365, and was the beginning for many now-awesome smashers like G-reg, who showed up with Adwillia, Cow, East Coast Eddie, and a few others from NoVA. Apparently, smash in NoVA wasnt exactly on its own flow either.

This was also the beginning for the future pioneers of SoVA's scene as it is today: O-NO, Lee, CStick, and Tech. Other notables at the time included Area365, Joe C, Reggie (biggest piece of **** you'll meet in your life), Mojoe, and a few others. Joe C single-handedly ran everyone down and took the tourney. None of the SoVA vets of today made it into the final bracket, save for Tech's janky Samus. It was a learning experience for all of us. We all learned just how much we sucked. And we did suck, except for Tech, whose ******** style was just simply too good for its time...even against the likes of Falcons and Peaches that got destroyed by him at the tourney.

Time goes by, and the SoVA scene pretty much seemingly died after one 18-man tourney.

Then, out of nowhere around summer 2004, O-NO and Lee pop up again, and the five-man SoVA scene was born. Lee, O-NO, Tech, Reggie, and CStick were pretty much the only active members of the SoVA 'scene' for the next year to come. Smash was sporadic within SoVA, and most of the experience was imported by CStick and Tech as they ventured to Maryland a couple times to show their worth. At the time, both turned a few heads; Tech nearly upset Azen and Meep, and CStick earned a bit of respect for being the only person in the pool to take 3 lives off of KM, and scoring friendly wins over the NoVA players of today. Despite decent showings and commendable (but not lustrous) placings at bomb4, ACII, and College Park smash tourneys, SoVA was still a nothing region when it came to smash.

The smash scene in SoVA was still within the original five players come 2004-2005. The second tourney was held at a small place called Golf-n-Games, and was where the best of the undeclared SoVA crew was decided. CStick managed to get revenge from an eariler friendly tourney and beat O-NO in a series that went to the 10th game, but only by using a versatile line-up of chars that allowed him to trade off wins with O-NO's Falco and Marth. This was the beginning of CStick's obsessive-compulsive indecision to choose a main character, and would curse him to the present day. CStick would remain the undeclared SoVA best until he played Tech the next day and got his marth four-stocked on Yoshi Story by Tech's Samus--an embarrassment which resulted in automatic forfeiture of such a title.

After a long dry spell, a charity tourney at ODU was held. This would be where SoVA would finally grow a little. Cow, a player who was seen as the man to beat in SoVA due to his NoVA experience, was down. Other players, like KitsuneKing and Dean's rapist of a Yoshi, made their debut. Cow barely pulled a win over CStick, resorting to counterpick Shiek against Ganon. Dean took third and Kitsune's ice climbers would take fourth.

The scene continued to grow as KitsuneKing became a SoVA regular in 2005. Thanks to him, players like the soul-less NDN (Rahil) and Ivar began smashing with the other SoVA norms, while others like Mashi and Russ would later follow. The scene would see its next significant event at the second golf-n-games tourney, where the SoVA pioneers went up against Newport News' Rad, Whodat, and DragonCharlz. The tourney was intense, but CStick managed to make a comeback and massively upset Dragoncharlz in a classic example as to why battlefield is often hated and banned throughout SoVA. Although losing two sets one-sidedly, Rad managed to also show the effective gayness of stages such as PokeFloats--a trademark that would follow him and often be utilized by other smashers. Despite it all, CStick kept his SoVA local dominance with a third local tourney win in a row.

In late 2005, another tourney was held. It was the first Garage Smash hosted by CStick. 16 people crowded into CStick's garage in late September for a large local tourney. This saw the passing of the torch to Rad, who managed to get revenge and beat CStick in a close final bout. O-NO and Tech followed 3rd and 4th respectively. CStick vowed to one day beat Rad again, just as O-NO said that he would once again beat CStick (O-NO lost to CStick in the losers' finals).

The tourney scene would die again, and once again become isolated to the core members. KitsuneKing rose up to take the empty space of Reggie, who quit coming around (thank God). The group would improve while players like Tech would begin to become out of practice. The only event was Unreal's tourney, where Chozen1 came. Despite his NoVA experience, he ended up eating his overconfident words when he took damaging losses to Cow and O-NO. CStick managed to finally beat Cow for the first time in tourney, but would once again lose to Rad in a laughingly horrendous final bout.

August 2006 would be known as the birth of SoVA's actual scene, when it attracted the attention of Tope from Richmond and the YGO crew from North Carolina at CStick's second garage fest. Pac, TC, and 59JS were the three members who attended. The Hampton boys (Carlos, Boss, and Fear) also made a strong debut. Of the 24 people who attended, other players like Unreal and his brother began to get into the SoVA smash scene more and more. The tourney was won by Tope, who took out TC in the finals. Rad managed to once again knock out CStick, who managed to beat O-NO in the round before. This was also the mark of SoVA's love for crew battles, when SoVA + Tope took on North Carolina.

Later that same year, O-NO began his own smash franchise when he got his apartment. He began having multi-game fests, inviting smashers to join along with Tekken, Marvel, and SF players. The tourneys saw normal attendance from Tech, Dragoncharlz, Lee, O-NO, Cstick, Kitsune, NDN, Whodat, etc. O-NO would finally get his vengeance in beating CStick in-tourney at the first one. Players like Adwillia and Cow would also show. The mixed rankings would show that SoVA has improved alot, since players from SoVA were now routinely overtaking Cow and Adwillia's NoVA experience. Kitsune would also make a name for himself when he managed to take out both CStick and O-NO, but also made a name for being the biggest SoVA squanderer when he lost two sets to O-NO, who became the new SoVA best. Such a title was insignificant now, since most of SoVA had pretty much beaten each other in tourneys at one time or another. The unspoken title continued to be passed between CStick, Lee, O-NO, and Dragoncharlz, as well as Tech on one occasion.

But how did NoVA respond to that?

SoVA was known for always being pumped to want to enter the NoVA scene and prove their worth. However, time and time again, cocky players like Chozen1 would discard or scold SoVA's attempts to harmlessly and respectfully try to make it out to play and compete with NoVA regulars. The spark of Chozen's insults caused SoVA players to stand up for themselves, which was once again met with smirks and retorts from the pretentious lower ranks of NoVA. SoVA did realize that they were in no way capable of felling players like Chu Dat and Azen, but the quest began to get better.

At the end of 2006, CStick held his third tourney, which brought down Tope and Meep once again. Cow, Adwillia, the skilled trio from Hampton, O-NO, Lee, Dragoncharlz, Tech, Rad, Kitsune, Ivar, and several others also showed. This was also the minor introduction of Link-o-mac and Schoolie Dee, which would later impact the SoVA community in unforeseen ways. Tope and Meep took 1st and 2nd, Adwillia and Cow took 3rd and 4th, then CStick, O-NO, Fear, and Rad rounded out the rest of the final 8. This was also when Ether introduced himself to the SoVA scene. Ether was met with a skeptical sense of doubt, but turned everyone's head. Despite his lack of mindgames due to his inherent lack of experience, his fast fingers were enough to take matches from CStick and O-NO, which earned him a spot among SoVA's bests in just five minutes time. This was SoVA's most successful tourney, as the attendance leveled out at 36 players (including Ether's tardiness).

SoVA would still be subjected to disdain from NoVA, but had other things to deal with: n00bs. A gaggle of scrubs that originated from Game-On, headed by Link-o-mac's mouth and Schoolie Dee, began to dish out challenges to the other players of SoVA. Although the majority of these were harmless and done respectfully, such as in Schoolie's case, Link-o-mac's were the opposite. He viewed himself as the future crown of SoVA. After managing to take a match off of O-NO and Kitsune's low-tier and secondary chars, Link-o-mac got ahead of himself and cockily proclaimed to be 'of the best in SoVA'. Game-On would later engage in flame wars with the rest of SoVA as the backed Link-o-mac's claims; such attacks and fights were usually instigated by Link-o-mac himself. It did not take long before SoVA would later challenge Game-On's smashers in order to prove a point. The point was proven quickly, as Link-o-mac was quickly put back in his place, and the rest of Game-On learned of competitive play. Although none of Game-On stuck around to become part of the SoVA scene, players like Schoolie and Link-o-mac took it as a learning experience and began training.

2007 was when SoVA began having routine fests. low-tier fanatics like Enver and a more experienced and scarier Ether began ambitiously setting up fests and tourneys. Whodat opened his own gaming shop and hosted regular tourneys, which became known as "Ascendency tourneys", named after the store's name. Players like Blackguy, Gum, Mashi, Russ, FATS, andX-LAX would show up as regulars along with Rad, Dragon, and the other regulars. The_Doug, an English player, would later move to Norfolk, giving SoVA another great player to draw experience from. Cow was still a part of the scene as well.

In early 2007, SoVA got the chance to play against the rest of team Richmond. Nelo, Israfel, and Cyrain accompanied Tope and Meep. Although Nelo and Isra were modest in skill at the time, Cyrain, Tope, and Meep would dominate whenever they came. unfortunately, they had not yet played against The_Doug or Ether, who was ambitiously waiting for his time to play off against Tope. The time came in April, where all of team Richmond showed up along with Newport News and the rest of SoVA. Ether managed to knock Tope into losers, but Tope managed to take out Doug and make an epic comeback to bring down Ether. Sova's hope was lost in that tourney, but we quickly rebounded when we showed that at least ONE of us was skilled enough to beat Tope.

SoVA would continue to improve, but Ether and Doug were still leagues above the rest of us. Several mixed events would happen in this time. CStick would fall off of the map, and lose to players like Link-o-mac, Ether proved his worth against Chu and the rest of NoVA, and the rest of SoVA would eventually catch up to the remaining pioneer players in terms of skill. Ascendency also got shut down due to someone forgetting to pay the electric bill for six months, and the scene experienced droughts of inactivity as players had to focus on school and work.

Throughout the rest of 2007, SoVA would enjoy its active array of players. CNU and ODU introduced more players like caboose and SPD. CStick's fourth garage smash introduced Lozr to the scene, while Tope introduced Savedge to SoVA at one of Enver's nacho parties. Ether would go on to earn more recognition from attending a C3 tourney, while the rest of SoVA would remain active within itself at the very least, growing more and more as time goes by.

Today's core SoVA players:

O-NO: the most active promoting member of SoVA for smash and other fighters. Known for his relentless humor and for harnessing immense amounts of gay. He plays Peach, Shiek, Fox. See the trend?

Ether: SoVa's best player when he actually shows up. Comically known as Mew2Prince. his most notable character is Marth, although his Fox, Falco, and others are also impressive. Nobody likes playing him because it ends up with someone being on the receiving end of what Kitsune refers to as "the big d*ck". Watch out for it.

CStick: Despite squandering most tourneys he enters and having a knack for never setlling on a main, he still places fairly well in most tourneys, never falling below placing in the upper mid-ranks even in large tourneys. He's most known for consistently playing Ganon, although he has bounced around between the upper half of the tier list with other characters.

Kitsune: A laser spam master, who helped introduce several names into the SoVA scene. Play Peach against him if you want to win. He sucks in that match.

Cow and Schoolie: Both of these players are the heads of the CNU area of the scene. They are active and offer great experience for the young blood that keeps popping out in the Newport News area.

Enver: Despite being 'lesser skilled' based on tourney placings, Enver (aka Toasty) is an unbelievable low-tier player. His mains are Pikachu and Ness. If he spent the amount of time he does playing Ness and spent it on playing Marth, he'd **** all of SoVA. His two main specialties aside from low tiers include nacho-making and managing SoVA's smash vids on youtube.

Mashi: A player who started out with little experience, but grew quickly into one of SoVA's best competitors. His Marth is known for the most random tipper placements, and his strawberry colored lips stir up intense homoerotic feelings inside Kitsune for unknown reasons.

Tech: Although he has been inactive for nearly a year, Tech's janky Samus style and preference of using a broken controller inspired many to believe that there was still some innovation left in smash that did not get drowned out by statistics and conventional gameplay. He is the main reason why CStick no longer sucks horribly at this game. He plays with CStick from time to time, but has focused on shooting gams like Shadow Run and Halo 3 over smash in recent months.

Whodat: Before Ascendency became Descendency, Whodat ran a good spot for tourneys in Newport News. However, running good tourneys and paying the light bill on time aren't synonymous.

the end :p


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
At the time, Fox was being considered potentially the best, if someone could master his technical skill. It was considered impossible at the time. I practiced the motions so much... even when the GameCube was off, I'd hold a controller and repeatedly waveshine while watching t.v. I consider drillshines to be the pinnacle of my training, and the inverse drillshine infinite is the ultimate test.
Is that how that one controllerof yours came to be?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
rofl i love my profile :)

you forgot O-NO's tourney's :p specially the one where i got the SoVa hell bracket =(. i personally think that was a big turning point in my smash career, where i actually rose up and showed what i could actually do ^^


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
It's funny, but I get my reaction time from DBZ. I pretend I'm a Z-fighter, and my eyes can follow the movements of opponents with weaker or equal power levels. If someone is at a higher power level, like g-reg, it appears as a blur to me. lol I'm a geek

I understand this analogy entirely. I always thought you were the goku equivalent of sova anyways, and your finals set against tope was like fighing frieza on namek. you had to beat the doug (Capt. Ginyu) only to move on to play Frieza final form. Only difference is... goku doesn't lose....

I don't know if I should brag but I feel I can own anyone in DBZ knowledge.

lol at ascendency comment Cstick... and we all know I run the CNU smash scene down here hahaha, I just prioritize festivities during the hours of 10-3 on a saturday.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
CStick, that post was amazing!!

I missed out on so much of SoVa's smash history. I didn't even know it existed, and I was afraid to go to smashboards because I thought it was for pros only.

I'm afraid I will miss out on SoVa's early Brawl history, too, because I don't have a Wii.

Is that how that one controllerof yours came to be?
Yes, it is. The control stick and the c-stick are melted from drillkicks, as I alternated between the two of them for my dairs.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
Cow and Schoolie are the heads of CNU imo cuz they show up to other stuff more than you :p but nah, whatever. its all good either way...I coulda done more, but i was tired and it took long enough to write that dayum thing the first time through. Someone bookmark that ****


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
Cow and Schoolie are the heads of CNU imo cuz they show up to other stuff more than you :p but nah, whatever. its all good either way...I coulda done more, but i was tired and it took long enough to write that dayum thing the first time through. Someone bookmark that ****
i see i'm not the only one who spent an eternity writing a smash bio.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I'm actually a writing machine and a fairly fast typist, so it only took me about 25-30 minutes, then like 5 minutes of quick edits >.>
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