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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
my history will have to wait until i get some real time to type it up.

but it is funny how my name is directly linked to lots of Sova smashers.

i diddent know my own quest to beat Ken and become the best falco of all time had a domino effect on you all.

sorry i destroyed your lives, your all smash addicts now XD.


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
my introduction to smash is hilarious...

I hosted an ssbm tourny at CNU my freshman year, pay was $75 gift certificate to comp usa for 1st, 50 for 2nd, and 25 for 3rd.

anyways, my rules were....
1 game
random level selection
brinstar depths and flatzone were the only banned levels
7 stock
all items, low frequency

I got first.

I heard of a tourny in richmond just a couple months later.

I played a bunch of friendlies, people were using all sorts of characters I've never seen be good before. I remember being blown away by samus bomb recovery.

I won my first few matches until I played tope in the 3rd round. He was alot shorter and just as gay. He beat me with Kirby to get revenge for his friend who I pwned

I was mad and tried complaining that he stalled the game, so he rematched me using ganon and marth, I got whooped both times. You're so gay tope, hahahaha. beating me with my own character (eventhough you used to main him)

I was unsatisfied yet humbled. I am very competitive. I lost again in the following set to some one, and I watched KM's fox waveshine my brother and I thought to myself that this game is completely different that I had once thought.

G-Reg asked me who I lost to, I said tope. G-reg said "who does he use?" I said he played marth/kirby/ganon and G-Reg just laughed and said that he would **** him.

in my head I was thinking, "there's no way this kid can beat tope, he's so gay, tope is going to win the whole thing"

sure enough, I watched the fight and G-reg just straight ***** him.
This is when I decided to leave, I looked up on line these advanced techniques, and I got sucked in.

oh, then I met a bunch of cool smashers down in SoVa and CNU
Cow, my long term smashing partner, O-No (the host with the most), C-stick (my ganon brother), My actual brother who's been a fierce challenge since day one, and all the people I met at ascendency. Now there are these ODU kids and new CNU kids. God this game is great. I need to play more people.

Ether, darn you for making me reminiss.

was that tourny really the first smash tourny you went to? how were you so godly and technical?
OMFG I remember that, my friend told me to play kirby against you... rofl

That was also the first time I fought g-reg and while I did get ***** the first match, the 2nd match was last hit vs my marth, and I remember one of your friends remarking, "I don't care, as far as I'm concerned that was the finals."

<3 Sova

I like how I'm in everyone's story.

I'll post mine up soon.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2006
Sova, CNU
My Sova History:

First, my tag. Before smash, everyone in my neighborhood would play football everyday, then return to my house for Nightfire on the gamecube and Aqua Teen. I really... really liked the theme song at the time, when my friend told me (verbally, mind you) that his name was Schooly D. I tried typing it in as my codename on Nightfire, but since I was confused by that gangster-thug spelling, it came out as "Schoolie Dee". Onwards >_>

One of the guys I ate lunch with in highschool mentioned smash one day, so we set up a shindig at my house and all I can remember was calling him gay because he mentioned "pro gamers" and because his falco was jumping and shooting lasers simultaneously the entire match. That's how I met up with Linkomac and from there on he just played Falco against my sheik for hours on end every week. I took the inexperienced approach and thought, "I'm better than my friends, I must be so amazing at this game!" We went to some random garage tourney hosted by some guy named C-Stick back in fall 06. We knew C-stick was going to be a complete noob, his tag was literally "C-Stick" and only noobs use that thing. We got *****, Lmac started his nasty habit of trash talking and general cockiness around none-pova players, but the stomping shunned us from Sova smash.

I met Enver through my friend Erica. I knew Erica mentioned that her boyfriend played smash, but I just knew no one would be able to stop my godly-l337 sheik rapefest, until I lost to a Ness. Aside from teaching me about the mental aspect of the game, I truly owe Enver for saving my reputation with Sova. When Linkomac started using Game On as a safehaven for smacktalk against "The Revolution", I figured people were going to associate me with that, which is when I started going solo to O-No's house and playing there.

To just follow the trend, I'll mention Tope. At the W&M Tourney last november, I played Tope in the finals. The guy was nice enough to sandbag, because I still played position based gameplay, because I hadn't developed prediction-based anything at the time. Enver confirmed that Tope was, in fact, an amazing Sheik player, so I review our sheik ditto and learned a lot from it.

etc.etc. I started playing with the future SS guys and joined it, and thats how I got started in Sova Smash. I left out Game On... for reasons :)


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
My story [less interesting, less cared of]:

One christmas, Cory [it's ganon, koorii, my brother] and I recieved a nintendo 64 with only one game. Super Smash Brothers. It was a fun game, but nothing either one of us got into very much. We both went back and forth winning, and eventually bought StarFox 64, and only played that. Because of StarFox64, we both got tired of Fox ditto's constantly whenever we did play SSB.

Eventually, much later down the line, we had a gamecube, a copy of Super Smash Brother's Melee, and seperating desires. Some of the local kids [namely Fitz, It's Ganon, and Gum] would play it casually. My brother was into video games and manga, I was into cars and girls. Eventually, I noticed a pattern of me being ***** horribly. I didn't much care, didn't much enjoy the game.

Around the same time, SpiderMan 3 was about to be released. I wanted to go to the midnight movie release, and talked my brother into going. Apparently, we were going to stop by a guy's house. His name was Otis. I didn't care, I took a book with me, but I didn't end up reading it. We got to Otis' place, and too many people were packed into the small appartment [condo?] and they were all playing Smash. I thought those guys were all losers. I watched some matches, and even poked some fun at some people, but eventually, I sat in solitude, attempting to read the book while everyone made too much noise.

Fast forward.

My buddy Sam, my brother, and I all went out to House Of Eggs to get some eats, and we mostly talked about our Spring break. Cory's was less eventfull, while Sam and my spring break was overly exciting, filled with sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. We discussed music, and Cory just wanted to talk about Smash. Sam and I were much more interested in punk shows and alcohol. I eventually made a deal with Cory that if he joined me for a show, I'd go with him to a Smash fest. Was that a good or a bad thing?

I showed up, massively early, to Toasty's Epic Madness Volume 3 [?] fest, and played Gears of War most of the time. When I did get in a match or two, I got four stocked. I don't think I took one life. Except off my scrubby random friend we bumped into at the epic journey to 7-11. I got him to 2 stocks, then Otis 3/4 stocked him in what could have been called a set. **** was priceless.

After that, it's all history.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
We went to some random garage tourney hosted by some guy named C-Stick back in fall 06. We knew C-stick was going to be a complete noob, his tag was literally "C-Stick" and only noobs use that thing.
So that means you must have been at the tournament I mentioned in my story.

My story [less interesting, less cared of]:My buddy Sam, my brother, and I all went out to House Of Eggs to get some eats, and we mostly talked about our Spring break. Cory's was less eventfull, while Sam and my spring break was overly exciting, filled with sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll.
I need to do Spring Break with this guy.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2006
Sova, CNU
Who here is going to C3? At the moment, I'll be going without a Teammate... someone team with me?

Btw, these histories are so great, sova = love.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA ; I think I'm becoming a Sonic
Hmm... the history of a lazy sophmore that doesn't feel like typing.

Uhh(Like CStick my story is also very inconsistent skillwise and all;a bit worse actually(besides beating Riku 90% of the time. >_> j/k) so I'll just put some tidbits in.

Back in 2003 my little brother and I took a trip to Best Buy for... something? I forgot but we looked over at the Gamecube kiosk to check out Super Smash Brothers Melee. In short we loved it Bowser had teh phir3 and Yoshi could egg roll. Any ways... Got promoted in karate class, I couldn't get it beacuse it was rated "T" . Tricked my mom into saying it was e. Saw Mild violence on the back. Traded it in, and

SUMMER OF 7th grade.
I'm old enough to play it(and apparently I can supervise my little bro too). I look on gamefaqs and I see this topic called compendium of smash knowledge. Found out about Tournaments. Used to play Link but since Ken was the best I mained my secondary Marth. Went to VTYME 2 met Dragon Charlz "This kid can wavedash?". Got owned. Went to newport news Met Otis CStick etc. AIMed CStick we played. He owned me. Went to Chu's biweekly. Had a close match with nookrulz(TIME OUT WITH HIM HAVING 59% AND ME 56%) and then Otis's and CStick's tournies. OH and Riku's too. Now I only need to apply myself a bit more to enter the Squirtle Squad. And here I am: Finally swallowing my pride and admitting I need mindgames too and technical skill will get you somewhere, but not all the way in Smash.

Chudat being all WHAT THE CRAP VA BEACH!
Hot Kirby on Falco action
My brother quitting *sob* *sob*
Meeting Rus "I guess 'I'm too young' isn't a viable excuse anymore"

And that's about it I won't really gloat about Comic Chest too much( It's a joke anyway they all sucked ......baaaaadly)


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
jessie: prepare for trouble
james:make it double
jessie : to protect the world from devastation
james:to untie all peoples within our nation
jessie:to denounce the evils of truth and love
james:to extend our reach to the stars
jessie: JESSIE!
james: JAMES!
both: team rocket balst off at the speed of light!
james : surrender now or prepare to fight!
meowth: thats right!

team rocket's rockin !
talkin trouble
walkin trouble
double trouble
big troubles gonna follow you
team rockets rockin
talkin trouble
walkin trouble
double trouble
big trouble's got your pikachu!

james .jessie:team rockets rockin!
talkin trouble
walkin trouble
double trouble
big troubles gonna follow you
team rockets rockin!
talkin trouble
walkin trouble
double trouble
big trouble's got your pikachu!

team rockets rockin!

mewothjessiejames:looks like team rockets blasting off again!


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
Ugh. No matter what I do, no matter how often I practice, I can't beat my brother.

I do everything people tell me to do, and still, he destroys me. This ****s me up.

I think I'm going to quit.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
Ugh. No matter what I do, no matter how often I practice, I can't beat my brother.

I do everything people tell me to do, and still, he destroys me. This ****s me up.

I think I'm going to quit.
dude this game isn't easy to get good at. you just can't get good overnight, for some of us.. it took us months and maybe even years to get to where we are at now. we all know how you feel


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
I guess I just had a ***** fit last night.

I love this game too much to quit.

It's just frustrating as hell.

Anyway, I got two months till out money match, I'll get him then.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
Wiggles, you know alot of decent and good players to play against. Unlike me, you have the luck of wanting to get good while there is competition all around you, so you could srsly get very decent in just two or so months, unlike the 3-4 years it took me due to lack of competition


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007

i was thinking about this the other day when everyone had mentioned game on in their samash bios. tell me y i was driving down princess anne a few days ago and i saw that game on had opened another store. i though this was kinda funny seeing as how they always complained that they never had any money to give out good prizes for tournaments but they somehow pull money out the *** to open another shop.

BTW, iz anyone goin to *Pound 3*?


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
I miss Game On. They should try to throw another tourney on good tvs. $10 entry fees and $3-5 venue fees. Pizza by the slice for $1. Soda cans for $1.

They'd make some profit off the food and venue. We'd just need a good showing. I know I'd go.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
or...we could, like, hold our own tourney, and like, actually give out the prize we promise :chuckle:

dayum, I'm gonna fail my statistics final tomorrow, which means I'll fail the class, which means I'll get an F, which means financial aid wont be happy to hear about it :(

who is seeing "I Am Legend" this Friday?


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Hang in there, CStick. Formulate a plan that will net you enough points to pass.

I want to see I am Legend this Friday, but I won't be free till after 7. Who else is going? O-NO? Riku? SS?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2006
Sova, CNU
Riku, Game On probably cut fudning for tourneys short BECAUSE they were opening up a new venue. Kind of the same pretense as saving money before you move, or buy a car... for some reason the only thing I miss about game on is the atmosphere, but I like cnu's better.

I am definitely seeing "I Am Legend' on friday, MacArther... within walking distance :)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2006
Sova, CNU
So, looks like SS has it's lightning-fast fingers all over hampton roads' move theaters... because everyone is partial to their favorites, leave it to sova :p

Hope everyone's 4-stocking their exams.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
my cousin said he wanted to see i am legend too. russ maybe we could join u on friday at lynnhaven.

i'm bout to 4 stock my exams the way i 4 stocked my cousin with "PICHU":laugh:


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I feel your pain, Jason

"*makes out* this isnt right *makes out some more* I dont think I'm ready for a relationship yet *makes out more* Wanna be friends?"

PHUCK! My balls are so blue because of these demon breeds


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
Pound 3

i was wonderin if anyone was intrested in goin to pound 3 on feb 2nd/3rd.


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
i dont think ill be able to get a solid date on this new years party untill about a week before hand.

sorry guys but this is going to have to be kinda short notice.
ill post up a date asap but just keep in mind that im AIMING for the 29th.
We could do it at my place on the 29th if that's easier for you.
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