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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3

Senko Zero

Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2005
Newport News VA
Toasty, are you gonna **** my ganon in this crew battle???????
I hope he does. Where have you been man? We need more of that meager Port Power to edge out aganist the Beasting Beach and Roaming Richmond.

If you're trying to really learn the game....I can offer some things although I'm not very good with my execution of it. But playing other games back to back after Smash DOES but some things in persepective.

1.Shield only when needed. Don't be left in it needlessly as this game relives around CONSTANT moving looking for set-ups and openings. I noticed it just this past weekend fighting the likes of Ether....I stood blocking after an attack, something you often do in 2D fighters as you await the mix-up game, but he had already moved far away from me waiting for the next spaced hit. Which brings me to my next point...

2.Learn the spacing of your attacks. Very, very important in this game. Mario has low range yes, but that optimum will help immensely against those who longer range. If you want to learn spacing quickly, take your character button thingy and place it on the blue haired dude wearing a gay taira on the lower right side of the select screen. He and his sword BENEFITS THE MOST from this principle.

3.Focus on getting that grab. This game is the only one to offer such a high reward after getting a grab. And with Mario, it's probably the only thing that makes him able to compete with the likes of Fox and Falco or anyone else for that matter. Wavedashing, getting them trapped in shield stun, projectile distraction....JUST GET THAT GRAB!

Just some finer points to say. As what Ether and Kitsune said, watch videos. But then again, just watching them WITHOUT true understanding of what's happening won't help you that much. Try to think how they are, and if you can follow why they make the choices they do, then you'll gain something out of it.

Hope I helped. And doubt I'm going to go to this biweekly, too late to request off. *shrugs* Always next time.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Toasty, are you gonna **** my ganon in this crew battle???????
d*mn, fuxx hotmail for not notifying me of this post before I commented about this exact subject in the CNU thread.
I sure as hell hope I do =D I might even pick up Yoshi, just to spite you


see...that pose alone means that I'll win. Just don't let me glitch you on tape hahaha...even I would feel bad if that happened. Except I'll probably jump up and do a dance that involves pelvic thrusts in the general altitude of your face if I kill you with the yoyo glitch...and then I'll secretly cry about it, but only cuz it'd be so facking sweet ^_~ [ugh...if only it wasn't actually "so sweet......................and unlikely ;_;]

In the last 4 days my Ness has found a new groove and a new level...let's see if that stays true when we play...I'm anxious to see how far along your Ganon has come since we last played.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA ; I think I'm becoming a Sonic
Extremely delayed shoutouts FTW

Rus-IIIIIIIItttttttt's KIRBY! I never underestimated him.

Riku-Sorry for the whole Bowser/fox ****

O-NO- Sorry for taking that stock >_> don't ask why I did.

Sen- Stop playin all thos traditional fighters! jk Just play smash more

CStick-Choke cord. That is all.

Ether- Fair with DK isn't the same as Marth you dolt!

Doll- Phsycic Ninjaness etc.

Tope-Well uh... yeah

Xeno- lol Your thumb owned you so hard

Toasty-Thanks for letting me record a match (besides the whole EMBARASSING phonecall midmatch). Wish I could've played you.

Cyrain-NOW WE KNOW EACH OTHER!!!11!!! Cool Marth. Cooler Fox

Mashi-IT's A WASTE OF TIME!!!! I wanted to play you too.

Dean-IIIIITTTTTS YOSHI! nine stocks.

Boss- you suck >_> <_<

Wiggles-You remind me of what such a great influence you guys are on me ;)

DragonCHARLLZZ- Wow I am so picking up Peach.

Everyone else- Good sherbet


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
Alright. I'm may be smashing with Riku today. Not sure how many more people could come over, but give me a call [757-617-8519] and let me know if you want to smash today. We can do my place, but we'd have to call it quits around 9. If someone else is kind enough to open there home/dorm room/garage/jail cell, I'd be very much pleased and appreciative.

Senko Zero

Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2005
Newport News VA
That post was for Wiggles, the guy with Mr. Saturn in his avatar. Just had to mention you in the beggining FATS because I haven't heard from yo azz in months.

And Unreal, playing other "traditional" fighters can teach you different things about your overall game. Spacing and defense along with bar management with 3S, overall basics in Tekken because if you guess wrong twice in that game you're either dead or near it, Marvel.....just how to be really cheap while calling other people on the screen(which is why I refuse to play that one).

It's just Smash is VERY different. Rewards and risks are altered, and the way you win is very different. It's like taking an opponent's lifebar down four times but in some cases you may need only one hit to do it. Sort of like an instant kill in GG cept it's nothing close.

Makes the game unique though....and why I grit my teeth and still play it.

And Good Sherbet...? The 'ell?


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
I'm trying to get up there. ****'s gonna be epic. I'm gonna do nothing but play smash till I get there, so I should be able to take at least a stock from some of you. :]



Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
So, I've been working on my wavedash for the past two hours straight. All I've been doing is trying to wave dash. For about five minutes, I thought I had it down, but lost it.

This ****'s gonna take perseverance.

Bring it, b!tches.


Smash Cadet
Dec 13, 2005
Newport News, Va
Real fighting games? Who plays those? :psycho: Lol, its still more of a fighting game than DoA and Killer Instinct (ew...). I only wish I knew what I was doing sometimes, I just like to mash all the buttons. This game still makes more sense than MvC2 anyways. I still got a lot to work on, gotta figure out how to be really random and find out how to use other characters besides Peach still. Working on Falco still but I don't know, he's odd. This game is odd anyways, but atleast its not Tekken. (I hate Tekken btw) Who knows when the next time I'll make a tournament will be, I gotta figure that out, but hopefully it won't be too long this time. I'll check whenever I have time I guess.


Mar 15, 2005
Norfolk, VA
G-regulate, Chu, Chillin, and possibly others should be at my biweekly.

But don't take my word for it.

(Duh Duh DA)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
G-regulate, Chu, Chillin, and possibly others should be at my biweekly.

But don't take my word for it.

(Duh Duh DA)
The book i read was "super smash brothers melee strategy guid" by Brandy games.

this was an amusing book to say the least. the part that says "Marth dosen't have any range" was rather funny....

Anyway, im going to get worked for sure, but its going to be great practice!:grin:

It Fitz So Good

whats up guys... **** man its been a while enver... khalil... and others. I finally remembered my pw so now I'm here... for the others that may not remember me, I was the ices player Fitz... but yea... no smash for me snice I'm in mississippi till the end of january... pretty gay, but yea figured I see what was up.. later guys


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
ohhhhh shiiiiiiit FITZ! sucks about your smashlessness...but at least ICs will be in Brawl [lawl, like anyone "knew" any differently haha] and Glowstringing?!?!?!??!?! F*CK YEAH!!!! I haven't done that **** in 5 years!!! Does anyone actually have "a setup" lol...I mean yeah it's pretty simple, but I'm lazy.

It Fitz So Good

hahah yea it pretty sweet their still in, when I saw it on dojo I was like....... beast...... but I get outta here in jan. but I should have a copy of brawl when it come out cuz from dec. 22 to jan. 6 I get to come home for the holliday and thats one of the frist thins I'm doin when I get there. then I'm gettin laid, but yea I'll prolly be on later in the week... gotta study for my tests so I can get the fux outta here.


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
hahah yea it pretty sweet their still in, when I saw it on dojo I was like....... beast...... but I get outta here in jan. but I should have a copy of brawl when it come out cuz from dec. 22 to jan. 6 I get to come home for the holliday and thats one of the frist thins I'm doin when I get there. then I'm gettin laid, but yea I'll prolly be on later in the week... gotta study for my tests so I can get the fux outta here.
Fitz, I'm all new and ****.

I wanna play your climbers d00d.

You better come chill with me and Cory on your visit, son.

Is anyone smashing today?

It Fitz So Good

Fitz, I'm all new and ****.

I wanna play your climbers d00d.

You better come chill with me and Cory on your visit, son.

Is anyone smashing today?
you got it man. I just need to get a hold of a copy to get my game back, its been a while. but when I get there, you got your self a match
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