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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I played some matches with Tech and still got this game.

as long as I still got it, it's cool lol

Ether, if you're free anytime before 10pm Tuesday lemme know if you want to get some games in. Same goes for anyone else for a couple to a few hours...


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Hey guys,

My life hasn't been so well lately. So many bad things have happened to me that a lot of you wouldn't understand. I've been picking up bad habits like smoking and drinking--especially drinking, to cope with the pain. Last night, I was in the living room just drinking away, this time sad that a level 8 Fox just beat my Marth on FD. By this point, I had gone through several bottles of Jack and was just about to start the hard stuff. I didn't even notice when my sister came in the door. She must have knocked and then came in when I didn't answer. Silly me, in my depression, I forgot to lock the door.

She started rattling off this nonsense about how my life isn't so bad and I need to get my **** together and stuff, and I dismissed it and like a true man told her to get back in the kitchen. In between my blackouts, I saw her going into the kitchen and peeking out at me with a worried look on her face. She found my liquor cabinet and came and sat down next to me, chugging on one my expensive ****s.

I don't know how it happened, but the next thing I know, her tongue is in my mouth. At first, I'm surprised, but I shrugged and decided to go with it. I think it was around that time that my brain decided my body could function on its own, and everything went black.

I woke up naked on the table (don't worry guyz, I used lysol) and she was nowhere to be found. I think I might have had sex with my sister.


Smash Rookie
May 2, 2008
va beach
I really didnt plan on getting involved with the sova drama, but I had to address this

Were you even around when Cow posted his nonsense? He came up in here talkin sooooo much **** on ALL of sova basically being tons of arrogant and actually insulting people (without the humorous part that I like to inject) without even knowing some of them. I decided to stand up for sova because I knew it was a scene worth defending...

...but now I am seriously disappointed, as DJ has expressed. Its kind of ironic how ether/cstick are the only ones supporting the scene when just a while ago, they were pretty much MIA and we were like "****, where the hell did the squirtle squad go?" I am really impartial to the insults being flung about to people whom none of us really know on a personal level anyway, but people seem to deem speakable nonetheless. HOWEVER, I cannot let the insults that oro? is giving to rhan pass. While I realize that most of the things posted on swf are in humor and arent to be taken seriously, what was said to rhan as a direct personal attack on who he is a person and how he decides to make decisions in general is just wrong. Ur a chill guy, oro, but I wont just sit back and watch u insult my friend like that. It's not cool at all.

also, money match?

that is, the next time i see you? And "you" in the inclusive sense of ALL of KF because i PLAN on seeing ALL of you, including JWolf, next time I am in town. Stars really could not go to anything this weekend because I was in town and so was my cousin from Hawaii whom we are only able to see ever 6 months or so. I actually drained about 2+ full tanks of gas this past week trying to make sure I could see my family/cousins/friends and work around their busy schedules, and without going into too much personal detail (which seems to be offensive to people in sova now for some reason) we really could not make the time to get down to norfolk. I suppose shaeman thought we might be able to because I, as a smasher, was in town, but I, as a family member, could not make it down

Jwolf, you might have a problem with stars' constantly pulling out of commitments to go to events, but I think that really just means shaeman should stop constantly saying that he/we can go to stuff without first working out the logistics. Its possible that he first shows interest in attending an event and expresses it by saying that he is "down for coming" when that really only means "would like to come but has to check and see if he really can come and most likely cant by just looking at the sheer number of events i have said that I am interested in attending and havent attended..."


-alex u dont even know what cow came up in here and started himself
-dont talk personal **** on someone u dont even know
-this weekend was really bad for all of stars to make it to ether's, but thats no excuse considering...
-...shaden should stop making it seem like he can go when most of the time he is just showing interest in attending

seriously, man, do know how much stars' attendance influences what other people decide to do? ether, for one, has to decide whether or not to host and graciously provide pizza, and other people decide whether or not to attend based on if others are coming. -_-"
i would money match you but i dont play anymore. i think jwolf alreay stated that. sova is dead. nobody plays. people dont feel like going to fests. we will all get smacked at any big tourny. its just a waste of time and money and i personally dont think the game if fun anymore so dueces sova


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
i would money match you but i dont play anymore. i think jwolf alreay stated that. sova is dead. nobody plays. people dont feel like going to fests. we will all get smacked at any big tourny. its just a waste of time and money and i personally dont think the game if fun anymore so dueces sova
its cool dude

tho, i did look forward to our next marth dittos

u and ether have such different styles

but, not anymore, i suppose


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Oro and I have similar styles! Ken!!!

Smash at my place thursday. I got in contact with Cyrain, and we're going up to Richmond soon. Let's do this!

Also, Jwolf and some others did really well at Pound! Congrats.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2006
Jwolf is right I do work a lot, but I want to go to a fest with all my SOVA buds there! I know that ether secretly thinks I suck! I read your blog Vince. I cant believe you! I would make fun of your smash skills but you can beat me over your knee like a child. I wanna get better I honestly do. I feel there is too much negativity. And I know if we were together more we'd all be ****. But since that cant happen like we want we wont get good as fast. I personally have a car and can (if I wanted to) drive anywhere to any fest or smash event in Sova when people say they're meeting up. I feel Im a pretty nice guy but I still get cheated by STARS, Mashi, Jwolf, and ORO?. These are all my close smash buds but they all bring me down and not make me want to play. But I keep playing cause I like it and I like them. Lets get along show more support for one another and there's no way we cant get better if were constantly learning about the game. TOGETHER. Brawl cats seem to get along just fine, but were playing "the better game". Soo. Whats the point if were not even having fun?

EDIT: And Schoolie Dee.
good shiz malco. lolx. that's why you should play brawl with me. ahaha. or be dumb with me. boards is funny man. everytime i come back peeps be hyped about something or sometimes telling their life stories. chillax. =]. brawl is still kinda alive i guess since i have people playing with me constantly. like maybe four or five nights a week. brawl strictly no meleez (sorry). we're just playing to have fun and get better but not as intense, because this game isn't everything. smash is meant to just have fun and chillax with peeps and have laughs. haha. ygo is fun isn't it...jwolf ether ahahahaha. =P. peaceee.
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