so i played some guy named crystal night or something that wa spretty good....over thenight i woudl say his falco/fox went about even with my marth
and lost to my sheik, and lost to my peach and fox...he won one match against sheik and one against fox though out of a set or so.
I also had the joy of the rist time ever being waveshine d against a wall to upsmash death as the stage disappeared...pretty awesome i have to say

he's pretty good at waveshining but overuses it waveshining my shield for pressure instead of just going for the grab intelligently

but other than that he was pretty awesome...
his falco is pretty fast...doesn't camp, is an aggressive style using a lot of CCing...which really really threw me off..i really need to learn to short hopd dair approach.
i really need to get some experience while not trying and just experimenting against falcos..but all the falcos i play take it so serious i feel bad if i just experiment and get 4 stocked..but ya..also i still can't edgeguard fox...i suck at it with marth...SPD, come beat my marth for a marth is getting crappy..though i can still chaingrab.
don't ask me how you can have an aggressive style of CCing..but it is i swear..somehow he's always DIing down...maybe i should try that..just DI only down for a day and see when it can be useful to DI down and see when i accidentally get a CC on an enemy attack
ps- toasty and much does it cost and what is the cheapest way for me to be able to record lots of matches of myself..i want to get better..i suck at this game