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Soul Calibur Mafia! Game Over! Town Wins!


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Vote: Boiled Goose

"I'll go for either him or anyone else I mentioned. J can convince me of bsl too.

Don't want a clownbot lynch though."


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Really am too busy to do much guys, I'm sorry. Here is a quick rundown of my current thoughts on what has happened.

@~zen #435: Why does J knowing too much = Jscum? I can think of other possible explanations. Also explain how you knew J was "fakecrumbing" vig as opposed to just crumbing it?

@J: What games have you played as scum other than villains? Why should we just ignore that game when using your meta? Also what do you think about the idea of Swiss being "un-meta-able. I also remember Braig saying he was going to make "one big massive post" which would "explain it all" or something, but Braig dissappeared and I see nothing from you. Please explain what it was all about/make the big post

@Clownbot: Say something, i.e don't just wait for someone to ask you a question

wrt Zen's case on me:

1.) I thought indy Swiss because he dropped indy tells. You agreed with me about said tells in the same post.

2.) I'm playing too town so I must be scum. K

3.) When I came into the game I was talking about the so many scummy actions at the start. Such as Ran answering a question about Swiss when I directed it specifically at other (#25) Swiss asking Zen about being a MVP pusher (#26) saying there is an indy (#27) Then a massive about of parroting by Goose (kuz) as well as saying thanks to me for giving him advice of how to play scum after Newbie 10 (#31) Actually in this post too he jokes about being scumbuddies with Swiss too. I think at that point I was right to say there was so much scum. I then had scumpicks of Ran and Swiss over the day but then I realised Swiss was a bad lynch - for reasons I've vaguely talked about - and that Ran was the scum who should go. I now have Ran as my only strong scum-read. I still kinda want Swiss dead now I have thought about it more though.

4.) The way I was posting made it sound like I knew some people were town, that's because I knew some people were town. I'm confident on my BSL read and at that point was confident on Swiss/J, but now I am less so

#415: Kuz saying "I am 100% honest about this" strikes out, isn't that a nooscum tell? Town should be honest all the time and ergo not need to say that.

~J's #430 is mega twisty, So what if BSL set a trap (well not a trap he later explains) and you failed to walk into it, how does that make him scummy? Surely setting traps for scum is pro-town? explain.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
"Hm yeah X1 you're right, I shouldn't want to lynch you for playing too town. It's just you're playing like on a whole new level from what I usually see from you. It's odd too me, especially comparing it to non existing games.

Reason why J couldn't be vig is because there is no vig. We'd be in lylo d2 with mislynch and mis shot.

J: You're lying about not logging on because you forgot your password. You wrote it down either on paper or in your head and you had logged on a couple of times before. Even if you did forget, you could have simply asked lfn or posted here saying you were having trouble. If you really cared about the game you would have talked to Kirbyo sooner. Or at least typed out some post or something. You know very well I have more experience with you than Villains. I played with you in SSK, FF6, and All Stars as well. Just because your scum lay has evolved from Villains doesn't make you any less scum. Present your case on bsl and clownbot and why me and Swiss are town. And why you have a null read on X1 when he is playing more townie than anyone."


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

@ Ran: What about J saying he'd "stake his life on town Swiss" makes J look scummy to you? And why is Swiss a close 2nd vote for the play after J?

I just thought it was odd J really banked on Swiss being town. How can J using meta convince me when I no nothing of Swiss's meta?

ranmaru says it a lot. i might have said it a lot, as well. let me know when you find out.

also, my question isnt irrelephant. you said you were waiting for the mod to allow you to post on your regular account, and thats why you were inactive. there's a-whole-nother account that you actually had permission to use, so why werent you using that? i mean, i dont see how it is possibly irrelephant.

who else thinks its irrelevant?
Yeah, I think I only said it once though. But I like to use it more in Aimaf. :p

I don't think it is irrelevant. It has to do with J's posting in Braig.

Also, my bad. The lying thing I can't really tell, but it seems convincing when the timing thing came up. I don't really know much of the timing, nor would I test it out. : ]

But now that I say that, maybe Zen is trying to use your approach to me as an opening to get you as a scapegoat?

I mean, he was wondering why you were so stuck to me. Of course, we'll have to also think why you really wanted to go that far, but I guess it's fine if you want more information, even though it might or might not hurt your alignment look.

~J's #430 is mega twisty, So what if BSL set a trap (well not a trap he later explains) and you failed to walk into it, how does that make him scummy? Surely setting traps for scum is pro-town? explain.
I wouldn't doubt BSL setting a trap as town, but that's only using AIM meta.

Why do you guys think Zen is changing votes often?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ah, ok. But, you know you don't really have to vote them all. Wouldn't simple accusations work for that?

I mean, aren't you making yourself vulnerable when you vote them that often?

Although, I'm going to change my stance.

Unvote: Swiss
Vote: J

We need you to explain how Swiss really is town. You can't tell us we are stupid if we don't know his meta. (lol almost said meat)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No, meaning you are unvoting and voting alot, constantly changing stances.

No, not Nk's.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
"What do you mean by 'vulnerable' though? How would that make me 'vulnerable'? You mean people thinking it suspicious?? I don't get what you're saying here."


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
So I mean, as if you are putting it out there that you don't know who may be scum.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes, sort of making it obvious that you don't know who really has to go toDAY.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I've pretty much decided that either J or BG has to go today.

With only 3 days left until deadline, we need to get the ball rolling on finalizing this lynch. J and BG you both need to explain why you aren't the play, and then who IS the play in your view. Claims would also be nice if you'll be nice and let us skip wasting time putting you at L-1 to force claims out of you. I don't want to have to deal with last minute claims that we only get like 24 or less hours to consider.

Vote is gonna stay on J for now but I'll switch to BG if we want to pressure him to claim first. J is already at L-2 I believe you it's just easier to keep it here for now and hope someone else votes to get a claim, but if people really want BG to claim first I'll switch.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
@Clownbot: Say something, i.e don't just wait for someone to ask you a question
If I have something to say I'll say it.

Still think J is our best bet. I'd be willing to maybe go Ran or BSL. I'd kind of prefer all of them to a Goose lynch. Everyone else looks town/null atm.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@FF: Do you really want Ran/BSL to both be alive through toDay. I feel it would just end up with us in D2 and it will be more of the same as it was earlier toDay. I've heard several people express the view that they think its scum between those two. Just that in a 9 man game, mislynching toDay and getting dragged through BSL/Ran and hitting the wrong one leaves us in 5 man lylo, with a very probable scum, but still not a great position imo. If you're confident we can get the whole lynch BSL out of everyone's mind I'm happy to roll with a J lynch. I know I have gone back and forth on J/Swiss's alignment because of this thing I keep talking about vaguely but I thought about it again and I think we should get rid of one - and ngl I'm not gonna get Swiss lynched at the best of times, let alone with deadline approaching at a time where he will most likely be more active than me.

@Swiss: What do you think of clown's most recent post? Still scummai? I don't think scum would ever say that tbh (yea I drunk it)


Dec 27, 2010
I am glad you decided that FF, but don't speak for all of us.

Besides the inactivity, I see no reasons to lynch J. I think BSL is a scummier candidate. Nothing J has posted so far has set off any danger flags and many of BSL's posts feel forced and over-extended. There were quite long spurts of WIFOM from BSL vs. Ran and BSL vs. J and possibly BSL vs. Zen (IIRC). Besides my scum read on him, his flip would be useful in discerning my reads for many other players.

Lynch J, for me at least, would not give me much info on other players. I will probably do a re-read to see if I can find anything else incriminating about him, but I think BSL is a smarter play toDay.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Actually that's a VERY good question I have.

Someone say why I should be lynched besides the inactivity thingy siiiiince that is now irrelevant. I'd love an answer to that. Why is everyone sooooo set on me dieing? It seems well to put it bluntly stupid. :3c

Busy tonight~

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Btw, don't re-iterate what Zen has said. Give me your own reasons. Zen's reasons are dumb so I'd like some good reasons ^^. I mean I'm really curious =o.

Thank you in advanced.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
It has been brought to my attention that two players who will not be named in-thread briefly engaged in out-of-thread talking. I want to reiterate from the rules that this will not be tolerated. The two players who were talking caught themselves this time before anything really bad happened, but I will not be as lax from now on. Next time I hear about anything like that happening, no matter what information is revealed or what plans are made or whatever, all players involved WILL be modkilled. Now, getting back to the fun...

Votecount 1.8

BSL: Swiss, BoiledGoose, J (3)
J: Clownbot, frozenflame751, Ranmaru (3)
Swiss: X1-12 (1)
Ranmaru: BSL (1)
BoiledGoose: Zen (1)
X1-12: (0)
Clownbot: (0)
Zen: (0)
frozenflame751: (0)

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch! If deadline were to hit right now, BSL would be lynched.
Deadline is set for January 8 at 11:00 AM EST!


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
(In the following post I reference a lot of past posts, all by Braig/J, but just because it's easier for me I'm not gonna bother linking. If you're as lazy as I am just look at the playerslot's posts individually, that's what I did)

After essentially not doing anything you make a show out of trying to not get Swiss lynched.

In #271 you tell X1 he's wrong, though what he's wrong about and how he's wrong about it are never explained.

In #275 you say you'd stake your life on Swiss being town. I can think of a couple of hypothetical situations in which this would benefit you as scum, but let's not get into that. Regardless of your alignment it's a rather bold statement.

In #279 you say a bunch of stuff without saying why. You know Swiss is town, but you don't say why. You think Town is dumb, but you don't say why.

In #287 you get @ me for asking an irrelevant question which may not have been a scumhunting question but was far from illegitimate.

In #295 you talk about having to make a mammoth of a post which we have yet to see. You also talk about explaining why you find BSL and I scummy which you've hardly touched on.

In #417 you get @ BSL for asking an irrelevant question despite it not being illegitimate at all and I experience deja vu.

In #419 you said this:

but you did ask an irrelevant.....bah this line of conversation is going no where at all and hence why I am cutting off this portion of it.
I have to admit I thought this was pretty commendable until I realized that you were still continuing the argument overall.

In #434 you gave us this:

Btw SHAME on you for using Villains mafia meta. >:[ Everyone knows that is a horrendous example of a J meta.
I don't. Why is that?

In #437 you handwave* the suspicion on you by calling the case against you pathetic and then laughing at what Zen says.

In #458 I'm stupid. In #459 Zen's reasons for not liking you are dumb because you said so.

*haha, i've never actually heard this term until X1 used it in this game. I THINK I used it right... but you get the idea.

his [BSL's] flip would be useful in discerning my reads for many other players
Now that I think about it this is very true and in case J's lynch doesn't come through it makes me even more willing to lynch BSL.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

(1) First of all the biggest tell of all is his inactivity. I said in my opening post that inactive J is scum J. Frozen compare J's All Star play with his play here. In All Stars and any other time he is town, you can tell just how much he cares about catching scum, almost to an obnoxious point. Here and when he is scum (Villains for example) he is more passive. Here is is completely trying to put it off as if posting is a huge chore which is likely because it is for him as scum. He is deliberately avoiding this thread. He's been active all around the boards and Aim and I know he has had more than enough time to post here. If he says otherwise, he is flat out lying.

(2) He is fake crumbing Vig:

(3) He knows I am town. He thinks Swiss is town. Scum tell for J right here us knowing 100% that we are town. I'm glad I didn't tell J how I know when he is scum before hand, but it is when he knows I am town. I admit, J is very good at catching when I am scum, but that's because he ALWAYS thinks I am scum, even when I'm town, so no matter what he will catch me as scum whenever he is town. However I've let him believe that he can read me as town as well so that when he is scum I will know it just from him calling me town. U-scum-bwoy

I wanted Braig to post more so I could be for sure who his scumbuddy was, but I'm too impatient. I'm feeling X1, but it could also be Goose and maybe even Ran or cbot.

Upon a Braig lynch
-If Braig flips scum, We lynch X1
If X1 flips town, we lynch bsl or Goose

-If Braig flips town, we lynch Goose (or cbot maybe)
If Goose flips scum, we lynch Swiss
If Goose flips town, we review

@Mod: Request Prod and modkill on Braig"
K. Weak case is weak because it is based off meta, a fake assumption, and a twisting of words. Let me now get to this.

2.) I am not fake crumbing vig lmao. Nice try though. Btw, your trying to get me NK'd if I do not get lynched. Smoooooth.
1.) Inactive J =/= Scum J it means busy J is busy and also I kindof lost intrest in this game once my friend did say she did not wanna play anymore and then I lost our password/can't remember it. Why do you say for Frozen to compare my All-Star play to here? How is that relevant? Thanks for calling me obnoxious. Passive? PFFFFT funny Zen is fuuuuunny. Villains I was inactive because of cpu johns and also that was just blah of a game for me. Care to explain how it is a huge chore for me to post as scum? I am happy you know my mind so well....oops another thing you are wrong on here. Avoiding the thread? Hmmm glad your being a stalker now and mind-read AT THE SAME TIME! :D Seriously Zen the assumptions in your case can be a simple rebuttal of "No your wrong." but I am trying to respond to this fully. Basically this bullet is completely based off of meta and about NOTHING I have done this game. So kthnxs I'm ignoring your meta on me this game until you get it right. (i'll give you a hint, it's not scum nor indie)
3.) How the **** is that a scum-tell for me? Also you are wrong on how I can tell when you are scum and when you are town. *assumption assumption assumption* Also what game have we been in where we have both been on the same faction and where I am scum or you are town disregarding Villains? NONE. So how much do you actually know my scum meta? Not at all. It's like you know my town meta as much as I know your scum meta. Why are you playing the "owe woe is me, J always tunnels me regardless hence why he always catches me." Kindof...sad.

So in reality your entire case on me is based off of Meta and assumptions which are not even close to right. Surprised town (and scum) followed this so incredibly easy that no one spoke up about how it had gaping holes but whatever.

Why does Scum J = Scum X1? Elaborate. Why does then if X1 flips town then you go for a BSL lynch but then add Goose to it.

Why lynch Goose if I pop town? Why is Clown only a maybe?
Why does a scum lynch of Goose = Swiss?
After a town flip THEN you review?
Why not go over the Clown lynch scenario?

You are pulling these out of air and you know it. There is no basis for this entire lynch chain based off D1 play and it is completely a horrid plan. But nice try.

@J: What games have you played as scum other than villains? Why should we just ignore that game when using your meta? Also what do you think about the idea of Swiss being "un-meta-able. I also remember Braig saying he was going to make "one big massive post" which would "explain it all" or something, but Braig dissappeared and I see nothing from you. Please explain what it was all about/make the big post

~J's #430 is mega twisty, So what if BSL set a trap (well not a trap he later explains) and you failed to walk into it, how does that make him scummy? Surely setting traps for scum is pro-town? explain.
I have not played any other games as scum other then Villains. That game was a horrid example of my play and you should know that as well. Thought of Swiss being un-meta-able...huh? Not really but I'm getting town vibes from him which I am pretty confident on. That big post was lost with Braig. It was gonna be a case on BSL correct? I can't honestly remember.

BSL set a trap and he even said it was but gah his wording is confusing and just not giving a straight answer to me. It makes him look scummy by trying to set a trap to DELIBERATELY make someone look scummy for no reason at all. Also now I'm scum in your eyes? Alright then. However that trap wasn't set to catch scum, it was made to make someone look like scum. Now ask that to yourself, how is that pro-town?
"Hm yeah X1 you're right, I shouldn't want to lynch you for playing too town. It's just you're playing like on a whole new level from what I usually see from you. It's odd too me, especially comparing it to non existing games.

Reason why J couldn't be vig is because there is no vig. We'd be in lylo d2 with mislynch and mis shot.

J: You're lying about not logging on because you forgot your password. You wrote it down either on paper or in your head and you had logged on a couple of times before. Even if you did forget, you could have simply asked lfn or posted here saying you were having trouble. If you really cared about the game you would have talked to Kirbyo sooner. Or at least typed out some post or something. You know very well I have more experience with you than Villains. I played with you in SSK, FF6, and All Stars as well. Just because your scum lay has evolved from Villains doesn't make you any less scum. Present your case on bsl and clownbot and why me and Swiss are town. And why you have a null read on X1 when he is playing more townie than anyone."
Oh so now we are here to calling people liars now. I have no clue whatsoever what the password is and don't you say that I am because you are one of the people that know how ditzy I am with things like these. However this is irrelvant besides the fact of how much you actually trust me here. I did not write it down on a piece of paper and I logged on a couple times before but if you look at my last log in date it was quite a while ago. Half of this post is just not on the right path besides just trying to call me a liar. SSK? (is that the one in the DR?) FF6 and All Stars we were both on the polar opposites. You were always scum and I was always town in every single one of those examples but Villains where I was scum once. It was my first time playing scum and I did horrid because we as a scum-team were a bad mesh PLUS the fact I was inactive at the time did not help my case at all. How does this play equivalate to me being scum? Why does telling about a null help? A null means I have no clue what to think on someone. You are town because I know your scum meta too well and this is certainly not it. Plus the way you are trying to be a town leader of sorts is indicitive that you are town. You have stopped being interested as playing as scum and actually loathe it since you have been scum too much and this game you are pouring so much attention into this game that it screams town Zen. That is why. Now do not bring up the WIFOM of you just tricking me.

Drop the vig theory because it is not smart and there is obviously not a Vig in the game nor would it be me.

I just thought it was odd J really banked on Swiss being town. How can J using meta convince me when I no nothing of Swiss's meta?

Yeah, I think I only said it once though. But I like to use it more in Aimaf. :p

I don't think it is irrelevant. It has to do with J's posting in Braig.

Also, my bad. The lying thing I can't really tell, but it seems convincing when the timing thing came up. I don't really know much of the timing, nor would I test it out. : ]

But now that I say that, maybe Zen is trying to use your approach to me as an opening to get you as a scapegoat?

I mean, he was wondering why you were so stuck to me. Of course, we'll have to also think why you really wanted to go that far, but I guess it's fine if you want more information, even though it might or might not hurt your alignment look.

I wouldn't doubt BSL setting a trap as town, but that's only using AIM meta.

Why do you guys think Zen is changing votes often?
Why is it weird that I say Swiss is town? Other people have town vibes too. Why is my adamant stand on Swiss = town strikes you as odd? Is it the wording or....you just trying to agree with everyone else. (personally I believe it's the latter). How is that irrelevant? Please tell me how that is relevant and how does where I post matter at all to how I am scum or town? You answered this kindof question to try and seem more town and it did not really do anything at all to further scum-hunting besides agreeing with a weak fact of a tangent that does not hold any substance. You also seem to be trying to appease everyone in this post except for the person that is the main focus of the town. (i.e. All of X1-12, BSL, Zen, and FF) Why? Hoooooooowever you still meant to distance yourself from Zen by trying to call him out on his constant switching of votes. You even start to try and use AIM mafia meta to help look BSL look better and try and scuttle people away from him. Let's look at your response to BSL where you try and call him out on something but end up backing off and saying you can see where he is coming from. Why the settlement of trying to appease him while trying to seem more town?

Ah, ok. But, you know you don't really have to vote them all. Wouldn't simple accusations work for that?

I mean, aren't you making yourself vulnerable when you vote them that often?

Although, I'm going to change my stance.

Unvote: Swiss
Vote: J

We need you to explain how Swiss really is town. You can't tell us we are stupid if we don't know his meta. (lol almost said meat)
Why switch to me? Why did you change your stance? Why are you being such a bandwagoner this game? Why should I be lynched? Why shouldn't BSL be lynched? What if FF was a lynch candidate would you lynch him? What about Clownbot? I didn't just say you were stupid if you didn't know his meta. Why are you trying to make me look worse when I am already so close to lynch? Is this an attempt to seem more town? Also of course I can explain why Swiss is town because guess what? Quite a few people have been asking me to explain.

I've pretty much decided that either J or BG has to go today.

With only 3 days left until deadline, we need to get the ball rolling on finalizing this lynch. J and BG you both need to explain why you aren't the play, and then who IS the play in your view. Claims would also be nice if you'll be nice and let us skip wasting time putting you at L-1 to force claims out of you. I don't want to have to deal with last minute claims that we only get like 24 or less hours to consider.

Vote is gonna stay on J for now but I'll switch to BG if we want to pressure him to claim first. J is already at L-2 I believe you it's just easier to keep it here for now and hope someone else votes to get a claim, but if people really want BG to claim first I'll switch.
Why myself? 3 Days is PLENTY of time especially in a game this size which is so small and we can still organize a lynch on anyone if the entire town works together. Surprising you are not willing to have an open mind on the lynches. Would you switch to BSL toDay? Why not? Would you for a No-Lynch? Of course you would otherwise you'd be scum. Also I've EXPLAINED that I want BSL lynched for his numerous scummy moves and just blatant "....Does anyone else see what I see?" stuff. Also curious to see why you did not ask me to elaborate on my town list....seems half fast.

Claim now? wtf is this? "Just to save time how about you both claim instead of you being at L-1 and we can just go from there." That is extremely questionable there. You just don't wanna deal with claims then? What if I happened to claimed Cop and we had 24 hours to switch? Should I still be lynched? Should a PR be lynched if there is time to switch a measly 5 votes. Anyone who doesn't will be considered scum pretty much. Why are you more focus'd about getting claims instead of the lynch? Hmm....

If I have something to say I'll say it.

Still think J is our best bet. I'd be willing to maybe go Ran or BSL. I'd kind of prefer all of them to a Goose lynch. Everyone else looks town/null atm.
Why am I the best lynch? You just gonna bandwagon and try and hide under the radar. X1 is right. You have been hiding and only appearing randomly to answer questions. You have not done any scum hunting it seems or you have done very little to where I have not seen anything that I can remember. Why is that? What do you plan to change that? Will you bus vote BSL?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
and while I was responding to the previous case and other things ANOTHER case pops up on me.....

GAH can't win. I'll get to that when I have more time but I spent most of my time tonight on that so excuse me if I can't do it again tonight.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Unvote: Goose " I'd rather not waste time on Goose. I'm with X1 on Swiss or J.

J: I don't think you explained why Swiss is town. I'll get to the rest of your rage tomorrow.

@FF: What were the town and scum tells you were talking about with regards to Swiss?"

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'll explain that later. (the Swiss thingy) Along with Clown's thingy.

And rage post pffft xD That is in no way close to rage. I had fun with that post and sorry if you saw any anger in it. ^^

So by unvoting BoiledGoose in response to my post it is safe to infee that the post above does not sit well with you? Also now you are listening to X1-12 now on J/Swiss has to go. However my lynch gains nothing for the town and you said above "don't worry we are still going to kill you but if you do pop town then we will take your thoughts into account." Do not belittle me and try and shove me away like a little kid. We both know that's a loa of bull because you een set up a plan in which you wanna follow so my opinions are irrelevant.

I am not going down without a fight until someone explains to me clearly why I need to die besides the past inactivity.

Nice try saying I am raging to try and down play what I was saying in my post by excusing it as rage to take my point and shrink it in other people's minds. That was in no way rage.

Trust me when I rage, you know. :3c


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

You say that Swiss is town because the whole town agrees he is town? That wouldn't be your reason, then.

Appease? I don't care what people think. I put all my thoughts out there.

FF is null to me, Clownbot seems a little sketchy. Even so, FF asked me a to pick out of 4 people, who to lynch.

Yet the only thing that stands out is that you'd stake your life on Swiss, why would you do that in the first place? If you are town, you can't know for sure who is who until the very flip. That just seems very odd for me.

Plus, you haven't really posted thoughts on the town, just stating that swiss is %100 town. I also voted you to get more content from you.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
sorry for not being here yesterday. did some work for service hours then fell asleep when i got home. catching up now.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I propose a motion to Lynch Ranmaru

Vote: Ranmaru

Lets go people
To clarify:

We don't want this to go to deadline, despite the plurality rule.

We don't want this whole Ran/BSL thing going on toMorrow

Ran just said FF was null.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Why does Scum J = Scum X1? Elaborate. Why does then if X1 flips town then you go for a BSL lynch but then add Goose to it.
he mistyped. he meant cbot, not me. he has since fixed this mistake. forgot that part?

BSL set a trap and he even said it was but gah his wording is confusing and just not giving a straight answer to me. It makes him look scummy by trying to set a trap to DELIBERATELY make someone look scummy for no reason at all. Also now I'm scum in your eyes? Alright then. However that trap wasn't set to catch scum, it was made to make someone look like scum. Now ask that to yourself, how is that pro-town?
i dont remember not giving a straight answer. ask the question again.

it wasnt made to make someone look scummy, it was made to catch scum.

if it was made to make someone look scummy, why dont you look scummy? its because it wasnt a loaded question.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Get your vote off of me. I like pressure but putting me at L-1 is risky business and even you should know this. Someone put me back at L-2.

Btw where is that response to that post above. You have still yet to show me why I am scum. You have circumstantial evidence which means nothing. Show me something that makes me scum. Oh wait, YOU CAN'T! xD

@BSL: Quit answering for other people -_-" If you want the question again go back and find it. It's literally one page back. Also why are you trying to make it seem like I am skimming by saying I missed that part?

I'll get to Clown and Ran in a bit. Just saw those two things as the shortest things I can respond to quickly before I check around everywhere else. (this is for Zen's benefit cuz apparantly I have to know give where I am and where I'll be =D)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010


Anyone who hammers before I can respond to other posts, say some things, and possibly claim (in which I will not be lynched.)

Zen get your tunnely butt off of me~


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
@BSL: Quit answering for other people -_-" If you want the question again go back and find it. It's literally one page back. Also why are you trying to make it seem like I am skimming by saying I missed that part?
i wasnt answering for him, i was showing you that your question was irrelevant. your question asked him why he would do something that he wasnt going to do.

i wasnt trying to make it seem like you were skimming. i was asking if you were skimming. why are you trying to make it seem like i keep trying to make it seem like you are doing stuff?

(lol, grammar. the italics and underlining are to help differentiate who is "doing" what.)
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