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Sorcerer's 11 Open


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
Funnier, Kary, and Wisp might be my main poking points for today
I'll have to reread the wagonomics to see whose wagon Poy kept popping in

Vote: funnier6
If you're not caught up by now then you're not worth keeping in this game.
hey don't talk to him like that :sadeyes:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2020
I totally forgot we even had a bodyguard in this setup

Simultaneously glad not glad that it was Osie cause I had a lot more I wanted to talk about and debate but that flip saves me a lot of paranoia and headache

Shame though, maybe I'll see you around some day
Vote: funnier6

If you're not caught up by now then you're not worth keeping in this game.


Pythag Pythag opinion on Raxxel this game, I don't know them that well and I want the details.
Lol is this supposed to be a scum read

Also I've always been read up, the point of the catch up is to post about things that have caught my eye lol

And since I couldn't do that during the night I still have a ways to go yeah

Also the other game I was in ended finally

I HATE blasted MYLO

Heres the link if anyones interested https://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/path-of-radiance-mafia-game-thread.67157/

Might as well advertise that theres a new game in sign ups if anyone wants to check us out

Anyway its time for my essay on Ex's meta


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
I mean u can poke at me, but I'm focused on another game at the moment

But u believe in yall

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
If you think I'm mafia with Poyzin considering how defensive he was towards me and his final post saying 'fine with lynching Kary' then I think you've got the wrong end of the stick.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
If you think I'm mafia with Poyzin considering how defensive he was towards me and his final post saying 'fine with lynching Kary' then I think you've got the wrong end of the stick.
hey he tried to distance from his scumbud pretty hard in the game funnier just posted


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2020
funnier6 funnier6 I am curious how accurately you can read Ex, and what you expect town him to do, and mafia him to do.
cracks knuckles

So me and Ex met around last May ish dont really remember when, I think it might've been that game on bulba where I was in a neighborhood with LG? Anyway since then we've played in idk ten or fifteen games together

The very first thing you've got to realize about Ex is that he is extremely paranoid

To confirm you got that, EXTREMELY PARANOID

This dude will go completely ballistic about the walls are closing in after ONE VOTE

To sum up his town play in almost any given game is APPEAL TO EMOTION in big letters because that's literally his claim to fame. This dude's tears have caused me to switch off of him in F4 and cast the deciding vote against last scum who played a very very good game. And also caused me to shoot our scum bud (dont ask).

He also has a history of trying to break games mechanically in ways I hate and tends to fish for pr info for such purposes (unless he's mafia, then obviously he's straight up pr hunting). Which obviously makes people want to kill him.

He tend to be day one mislynch bait which I have saved him from as town and took advantage of as mafia lol. I did try to save him as mafia too but he chooses not to remember that. SOMEHOW HE ENDS UP IN ENDGAME SITUATIONS WITH ME WITH ALARMING FREQUENCY we won both though so thats cool

He tends to believe whatever role he has is obvious proof of his towniness when it really isnt, and makes really really poor night action choices a ton of the time. I don't and have never trusted his judgement or his reads lol. He posts with extreme frequency and is almost guaranteed to be one of if not the highest poster in the thread in large part due to fluff

Okay so his scum game, he's actually pretty dangerous as scum. The main reason for this is that he suddenly becomes very reasonable, and generally refrains from making crazy decisions and otherwise causing a scene. A wallflower basically. Unfortunately he has days like this as town too so its difficult to determine his alignment just based on that. This also makes pressuring him worth your while cause his reaction to that can be telling. (Another reason why he thinks everyones out to get him) His output isnt consistent to his town game that I've seen and you can generally count on scum Ex to be less active than town Ex

One thing I've noticed is that it's really hard to get a read on Ex if he isnt a main wagon on day one. Almost every single time that happens he's town because scum love to take advantage of his tendency to flail under pressure. If that doesn't happen things get complicated

I'm not sure exactly how I stand on him (or anybody really) but I'll try to see where I'm at and post some reads soonish


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
cracks knuckles

So me and Ex met around last May ish dont really remember when, I think it might've been that game on bulba where I was in a neighborhood with LG? Anyway since then we've played in idk ten or fifteen games together

The very first thing you've got to realize about Ex is that he is extremely paranoid

To confirm you got that, EXTREMELY PARANOID

This dude will go completely ballistic about the walls are closing in after ONE VOTE

To sum up his town play in almost any given game is APPEAL TO EMOTION in big letters because that's literally his claim to fame. This dude's tears have caused me to switch off of him in F4 and cast the deciding vote against last scum who played a very very good game. And also caused me to shoot our scum bud (dont ask).

He also has a history of trying to break games mechanically in ways I hate and tends to fish for pr info for such purposes (unless he's mafia, then obviously he's straight up pr hunting). Which obviously makes people want to kill him.

He tend to be day one mislynch bait which I have saved him from as town and took advantage of as mafia lol. I did try to save him as mafia too but he chooses not to remember that. SOMEHOW HE ENDS UP IN ENDGAME SITUATIONS WITH ME WITH ALARMING FREQUENCY we won both though so thats cool

He tends to believe whatever role he has is obvious proof of his towniness when it really isnt, and makes really really poor night action choices a ton of the time. I don't and have never trusted his judgement or his reads lol. He posts with extreme frequency and is almost guaranteed to be one of if not the highest poster in the thread in large part due to fluff

Okay so his scum game, he's actually pretty dangerous as scum. The main reason for this is that he suddenly becomes very reasonable, and generally refrains from making crazy decisions and otherwise causing a scene. A wallflower basically. Unfortunately he has days like this as town too so its difficult to determine his alignment just based on that. This also makes pressuring him worth your while cause his reaction to that can be telling. (Another reason why he thinks everyones out to get him) His output isnt consistent to his town game that I've seen and you can generally count on scum Ex to be less active than town Ex

One thing I've noticed is that it's really hard to get a read on Ex if he isnt a main wagon on day one. Almost every single time that happens he's town because scum love to take advantage of his tendency to flail under pressure. If that doesn't happen things get complicated

I'm not sure exactly how I stand on him (or anybody really) but I'll try to see where I'm at and post some reads soonish
thanks for the meta hun but I don't think they need a third one especially since they're townreading me for some reason :surppika:


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
I mean I just don't think he is a wolf? Lmao doesn't give me that vibe


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
Wagonomics won't really do much since he was the lost wolf honestly


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I am going to re-read with flip in mind but I think we should look at people that were off of UP.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2020
Oh and to answer that question since it got lost in there

I have scum read Ex quite a bit when he was town

But I dont believe I've ever mislynched him as town that I remember

I lost to his scum game once and that was not because I misread him it was because it was an extremely scum sided game and the mafia team successfully claimed cop and vigilante

In other words, I generally read him right in the end but it's a bumpy ride


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Funnier: Thank you for the answer. Can you link games with examples?


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
Can you elaborate on why.
He was the lost wolf? Like we should look at why people were where they were in general, cause that's what matters

Ya sure maybe wolves just let this slot die and didn't participate, but there isn't anything that says that has to be true


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2020


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2020
Wagonomics won't really do much since he was the lost wolf honestly
if he was eagerly jumping into wagons that might 'clear' some people
and if he moved his vote abruptly to sheep someone that might point out to him trying to call their attention


May 7, 2007
Pythag Pythag opinion on Raxxel this game, I don't know them that well and I want the details.
Initially I liked, I was a little more null towards EoD. I didn't totally get HIS reasoning for hopping on my wagon, but that just pinged me, I think I have him closer to null rn.

I think I've only played three games with him, so I really don't know him that well either tbh, this might be just his third game ever. I'll go back and check, try to do some rereading.

These interactions from Poy to Ranmaru are fishy:
If you're trying to suggest Ran is now scummy for these interactions, I'm gonna need a whole lot more to consider that.

I think Wiisp looks the worst for not being on the UP lynch. He's got a lot of unfortunate quotes, I've gotta decide if I think it's a town response or not.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
Funnier made that large post on Ex, just to pretty much fencesit on the slot
so never Wolf/Wolf


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2020
If he's interested in the game he's gon be a dense mf starting all crazy af, tryina to solve things, and then having an existential crisis and becoming defeatist unless he gets lots of love and support. OR if he ain't feeling it he'll be a bag of potatoes and do nothing.
Okay as scum sure, but what town game have I ever been a bag of potatoes?
How do you all feel about my activity since ran has a problem with it? If more people agree with ran that’s fine, I’ll work on trying to contribute more, but I want honest opinions here. How do my contributions fair in all your books?
I think of low activity as 5> posts a phase with little content generally. Obviously in a game going at this pace I'd prefer a good bit more but I definitely dont consider your activity lacking to the point of you shouldn't play.
Biggest update? I really, REALLY am not liking ExLight's content all too much. It's insanely defensive, a little whiny, and overall reactive. I get that they're new here, but they have mafia experience elsewhere and an experienced town player should not be this concerned about initial reads on them this early into the game, reads that are the most likely to shift and change in the snap of a finger. I especially do not enjoy their jump to the conclusion that someone was trying to paint them as scummy. It's paranoid behavior. If not Z, right now they are my next lynch candidate.
This is basically the textbook answer to meeting Ex for the first time jsyk

He's played like this for a long time and I dont think he plans on changing
I think questions are actually more valuable than reads. They involve more engagement and really are way more telling of a mindset than a read since it's much harder for scum to come up with actual questions given they naturally have less investment in someone's mindset. Reads are important, but I think questions are more so since they lead to far more development in a game. If they're good anyway. Bad questions, like easily answered ones or easy, safe ones however, are a scum tell.
Considering that, how do you feel about my questions?
Read lists on D1 I also find to be kinda annoying because they benefit the town so little and benefit the mafia so much more.
I really cant agree, why would you not want to share your reads lol

Anytime youre in a day phase you want to keep track of your thoughts and have everyone know what page youre on and see what page everyone else is on so you can collectively figure out what the heck to do

And I know I've been hypocritical about that but it takes quite a bit for me to read people I dont know especially when I cant bounce opinions off people I do know and otherwise relate it to a whole

In other words I tend to be trash every time I play with an entirely different set of people especially in scenarios where I'm outpaced by the flow of the thread and I end up spending so much time making up for lost interaction that stopping to collect my thoughts and form opinions on players becomes very difficult

Idk where I was going with this

How can reads on day one possibly benefit mafia more than town?

It's really easy to come up with questions when most of your questions are "Hey Julia, what's your read on Mary?"

It's also a super easy question to respond to. Either:

"I like, totally, like think that Mary is, like, (not) very fetch this game. Like, totally (not) fetch."


"I like, totally, don't know, like, what Mary's game really is. She's like, totally, like, mysterious or something, lol."
I just quoted this cause I saw it on my skim earlier and laughed osieorb18 osieorb18

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Initially I liked, I was a little more null towards EoD. I didn't totally get HIS reasoning for hopping on my wagon, but that just pinged me, I think I have him closer to null rn.

I think I've only played three games with him, so I really don't know him that well either tbh, this might be just his third game ever. I'll go back and check, try to do some rereading.
Okay, i'm not looking for a hard answer, just curious.
Do you know if they usually post reads lists and notes? Like they did in #565


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2020
if he was eagerly jumping into wagons that might 'clear' some people
and if he moved his vote abruptly to sheep someone that might point out to him trying to call their attention
because thats what he is thinking right? maybe if I vote here, they wont think he is actually a wolf with me? lol
you can probably get more concrete thoughts from reading his posts

and clearly that doesnt matter, because the dude said he didnt mind lynching Kary, and the first thought is that they were wolves together...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2020
ya but he is town, so?
doesnt really matter
its literally confirmed by Osie's death
that both Xivii and Pythag are real
How is that the confirmation its an open setup and no one countered
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