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Sora: A new perspective on why he might make it

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Noooooooooooooooo. My thread is For moveset/AT/Bosses/stuff. I'd rather have it so that we can disscus there, and argue here. It keeps alot of the flaming to a minimal, and it keeps us from looking like R.I.D.L.E.Y

um... Roy and Marths inclusion in SSBM practacly brought FE to the USA. Roy wasent important to Nintendo back then. and there was a million FE characters that went in before him. but he got in because he -could- be popular.

And sorry dude. your argument is dead.

KH has the chance to do things for Nintendo. and Sakurai has atleast noticed that.

Learn to use diffrent FAIL pics. and make sure its spelt PHAIL.
KH does well in NA and OK in japan and the rest of the world but when DQ a series that could be helped a hell of alot more by haveing a character in becuase no one really know it out side Japan that is where you fail becuase it would be better to do that to someone from DQ and if you do not realise that then you are dumb.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
KH does well in NA and OK in japan and the rest of the world but when DQ a series that could be helped a hell of alot more by haveing a character in becuase no one really know it out side Japan that is where you fail becuase it would be better to do that to someone from DQ and if you do not realise that then you are dumb.
If we all picked characters because they had better chances, We'd all be idiots. Minority > Majority. end story.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
He's third party and his name starts with "S" and he has blue somewhere on him.

Sora's first handheld game was made for the GBA. so that counts for somthing. dont forget that snakes Creator BEGGED for snake to be in melee. but they were to far into production and he got put in Brawl.
1 handheld game should not mean he should be in.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
No like Dragon Quest.
Wasnt adressing you, if you'd like, I'll find every post you've ever done and try to shoot it down. Easy Smash Lord.

1 handheld game should not mean he should be in.
One handheld game gives him the chance to be in, and if Nintendo was smart, they'd try to take KH away from Sony as much as possible. They're already getting DQ and


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Thats sad, saying alot of Sonic games are on the GBA.... Sora has a history with Nintendo as well, as young as it is, it has a chance (and it will) to grow bigger, your slipping into del-boys arguments...
Yes he is what I won but you were very dumb to see why Sora should not be in and why he is very unlikely.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Yes he is what I won but you were very dumb to see why Sora should not be in and why he is very unlikely.
I've never said Sora -must- be in, Im trying to get people to see that he has more of a chance than a person that was less wanted than a Giant head. Why? because I think That Sora > A Giant water Drop with a :) Face on it.

Yourwelcome, I kept you from Triple Posting.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
The vast majority of KH fans exist on the Wii too, and your not the only person in the world, All the Casual peeps (There is such a thing as not on smashboards) wouldent truly care if sora was in, they might try him and like him. What Character do -you- have that Is so much better of a Choice? Okay. [sarcastic] so If evereyone loved sonic, and there was no Rivalry, he wouldent have gotten it. perfect. I understand now, Alright.. good No Sora in brawl [/sarcastic].
Sorry but no they don't I have a Wii and I am a KH fan but most of the people that have a Wii do play games like SMG so why would they be KH fans.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Sorry but no they don't I have a Wii and I am a KH fan but most of the people that have a Wii do play games like SMG so why would they be KH fans.
I didnt say KH fans like SMG I said that alot of KH fans have Wiis.. and its your own fault you dont have a Wii. your not supportive enough of the series you like.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
If we all picked characters because they had better chances, We'd all be idiots. Minority > Majority. end story.
How would be idiots because we know how likely they are or is it because that would mean no sora.

There no way to know whos in but by looking at chances we can get a good idear.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Wasnt adressing you, if you'd like, I'll find every post you've ever done and try to shoot it down. Easy Smash Lord.

One handheld game gives him the chance to be in, and if Nintendo was smart, they'd try to take KH away from Sony as much as possible. They're already getting DQ and
Yes it does but a very low chance and but Sora in brawl willl not get nintendo KH.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
How would be idiots because we know how likely they are or is it because that would mean no sora.

There no way to know whos in but by looking at chances we can get a good idear.
Okay, your not Idiots, your just unsuportive and dont think for yourself..

Your a KH fan, yet you dont Support Sora, because there are more likely characters.
and you pick the more likely characters because they're more likely.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
I've never said Sora -must- be in, Im trying to get people to see that he has more of a chance than a person that was less wanted than a Giant head. Why? because I think That Sora > A Giant water Drop with a :) Face on it.

Yourwelcome, I kept you from Triple Posting.
To be playable than yes but from being in the game no.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
I didnt say KH fans like SMG I said that alot of KH fans have Wiis.. and its your own fault you dont have a Wii. your not supportive enough of the series you like.
I have a wii got it the day after it came out but if SMG, LOZ:T and MP3 do not good then there will be very little KH fans.

Most KH are still on the ps2 waiting to see want they will buy.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Okay, your not Idiots, your just unsuportive and dont think for yourself..

Your a KH fan, yet you dont Support Sora, because there are more likely characters.
and you pick the more likely characters because they're more likely.
I do think for my self but if I put who I want on my roster when they are not likely it would be full of zelda and mario characters .


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
I dont see why you seem to think KH fans are Incapable of buying a Wii and enjoying games like SSBM.... oh.. and Learn to Not multipost.

Sora is alot more worthy than a friggin waterdrop, no matter howmany times more popular, or with how many times more games.

Kingdom Hearts would be a great thing to steal from Sony systems, and Nintendo would want to have better buisness than Sony, so if they wanted it, theyd add Sora in Brawl..

They already have DQ and FF. I dont see either of their games coming out for the PSP and only one or two FF games coming out for the PS3. All Nintendo needs is KH, Brawl can do that.

I do think for my self but if I put who I want on my roster when they are not likely it would be full of zelda and mario characters .
I dont see why your so against a character that isnt likely then.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Mt. Kafor
Yes, I agree with your statement. Nintendo should somehow steal Sora because Sony seems to not know what to do with him at the moment. Nintendo would use him often and cherish the character. Only as long as they don't compromise the "Sora" character and change him in a drastic measure. I would also love it if Nintendo stole the character 'Tomba'. Tomba had potential and I'd love for him to get the recognition that he deserved.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Yes, I agree with your statement. Nintendo should somehow steal Sora because Sony seems to not know what to do with him at the moment. Nintendo would use him often and cherish the character. Only as long as they don't compromise the "Sora" character and change him in a drastic measure. I would also love it if Nintendo stole the character 'Tomba'. Tomba had potential and I'd love for him to get the recognition that he deserved.
Never heard of Tomba : \ but thats what your talking about. so... heh. Yeah. Nintendo Is really screwing Sony, they have Guitar Hero, Final Fantasy, DQ, and a little KH, but they need moer! so seriously. Sora for Brawl.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Mt. Kafor
I figured that many users here have never heard of Tomba, seeing as he is rather unpopular. He was unpopular, but he mained two great games for the Playstation X. I would love for Nintendo to buy this character from Sony. This is just my own personal yearning.lol


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
I dont see why you seem to think KH fans are Incapable of buying a Wii and enjoying games like SSBM.... oh.. and Learn to Not multipost.

Sora is alot more worthy than a friggin waterdrop, no matter howmany times more popular, or with how many times more games.

Kingdom Hearts would be a great thing to steal from Sony systems, and Nintendo would want to have better buisness than Sony, so if they wanted it, theyd add Sora in Brawl..

They already have DQ and FF. I dont see either of their games coming out for the PSP and only one or two FF games coming out for the PS3. All Nintendo needs is KH, Brawl can do that.

I dont see why your so against a character that isnt likely then.
If Sora was n brawl it would not get nintendo KH games only on wii and ds. There about 4 FF games comeing out for the psp and 2 for the ps3.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Yes, I agree with your statement. Nintendo should somehow steal Sora because Sony seems to not know what to do with him at the moment. Nintendo would use him often and cherish the character. Only as long as they don't compromise the "Sora" character and change him in a drastic measure. I would also love it if Nintendo stole the character 'Tomba'. Tomba had potential and I'd love for him to get the recognition that he deserved.
That would not steal KH and it would not very well on the wii as at this the wii does not have many hardcore gamers.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 22, 2007
Mt. Kafor
I apologize, but I had trouble deciphering your statement. Are you implying that Sora finding a home on the Nintendo Wii would negatively effect sales? It is a possibility, but it is not likely to happen anyway as Disney would have a say in this character transition.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
I apologize, but I had trouble deciphering your statement. Are you implying that Sora finding a home on the Nintendo Wii would negatively effect sales? It is a possibility, but it is not likely to happen anyway as Disney would have a say in this character transition.
Yes as SMG, MP3 and LOZ:TP have not done all that well and there all hardcore games like KH so it would do better on the ps3 after it picks up with MGS4 and FF13.

The wii does not have many hardcore gamers.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Yes as SMG, MP3 and LOZ:TP have not done all that well and there all hardcore games like KH so it would do better on the ps3 after it picks up with MGS4 and FF13.

The wii does not have many hardcore gamers.

1. I dont see how the KH is a hardcore game....
2. If the Wii had KH3, it -would- have hardcore games. then it'd own all.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Since when was KH a hardcore game? It would steal KH better than letting KH3 be on the PS3..
Well it would be better on the ps3 as it could be alot long and have more worlds because of blu-ray.

KH was a haedcore game since wii sports, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, singer star and buzz came out.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Well it would be better on the ps3 as it could be alot long and have more worlds because of blu-ray.

KH was a haedcore game since wii sports, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, singer star and buzz came out.
depends of your definition or Hardcore.

my definition of Hardcore is SSB, its one of the few games you can continualy improve in.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007

1. I dont see how the KH is a hardcore game....
2. If the Wii had KH3, it -would- have hardcore games. then it'd own all.
Number 2 is a good point but most hardcore games will buy he wii as there 2nd console and hardcore games will not do as good untill games like Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing, Anubis II, Carnival Games and the other amount of crap are stoped make so people can only see the good games on the wii and not all this other crap.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Number 2 is a good point but most hardcore games will buy he wii as there 2nd console and hardcore games will not do as good untill games like Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing, Anubis II, Carnival Games and the other amount of crap are stoped make so people can only see the good games on the wii and not all this other crap.
Right. theres plenty of awesome games for the Wii, Hardcore or not. (Zomg I agreed with you)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
depends of your definition or Hardcore.

my definition of Hardcore is SSB, its one of the few games you can continualy improve in.
2 years I would have said you are right about that but now game have changed alot where games like GH3 and FPS(some FPS and hardcore) are normal and RPG, platformers and Action-adventure games are not.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
2 years I would have said you are right about that but now game have changed alot where games like GH3 and FPS(some FPS and hardcore) are normal and RPG, platformers and Action-adventure games are not.
Guitar Hero isnt normal, its a great game, and is sorta a flagship for interactive gaming, but it shouldent be the definition of normal gaming, although there are some Hardcore Guitarheroes.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Guitar Hero isnt normal, its a great game, and is sorta a flagship for interactive gaming, but it shouldent be the definition of normal gaming, although there are some Hardcore Guitarheroes.
Well it is normal now because it happening all the time now.

The Noob Legend

Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
Stephenville, NL, Canada
Haha, Guitar Hero is different gaming.
It still bugs me when people shout out in class or a dressing room..
"Hey Chris, I beat expert mode last night, yeah I own"

Sora, can he do it since the rumour was debunked?
Oct 12, 2007
1. We only need one Slime which is a star, and we have one. What's your point?

2. Nintendo put Roy to promote him. They won't put a third party for the purpose of making them more deserving of being in Brawl.

3. Personally, I think some bland character with a set of keys is a bit of a worse choice than a mascot which can use swords, staffs, magic, ride in a tank, etc.

4. It's NOT Nintendo's job to advertise hypothetical games. If they were going to advertise any games, why not - oh, I dunno... the more than half a dozen DQ games that have been or will be released for the DS and Wii? Slime can do 100% of the things Sora can do.

5. We can't assume this, though. The fact that KH fans might be on Wii doesn't mean we should assume it. There's no known market for KH.

And if you want a moveset for Slime...

B: Borg Slime - Puts on a robotic HMD and shoots a laser
Smash B: Blaze - Spits a ball of fire
Up B: Angel Slime - Flies into the air with angel wings
Down B: Burrow - Digs down into the ground and eventually pops up
Final Smash: King Slime - Transforms into a King Slime, a heavier, slower, and stronger character



Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
1. We only need one Slime which is a star, and we have one. What's your point?

2. Nintendo put Roy to promote him. They won't put a third party for the purpose of making them more deserving of being in Brawl.

3. Personally, I think some bland character with a set of keys is a bit of a worse choice than a mascot which can use swords, staffs, magic, ride in a tank, etc.

4. It's NOT Nintendo's job to advertise hypothetical games. If they were going to advertise any games, why not - oh, I dunno... the more than half a dozen DQ games that have been or will be released for the DS and Wii? Slime can do 100% of the things Sora can do.

5. We can't assume this, though. The fact that KH fans might be on Wii doesn't mean we should assume it. There's no known market for KH.

And if you want a moveset for Slime...

B: Borg Slime - Puts on a robotic HMD and shoots a laser
Smash B: Blaze - Spits a ball of fire
Up B: Angel Slime - Flies into the air with angel wings
Down B: Burrow - Digs down into the ground and eventually pops up
Final Smash: King Slime - Transforms into a King Slime, a heavier, slower, and stronger character

I didnt ask for a moveset, because I dont care for Slime. and you should atleast give alternate possibilities, mark killing moves, mark combo starters, and put in some better explinations.

DQ and Slime cant completely steal All of SEs top games from Sony systems.

Sora is far from a Bland character..... I'd give you a character history, but I dont want to give away any spoilers for you.

They wouldent put sora in to give him a chance in brawl, they'd put him in to

A. Screw Sony.
B. Get SE to make more games for them, so they could all be pimps with $$ and bling (lol)
C. Make the game wantable to evereyone? with Snake they got afew of the hardcore gamers that like MGS. With sonic they got alot of the general gaming population Including Little Kids., with Sora they could get the Teens of the world.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
I didnt ask for a moveset, because I dont care for Slime. and you should atleast give alternate possibilities, mark killing moves, mark combo starters, and put in some better explinations.

DQ and Slime cant completely steal All of SEs top games from Sony systems.

Sora is far from a Bland character..... I'd give you a character history, but I dont want to give away any spoilers for you.

They wouldent put sora in to give him a chance in brawl, they'd put him in to

A. Screw Sony.
B. Get SE to make more games for them, so they could all be pimps with $$ and bling (lol)
C. Make the game wantable to evereyone? with Snake they got afew of the hardcore gamers that like MGS. With sonic they got alot of the general gaming population Including Little Kids., with Sora they could get the Teens of the world.
Sorry but you fail so much.

1. Haveing Sora in would not make SE make more games for them.

2. Haveing some from DQ9or FF but it would not do they job as well) would make it sell better because he you seen how well DQ do in Japan about 15 times better the KH.

3. Haveing Sora in does not make KH games only on the ds and wii.

4.I like the KH games but Sora is bland character most of the time.

5.FF is more better for the Teens of the world as more teens play FF and I lot of teen would not play KH because it has Disney in it.

6.Sonic is wantable because poeple want to see who willl win out of sonic and mario, not to get kids to buy it.

7. The main FF will all ways be sony console unless nintendo make a wii 2 in the next 3 to 4 years.

8. Said they are going to support all next gen(now this gen) console as they do not want a console to be the winner by alot(this may not mean the 360 as well as it does very bad in japan and we more then likely only get multiplatform games from SE).

So you FAIL very bad


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Sorry but you fail so much.

1. Haveing Sora in would not make SE make more games for them.

2. Haveing some from DQ9or FF but it would not do they job as well) would make it sell better because he you seen how well DQ do in Japan about 15 times better the KH.

3. Haveing Sora in does not make KH games only on the ds and wii.

4.I like the KH games but Sora is bland character most of the time.

5.FF is more better for the Teens of the world as more teens play FF and I lot of teen would not play KH because it has Disney in it.

6.Sonic is wantable because poeple want to see who willl win out of sonic and mario, not to get kids to buy it.

7. The main FF will all ways be sony console unless nintendo make a wii 2 in the next 3 to 4 years.

8. Said they are going to support all next gen(now this gen) console as they do not want a console to be the winner by alot(this may not mean the 360 as well as it does very bad in japan and we more then likely only get multiplatform games from SE).

So you FAIL very bad
Its newyears. Im too lazy to come up with good counterarguments. I'll try again next year.
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