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Sora: A new perspective on why he might make it

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
it's impossible for a final fantasy character to join! WELL NOT IMPOSSIBLE but it has a more slim chance than any character! It's JUST LIKE SAYING SPONGEBOB IN BRAWL!!
Comparing one character to another generically impossible character is generally a weak argument.

As for My argument

1. Sora is a unique character, with options for a moveset and a final smash.

2. There is a certian popularity for him, but the nay-sayers seem to be louder, a lot louder.

3. Square Soft (Aka Square enix) have been on good terms with nintendo, there is really no reason to keep him out, business wise, as Samuri panda already stated.
Oct 12, 2007
1. Those movesets are Disney-based, which would require licensing.

2. Popularity OUTSIDE of the Nintendo fan-base.

3. There's no reason to keep Slime out, and the fact of the matter is that Slime is so extremely more Nintendo-oriented than Sora, it's not even a fair comparison.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
Tell me how the movesets are Disney based?

Sora is a better business move than a generic Slime. It would be taking one of the Playstation's highest selling franchises and bringing it to, possibly, the highest selling Wii game. Slime would just be, meh.

You give good arguements why Slime SHOULD be in Brawl, but do you honestly think he will?


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
I think that Sakuri is trying to come up with fighters to represent every type of game, First person shooter (Snake and Samus) Development (Pikman and Olimar) Mini game (Wario Ware) and RPG (Pokemon)
P.S. I know calling Pikman a development game is a stretch, but the sim city guy is an AT
Samus is not a FPS-character, remember Metroid for the NES(and the ones for SNES or GBA)?
And to people saying stuff about SE and Nintendo: Sora is owned by Disney, and Disney=EVIL
Still Sora would be cool, but I don't see happening.
Oct 12, 2007
1. Sora is Disney-based. He would either be based only on his FF-based moves, or they would have to license Disney-themed content from Sora. One of the most interesting gimmicks of Sora is that he has Disney inspired content.

2. Why do people say "generic Slime", pretending that his two starring roles never happened? You're pretty much saying that because you and a non-priority country don't like Slime much, he's unlikely. He's workable, he's popular, he fits all criterias, and Sora does a much, much worse job of fitting said criterias.

3. He has a better chance than Sora.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
1. Sora is Disney-based. He would either be based only on his FF-based moves, or they would have to license Disney-themed content from Sora. One of the most interesting gimmicks of Sora is that he has Disney inspired content.

2. Why do people say "generic Slime", pretending that his two starring roles never happened? You're pretty much saying that because you and a non-priority country don't like Slime much, he's unlikely. He's workable, he's popular, he fits all criterias, and Sora does a much, much worse job of fitting said criterias.

3. He has a better chance than Sora.
Its Called Diversity. If Sora Dosent do a good job of fitting into all criterias, Then neither does slime.

Sora Isnt Workable at all. theres no way they could make a moveset for him. no way in Cyberia.

Your dead on with the Sora not fitting into the "he's unlikely" Catagory though. Sora Is popular. Go up to people and say

"Have you heard of DragonQuest?" and "Have you heard of Kingdom Hearts"

and they'll probably say that they've heard of both (If your talking to somebody who plays quite a bit of PS2..)

Then ask them "Do you know who Sora is?" and "Do you know who Slime is?"

Make a video of yourself asking those questions to people, and show it.

Sora is a much more memorable name than Slime.

Which one would you want to be called? :p

# 3 Isnt Biased beyond argument in any way.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
I uh.. Wouldn't mind Sora in. I only really liked the first Kingdom Hearts.. And Chain of Memories was an interesting idea, ended up getting to the last boss even though I didn't like it that much.. Guess it hooked me...

Oct 12, 2007
Its Called Diversity. If Sora Dosent do a good job of fitting into all criterias, Then neither does slime.

Sora Isnt Workable at all. theres no way they could make a moveset for him. no way in Cyberia.

Your dead on with the Sora not fitting into the "he's unlikely" Catagory though. Sora Is popular. Go up to people and say

"Have you heard of DragonQuest?" and "Have you heard of Kingdom Hearts"

and they'll probably say that they've heard of both (If your talking to somebody who plays quite a bit of PS2..)

Then ask them "Do you know who Sora is?" and "Do you know who Slime is?"

Make a video of yourself asking those questions to people, and show it.

Sora is a much more memorable name than Slime.

Which one would you want to be called? :p

# 3 Isnt Biased beyond argument in any way.
1. Um, yes, he does. I state that as fact, because it is.

2. Yes, if I ask people in Planet America, I might get that response.

3. Right - the one most common element in the entire Dragon Quest series versus a character in three games, which as it would appear are not as popular as Dragon Quest - DQ has never been less popular than KH. Slime is the mascot of DQ. You can't play DQ and not know what a Slime is. Are you calling DQ unmemorable now?

4. You seriously like to twist truth to make it seem like Sora is more popular. Yes, who woulda thunkit that if you went to North America, which happens to be the worst market for DQ and best market for KH, about the franchises, we'd get better response for KH. But of course, you won't ask in Europe, where DQ is bigger than KH, or in Japan, where DQ is indisputably bigger than KH, because it would ruin your theory. If anyone is the mascot of KH, it's Mickey, simply because Mickey is the mascot of Disney everything. However, the mascot for DQ is Slime, and Slime is immediately recognizable by anyone who played DQ for ten minutes. Without Disney licensing, Sora would have the moveset of Black Mage. What point would there be in having a character whose gimmick wouldn't be worth implementing?
Oct 12, 2007
How come the Ape Escape music composer is credited under the list of musicians in Brawl?

They didn't reveal the composer for Sonic before announcing him. The fact that they revealed the KH music composer before any KH character is confirmed probably HURTS him more than helps.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
How come the Ape Escape music composer is credited under the list of musicians in Brawl?

They didn't reveal the composer for Sonic before announcing him. The fact that they revealed the KH music composer before any KH character is confirmed probably HURTS him more than helps.
Its a weak reason. I'll admit it. but the fact that somthing gets mentioned seems to raise peoples chances. (Ridley, Knuckles, ect, ect.) Or.. Atleast makes people think they have better chances.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
uh, who's slime anyway?

Thank you.

You do realize that you are the only person in the entire SWF that believes Slime will be in brawl, while Sora has tons of supporters.

Was Slime on Sakurai's poll? Would Slime be a good business move against other 3rd gen consoles? Is Sora a generic character? No. No. No.

Just because Slime had a spin-off game doesnt make him less generic. Chocobos had a spin-off game.

Sora has tons more FF and other type moves besides Disney moves. Most of his Disney moves were summons anyway.
Oct 12, 2007
1. Knuckles has no chance...

2. ...The first enemy in every Dragon Quest game ever made.

Let me guess, your next response is, "what's Dragon Quest?"

3. Thank you? Wow, have you ever looked at a map of the world (and no, despite your narrow viewpoint, America is NOT the world). You act like you made a point by saying "someone who lives in America not knowing what Slime is proves that no one, not even people in Japan where DQ is incredibly popular, know him".


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
1. Knuckles has no chance...

2. ...The first enemy in every Dragon Quest game ever made.

Let me guess, your next response is, "what's Dragon Quest?"

3. Thank you? Wow, have you ever looked at a map of the world (and no, despite your narrow viewpoint, America is NOT the world). You act like you made a point by saying "someone who lives in America not knowing what Slime is proves that no one, not even people in Japan where DQ is incredibly popular, know him".
Same goes for Sora in japan. Amazingly, Japanese people can like -more- than one thing. its amazing.

The Great Tama

Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008


Disney can use him outside of KH without asking permission from SE ( The KH phone games) , but SE has to ask Disney permission to use Sora.
They don't co-own Sora? That Valor form Sora is badass, that needs to be his regular outfit, heh.

1. Sora is Disney-based. He would either be based only on his FF-based moves, or they would have to license Disney-themed content from Sora. One of the most interesting gimmicks of Sora is that he has Disney inspired content.

2. Why do people say "generic Slime", pretending that his two starring roles never happened? You're pretty much saying that because you and a non-priority country don't like Slime much, he's unlikely. He's workable, he's popular, he fits all criterias, and Sora does a much, much worse job of fitting said criterias.

3. He has a better chance than Sora.
Yeah, Kingdom Hearts revolves around Disney. They would need much Disney content in Brawl to make it actually BE "Kingdom Hearts". So it is kinda complicated.

Kingdom Hearts icon?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
They don't co-own Sora? That Valor form Sora is badass, that needs to be his regular outfit, heh.

Yeah, Kingdom Hearts revolves around Disney. They would need much Disney content in Brawl to make it actually BE "Kingdom Hearts". So it is kinda complicated.

Kingdom Hearts icon?

Sora Support: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=132528 (No Flame/Troll/Argument here!)

Sora's Inclusion Argument: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=3697870&posted=1#post3697870

Just trying to keep the two threads seprate. And KH Symbol would be Sora's Necklace (The Crown) or the KH <3. And WTF With the Pikmen logo, that didnt even show up in a game (As Far as I know)


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
You don't seem to get this.

Slime= Sorta Popular in Japan (DQ is what's popular, I wouldn't say Slime himself)
Sora= Popular in Japan, the US, and Europe

That is all.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
All original characters and material in KH are owned by Disney, only FF characters belong to SE.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
True, but its different with 3rd party characters.

Why would Sakurai seek to get a generic character that is only popular in Japan, while he can get a completely original character thats popular on 3 different continents?
I imagine Slime is fairly popular in afew sterotyped groups. but Lead Character (Playable Character in main story) > Main Character (A Very Important character in the game, but not the character thats the Star.)

All original characters and material in KH are owned by Disney, only FF characters belong to SE.
Who the characters Belong to dosent really matter, Its only a phone call and a meeting away. No matter who you get.
Oct 12, 2007
1. Oh. My. God. At what point is Slime "sorta popular" in Japan?

Besides the games themselves, he's the most heavily promoted product related to the DQ series. You are clearly 100% unobjective, and refuse to even acknowledge that the mascot of a franchise that looks down on KH from its throne. KH, at no point in its history, could even suggest that it could ever catch a glimpse of DQ's success. DQ's spin-off, DQ Monsters, is bigger in Japan than KH is (DQ Monsters Joker for the DS sold 1.7 million copies over the span of four months, compared to Kingdom Hearts II's 1 million). See, it's not actually me discrediting Sora's popularity anywhere, it's you trying to brush Japan to the side whenever you discuss popularity.

You don't care for Slime much at all, at no point can you give an objective perspective on the success. But I can - and just because I point out the fact that Slime is a cultural icon in gaming in Japan doesn't mean it's my opinion.

2. And you seem to ignore that DQVIII sold 1.2 million copies outside of Japan, meaning that it went from DQVII being a bomb to DQVIII being a million selling game. Do you realize that DQVIII is the first DQ game ever released in Europe, and it managed to sell 600,000 there? Considering KH has FF and Disney appeal, the fact that it outsold it in those regions doesn't even matter. We've already got a character that is not popular to Japanese audiences (Sonic), and a character with popularity in both.

3. And yet, I must reiterate that no matter the popularity, Sora's popularity exists OUTSIDE of Nintendo. So why would Nintendo go through all the licensing issues with Disney to get this character, and in all likelihood, several other characters? SSBB will not have any Disney-oriented characters in it (aka, characters from Disney cartoons), because of the rule of having to be a Disney character to get in. Which means that if Sora was included, nothing of his moveset could hint at anything Disney. Almost every character in the game would be inapplicable - the whole attraction in KH is the Disney element, so what would be the point if he would lack the Disney element?

4. Um, okay? That hasn't been established, ever. The fact that no pcs in Brawl establish that this character can get in is because there is no better choice that is the mascot of the series. They are either the mascot or don't have one. Slime is the most recognizable anything in DQ. That is fact. Like, we can establish this easier than we can establish that the theory of gravity is true.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
1. Oh. My. God. At what point is Slime "sorta popular" in Japan?

Besides the games themselves, he's the most heavily promoted product related to the DQ series. You are clearly 100% unobjective, and refuse to even acknowledge that the mascot of a franchise that looks down on KH from its throne. KH, at no point in its history, could even suggest that it could ever catch a glimpse of DQ's success. DQ's spin-off, DQ Monsters, is bigger in Japan than KH is (DQ Monsters Joker for the DS sold 1.7 million copies over the span of four months, compared to Kingdom Hearts II's 1 million). See, it's not actually me discrediting Sora's popularity anywhere, it's you trying to brush Japan to the side whenever you discuss popularity.

You don't care for Slime much at all, at no point can you give an objective perspective on the success. But I can - and just because I point out the fact that Slime is a cultural icon in gaming in Japan doesn't mean it's my opinion.

2. And you seem to ignore that DQVIII sold 1.2 million copies outside of Japan, meaning that it went from DQVII being a bomb to DQVIII being a million selling game. Do you realize that DQVIII is the first DQ game ever released in Europe, and it managed to sell 600,000 there? Considering KH has FF and Disney appeal, the fact that it outsold it in those regions doesn't even matter. We've already got a character that is not popular to Japanese audiences (Sonic), and a character with popularity in both.

3. And yet, I must reiterate that no matter the popularity, Sora's popularity exists OUTSIDE of Nintendo. So why would Nintendo go through all the licensing issues with Disney to get this character, and in all likelihood, several other characters? SSBB will not have any Disney-oriented characters in it (aka, characters from Disney cartoons), because of the rule of having to be a Disney character to get in. Which means that if Sora was included, nothing of his moveset could hint at anything Disney. Almost every character in the game would be inapplicable - the whole attraction in KH is the Disney element, so what would be the point if he would lack the Disney element?

4. Um, okay? That hasn't been established, ever. The fact that no pcs in Brawl establish that this character can get in is because there is no better choice that is the mascot of the series. They are either the mascot or don't have one. Slime is the most recognizable anything in DQ. That is fact. Like, we can establish this easier than we can establish that the theory of gravity is true.
1. I happen to be a fan of Slime. I have a Slime controller for my PS2, so you can't say I'm "unobjective". I have never ignored DQ's success in Japan, in fact I out right said DQ and Slime are popular in Japan, but you just seem to ignore the fact that Sora is popular in 3 different continents.

2. Ok, DQ sells well, so does KH. Sales mean nothing. And just because Sonic's games weren't very well received lately, doesn't make him unpopular. KH has a ton of original characters that have nothing to do with FF or Disney, ie: Roxas, Riku, Kairi, Axel, and Organization XIII

3. The fact that Sora's popularity is mainly in PS2 strengthens his chances. Bringing one of the PS2's most famous characters to one of Nintendo's best games is a great business move. Snake's most famous games were on the PS2 so this argument fails.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
1. Oh. My. God. At what point is Slime "sorta popular" in Japan?

Besides the games themselves, he's the most heavily promoted product related to the DQ series. You are clearly 100% unobjective, and refuse to even acknowledge that the mascot of a franchise that looks down on KH from its throne. KH, at no point in its history, could even suggest that it could ever catch a glimpse of DQ's success. DQ's spin-off, DQ Monsters, is bigger in Japan than KH is (DQ Monsters Joker for the DS sold 1.7 million copies over the span of four months, compared to Kingdom Hearts II's 1 million). See, it's not actually me discrediting Sora's popularity anywhere, it's you trying to brush Japan to the side whenever you discuss popularity.

You don't care for Slime much at all, at no point can you give an objective perspective on the success. But I can - and just because I point out the fact that Slime is a cultural icon in gaming in Japan doesn't mean it's my opinion.

2. And you seem to ignore that DQVIII sold 1.2 million copies outside of Japan, meaning that it went from DQVII being a bomb to DQVIII being a million selling game. Do you realize that DQVIII is the first DQ game ever released in Europe, and it managed to sell 600,000 there? Considering KH has FF and Disney appeal, the fact that it outsold it in those regions doesn't even matter. We've already got a character that is not popular to Japanese audiences (Sonic), and a character with popularity in both.

3. And yet, I must reiterate that no matter the popularity, Sora's popularity exists OUTSIDE of Nintendo. So why would Nintendo go through all the licensing issues with Disney to get this character, and in all likelihood, several other characters? SSBB will not have any Disney-oriented characters in it (aka, characters from Disney cartoons), because of the rule of having to be a Disney character to get in. Which means that if Sora was included, nothing of his moveset could hint at anything Disney. Almost every character in the game would be inapplicable - the whole attraction in KH is the Disney element, so what would be the point if he would lack the Disney element?

4. Um, okay? That hasn't been established, ever. The fact that no pcs in Brawl establish that this character can get in is because there is no better choice that is the mascot of the series. They are either the mascot or don't have one. Slime is the most recognizable anything in DQ. That is fact. Like, we can establish this easier than we can establish that the theory of gravity is true.


1."never catch a glimpse of Dq's success" sounds bias to me.

2.Look, they both sold over a million copies, thery're really popular games, but why does it matter that we have to have X characters popular from one nation, and y chars. from another?

3.The awnser that nintendo would do that would be: good buisiness, money $.

4. I don't know what DQ is, or who slime is; but I do know one thing: gravity is a law, not a theroy.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
Still DQ sucks(boring, akira toriyama generic characters in every game, random battles lasted 20 min in the last one, etc).
Also Snake's games were for the MSX, NES and PS1(this one is the famous one).
MGS2 was great, and 3 too, but his fame comes from MGS.
@ Superninjabreadman: I don't believe Disney would "lend" rights, they're too greedy, if they weren't Sora would be owned by SE like he should.
Oct 12, 2007
1. Biased? Facts can't be biased. KH worldwide didn't outsell DQVII.

2. DQ is more important to Nintendo. Like, on a scale of 1-10, KH is a 3 in importance, DQ is an 81. The fact of the matter is that no matter how popular KH is, this popularity does not exist on Nintendo consoles for the most part!

3. Um, hello? They gave Sakurai just a wee bit of creative control. If Sakurai wasn't able to make Sora with the single gimmick that makes him unique, I doubt he'd even bother. Do you realize that they couldn't even mention Donald or Goofy without violating Disney's copyright on the characters? If Sakurai was going to pick from two successful characters, why would he skip a character with popularity that's almost exclusive to Nintendo for a character whose popularity is almost exclusive to Sony, a character who would be absolutely difficult to work around all of the licensing and legal troubles with including him?

4. It is a theory. People theorize that gravity exists. The law of gravity is that something IS holding us down, but no one has ever proven what it is. People theorize what it is.

5. Um, hello? The most recent DQ game lacks random battles. Oh, and I doubt that the immense fanbase would agree with you on that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
1. Biased? Facts can't be biased. KH worldwide didn't outsell DQVII.

2. DQ is more important to Nintendo. Like, on a scale of 1-10, KH is a 3 in importance, DQ is an 81. The fact of the matter is that no matter how popular KH is, this popularity does not exist on Nintendo consoles for the most part!

3. Um, hello? They gave Sakurai just a wee bit of creative control. If Sakurai wasn't able to make Sora with the single gimmick that makes him unique, I doubt he'd even bother. Do you realize that they couldn't even mention Donald or Goofy without violating Disney's copyright on the characters? If Sakurai was going to pick from two successful characters, why would he skip a character with popularity that's almost exclusive to Nintendo for a character whose popularity is almost exclusive to Sony, a character who would be absolutely difficult to work around all of the licensing and legal troubles with including him?

4. It is a theory. People theorize that gravity exists. The law of gravity is that something IS holding us down, but no one has ever proven what it is. People theorize what it is.

5. Um, hello? The most recent DQ game lacks random battles. Oh, and I doubt that the
immense fanbase would agree with you on that.
3: Try jumping up and down right now. What pulls you back?
Gravity is a force that is created by mass. We just don't know How It's created. There is nowhere you can go where there is mass around where there is not gravity.

2: 89% of statistics are made up. We don't know what sakuri will choose.

1: Well, it didn't obliterate KH from existance, as you make it sound. And who knows, KH might be more suited for the audience Sakuri is looking for.
Oct 12, 2007
Was that directed at me, cause you seemed to ignore many of my points, just restating what you have already said?
You seem to be ignoring my previous statements.

Sora's popularity lies with Sony fans.

The majority of KH's cast would require waaay too much licensing.

Sora's primary gimmick is Disney characters - so basically, he would be represented with FF moves above all else, and the only real SSE reps could be Riku, Kairi, and Ansem. He wouldn't be able to switch to his Disney-themed costumes, he wouldn't be able to use summons, he wouldn't have Donald or Goofy, he would basically not resemble his real self at all.

And as for Sonic, HIS GAMES BOMBED IN JAPAN. When was the last time a Sonic game broke 100k in Japan?

3: Try jumping up and down right now. What pulls you back?
Gravity is a force that is created by mass. We just don't know How It's created. There is nowhere you can go where there is mass around where there is not gravity.

2: 89% of statistics are made up. We don't know what sakuri will choose.

1: Well, it didn't obliterate KH from existance, as you make it sound. And who knows, KH might be more suited for the audience Sakuri is looking for.
1. Gravity is a theory because we cannot PROVE it exists. There is nothing provingthat what pulls me back is gravity. For all we know, there could be invisible skin magnets below us.

2. Why would it be? Sora doesn't fill a third party niche that Sonic or Snake doesn't fill - realistic, cool with teenagers. None of the characters mentioned above have the power of Slime. Slime is a character that appeals to a wide demographic. Oh, and PS: Unless Sakurai is looking for a Sony fanbase, Sora won't do anything. Also, may I ask why you are even debating with someone who's played every KH game and most DQ games when you don't even really know DQ at all and are just making snap judgments about DQ's "actual" popularity?

3. To the guy who seems to hate DQ: Snake had one of his first games on the NES. A remake on the GBC. And a GameCube remake developed by Silicon Knights and published by Nintendo, with supervision from them as well. Did they do that much with KH? The most they did was publish it in North America, which they do with most of SE's games on the GBA.

The Noob Legend

Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
Stephenville, NL, Canada
You seem to be ignoring my previous statements.

Sora's popularity lies with Sony fans.

The majority of KH's cast would require waaay too much licensing.

Sora's primary gimmick is Disney characters - so basically, he would be represented with FF moves above all else, and the only real SSE reps could be Riku, Kairi, and Ansem. He wouldn't be able to switch to his Disney-themed costumes, he wouldn't be able to use summons, he wouldn't have Donald or Goofy, he would basically not resemble his real self at all.

And as for Sonic, HIS GAMES BOMBED IN JAPAN. When was the last time a Sonic game broke 100k in Japan?
That underlined part.
Did you realize that Sakurai was aiming for popular characters more outside Japan?
And that is besides the point, he is still an icon, no matter how many copies sold in one specific region.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Pop Star
That underlined part.
Did you realize that Sakurai was aiming for popular characters more outside Japan?
And that is besides the point, he is still an icon, no matter how many copies sold in one specific region.
I think Sonic needs to go back to side scroller, but we're getting off topic
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