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Sora: A new perspective on why he might make it

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Oct 12, 2007
That underlined part.
Did you realize that Sakurai was aiming for popular characters more outside Japan?
And that is besides the point, he is still an icon, no matter how many copies sold in one specific region.
At what point does Sakurai not want to aim at characters popular in Japan mostly?

He never said that. Like, you would die of old age before you ever found that quote.

Sonic doesn't appeal to Japan at all. Not. At. All. At least Slime has appeal in North America - it wouldn't be the first time a character from a Japanese series appeared in Smash Bros., and the idea that he wouldn't include Slime because he'd want to promote stuff that appeals to a broad audience is ludicrous, because Sonic simply does not appeal to a broad audience - it does not appeal to Japan.

If Sonic can get in, why can't Slime?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
You seem to be ignoring my previous statements.

Sora's popularity lies with Sony fans.

The majority of KH's cast would require waaay too much licensing.

Sora's primary gimmick is Disney characters - so basically, he would be represented with FF moves above all else, and the only real SSE reps could be Riku, Kairi, and Ansem. He wouldn't be able to switch to his Disney-themed costumes, he wouldn't be able to use summons, he wouldn't have Donald or Goofy, he would basically not resemble his real self at all.

And as for Sonic, HIS GAMES BOMBED IN JAPAN. When was the last time a Sonic game broke 100k in Japan?
The Kingdom Hearts story can function perfectly well without most of the FF and Disney characters, The whole story is based on a large cast of KH only characters and a completely original story. Sora's movesets aren't Disney gimmicky at all. He could easily not use summons, since they wouldn't work well in Smash anyway. He has a whole arsenal of melee moves original to the KH series. He knows FF magic moves, but who says a character having thunder powers is liscensed by SE? Sora's Disney themed costumes wouldn't work in Smash anyway, a mermaid and a lion cub, no. Sora could work fine without Donald and Goofy, in fact, they barely helped at all in KH. In CoM, Sora fights alone, using Disney and FF characters only if completely needed.

@ Sonic: Sales mean nothing. Sonic is an iconic video game character throughout the whole world. He is possibly the most famous video character next to Mario and maybe Pac-man.
Oct 12, 2007
The Kingdom Hearts story can function perfectly well without most of the FF and Disney characters, The whole story is based on a large cast of KH only characters and a completely original story. Sora's movesets aren't Disney gimmicky at all. He could easily not use summons, since they wouldn't work well in Smash anyway. He has a whole arsenal of melee moves original to the KH series. He knows FF magic moves, but who says a character having thunder powers is liscensed by SE? Sora's Disney themed costumes wouldn't work in Smash anyway, a mermaid and a lion cub, no. Sora could work fine without Donald and Goofy, in fact, they barely helped at all in KH. In CoM, Sora fights alone, using Disney and FF characters only if completely needed.

@ Sonic: Sales mean nothing. Sonic is an iconic video game character throughout the whole world. He is possibly the most famous video character next to Mario and maybe Pac-man.
1. But why would Sakurai want a character that he basically has to sidestep around to make sure he avoids the plethora of Disney references? Sora would be a boring character whose only interesting content would be moves from the FF series. To sum it up - most of the things he does and most of the characters he interacts with couldn't even be alluded to.

2. Ha-ha. No. Link is bigger than Sonic. Pikachu is bigger than Sonic. Donkey Kong is bigger than Sonic. And the point still stands that Sonic is more or less a dead franchise in Japan, so no matter how popular he used to be, he's not popular there anymore and doesn't appeal to a Japanese audience.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
1. But why would Sakurai want a character that he basically has to sidestep around to make sure he avoids the plethora of Disney references? Sora would be a boring character whose only interesting content would be moves from the FF series. To sum it up - most of the things he does and most of the characters he interacts with couldn't even be alluded to.

2. Ha-ha. No. Link is bigger than Sonic. Pikachu is bigger than Sonic. Donkey Kong is bigger than Sonic. And the point still stands that Sonic is more or less a dead franchise in Japan, so no matter how popular he used to be, he's not popular there anymore and doesn't appeal to a Japanese audience.
Ok, for you to say that Sonic is NOT a video game idol shows your ignorance. I'm not even going to bother debating you and your naiveness anymore.
Oct 12, 2007
1. Or, you just don't have a counter argument.

2. I never said "he's not a video game idol". I said they are bigger ones.

3. However, being a video game idol at one time in Japan does NOT make you one now. Sonic hasn't been significant since the Genesis to Japan (Japan was also the weakest market for the Genesis). Saturn was probably the biggest failure they've ever made in Japan, and the Dreamcast just got screwed up because of it. Japan has always had the smallest fanbase for Sonic, always,.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
1. Or, you just don't have a counter argument.

2. I never said "he's not a video game idol". I said they are bigger ones.

3. However, being a video game idol at one time in Japan does NOT make you one now. Sonic hasn't been significant since the Genesis to Japan (Japan was also the weakest market for the Genesis). Saturn was probably the biggest failure they've ever made in Japan, and the Dreamcast just got screwed up because of it. Japan has always had the smallest fanbase for Sonic, always,.
Just because your status currently doesn't take away your video game idolatry. Mario will always be a video game idol. Pacman will always be a video game idol. Sonic will always be a video game idol.

PS: I knew i saw you somewhere else, your the guy who always trolls the Sonic and Geno threads. Goodbye.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
By random battles I meant regular, non-boss battles.
And saying "Slime 4 brawl"="Goomba 4 brawl".
lol on that gravity argument, gravity is not theory, it's what makes stuff attract each other based on their mass. And if there were tiny magnets that would mean that electrical charges would be moving around stuff creating magnetic fields strong enough to pull us down, would that mean...
Q: If I had a giant magnet I would stick to it?
Oct 12, 2007
1. Um, yes, it does. Sonic was only SOMEWHAT popular in Japan, and that's all he EVER was.

2. Um? I've never been in a Sonic thread.

3. The latest DQ game did not have random battles.

4. Goomba is the mascot of the Mario series? And has multiple starring roles? And is the most common anything in the Mario series? I did NOT know that.

5. We cannot prove that. That's why it's a THEORY. It is a fact that we live, it is a theory as to what holds us down. No one has proven for fact that gravity works the way they believe it to. They believe in it because there's strong evidence to support it, but most sciences are based on theories, not declared facts.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
KH was epic, but it definitely isn't the greatest video game story.
EDIT: I clarified the random battle thing on my last post.
Oct 12, 2007
Does that phase me? No.

But the fact that you get so offended with my saying that Sora is highly unlikely shows that you're probably gayer than spring time in San Fransisco.

EDIT: And to note, I must say I'm proud of you, seeing as how only someone far too ******** to operate anything more complicated than their fists would use "ur gay" as an insult.

Matt Silver

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2007
In a world where there is no Sakurai. Only Link...
Does that phase me? No.

But the fact that you get so offended with my saying that Sora is highly unlikely shows that you're probably gayer than spring time in San Fransisco.

EDIT: And to note, I must say I'm proud of you, seeing as how only someone far too ******** to operate anything more complicated than their fists would use "ur gay" as an insult.
Don't you have some wierd friends in the real world you can annoy?

Anyway, I'm all for Sora, even though chances are slim IMO.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
Sora's awesome but he has almost no chance, so stop arguing over it, it won't change anything.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Oct 12, 2007
And if you meant that I was using it as an insult... wrong.

I was turning a phrase. His over-defensive stance and calling me "gay" for something so minuscule opened him up for "I define you as gay".


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
And if you meant that I was using it as an insult... wrong.

I was turning a phrase. His over-defensive stance and calling me "gay" for something so minuscule opened him up for "I define you as gay".
Really? Because to me it read like a slightly more well worded "no, UR gay" response.

Though, in general, I agree with your point. "Gay" is about the least offensive "insult" you can call someone.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Calling someone "gay" is an immature and slightly ******** insult though. It is just so 7th grade. Know what I mean?
I do indeed. Regardless of whatever anyone actually thinks about gay people, "gay" itself just doesn't have the right edge to it to make a good insult. Why use "gay" when "c*nt" has so much more bite to it?

Whatever. Sora for Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
1. Gravity is a theory because we cannot PROVE it exists. There is nothing provingthat what pulls me back is gravity. For all we know, there could be invisible skin magnets below us.

And the stupid award goes to: A Link To the Snitch.

Look, a Hypothisis is an educated prediction of how something would act if under certian curcumstancis.

A theory is the same as a hypothisis, just more popular and has no evidence to go against it, but it still hasn't been proven in every single senerio.

A law is something that we have proven in EVERY CASE. For gravity, It's called, the law of univerial gravitation.

Trust me, you're up against a physics nerd here that's a grade level ahead in his science (and math).

Back on topic.

Now if you had played a kingdom hearts game in your life, then you would realize that Sora has character development, and doesn't rely on "gimmicks". I was acctually turned off the the KH games because of the diseny characters, but then I tried it and it seemed pretty good.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
What do you mean by gimmicks?
And I already tried explaining gravity to him, he just said "lol theory, it hasn't been proved" yet again.
Oct 12, 2007
My God, just because you've researched this does not mean that it's been proven for fact, that it would be 100% impossible for this to not be true.

Most science is theory, you pseudo-intellectual.

Looking at Wikipedia, the word "theory" is used constantly, including the "theory of gravitation". In an episode of MythBusters, they're discussing gravitation and eventually they say that "well, I suppose gravity IS a theory".

You may think you're absolutely right, but I want you to provide me with something besides its popular usage to show that it is a fact.

And Sora doesn't rely on gimmicks? Yeah, I guess even though the entire game is built on its relation with Disney characters means nothing. Take away Disney and Sora has FF moves.

The fact remains that the licensing issues don't validate appealing to a fanbase that exists primarily on Sony consoles. You either can never even hint at anything that originated from Disney material, or buy the rights to those and break his rule of "vg originating characters only". Slime has none of those problems - in fact, he has all of the advantages that Sora lacks. His fanbase is primarily located with Nintendo, no licensing issues at all, a more well-known face - and you know what? Sonic has never been more iconic in Japan than Slime.

By the way, checked out the "Newton's law of universal gravitation" article on Wikipedia.

Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation is a physical law describing the gravitational attraction between bodies with mass. It is a part of classical mechanics and was first formulated in Newton's work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687. In modern language it states the following:

See that magic word, "theory"?

I don't pretend to know much about science. But if there's one thing I know, which you seem to not know, it's that most sciences are based mostly on theory, and that includes this one.

For a physics geek, you don't seem to gravitate to logic.

Really? Because to me it read like a slightly more well worded "no, UR gay" response.

Though, in general, I agree with your point. "Gay" is about the least offensive "insult" you can call someone.
The whole point is that I said it to insult him, not gays.

However, his insult was simply derogatory, and in an attempt to insult me, it implies that being gay is bad to be.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
My God, just because you've researched this does not mean that it's been proven for fact, that it would be 100% impossible for this to not be true.

Most science is theory, you pseudo-intellectual.

Looking at Wikipedia, the word "theory" is used constantly, including the "theory of gravitation". In an episode of MythBusters, they're discussing gravitation and eventually they say that "well, I suppose gravity IS a theory".

You may think you're absolutely right, but I want you to provide me with something besides its popular usage to show that it is a fact.

And Sora doesn't rely on gimmicks? Yeah, I guess even though the entire game is built on its relation with Disney characters means nothing. Take away Disney and Sora has FF moves.

The fact remains that the licensing issues don't validate appealing to a fanbase that exists primarily on Sony consoles. You either can never even hint at anything that originated from Disney material, or buy the rights to those and break his rule of "vg originating characters only". Slime has none of those problems - in fact, he has all of the advantages that Sora lacks. His fanbase is primarily located with Nintendo, no licensing issues at all, a more well-known face - and you know what? Sonic has never been more iconic in Japan than Slime.

By the way, checked out the "Newton's law of universal gravitation" article on Wikipedia.

Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation is a physical law describing the gravitational attraction between bodies with mass. It is a part of classical mechanics and was first formulated in Newton's work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687. In modern language it states the following:

See that magic word, "theory"?

I don't pretend to know much about science. But if there's one thing I know, which you seem to not know, it's that most sciences are based mostly on theory, and that includes this one.

For a physics geek, you don't seem to gravitate to logic.

The whole point is that I said it to insult him, not gays.

However, his insult was simply derogatory, and in an attempt to insult me, it implies that being gay is bad to be.
Physical LAW, his theory describes a LAW.
Read your copy/paste arguments before posting.
And yeah that guy calling you gay was inmature and lacked vocabulary, as there are tons of words that describe you better.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
I never said that I was completely right, you're just convinced all of smashboards is out to get you.

By citing the source on wikipedia, you undermined your whole argument. ANYONE can change wikipedia, that is why it probably has theory written all over it.


"Scientific Law: This is a statement of fact meant to explain, in concise terms, an action or set of actions. It is generally accepted to be true and univseral, and can sometimes be expressed in terms of a single mathematical equation. Scientific laws are similar to mathematical postulates. They don’t really need any complex external proofs; they are accepted at face value based upon the fact that they have always been observed to be true. "----http://wilstar.com/theories.htm

"Theory: A theory is more like a scientific law than a hypothesis. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers. One scientist cannot create a theory; he can only create a hypothesis. "

"The fact remains that the licensing issues don't validate appealing to a fanbase that exists primarily on Sony consoles. You either can never even hint at anything that originated from Disney material, or buy the rights to those and break his rule of "vg originating characters only". Slime has none of those problems - in fact, he has all of the advantages that Sora lacks. His fanbase is primarily located with Nintendo, no licensing issues at all, a more well-known face - and you know what? Sonic has never been more iconic in Japan than Slime."
So? there would be more potential money made when appealing to outside fanbases. Ex:One kid will realize that Sora's in brawl, tell all his freinds, and his freinds might get a wii, after that the word spreads and otherwise PS3 users will start to use a wii.

Yes, most science is theory. I never said anything against that; I merely pointed out that gravity is a law, and it is.
Oct 12, 2007
I'm sure anything you can call me, I would probably be able to one-up you.

For instance, you might call me an idiot, but because of your almost child-like stupidity, you're an inept ******.

You might call me a loser, but because of your worthlessness, you are probably some worthless, suicidal 13 year old.


Please, don't try anything that might get you hurt.

But on the subject of gravitation, there's a reason why it's described as being a theory. From Wiktionary: "(countable) (sciences) A coherent statement or set of statements that attempts to explain observed phenomena." The definition of theory. Newton's law of gravitation, by the fact that it's described as a theory, it's an "attempt to explain observed phenomena". If Newton's law can be both a physical law and merely an "attempt to explain observed phenomena", then physical law must not mean what you believe it to mean.

I never said that I was completely right, you're just convinced all of smashboards is out to get you.

By citing the source on wikipedia, you undermined your whole argument. ANYONE can change wikipedia, that is why it probably has theory written all over it.


"Scientific Law: This is a statement of fact meant to explain, in concise terms, an action or set of actions. It is generally accepted to be true and univseral, and can sometimes be expressed in terms of a single mathematical equation. Scientific laws are similar to mathematical postulates. They don’t really need any complex external proofs; they are accepted at face value based upon the fact that they have always been observed to be true. "----http://wilstar.com/theories.htm

"Theory: A theory is more like a scientific law than a hypothesis. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers. One scientist cannot create a theory; he can only create a hypothesis. "

So? there would be more potential money made when appealing to outside fanbases. Ex:One kid will realize that Sora's in brawl, tell all his freinds, and his freinds might get a wii, after that the word spreads and otherwise PS3 users will start to use a wii.

Yes, most science is theory. I never said anything against that; I merely pointed out that gravity is a law, and it is.
1. Wikipedia is sourced. Hell, there was a report that Wikipedia is, on average, as reliable for science-related articles as Encyclopedia Brittanica is. The fact is that vandalism is extremely low on math and science articles, and even when it is vandalized, the lack of it makes it easier to fix. Do you think physics nerds are off editing the List of Kirby characters instead of this? The fact of the matter is that you can build a scientific law with proof, but it doesn't make it fact.

2. So instead of appealing to a fanbase that exists with Nintendo, he's going to appeal to Sony fans? Might as well get the rights to the ape from Ape Escape. The lack of a Nintendo fanbase, the surplus of licensing issues

3. I have yet to see a single thing proving that gravity cannot NOT exist.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
I'm sure anything you can call me, I would probably be able to one-up you.

For instance, you might call me an idiot, but because of your almost child-like stupidity, you're an inept ******.

You might call me a loser, but because of your worthlessness, you are probably some worthless, suicidal 13 year old.
A little irony there? look who's talking. . .

But on the subject of gravitation, there's a reason why it's described as being a theory. From Wiktionary: "(countable) (sciences) A coherent statement or set of statements that attempts to explain observed phenomena." The definition of theory. Newton's law of gravitation, by the fact that it's described as a theory, it's an "attempt to explain observed phenomena". If Newton's law can be both a physical law and merely an "attempt to explain observed phenomena", then physical law must not mean what you believe it to mean.
Ok, I'm done arguing with gravity at this point, if you want to go in your bubble thinking that gravity is a theory: go ahead.


"Some scientific laws, or laws of nature, include the law of gravity, Newton's laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, Boyle's law of gases, the law of conservation of mass and energy, and Hook’s law of elasticity. "
----- http://wilstar.com/theories.htm
Oct 12, 2007
A little irony there? look who's talking. . .

Ok, I'm done arguing with gravity at this point, if you want to go in your bubble thinking that gravity is a theory: go ahead.


"Some scientific laws, or laws of nature, include the law of gravity, Newton's laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, Boyle's law of gases, the law of conservation of mass and energy, and Hook’s law of elasticity. "
----- http://wilstar.com/theories.htm
Do you forget what irony is? Irony is certainly not opposites. But seeing as how you wish you could be more than some 12 year old geek wannabe.

A scientific law is not a fact. The fact of the matter is that you misunderstand what is. It's a scientific law because it has a documented history of successful repetitions and extension to new conditions. For all we know, the very next thing they do with gravity could turn it on its head.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
15 year old nerd.
Geeks want to be nerds, because nerds are smarter.


Anyway, reasons that people tend to lash out at other people, is usually caused by internal confict. I'll leave it at that.
Oct 12, 2007
15 year old nerd.
Geeks want to be nerds, because nerds are smarter.


Anyway, reasons that people tend to lash out at other people, is usually caused by internal confict. I'll leave it at that.
That would explain why you really don't understand much.

Like I stated already, scientific law can be debunked.
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