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Sora: A new perspective on why he might make it

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
Temporary. Soon to be replaced by a zombie-proof
I'm really surprised theres so much debate over Sora. He is graphically fitting for brawl as it is, with multiple outfits already available. He uses the keyblade, it isn't a key and it isn't a sword. It's a blunt weapon, the only other blunt weapon we have is a hammer. Sora uses fire, blizzard, thunder, etc magic. He also has an incredible slew of different techniques that he uses when fighting with his keyblade. You could give him a very basic moveset and it would still be unique. Aside from the fact that Sora is owned by Square and Disney, I can't think of a single thing that could prevent him from being in the game.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
I'm really surprised theres so much debate over Sora. He is graphically fitting for brawl as it is, with multiple outfits already available. He uses the keyblade, it isn't a key and it isn't a sword. It's a blunt weapon, the only other blunt weapon we have is a hammer. Sora uses fire, blizzard, thunder, etc magic. He also has an incredible slew of different techniques that he uses when fighting with his keyblade. You could give him a very basic moveset and it would still be unique. Aside from the fact that Sora is owned by Square and Disney, I can't think of a single thing that could prevent him from being in the game.
The fact that "He hasent Done much" for nintendo apparently.. but last time I checked. Sakurai works for Sora ltd. (lol.) and none of these Characters in Brawl have done -anything- for them.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
The fact that "He hasent Done much" for nintendo apparently.. but last time I checked. Sakurai works for Sora ltd. (lol.) and none of these Characters in Brawl have done -anything- for them.
not to go against you or anything, because i want Sora in as much as anyone but it can be sais that sora ltd. works for nintendo right now to go against your arguement.. but Sora and Sora ltd both have sora in it thats has to have some bonus points lol


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
just because he hasn't done much yet it doesn't mean he isn't able to. Roy was put into Melee to promote the game and gain popularity. Sora if put into brawl could recruit fans and pave the way for future KH/Nintendo Projects.
Roy was in the Game before his game came out... I think I heard that somewhere.. So..... Thanks for your help Rex :)

Why are there two Sora threads roaming around the first page?
What the Dragon said, that and Im posting every other post.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
just because he hasn't done much yet it doesn't mean he isn't able to. Roy was put into Melee to promote the game and gain popularity. Sora if put into brawl could recruit fans and pave the way for future KH/Nintendo Projects.
The reson is Sora has not done much for nintendo but has done alot for for Sony and for promote someone from DQ would be better for that becuase it does not have alot for fan outside of japan so would help it outside of japan alot more.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
The reson is Sora has not done much for nintendo but has done alot for for Sony and for promote someone from DQ would be better for that becuase it does not have alot for fan outside of japan so would help it outside of japan alot more.
Sorry. your argument is dead. roy was popular, but haddent done much for nintendo. It can be the same for Sora. and nobody had even heard of FE in the east.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Sorry. your argument is dead. roy was popular, but haddent done much for nintendo. It can be the same for Sora. and nobody had even heard of FE in the east.
It could but when there are SE rep that have done alot for nintendo that argument does not work.

Also want your say would work a hell of alot better for someone from dragon quest as no one in the rest of the world has head of it and has done alot more for nintendo then KH.

dragon quest=the best advertising SE can get to help it sell better in the rest of the world


Now the argument is dead and we all now know that sora should not and will not be in brawl.

Edit: Roy was not popularyou fail even more.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
but sora fits in so much better than dragon quest characters. The dragon quest characters don't have the graphic similarity, or unique weapons and style for them to be valuable additions...
1. Alot people what cel link and someone from DQ would look cel like WW link so they would fit very good. Also Mr. GaW had a different graphic style and he was one of the best fitting
characters in there.

2. Out of all the wepson in DQ game they could have a even more unique moveset then Sora.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
I don't know a alot about either franchise, so just being the odd one out, I'd say to rather have Sora in than DQ.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
I don't know a alot about either franchise, so just being the odd one out, I'd say to rather have Sora in than DQ.
All you need to no is KH has done little for nintendo went FF and DQ have done alot for nintendo.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
All you need to no is KH has done little for nintendo went FF and DQ have done alot for nintendo.
You act as if Sakurai himself said "Oh, and I'm not adding any third party character unless they were somehow vital to Nintendo's growth."

This "importance to Nintendo" crap is completely fanmade, so I don't think you can use that as a legitimate reason against Sora. I can understand why YOU, personally, may not want Sora in Brawl for that reason, but it's not some kind of rule that hinders Sora's inclusion.
Oct 12, 2007
Why would Sakurai say that a character whose fanbase is mostly Sony console owners should be in over someone from a franchise almost 20 years old, from a Nintendo system, with dozens of games in its series, and most games in the series appearing on Nintendo consoles?

Their importance to Nintendo does, in fact, matter. People agree with that until it ruins the chances for their character. Why would he set up any guidelines to include a third party character if it didn't matter?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
You act as if Sakurai himself said "Oh, and I'm not adding any third party character unless they were somehow vital to Nintendo's growth."

This "importance to Nintendo" crap is completely fanmade, so I don't think you can use that as a legitimate reason against Sora. I can understand why YOU, personally, may not want Sora in Brawl for that reason, but it's not some kind of rule that hinders Sora's inclusion.
It does make him very unlikely to be in and I like KH but I am not that dumb to think he will be playable.

It is ok to want Sora in brawl but to thing he is likely is just dumb.

Edit: There is not thing say he will not be in but there are a hell of alot of thing say he should not.

And it can be used legitimate reason against Sora as it is ture but there is no legitimate reason for sora to be in brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 30, 2007
You act as if Sakurai himself said "Oh, and I'm not adding any third party character unless they were somehow vital to Nintendo's growth."

This "importance to Nintendo" crap is completely fanmade, so I don't think you can use that as a legitimate reason against Sora. I can understand why YOU, personally, may not want Sora in Brawl for that reason, but it's not some kind of rule that hinders Sora's inclusion.
Thank you, I've been waiting for someone to say that before I was going to say it myself.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Shouldn't the two Sora threads merge somehow?
Noooooooooooooooo. My thread is For moveset/AT/Bosses/stuff. I'd rather have it so that we can disscus there, and argue here. It keeps alot of the flaming to a minimal, and it keeps us from looking like R.I.D.L.E.Y

It could but when there are SE rep that have done alot for nintendo that argument does not work.

Also want your say would work a hell of alot better for someone from dragon quest as no one in the rest of the world has head of it and has done alot more for nintendo then KH.

dragon quest=the best advertising SE can get to help it sell better in the rest of the world


Now the argument is dead and we all now know that sora should not and will not be in brawl.

Edit: Roy was not popularyou fail even more.
um... Roy and Marths inclusion in SSBM practacly brought FE to the USA. Roy wasent important to Nintendo back then. and there was a million FE characters that went in before him. but he got in because he -could- be popular.

And sorry dude. your argument is dead.

KH has the chance to do things for Nintendo. and Sakurai has atleast noticed that.

Learn to use diffrent FAIL pics. and make sure its spelt PHAIL.
Oct 12, 2007
I doubt Sakurai would put him in to promote a potential shift in the KH series. I think he'd be much more inclined to promote something that actually IS with Nintendo almost exclusively.
Oct 12, 2007
Snake was put in for reasons that Sora wouldn't be put in for, on top of the fact that one of his earliest games was on the NES, on top of the fact that Nintendo published MGSTTS for the Cube.

Sonic has a considerably larger fanbase on Nintendo systems (how many Sonic games sell more than 2 million on PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, or Xbox? Well, one Sonic game did do that on the Cube), and one of his most well-known traits is that he had a rivalry with Mario.

And Sora is comparable to those how?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Snake was put in for reasons that Sora wouldn't be put in for, on top of the fact that one of his earliest games was on the NES, on top of the fact that Nintendo published MGSTTS for the Cube.

Sonic has a considerably larger fanbase on Nintendo systems (how many Sonic games sell more than 2 million on PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, or Xbox? Well, one Sonic game did do that on the Cube), and one of his most well-known traits is that he had a rivalry with Mario.

And Sora is comparable to those how?
He's third party and his name starts with "S" and he has blue somewhere on him.

Sora's first handheld game was made for the GBA. so that counts for somthing. dont forget that snakes Creator BEGGED for snake to be in melee. but they were to far into production and he got put in Brawl.
Oct 12, 2007
Having your first handheld game appear on the only reasonable choice for a handheld isn't an accomplishment.

And I didn't forget that. But it doesn't negate Snake's history with Nintendo, which contributed to his inclusion. Sakurai's not going to just up and throw anyone that someone begs for in.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Having your first handheld game appear on the only reasonable choice for a handheld isn't an accomplishment.

And I didn't forget that. But it doesn't negate Snake's history with Nintendo, which contributed to his inclusion. Sakurai's not going to just up and throw anyone that someone begs for in.
Thats sad, saying alot of Sonic games are on the GBA.... Sora has a history with Nintendo as well, as young as it is, it has a chance (and it will) to grow bigger, your slipping into del-boys arguments...
Oct 12, 2007
Wow, a history of one game. That's amazing.

And a sequel which doesn't even feature Sora so far.

Being on GBA doesn't hurt Sonic at all, I don't know why you're even using an argument like that. However, it doesn't help Sora that SE put KHCoM on the GBA instead of the N-Gage. Sonic is on handhelds and consoles, and is successful on both. His Nintendo console fanbase is much, much bigger than the Xbox and PlayStation console fanbases. Sonic got in for his rivalry with Mario (Hell, the video shows Sonic and Mario battling - that's no coincidence), and for his success on Nintendo consoles. Sora can't get in for those reasons.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Wow, a history of one game. That's amazing.

And a sequel which doesn't even feature Sora so far.

Being on GBA doesn't hurt Sonic at all, I don't know why you're even using an argument like that. However, it doesn't help Sora that SE put KHCoM on the GBA instead of the N-Gage. Sonic is on handhelds and consoles, and is successful on both. His Nintendo console fanbase is much, much bigger than the Xbox and PlayStation console fanbases. Sonic got in for his rivalry with Mario (Hell, the video shows Sonic and Mario battling - that's no coincidence), and for his success on Nintendo consoles. Sora can't get in for those reasons.


Sora has outsold Sonic games. : \ Sonic and Mario battle.. because theyre in afew of the same games. big deal. they've been around longer. Sorry Kingdom Hearts wasent thought of sooner. you cant Compare Popularity for someone whos been around since PS2 and someone whos been around since the NES. it dosent work.

Fanbase is Fanbase. it dosent matter the console, If I saw a good game for The X-box that was sonic. I'd get it. not because I like Nintendo Sonic games better, it makes no cents. (lol)
Sonic got in because he was a highly wanted Character, not just because he had raced mario in the olympics... :O

358/2 days stars Sora. in a way. so that fails.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2007
Probably brawling
Snake also doesnt use guns because theyd be broken. Smash bros obviously has a T rating, so no need for it to appeal to children. I do agree he has a good, but not great chance of getting in, though I dont think, with Sora in, any more people would buy the game than without. Megaman is nice for retro, despite losing popularity gamewise. I stand pretty much neutral on anybody's inclusion in brawl, since ill buy the game anyway.
Oct 12, 2007
On that list, it says shipped for KH. And for Sonic, it's sold. In the US. 1.6 million in the US is incredible sales. If Sonic didn't have its rivalry (and it WAS a rivalry) and wasn't popular on Nintendo consoles, he wouldn't have gotten in.

And yes, we can. If Sora didn't get relevance to Nintendo because he wasn't on it sooner, well, that's too bad. Are we giving pity support to Sora now because he lacks a good reason to pick him over a more well-known and popular character from a more well-known and popular game because of him not coming out earlier, and not on a Nintendo console?

And Sonic was wanted by a Nintendo fanbase.

The vast majority of KH fans exist off of the Wii, so what KH fanbase is calling for Sora?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
On that list, it says shipped for KH. And for Sonic, it's sold. In the US. 1.6 million in the US is incredible sales. If Sonic didn't have its rivalry (and it WAS a rivalry) and wasn't popular on Nintendo consoles, he wouldn't have gotten in.

And yes, we can. If Sora didn't get relevance to Nintendo because he wasn't on it sooner, well, that's too bad. Are we giving pity support to Sora now because he lacks a good reason to pick him over a more well-known and popular character from a more well-known and popular game because of him not coming out earlier, and not on a Nintendo console?

And Sonic was wanted by a Nintendo fanbase.

The vast majority of KH fans exist off of the Wii, so what KH fanbase is calling for Sora?
The vast majority of KH fans exist on the Wii too, and your not the only person in the world, All the Casual peeps (There is such a thing as not on smashboards) wouldent truly care if sora was in, they might try him and like him. What Character do -you- have that Is so much better of a Choice? Okay. [sarcastic] so If evereyone loved sonic, and there was no Rivalry, he wouldent have gotten it. perfect. I understand now, Alright.. good No Sora in brawl [/sarcastic].
Oct 12, 2007
Slime, who's been the mascot of a franchise which is decades old, and currently features every upcoming game on the DS or Wii?

Bomberman, who has three upcoming games for the Wii and DS, and from a developer who is very close to Nintendo?

Rayman, who is the star of a franchise popular among Nintendo fans, especially the new Raving Rabbids games which were huge Rayman AND Wii games, on top of being a good English gaming rep?

There is no KH Wii fanbase until a KH Wii game comes out. Why? Well, hint - how do we find this info out? We can't. Until KH comes to Wii, we can't know that a fanbase exists there.

And your statement seems to imply that Sonic got in for reasons other than his close connections to Nintendo. The whole Sonic beating up Mario in his trailer leaves little to the imagination when considering why Sakurai included him.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Sheik Slaying.
Slime, who's been the mascot of a franchise which is decades old, and currently features every upcoming game on the DS or Wii?

Bomberman, who has three upcoming games for the Wii and DS, and from a developer who is very close to Nintendo?

Rayman, who is the star of a franchise popular among Nintendo fans, especially the new Raving Rabbids games which were huge Rayman AND Wii games, on top of being a good English gaming rep?

There is no KH Wii fanbase until a KH Wii game comes out. Why? Well, hint - how do we find this info out? We can't. Until KH comes to Wii, we can't know that a fanbase exists there.

And your statement seems to imply that Sonic got in for reasons other than his close connections to Nintendo. The whole Sonic beating up Mario in his trailer leaves little to the imagination when considering why Sakurai included him.
Bomberman only throws Bombs... Easiest moveset ever.

Rayman I think is just retarted, the Rabbits have more of a chance.

and Slime is... Slime.. they are just sorta.... not.. the main characters... (alot of them)

I dont do random reasearch them, their games, and their history with nintendo to try to prove that they arent, becuase its impossible. Heck, I dont even bother in their threads.. So right now, Im wondering why your even here.
Oct 12, 2007
Roy was from NINTENDO.

You can't say that an unimportant Nintendo character being in Melee lets an unimportant third party in.

And Slime is the mascot of DQ, and has two games starring him.
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