You people can't be serious....
"Live and Learn"/ "City escape"/ "His world"???
Seriously if music that's massively repetitive, simple, homogenized, and basically mainstream power-punk garbage, is what your hoping for i dunno man...end of the world is coming or something....
I mean really, you can not possibly compare the music from sonic's jump to 3-d to his classic 2-d when his music was flippin crazy, youd play the game and feel like crystal meth was pouring into your ears... im hearing you all say "yeah sonic and secret rings is money and the music was tight"
that was some straight up metal wannabe mountain dew advertisement music it makes me crazy how so many people are indulging in the brunt of all of this bad music when there is solid gold in sonic 1 2 3 and knuckles and cd. i mean ill give in and say some of the ambience background music was ok in adventure but seriously....sonic and the secret rings? you might as well tell sonic to wear tight leather pants and stuff his crotch and play a flying v guitar but only use 3 chords....learn your music kids
Mad props to CodeBLACK for keeping it real
sorry for the rant but its weighing heavy on my heart, here's sonics chance to come back strong and youre all scising his worst stuff... lets break the cycle please