Sonic Boom.
At first I was open the idea of a new alternative canon, with a world of new possibilities.
But after info started rolling in, I started disliking the idea in general.
Doesn't help that the designs are flat out TERRIBLE. Everything I hated about the modern Sonic design was exagerated in Boom.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg for me. I find Lyric completely generic, the cartoon not having "episodic" episodes, 15 minutes long, and not taking themselves seriously at all, already killed it for me. (There's not taking a plot seriously, and there's Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog-like not taking it seriously, Boom TV is the latter).
The 3DS game looks like just another slow metroidvania (with little speed sections here and there). And Wii U looks like a subpar Jak & Daxter with Sonic characters in it, + Sonic Dash segments.
Now with Shadow (no sports take whatsoever... did they suddenly change their minds about it?) and Metal Sonic (apparently fulfilling the exact same role as Eggman?) in the game, I can confirm they are trying way too hard to get people to like the game.
I am a HUGE Metal Sonic fan, and his inclusion didn't persuade me a bit. But I'm glad he's popular enough to be considered for present Sonic projects.
I don't blame them for trying too hard, and I'm probably being way too hard on the whole thing, but if I am, there is only one conclusion.
I'm definitely not the target audience for this Sonic product.

Maybe I'm too old, or maybe I just MISS my speedy, boost-less, 2D, momentum-based platformers way too much.
But this project has gone in the exact opposite direction of what made me love Sonic in 1991, and recaptured my love in 2000 with Sonic Advance.
But best of luck to those who are interested in it, hope it fulfills your expectations!
(p.s. there aren't that many great shows on TV lately, so I might give the TV show a chance).