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Sonic The Hedgehog Mafia - Who lives happily ever after in the Land of the Sky?


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Xiivi has been online for a while, since before night even started obviously. It doesn't take a lot to churn out a new day favor. All he has to do is make a plain vote count, and post a video of the person that died. Day started at 11:48pm. Whether or not UTD was lying or not, he had a night action. Either his one shot doc ability (which should have been used last night since it was the last night of the game, unless we do a no lynch today wtf?) or if he turns out to be the final scum with a night action. UTD was online until the earlier half of the 10 o clock hour, and he hasn't been online since. If UTD had the only night action of the game left, that means Xiivi would have started the day period of the game much earlier, likely in the 10 o clock hour, not 11:48pm. This means that there is one other night action in the game.
You can't be serious about this. Let's assume I'm scum and I'm the only one with a Night Action. Ok I sent it in at 10pm. Xiivi does NOT have to start the next Day immediately. He can wait however long he wants up until the deadline. I really hope you didn't base your vote off of meta clues like this.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
You can't be serious about this. Let's assume I'm scum and I'm the only one with a Night Action. Ok I sent it in at 10pm. Xiivi does NOT have to start the next Day immediately. He can wait however long he wants up until the deadline. I really hope you didn't base your vote off of meta clues like this.
It's just one of my reasons among many in that post. And it does make sense imo.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Why would Xiivi randomly start the game like 2 hours or so after Night had just started? He obviously did it once he got all the night actions in...


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Well I'm just saying, if I were modding a game, especially this one with very few players left, then I'd be very careful about meta data.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Gordito isn't even interested in catching scum at this point, and it completely shows by him not voting me. He is more interested in himself appearing to be more townie than actually trying to catch scum. Has he even made a case at all today?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
It's a pride thing, Chibo... I don't know when I'll get over it, but I hate taking orders, and it feels like you're trying to force me into voting you. So, I'm not gonna at this point :p.

I'm not interested in catching scum? Umm, buddy, I feel that I've caught scum in you and made my points, to which you have weak arguments. At this point, you're trying to make a case on me, and I'm not gonna sit here and let you have a case on me, potentially losing the game for town. Soooooooo... what the hell are you talking about?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Gordito, you haven't done a single bit of scum hunting today in the game. You have done nothing but be on the defensive and refuse to vote even though you or me have to be scum. You are too busy trying to appear to be town than to try and catch scum.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Gordito, I honestly don't see why you aren't voting Chibo.

Here are all you're options

1. Vote UTDZac
2. Vote No Lynch
3. Vote Chibo

You shouldn't choose #1 because I'm guaranteed not scum. If I was scum, I could have already won by voting for your lynch then NKing Chibo.

You shouldn't choose #2 because we are in lylo. If you choose this option then Chibo and I will both vote for you and kill you off.

You should choose #3 because it's the only option left. What reason is there to not vote now? Unless... of course... you can't vote.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
What the f*** scumhunting is left to do? You've set yourself up on the offense, you've set me up on the defense. I have a case on you, and am convinced you're scum.

Oh, by the way, I know I don't look any more or less pro town by not you, okay? So drop that s***. You're getting annoying.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Yes =)

Now the fun part is to wait until September 19, 2010 11:58PM EST and flip a coin.

As Chibo put it: "I like those odds"


In all seriousness, I'm stuck atm on how I want to scum hunt. I don't think there is a legitimate amount of scum hunting / discussion that can be done in 6 days. I'm gonna try and play something out for a bit then post later.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Gordito, I have read all of your posts from Day 5 two to three times and you haven't made a single case in the game today, yet you've said multiple times you have laid your case.

On the contrary for you being scum I have:
(all post numbers have links to the posts)

Meta Reasoning (Post 535)

Discussing your claim of town princess (Post 535)
Backed up with UTD believing the same thing (Post 546)

Caught you in a lie when
I said you were on SWF during the 11 o clock hour during Night 4 (Post 535)
You claimed it was because you left your computer on at home when you were at the mall (Post 540)
I said that is a lie because you actually posted on SWF in the 11 o clock hour (Post 542)
To which your explanation was that you did it from your iPhone (Post 543)
Which proves you were on SWF then, despite more or less saying before that you weren't

You had continued to not vote for me for absolutely no reason (outside of trying to seem as townie as possible?) when me or you yourself had to be scum.

You initially wouldn't answer UTD's question for no particular reason (Post 548)

You say we need to work together to find scum (scumhunting), yet you have done no scumhunting at all (Post 543)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Now the fun part is to wait until September 19, 2010 11:58PM EST and flip a coin.

In all seriousness, I'm stuck atm on how I want to scum hunt. I don't think there is a legitimate amount of scum hunting / discussion that can be done in 6 days. I'm gonna try and play something out for a bit then post later.
At first part: whaaat? please tell me you dont need over 6 more days to decide lol

At second part: good lol


I really can't think of what else to post about Gordito unless he slips up even further. I have completely exhausted my case multiple times lol


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for September 19, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It takes 2/3 to lynch!

Day 5 Vote Count 2:
GorditoBoy69: vVv ChiboSempai (
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: GorditoBoy69 (
Not Voting: UTDZac (

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm thinking about it now and I just can't wrap my head around the possibility of there being a town princess in the same game as a mafia supersaint...

What if the supersaint was hammered by the town princess

princess dies (town)
townie gets night killed
next day skipped
townie gets night killed

3 scum auto dying more or less for a single scum kill in a 9 v 3 game is ridiculous
not to mention the lack of good town PRs


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I've seen worse. Recall FFIV mafia, -4 players, so bad =(

What were the names of you two guys' characters? I know this is unrelated, I just forgot. Buying time >>

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
This day has almost been 4 days now and you still haven't made a case. Why haven't you yet already?

"We gots us some time?" Why are you stalling?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I wanted to finish up Community Mafia. It was going hella fast.

I've gotta do some homework. After that, I'll build up my case.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I personally don't mind waiting. You two already know which one is scum and which is the last townie. I'm a patient guy, I can wait out the whole Day xD. I'm sure Xiivi hates me, but hey, this is the first where I've been one of the last alive.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay. So yea, Chibo helped find scum. And Chibo's a smart guy. But the facts are still against him. Rockin's case shined a light in my face. And even though Rockin flipped scum, I don't think we should ignore what was said.

You were very avid about the Kirby lynch. Him being here for a while, you probably know better than me that he's not good as scum at all. So, in order to look pro town, you bussed the horrible scum player that he is. You probably didn't wanna do the same for Rockin until it was necessary. You were under quite a bit of heat going into the Day. And god knows that youre a smart guy. You could easily pull a case on Rockin out of ur a**, and it'll look convincing. A reasoning as to why you'd bus your scummate in lylo? Cuz you were gonna get lynched from previous activity, and it'd make you look super pro town. Unfortunately for you, I'm not convinced.

And one more thing. It's kind of repeatitive, but your freakin D3 activity. YOU POSTED FOUR TIMES. In fact, let's take a look at ur full D3 activity.

I asked Xiivi for confirmation earlier on the whole role and name correlation and it's all random, meaning any name can be any role, making it useless to think if a player is scum or town based on the character they are.

So yea, name claims are more or less useless. We also know now that mafia don't have safe claims name wise, but do have safe role claims. Kirbyo claimed the same character he was, but not his role. And commuter had to have been a safe claim given to him, he wouldn't have thought to claim that on his own.
Here, you basically state what was said in the OP. A way to not get prodded and still lurk, maybe.

Will be posting on this tomorrow, been catching up on work before I leave for MLG Raleigh and haven't had much time to read mafia
You'll be posting tomorrow? You said this on 8/25, and your next post

Ok I'm back and reading now from wherever I left off
was on 8/31. LURKING.

Sooooo down for a Swords lynch

Vote Swords

He's still jumping on easy cases it seems and even though it could be seen as wifomy, he says he thinks scum was on the kirbyo lynch and he conveniently wasn't. the way he went about it really makes me think he's using it as an excuse to lynch someone and not look at him as he went about it somewhat abruptly and is voting UTD because of it. Someone presented the question and he took it on his own to vote UTD based off of it which doesn't really make sense without much discussion.

Let's face it, whenever Kirbyo is scum it's very easy to bus him as other scum because of how poorly he plays as scum. The same thing happened in MXC Mafia. However kirbyo didn't do anything blatantly obvious in this game to get him lynched like he did with the meta read in the MXC EC1. The lynch was still kind of haphazard and I don't think it's conclusive to say that scum was or was not on it, however I'm leaning towards I'm not. I know I'm not scum of course yada yada yada, and if anyone else wants a reason to think so, I had been gunning for kirbyo since day 1, and specifically tried to get people to switch from tiger woods to kirbyo as I was picking up subtle reads on him from the start. im also a little less inclined to believe utd is scum atm from what happened at the very beginning of the game with him voting the innocent child lol. it obv obv obv doesn't clear him but it puts me slightly more towards the ok side atm.

despite there being little content from what I had to catch up on, I don't see anyone else being the play today. SwordsRgone
Swoopin in for an easy lynch.

How can you NOT be scummier than me? I think I can speak for both me and Zac when I say that the scum is pinned.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Gordito, what do you think of Chibo's quick votes beginning of Day 4 and Day 5? He votes so quickly, no FoS, no asking questions, just votes even though he knows we are potentially in lylo.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

You were very avid about the Kirby lynch. Him being here for a while, you probably know better than me that he's not good as scum at all.
I meant the following as you being in Dgames for a while, and me being relatively new.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I think it's moronic and dangerous as hell. He has the balls (being scum) to quickly vote, cuz he knows that a counter vote won't get him lynched.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
This is the entire case?

Also how is being inactive one day a scumtell when I was fine for the rest of the game? Did you stop to consider I had other things to attend to in life which is why I was just as inactive during that period in ff7 mafia and bioware? During Day 3 in this game I had to deal with finals for college, trip to MLG Raleigh, among other things.

It doesn't matter how poor of a scum play Kirbyo is, I wouldn't bus him off the bat like that, it's ridiculous to think I would. And to do it again in lylo to Rockin? Also neither of us were under much heat, though you claim I was.

Also, we didn't know for sure if we were in lylo yesterday. In fact, you should have thought there was only a 2 person scum team considering your role of town princess, as 3 scum (including supersaint) + town princess is incredibly unbalanced, it would have to be 2 scum if there was a town princess.

And lol about swords. I get blamed for pushing the lynch on every scum found in the game thus far, and yet I have one mislynch by accident I was a part of and I'm the bad guy. Weren't you on the lynch as well for swords? I forget but I thought you were.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
And because I haven't exhausted out enough of a case on Gordito it seems...
I'll post even more.

Tiger lynch Day 1

Tiger claims and 14 minutes later Gordito posts:

I hate to be the hammer, but I guess I skipped that post :p. Sorry Nix.

Vote: TigerWoods
Quick one liner hammer post with no discussion of his claim.

Swords hammer... this one is hilarious

Now Gordito just got done saying about how scummy I am from my Day 3 activity. But what about what Gordito thought of me at the end of day 3?

After I make my post putting Swords at L-1 Gordito swoops in for the hammer again:

Well, there's nothing much else to do today but get us down to one scum...

Vote: SwordsRBroken

Chibo, I never really thought you were scum.
And he specifically stated that he didn't think I was scum after my inactive play on Day 3 lol

Case and point, Gordito quick one line hammered all townies thus far, didn't vote Kirbyo, and delayed voting Rockin so hard until "it was unanimous for everyone to want to lynch him."

So along with my first post voting him this day giving off solid meta reasoning, reasoning behind his fake claim of Town Princess, much more throughout the day, here's even more reasoning. Quick one liner hammers on townies without discussion, doesn't go to lynch scum. He did a quick 180 on his opinion of me from thinking I was town at the end of day 3, to now citing my day 3 play makes me scum.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
This is the entire case?
That's moreorless getting into detail about my case. You know where I stand and why. It's been said all Day. That's just a more in depth look.

Also how is being inactive one day a scumtell when I was fine for the rest of the game? Did you stop to consider I had other things to attend to in life which is why I was just as inactive during that period in ff7 mafia and bioware? During Day 3 in this game I had to deal with finals for college, trip to MLG Raleigh, among other things.
One day, or one Day? It just so happens to be the day that you WEREN'T bussing one of your scummates all day on D3., and toDay, where you really need to pray that Zac doesn't vote for you.

It doesn't matter how poor of a scum play Kirbyo is, I wouldn't bus him off the bat like that, it's ridiculous to think I would. And to do it again in lylo to Rockin? Also neither of us were under much heat, though you claim I was.
Out of me, Rockin, Sir Bed, Zac, and you, going into Day 3 you probably had the most heat, cuz of your inactivity D3. Don't try to say you didn't.

Also, we didn't know for sure if we were in lylo yesterday. In fact, you should have thought there was only a 2 person scum team considering your role of town princess, as 3 scum (including supersaint) + town princess is incredibly unbalanced, it would have to be 2 scum if there was a town princess.
It's always safer to assume the worst. That way you're prepared.

And lol about swords. I get blamed for pushing the lynch on every scum found in the game thus far, and yet I have one mislynch by accident I was a part of and I'm the bad guy. Weren't you on the lynch as well for swords? I forget but I thought you were.
I was on the lynch, but I didn't pop out of nowhere, parrot the evidence provided, and hammer. There's a difference.

This Day really isn't going anywhere at this point. @Zac, how long are you planning on waiting for that decision?
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