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Sonic The Hedgehog Mafia - Who lives happily ever after in the Land of the Sky?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Are you kidding me? If there's two scum it's lylo and there is a crossvote without the game ending.

It means one of us two is scum and it means one of the two of us SHOULD be lynched.

That is how lylo and crossvoting work.

So, if I read correctly, it's up to me, Sir Bed, and Zac to determine who of the two of you are scum.

Am I right?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I take it you have never been in a lylo crossvote situation before...

That's IF there are 2 scum left. If it's one left then it's a little different, even moreso if the town princess is a true role here.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Just hear me out.

A scum Chibo and a scum Rockin can be crossvoting eachother. The one who survives basically has a badge that says pro town. You don't think that makes any sense at all? You don't think that'd be a smart plan at ALL?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
No Gordito, that's not really a feasible plan. Neither of us were in particularly any heat going into this day, if there was two scum left it would make much more sense to work a case onto one of the other three players to end the game and win today.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Actually, you were a bit of heat going into the Day. Not too much, but some.

But I guess I get what you're saying.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for September 11, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It takes 3/5 to lynch!

Day 4 Vote Count 1:
GorditoBoy69: (0)
Rockin: vVv ChiboSempai (
Sir Bedevere: (0)
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: Rockin (
Not Voting: GorditoBoy69, Sir Bedevere, UTDZac (


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York

Town Pirncess. Here's a basic summary of what it is (cuz im too lazy to go to mafiawiki lol)

I'm a beloved princess. If I get lynched, then that means 3 town vs 1 scum. Night kill, that leaves 2 town vs 1 scum, which would usually be lylo. YOU GUYS "ATTEND MY FUNERAL" DURING THE DAY, which means NOTHING happens during Day 5. Night 5 happens, and an NK occours, leaving 1 townie vs 1 scum, which means scum wins.

This is how I see it:

I think you're very pro town, Zac. You only seem to say things that can solely benefit town. But question: Why haven't you used your protect ability? Is it just a one time use?

Sir Bed has to be town in my book now. From the information obtained, there's no way that scum would be so comfortable to say all of that.


I can easily see a Chibo+Rockin scum team. They seem to be very back and forth with eachother. And, for example, if we lynch Rockin, and he flips scum, the next Chibo will look very pro town, having had a case on him the whole time, or vice versa.


I can't really decide between Chibo or Rockin. Both are even arguments against them.

@Mod May you post the deadline in the title? I keep forgetting :p.
I dislike this post cause you say that you can easily see a scum team of me and Chibo, but if there was one scum, it shouldn't matter cause you consider us both evenly scummy. Stop fence sitting and choose. >>

Also...ugh. Hate Princess role. It's a type of role a Mafia member can hide under, but then again, with the roles I've seen thus far in this game, I wouldn't throw it too far to believe Xiivi added this role. Bleh.

Anyway, you three (Zac, Sir, and Gord) better choose who you want to lynch. I still feel that Chibo is scum and I'm pretty **** confident in it. If Chibo is scum and Gord didn't die next day, I'd look into him.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I need to do a reread of chibo rockin just cause, no reason not to and it will help decide. Right now I'm leaning on chibo.

I plan on protecting Gordito tonight. It makes sense now that a princess role would exist if there are only 2 total scum in the game. 2 is too few and 3 is too many. 2.5 (princess almost like anti-town). We can lynch chibo/rockin toDay. Then either Sir or I die. Then we lynch the other. Gg?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Protecting me is the ONLY way to have a chance for town, if you think about it. Lmao sounds selefish, but it's gotta be done.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
@Chibo, "leaning on chibo" as in I'm picking you for the lynch today. Again, still have to re-read first.

@Gordito, that's not true, but I'm gonna do it anyway. It's the best option.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Oh wait nvm. If the game ends with 2 people left during the Day, scum wins. Gah you're right. Stupid princess.

So if we choose to lynch Chibo/Rockin Day 4/5 then we lose if Gordito is scum (1/4 chance?)


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yea. That's why we MIGHT be in lylo toDay. If we have the same amount of scum and town, then scum wins. Whether its 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or anything like that.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for September 11, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It takes 3/5 to lynch!

Day 4 Vote Count 1:
GorditoBoy69: (0)
Rockin: vVv ChiboSempai, Sir Bedevere (
Sir Bedevere: (0)
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: Rockin (
Not Voting: GorditoBoy69, UTDZac (

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Here's the question:

What really STRIKES you as scummy about Rockin?

The way I see it, Chibo's done nothing but buttf*** the Kirby wagon D1 and D2 (and ohbytheway it was a bomb, so he could've easily made sure to stay on it till he inevitably died), and when D3 comes, all he really does is hop on the Swords wagon last minute. That's my observation on Chibo, and why I'd be down for a Chibo lynch.

And, in the end, what I see with Rockin is not too much to compare with Chibo.

But, I don't want to cast my vote yet. I want to run it by you first. Why do you feel Chibo's scummy, and why do you feel Rockin's scummy?

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
>Gordito posts but does not hammer disproving him being scum with Chibo

>Zac posts but does not hammer disproving him being scum with Chibo


Maybe Chibo's right lololol.

There are all the possible combinations available:

Gordito/Sir Bedevere
Sir Bedevere/Zac
Sir Bedevere/Chibo
Sir Bedevere/Rockin

The crossed out ones have been proven impossible given what has happened toDay. Although some of them, like Chibo/Rockin and Sir Bedevere/Rockin seem pretty unlikely, I'd rather not rule them out when going into D5.

However, look at all the possible combinations left.

Unless you think there is 1 scum, OR that both Chibo and I are scum, it is 100% impossible for Rockin to be anything but scum. Even if there's only 1, we still don't die toNight and can continue to the actual lylo assuming we mislynch.

If you don't think that both Chibo and I are scum, there is absolutely no reason your vote shouldn't be on Rockin right now.

@Gordito, Chibo would not have bussed Kirb like he did D1 if they were only a 2-scum team, which means he could only be part of a 3-scum team. As it is now only possible for either me or Rockin to be his scum partner at this point, either lynching Rockin will get us scum either way, or you think I'm scum with Chibo.

Also, I said why I thought Rockin was scum in an earlier post, but basically, he was completely oblivious to the Kirb lynch D1 yet was somewhat aggressive when it came to lynching Kirb D2 (which would make sense if Rockin didn't want to bus D1, which adds up with my earlier read), and outside of that, he really hasn't done much anything of worth. Chibo has done SOME things, but he's by no means clear, but he's more clear than Rockin IMO. Coming into this day, Rockin was actually my strongest scum read (and then Chibo voted and stuff went haywire lol).


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
The way I see it, Chibo's done nothing but buttf*** the Kirby wagon D1 and D2 (and ohbytheway it was a bomb, so he could've easily made sure to stay on it till he inevitably died), and when D3 comes, all he really does is hop on the Swords wagon last minute. That's my observation on Chibo, and why I'd be down for a Chibo lynch.
I see what you're talking about with Chibo. He really was adamant about killing Kirbyoshi on Day 1, even though the wagon was switching to a Townie. It's as if he wanted us to make sure that he was TOWN cause he was able to nail a scum.

@Gordito, Chibo would not have bussed Kirb like he did D1 if they were only a 2-scum team, which means he could only be part of a 3-scum team. As it is now only possible for either me or Rockin to be his scum partner at this point, either lynching Rockin will get us scum either way, or you think I'm scum with Chibo.
I think Chibo's actions against KY even if it's a 2 scum team are completely legit. If Chibo could for certain get town to believe he was town by pointing out KY as definite scum (even though there was little evidence) then he could last the whole game and win.

@Sir B, can you hammer toDay? Whether we choose Rockin or Chibo. Just in case there's another bomb, not sure if it's possible but I wanna play it safe. If I hammer and die I can't protect the princess so we'd lose. If Goridito hammers and dies then we lose.

I'm still doing a re-read. I'll post more as I find.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
1) Does everyone feel that the Tiger Woods lynch was a mistake? If so, why?

2) What does everyone think of the NK as well as flips?

3)Besides Kirbyoshi, who else do you find scummy and why?
(I honestly forget if I already answered some of these lol, and if my answers changed or not. I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu, but either way what I'm posting now is my straight up thoughts on these questions)

So now that I've gotten some time to collect my thoughts and re-read a lot...

1. Yes, I think it was a mistake. I wasn't a part of the lynch as you saw. I initially didn't like Tiger's claim as Grounder is a bad guy from Sonic, but think of it this way... Why would scum name claim a bad guy? It makes no sense. The only reason someone would name claim a bad guy is a townie if they are legit telling the truth (lynch all liars thought, so townies are least likely to lie).

Looking back at Tiger's play I think he was voted for the wrong reasons, and his track record with Kirbyo is very telling, and could be used for today to solidify the case on him.

Knowing Tiger is a townie? Actually very good, it helps give us information on Kirbyo. Lynching Tiger? Not really a good thing... Him being a townie isn't the only thing that makes it a bad lynch (since on the contrary it gives info), but because he wasn't playing bad or anything, and I would much rather have done away with a sub-par player at least in the end.

2. It's a null tell. Pierce was really really inactive day 1 and everyone knows it, even scum. There's really nothing you can trace him to.

3. No one really atm, at least to the point to make me think theyr scum

I'm already voting him, but just incase...

Super Ultra Mega Vote: Kirbyoshi

How can he dodge a vote like that? :p
Found this post.

Note, again how much Chibo wants us to know that he wasn't on Tiger lynch and instead focus 100% on Kirby. Also note he uses "bad guy name claim" as a reason... which is horrible even to bring up (imo). Then later in 341 he goes back on the whole name thing, which i guess is ok but a little weird still.


Ok finished re-reading all of Chibo's posts. I really can't tell which one I think is more scummy, Chibo or Rockin. They are both equally scummy in my book. I thought I went through already and re-read Rockins posts (like a few days ago) and posted my thoughts on that.

If I had to choose someone now, I'd vote Chibo.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Ok After re-reading Rockin's posts for today I'm now certain that Chibo is scum.

Chibo's been super aggressive against a single person, while Rockin has not. Chibo has been super defensive, especially when Rockin/others picked on him. Chibo "buddied up" with me as Rockin pointed out, and knowing that I'm town sits unsettling with me.

Why is Chibo trying SO HARD to make himself look good?

Vote: Chibo

Sir B can you hammer?

If it turns out Rockin/Gordito were a scum team then screw it... this game was freakin hard in that sense. 3 scum with so few power roles.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm trying so hard as a defense since we're in a potential LYLO situation and I'm in a crossvote so I have to do everything I can.

Also UTD you're insane if you think it's a 2 man scum team and I tried to bus Kirbyoshi right away. Giving me townie points or not killing off half of the scum team is a wow awful idea. Why would I make a 2 vs 10 game into a 1 vs 9?? (9 because of the night kill scum would get) That's not even feasible...

The bad guy claim wasn't the reason for not being on the Tiger lynch (though think about it, it's a pretty legit reason to think he's not scum), because no discussion of his claim really came up until twilight.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Well screw it idk what to do. I'm gonna use up more of toDay then.


Just to be safe. I can still vote you end of day, so no biggie.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
I see what you're talking about with Chibo. He really was adamant about killing Kirbyoshi on Day 1, even though the wagon was switching to a Townie. It's as if he wanted us to make sure that he was TOWN cause he was able to nail a scum.
Zac, you did close to the exact same thing on D1. In fact, coming into this Day, the most likely scum pairing I could see was you and Chibo, based on the interactions you had with Kirb (you both were FOSed by him D1, and both of you refused to vote Tiger at the end of the Day, convinced that Kirb was scum, which was ringing alarm bells in my head). It's why I spent most of D3 asking about whether or not anyone felt that all the scum was on the Kirb D1 wagon, because if there was, I had just sent both of my messages to scum (and Zac, you going after 2 of the people I mentioned in the messages I sent to you and Chibo didn't help, lol). Now that it's impossible for both you and Chibo to be scum now, though, I feel much better about Chibo.

@Sir B, can you hammer toDay? Whether we choose Rockin or Chibo. Just in case there's another bomb, not sure if it's possible but I wanna play it safe. If I hammer and die I can't protect the princess so we'd lose. If Goridito hammers and dies then we lose.
If there's a mafia bomb left, then there's definitely only one mafia left, because 2 bombs + a goon (or w/e) with a beloved princess is way too far in scum's favour, especially since a one-shot doc seems to be the most powerful role we have. But I'll still unvote and hammer if you need me to, if you're still worried.

Also, a bomb blowing up Gordito won't cause us to lose. A beloved princess only causes the next Day to end if he was lynched, so a bomb blowing up on him won't actually do anything. Same with a mafia NK.

And no one should be voting for Chibo if you think I'm town, because by voting Rockin we're either guaranteed another day, or we catch Rockinscum.

Basically, either:

1: Come up with a case proving that Chibo and I are scum.

2: Vote Rockin.

man this day was rough

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Also, a bomb blowing up Gordito won't cause us to lose. A beloved princess only causes the next Day to end if he was lynched, so a bomb blowing up on him won't actually do anything. Same with a mafia NK.
It's doesn't matter that I'm lynched. It matters that I die. If I die, then the next Day phase is skipped.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

I see what you're talking about with Chibo. He really was adamant about killing Kirbyoshi on Day 1, even though the wagon was switching to a Townie. It's as if he wanted us to make sure that he was TOWN cause he was able to nail a scum.
And that's what I feel he might be doing now. I don't know why he'd be doing this to his scumbuddy at a time in lylo, but in my brain, it adds up well. He goes behind a Rockin lynch, he's basically "super pro town omgyoucaught2scum".

@Sir B, can you hammer toDay? Whether we choose Rockin or Chibo. Just in case there's another bomb, not sure if it's possible but I wanna play it safe. If I hammer and die I can't protect the princess so we'd lose. If Goridito hammers and dies then we lose.
I think that'd be WAY too hard for us to manage. But look, Zac. I don't think Sir Bed is changing his mind. If we choose Chibo as our lynch, I'll vote first, just to be safe. If we vote Rockin, @Sir Bed would you be cool to hammer? After all, we DO need Zac's doc role toNight.

Zac. We have 12 hours left. I think we should be going Chibo. Imo, the evidence is so against him, much more than evidence is against Rockin. Do you have anything to say, before we make a final decision?

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Oh. You're right. >_< I swear it was only by getting lynched. So yeah, Zac, protect Gordito LOL.

I still don't think there's a bomb, but I guess I'll unvote til someone else votes. If either of you want to lynch Rockin, feel free to hop on, and I'll come back on afterwards.


Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
And that's what I feel he might be doing now. I don't know why he'd be doing this to his scumbuddy at a time in lylo, but in my brain, it adds up well. He goes behind a Rockin lynch, he's basically "super pro town omgyoucaught2scum".
Gordito, if Rockin is scumbuddies with Chibo, then lynching Rockin will still get us scum. It's POSSIBLE that Chibo is scum but not with Rockin, either because he's solo scum (unlikely, given bussing Kirb D1 would have been awfukl), or he's scum with me. We're not going into D5 thinking Chibo is autotown because he lynched Rockinscum, I promise you that.

I think that'd be WAY too hard for us to manage. But look, Zac. I don't think Sir Bed is changing his mind. If we choose Chibo as our lynch, I'll vote first, just to be safe. If we vote Rockin, @Sir Bed would you be cool to hammer? After all, we DO need Zac's doc role toNight.
As I said, either prove that both me and Chibo are scum, or vote Rockin and NOT Chibo. And as I said, I'm fine to hammer.

Zac. We have 12 hours left. I think we should be going Chibo. Imo, the evidence is so against him, much more than evidence is against Rockin. Do you have anything to say, before we make a final decision?
No, Rockin is still scummier. Chiboscum only works if he was in a team, and unless that team is me+Chibo or Rockin+Chibo, Chibo cannot be scum. Rockin's actions make a lot more sense if considered from a solo-scum position. Rockin is more likely to be scum at this point.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I'm still totally fine with lynching either Rocking or Chibo toDay. I'm curious what the plan is for tomorrow after one of us is dead, probably me.

Lynch Rockin he flips scum and we don't win, who do we pick?

Lynch Rockin he flips town, who do we pick?

Lynch Chibo he flips scum and we don't win, who?

Lynch Chibo he flips town, who?

@Everyone I wonder if it's possible to get answers to all of these before the end of toDay, this may help us get a better idea of what to do tomorrow. I'm guessing tomorrow will end very quickly (or a 1/3 chance it won't happen at all).

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Sir Bed... screw you. You make a point about Rockin...

As it stands, I'd prefer a Chibo lynch... But I'll be cool with a Rockin lynch.

But I'm not voting Rockin unless it's unanimous (however you spell that lolwut).

So Zac, it comes down to you. What do you want to do?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Lynch Rockin he flips scum and we don't win, who do we pick?

Lynch Rockin he flips town, who do we pick?

Lynch Chibo he flips scum and we don't win, who?

Lynch Chibo he flips town, who?
These are all things that need to be discussed toMorrow. We don't know what the hell will happen.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
I truthfully have no idea what to do if this game doesn't end after Rockin's lynch. Depending on the flip, I'll send a message to one of you telling you what I think we should do. Probably not dying, but might as well do so just in case.

Guys make a case showing that Chibo and I are both scum or vote Rockin please. :< The faster you make the case the faster I can disprove it so we don't have to scramble for Rockin lynch hours/minutes before deadline. Don't lynch/vote Chibo unless you think I'm scum too.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I'm 100% certain that you aren't scum Sir B. There's 0 reason that a role like yours would exist for scum.

I mean, I guess it's possible... i haven't played that many mafia games. It just seems so unlikely. I think it's a safe assumption.

Rockin can you respond one more time before we start voting please?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@Sir Bed

There's evidence I can pin about Chibo being scum.

There's no way I can say that you're not town.

Simple as that.

No matter which way things go, if one of Chibo/Rockin are lynched, I'd like to target the other.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
There's no way I can say that you're not town.
If you believe that, then there's no way that Rockin is not the best possible lynch toDay.
Gordito/Sir Bedevere
Sir Bedevere/Zac

Sir Bedevere/Chibo
Sir Bedevere/Rockin
The only scenario in the above list that makes Rockin not town is if I'm scum with Chibo. So if you think I'm town, Rockin is a completely safe lynch.

Yes, Chibo could be scum. Us lynching Rockin will not make Chibo autotown. But picking Chibo over Rockin now, given what we know about the situation, could be suicide. Even if Chibo is solo-scum, we're still going to be able to get to D5.

I didn't like Chibo's vote on Rockin just as much as you guys didn't, but at this point, the Rockin lynch is super safe.

Also Zac, you best not wait for Rockin, as if he's scum, he could just never post and drive us right into the deadline. :p
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