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Sonic The Hedgehog Mafia - Who lives happily ever after in the Land of the Sky?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Sorry for not responding. Been having a bit of fun with my new Xbox 360 Slim :p


Not sure what you want me to specifically respond to, but I guess I'll say something.

Sir, understand that the reason I didn't go after Kirb D1 is cause he was playing retarted. He wasn't doing much but just throwing his vote around, specifially at SwordsRBroken. That wasn't the type of direction I wanted to go to. Not to mention I felt that Kirbyoshi could play better then that (I'm sure I remembered him playing decently good in SSBB Mafia). At the time, I was focusing on more of the quieter people such as Tigerwoods (I would've focused on Pierce too, but he was V/LA). All I wanted throughout that Day was to get information, so we could have stuff to work with. In the end, while I was glad Tigerwoods was lynched, at the same time, I felt nothing much was gained (information wise).

D2 came and Kirbyoshi didn't change. At that point, I lost patience with Kirbyoshi cause he wasn't really trying to scumhunt like I thought he would, so I was more aggressive of getting rid of him (who turned up to be a Super Saint. Why Mafia had a pro-town role I'll never know...LOL)

then there was D3 and at the time, I only had gained a bit of information, but not the amount to where I could really close in on scum (which is why I've been trying to ask questions...see where each other's minds were at). In a sense, I was fence sitting on Swords and Sold2. The Sold2 case wasn't too convincing in my opinion, cause I never really saw anything scummy from his actions at all. The swords case was not only convincing, but seeing scum Kirbyoshi going after Swords left me to believe that he was town (as why would scum like kirbyoshi try to recklessly bus his own partner?). There was no one to really go after except Chibo, who went MIA on nearly all of D3 and came back to hammer on Swords and tell his reasons of being scummy.

What he did is so anti-town it's not even funny. Instead of just adding on to how he feels about other players and tells who he got good town vibes from, he swoops in to hammer Swords, then also tries to take townie credit for the Kirbyoshi wagon.

I don't see much of what he did more pro-town then what I did. I least I was pretty active and told my reasoning upon each case/lynch canidate that came up on all 3 Days (now 4th). Chibo has done so little compared to me.

If Chibo is scum (which I know he would be) and game still goes on, I suggest you look at Gord.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Also Sir, that could never EVER happen in lylo within any given Mafia Game. At this point in any lylo situation. I really could never see scum fading away till deadline on a Lylo situation. >>

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Sir, understand that the reason I didn't go after Kirb D1 is cause he was playing retarted. He wasn't doing much but just throwing his vote around, specifially at SwordsRBroken. That wasn't the type of direction I wanted to go to. Not to mention I felt that Kirbyoshi could play better then that (I'm sure I remembered him playing decently good in SSBB Mafia). At the time, I was focusing on more of the quieter people such as Tigerwoods (I would've focused on Pierce too, but he was V/LA). All I wanted throughout that Day was to get information, so we could have stuff to work with. In the end, while I was glad Tigerwoods was lynched, at the same time, I felt nothing much was gained (information wise).
You wanted information from inactives (who wouldn't yield much information imo, seriously what would killing Pierce have told you?). And instead did not really scumhunt or opt to take out a player that you said was "playing ********?" Also if you think Kirbyoshi played great in SSBB Mafia and was playing awful in this, doesn't that sort of raise a ! to you at all?


If Chibo is scum (which I know he would be) and game still goes on, I suggest you look at Gord.
Have you even been reading?

>Gordito posts but does not hammer disproving him being scum with Chibo

>Zac posts but does not hammer disproving him being scum with Chibo


Maybe Chibo's right lololol.

There are all the possible combinations available:

Gordito/Sir Bedevere
Sir Bedevere/Zac
Sir Bedevere/Chibo
Sir Bedevere/Rockin


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Ok I'm gonna vote Rockin in 5 min. If that doesn't end the game and I die toNight, then toMorrow here are my scum picks:

Chibo: 80%
Gordito: 19%
Sir B: 1%

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Hammerin' in.

Vote: Rockin

Rockin, if you're town, please tell us who you think the last scum is, because unless Chibo and I are scum (and you'll find out we're not once Xiivi gives out the lynch flavour), there can only be one scum left.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
And Zac, make sure you doc Gordito toNight, because my role isn't important enough for docing, and neither is Chibo's, even if Gordito's lying about his role (unlikely, but possible). UNLESS you can doc yourself, in which case, do so. DO NOT tell us if you can or cannot doc yourself (please).


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Day 4 Ends & Night 4 Begins!

<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MDm0ru0XxT4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MDm0ru0XxT4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

Day 4 Vote Count 2:
GorditoBoy69: (0)
Rockin: vVv ChiboSempai, GorditoBoy69, Sir Bedevere (
Sir Bedevere: (0)
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: Rockin (
Not Voting: UTDZac (

Rockin, President, Mafiosi Michizure Switch has been lynched!

Deadline has been set for September 13, 2010 11:59PM EST.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Day 5 Begins & Night 4 Ends!

<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EWZLey8ab4A?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EWZLey8ab4A?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x006699&amp;color2=0x54abd6&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

Sir Bedevere
, Sonic, Town Agent has been murdered!

Deadline has been set for September 19, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It takes 2/3 to lynch!

Day 5 Vote Count 0:
GorditoBoy69: (0)
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: (0)
Not Voting: GorditoBoy69, UTDZac, vVv ChiboSempai (

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Ballsy move #2

Vote GorditoBoy69

Meta Reasoning:

(All times are in EST)

Xiivi has been online for a while, since before night even started obviously. It doesn't take a lot to churn out a new day favor. All he has to do is make a plain vote count, and post a video of the person that died. Day started at 11:48pm. Whether or not UTD was lying or not, he had a night action. Either his one shot doc ability (which should have been used last night since it was the last night of the game, unless we do a no lynch today wtf?) or if he turns out to be the final scum with a night action. UTD was online until the earlier half of the 10 o clock hour, and he hasn't been online since. If UTD had the only night action of the game left, that means Xiivi would have started the day period of the game much earlier, likely in the 10 o clock hour, not 11:48pm. This means that there is one other night action in the game.

According to the claims thus far, I am a vanilla townie and Gordito is a town princess. Neither of us have a night action according to our claims, but because of meta evidence, one of us have to have a night action, who would also be the final mafia member with a night kill. More meta evidence, I was out and didn't get home until around 11:55pm, which is after the new day started. If you must know I was at the boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ. If you want further proof of this, check me out on AIM and it will say I signed on x minutes ago, and subtract that time from when you are looking at it and it will say 11:55pm. Enough defense from me however, Gordito was online during the 11 o' clock hour on Smashboards. This means he had a night action and was the final person to send in a night action for the game for Xiivi to post the new day. Princesses have no night actions which means he lied about his role.

Discussion and Role Claim Reasoning:

The town princess is the perfect role for scum to hide behind. Town doesn't want to lynch the princess for obvious reasons. Now looking at the set up, it's a 12 person game with 3 scum and one of those scum is a super saint. Now for the town side in terms of power roles we have a speaker of the dead and a one shot doc. That is awfully weak. Why would Xiivi also have a town princess as well which incredibly hurts the town? That setup is INCREDIBLY unbalanced in scum's favor and Xivii is an outstanding mod that would not run such a set up. I believed the possibility of a town princess with a 2 person scum team, but not with 3.

Notice the key thing Gordito said yesterday:

Protecting me is the ONLY way to have a chance for town, if you think about it. Lmao sounds selefish, but it's gotta be done.
Gordito was pushing for UTD to use his one shot doc power on him which as scum, makes it useless and wasted for town. It allowed Gordito at night to be able to kill anyone he wanted since he figured he would have been the target for the doc power.

Lynch Pool Reasoning:

Day 1 - TigerWoods, townie
Gordito was on this lynch
Day 2 - Kirbyoshi, scum
Gordito was NOT on this lynch
Day 3 - Swords, townie
Gordito was on this lynch
Day 4 with Rockin Gordito was on the lynch but tbh he really didn't have a choice considering the situation.

I'm confident yet again with this lynch and am going forward with this vote.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Chibo I read your response and I agree with you.

Gordito, any last words?

Also, and cause it doesn't matter anymore now, my Doc ability is not a one shot use. I just didn't have anyone to use it on early game.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
im still trying to decide exactly what it means but it seems to be something along the lines of each night rockin chooses whether or not kirbyoshi's supersaint power was active or not the next day

that's the closest i can think of because a switch (according to mafia wiki) is a role that is linked to another role and each night chooses whether or not that role is active or not, though they don't know what role they are linked to. and michizure is a yugioh card that lets you kill a monster on the field when your monster is killed, more or less what a supersaint is in mafia, so the role sounds like rockin is a switch to kirbyo (whether rockin knew or not who he was linked to, the name michizure was probably a hint).

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I left my computer on in my room. I went out to the mall, got giggy with some ladies, had myself a goooood time ;).

I'm not gonna vote you yet, Chibo. That's a really ballsy thing for you to do, especially since we're DEFINITELY in lylo.

Town princess would be SUPER bold for scum to claim. It's a bit rash to think that any scum player that doesn't want his role said wouldn't claim Vanilla Townie, which is the easiest role to hide behind. What questioning is there after that claim?

TigerWoods lynch? We needed a freaking lynch! A lynch is beneficial to town, and he wasn't doing s***.
Not Kirbyoshi lynch? Swords seemed better.
Swords lynch? You were on it too, bud. After your possible bomb of a scum buddy was lynched, you hopped on the easy wagon.

How the hell else is town supposed to win, if Zac didn't protect the only role that allows town an auto win? That makes no sense. And P.S, I was trying to get scum to get off my NK, and go on Zac's, hoping that Zac would catch the subtle hint to protect HIMSELF. That way, we have a 3v1 mylo situation.

BUT, unlike you Chibo, I'm not gonna put my vote on you quite yet. And Zac, I really hope that you give all three of us time to discuss this.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Going on the Michizure Switch talk.

Maybe, it means that (for ex.) Rockin is the bomb D1, Kirb is the bomb D2, so on so on. Maybe that's why Rockin didn't kill Sir Bed with him.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I left my computer on in my room. I went out to the mall, got giggy with some ladies, had myself a goooood time ;).
Caught in the lie man...


Is it clear enough in all caps?

And who knows if the doc can protect himself (DON'T SAY SO IF YOU DECIDE TO CLAIM, DOC)
That quote I just pasted is not from this game, it is from Community Mafia. The point being? Not what you said. I didn't even read what I just pasted lol, idc I'm not in that game. What is important is that you posted that at 11:06pm, proving you were on SWF during the 11 o' clock hour as I said.

I'm not gonna vote you yet, Chibo. That's a really ballsy thing for you to do, especially since we're DEFINITELY in lylo.
lol classic noob scum, trying to seem townie by not throwing your vote out asap. I already explained yesterday in the game how LYLO works (which we know we are "DEFINITELY" in lol), with the crossvoting mechanics etc. When someone votes another person in LYLO and the game doesn't end yet (especially when everyone else posts) it means

1. The person that voted or the person he/she voted is scum
2. The third person is not scum 100%

Meaning UTD is guaranteed not scum and either me or Gordito is scum. why WOULDN'T you vote me Gordito? To seem more townie not voting right away?

Town princess would be SUPER bold for scum to claim. It's a bit rash to think that any scum player that doesn't want his role said wouldn't claim Vanilla Townie, which is the easiest role to hide behind. What questioning is there after that claim?
lol Vanilla Townie being the easiest role to hide behind? VTs are seen as useless people as 90% of the time when someone claims VT they are lynched anyway because at least town wouldn't be losing a power role. That is one of the reasons why gambits exist. A princess is a very easy role to hide behind. It's a role that town specifically does not want to lynch lol.

TigerWoods lynch? We needed a freaking lynch! A lynch is beneficial to town, and he wasn't doing s***.
Not Kirbyoshi lynch? Swords seemed better.
Swords lynch? You were on it too, bud. After your possible bomb of a scum buddy was lynched, you hopped on the easy wagon.
You're making this too easy...

Going on the Michizure Switch talk.

Maybe, it means that (for ex.) Rockin is the bomb D1, Kirb is the bomb D2, so on so on. Maybe that's why Rockin didn't kill Sir Bed with him.
In your latest post you suggested that Kirbyoshi might not have been the bomb on day 1 yet you are suggesting I tried to bus him Day 1 when he was a bomb...

How the hell else is town supposed to win, if Zac didn't protect the only role that allows town an auto win? That makes no sense. And P.S, I was trying to get scum to get off my NK, and go on Zac's, hoping that Zac would catch the subtle hint to protect HIMSELF. That way, we have a 3v1 mylo situation.
lol and you said princess isn't an easy role to hide behind, but you're saying that Zac HAD to protect you...

BUT, unlike you Chibo, I'm not gonna put my vote on you quite yet. And Zac, I really hope that you give all three of us time to discuss this.
Even though because of LYLO mechanics either me or you have to be scum it makes absolutely no sense not to vote me. You're trying to appear townie for no apparent reason.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Caught in the lie man...
Watchu try'na say homeboy?

That quote I just pasted is not from this game, it is from Community Mafia. The point being? Not what you said. I didn't even read what I just pasted lol, idc I'm not in that game. What is important is that you posted that at 11:06pm, proving you were on SWF during the 11 o' clock hour as I said.
It's called... an iPhone. Little magic box that can go on the internet. I also used it to check my facebook.

lol classic noob scum, trying to seem townie by not throwing your vote out asap. I already explained yesterday in the game how LYLO works (which we know we are "DEFINITELY" in lol), with the crossvoting mechanics etc. When someone votes another person in LYLO and the game doesn't end yet (especially when everyone else posts) it means

1. The person that voted or the person he/she voted is scum
2. The third person is not scum 100%

Meaning UTD is guaranteed not scum and either me or Gordito is scum. why WOULDN'T you vote me Gordito? To seem more townie not voting right away?
I'd rather talk about it as a group?

lol Vanilla Townie being the easiest role to hide behind? VTs are seen as useless people as 90% of the time when someone claims VT they are lynched anyway because at least town wouldn't be losing a power role. That is one of the reasons why gambits exist. A princess is a very easy role to hide behind. It's a role that town specifically does not want to lynch lol.
In Taco Mafia, what did Swiss claim? VT, if I'm not mistaken? And did town go for his lynch, being a useless role? Nah. Roles don't really serve too much of a purpose this late in the game, bud. And if that's not a good enough argument, Rockin claimed VT too, and since one of you were getting lynched, it'd be cool beans.

You're making this too easy...

In your latest post you suggested that Kirbyoshi might not have been the bomb on day 1 yet you are suggesting I tried to bus him Day 1 when he was a bomb...
It's a freaking hunch. I've never heard of the role. I don't know if it's right or wrong. Just throwing a possibility out there.

Chibo, this isn't a game of heiarchy. We're a town, and if we don't work together to find scum, then what makes you think there's any chance of us winning?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
If you've got your magical iPhone of a device there you can use that magical iPhone to send your night action to Xiivi. I never said you were at a computer, I just said you were on Smashboards which is all that was required for you to send Xiivi your night action and it was proven that you were online during the time I proposed you were.

And guess who wanted to lynch Swiss? This guy (me :) )

Nice AtE ;)

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
And guess who wanted to lynch Swiss? This guy (me :) )
The point of me mentioning Swiss was the fact that he claimed VT in lylo and got away with it. I wanted to lynch him right when u brought that case up on him. But CASE AND POINT, his possible lynch had nothing to do with his claiming VT. CUZ CLAIMING VT IS THE SAFEST THING TO CLAIM IN LYLO.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
@Chibo & Gordito

Go back in time with me and let's think. There are four people left in this game: You two, Sir B, and me.

I claim Doc and that I will be protecting the town princess. Assume Sir B claimed Town Princess and both you guys claimed vanilla townie.

- If the only scum left is you Chibo, who would you have murdered during the night knowing I was gonna protect Sir B and why?
- Same question for you Gordito.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
So? You'll at the end of the rope, answer the question.

I'm guaranteed not scum. If i was, I would have voted you off in my first few posts and won the game already.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I really don't understand what the question does as it's not even the situation the game was in. I would choose UTD, because I wouldn't be certain who he protects and almost all docs can not protect themselves.

However, the reason why I think Bedevere was chosen instead of potentially going for the doc or princess was because he was one of the smarter players that the town all trusted (like UTD's only thinking he was 1% scum or something however he posted it).

You really can't ask a question like that UTD because the situation is completely different depending on who the people are. You also left out the fact that one of them was the Town Agent role.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Ok sorry, didn't realize how much of a difference that would make. Then ignore that switch and just pick. You said you'd pick sir B and you explained why, thanks chibo. What about you gordito, it's been a few hours and still no response

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Ultimately, it's about the amount of pressure on the players.

If the doc was under no heat at all, I, as scum, would target him. If the VTs were under no heat at all, I'd go after them too. At this point roles don't really matter in my book.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
But, I, of course wouldn't go after the town princess cuz the Doc (you) openly said that THAT'S who you're protecting.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for September 19, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It takes 2/3 to lynch!

Day 5 Vote Count 1:
GorditoBoy69: vVv ChiboSempai (
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: (0)
Not Voting: GorditoBoy69, UTDZac (

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The fact that Gordito still hasn't cross voted only proves that he is scum even further...

He also claims he wants to discuss more but really isn't making much of an attempt to.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
The only reason I'm not crossvoting is cuz it'll look like I'm taking orders from you. I've got a bit too much pride to do that, Chibo, in any situation. That's just my personality.

@Zac, at this point, who are you feeling?


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I'm actually feeling Chibo is scum atm.

The main reason is because he voted so fast at the beginning of toDay. He could have very easily lost us the game. He went off of my "claim" that I was Doc and just assumed me to be town. Heck, I never told you guys my character's name.

In reality, he just knows who's town and who isn't so he can make safe votes like that. Then, after making the votes he can show off the everyone else who is scum and who isn't.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
UTD, go read my opening post where I voted Gordito again.

I didn't assume you were town because you being a doc, when did I say anything remotely like that?

I had full meta reasoning and game reasoning for voting him.

It doesn't matter what your character name is in a game like this. Xiivi has ran plenty of games like this before. The roles are random to the characters.
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