its funny you want to talk about link because it wierd IMO. i feel like i should **** all links but it feels even for some reason. maybe be its because i **** heavies i felt that way.
Yeah, Link comes off really easy at first if they don't know the match up.
Like, his projectiles come out slow, so if he tries to do anything from close range, he's screwed. His recovery is balls, and Sonic is great at gimping.
So you would think "Oh...Sonic can pretty much **** him offstage and projectiles aren't a problem.'
Well...projectiles from a LONG range can **** you up. A constant barrage of SH bombs > Arrow can get rough for Sonic to get around those. FROM A LONG DISTANCE. (SideB eats boomerangs which is cool, but doesn't help to much from a distance seeing as the "eating lag" (lol) and the distance to make up leaves you vulnerable from other things.
If the Link player is smart, as soon as you enter mid/close range, he will stop with the projectiles and try to keep you at bay with jabs/tilts (he has a beast jab...and a ridiculous spotdodge which can make close range combat pretty hard).
A Link can really be rough if they take control of the's pretty insane actually if you let them get away with it.
Sonic has to play really pressure heavy and stay in midrange. I have to say though, once Sonic gains control..then it's a piece of steak.
Such a wierd match up. It basically goes like, whoever can keep the pressure the longest wins.
ShadowLink has a good Link. He should indulge someone in some matches. I think the number is fine though.
He actually uses Link ?_?
I play a good Link almost all the time though, so I'm good XD
Wouldnt that be nice... the first character board in history to learn matchups instead of theory
If only every other character board did that. But then I wouldnt have such a large supply of lulz from the internet by reading other matchup threads