You should list some examples son. Snake and Fox I'll give you. But Ike? LOL Ike. Gets gimped and punished like nobody's business.
Ike is a monster and will easily be in the northern half of the tier list. Sonic isn't even close to him. Ike will outrange, outprioritize, outlast, outkill, outrecover Sonic. The only thing he won't do is outrun him. It's hard to determine specific character matchups right now, but just by examining the tools that certain characters have, it's clear that Sonic has very few effective tools to work with, while Ike has a ton. This specific character matchup, Ike vs. Sonic will most likely be bad for Sonic, and most of Sonic's other matchups will probably also be very bad since he doesn't really have anything to work with.
Ike has basically nothing but stellar moves and they all make Sonic's moves look even sillier than they already are. Jab combo, Utilt, nair, bair, upsmash, forward b and upb are all godly, all among the best moves in the entire. Ike's Jab combo pretty much is the best jab combo in the entire game. Then he has a bunch of other really good moves, including uair, fair, dair, dsmash and fsmash. All of this combines to make Ike a defensive powerhouse and allows him to score kills with relative ease in a game in which killing is difficult, while Sonic is among the characters who has exceptional difficulty killing. Just by comparing movesets, the only place where Ike isn't clearly just better is in the throws. Ike can uthrow or dthrow for attempted aether or uair followups, but this fairly escapable, as is Sonic's uthrow to uair or spring chase. The difference is that Ike has all these other ridiculous options out of shield, such as nair, bair, dair, and upb. Dair pops up and possibly leads to usmash, utilt, and then aether or uair follow ups. All of this equals big damage and possibly kills. Bair is really fast and really powerful. Upb is good for the damage. Nair has roughly a 270 degree hit radius, and sets up for other moves fairly well since the animation finishes before Ike hits the ground, meaning no landlag. In general Ike's nair is one of his greatest ubiquitous moves because of the coverage and because it's so safe. You can easily follow it up with jab combos whether it hits or not. If the nair hits it'll pop them up slightly at lower percents and they'll eat the rest of the jab combo. If the nair doesn't gets shielded, the jab combo generally pushes them back enough to make it safe. Sonic's usmash out of shield isn't on par with any of these.
Ike is safer and better than you realize. Forward b pushes shielded opponents back significantly the more it's charged, and is completely lagless if it doesn't connect at all. Characters with projectiles will just shoot Ike here, but characters without projectiles have no easy answer. Sonic doesn't have a projectile. Forward air can be spaced much in the same way Marth's forward air could be spaced in Melee so that you can hit without while remaining out of shieldgrab range. Nair, as mentioned before, is completely lagless on landing. Most attempts to punish Ike will get stuffed by his godly jab combo.
I don't see Sonic penetrating Ike's defense, even with his speed. Ike may not have Marth's speed, but his range and coverage is even more broken than Marth's was in Melee. Nair has roughly 270 degree coverage. Forward air even has roughly 200 degree coverage; it's one of, if not the only, forward air, capable of hitting an opponent behind another player. Forward smash may be slow but it has its utility. It's just a situational move that needs to be used wisely, which is more than can be said for most of Sonic's moves. Techchase with forward smash and you can score a kill. You can see forward smash techchasing in videos of Azen's and Kirk's Ikes. Downsmash isn't as powerful but also has techchasing utility. Upsmash is ridiculous for aerial interception and platform molestation.
As far as recovery, Ike does have one of the most unsafe recoveries in the game, but so does Sonic.
Honestly, Sonic is worse than Mewtwo and Pichu were in Melee. Those actually characters had useful moves, projectiles, safe recoveries in a game where recoveries were generally unsafe, and better ways of countering the high tier characters in that game, all things Sonic doesn't have in Brawl. If Sonic had Melee's dashdancing he could probably make mid-tier since you could actually utilize his speed in a meaningful way, and do something like shield pressure with tilts into DD grab mixups.
Yeah, like you have any proof that Sonic's low tier. You know what? No, I'm not saying I could beat a competitive Brawler, I've only had the game for 4 days. But is it any smarter for you to say Sonic isn't worth crap when the game's only been out for that long? Is it smart to make assumptions because you're fighting style doesn't match his moveset?
Sorry, it's just that in the history of every tier argument that has ever existed, there has always been someone to come in and say something like "I beat my brother's Marth with Roy all the time." This goes even for other fighting games where the communities tend to be smarter and understand tiers better. You know what, there's no guarantee that Sonic is one of the worst characters in the game, but I would be willing to bet my money on a very big probably. There's only one high level Melee player, Lucky, who has tried playing Sonic competitively, and his thoughts on Sonic are, verbatim, "he's got to be one of the lower tier characters in the game; he's pretty bad." Even relatively early in Melee's life a lot of players could tell that Mewtwo and Pichu weren't worth much, and they had a lot more potential than Sonic. It would take something along the lines of a Chudat Ice Climbers style revolution to make Sonic good, and even then I couldn't even see him being in the top 15 characters.
And here we have a fine example of someone ignoring three valid arguments and trying to make themselves look like they can debate by trying to debunk the most minor point in another guy's post.
Sorry, are you one of the guys in the back room? The tiers have not been written down yet. There simply haven't been enough big torunaments for accuracy. Do you even know what a teir is?
What valid arguments? Guides and videos? That's two and they're not good.
What was the third argument? Beating his brother? Come on.
And what's all this crap in Cyan? Sounds like the typical Smash misconception of tiers. Tier lists are not tournament results. Tournament results are the empirical data used in the meta-analysis that results in the formation of tier lists. The Smash community is so ignorant as to what a tier list actually is. Tiers exist in a game whether a list is made or not. Tier lists can exist whether there are tournaments or not. A tier list is a rigorous assessment of every characters' strengths, weaknesses, matchups, etc based on empirical data. Tournament results are just usually a good source of empirical data because players usually bring out the full potential of a character in a tournament.